沈 阳 工 程 学 院
毕 业 设 计 论
专业班级: 通信技术·通信082班 学生姓名: 指导教师:
The Application of Embedded Network Data Collection System on Remote Monitoring
系别名称: 信息工程系 专业班级: 通信技术·通信082班 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师:
沈阳工程学院毕业论文 摘要
摘 要
然后从嵌入式控制器ARM7 S3C44B0入手,详细介绍了人机接口、A/D数据采集模块,在此基础上进行了数据采集应用程序在uClinux操作系统平台上的移植和驱动开发,完成了基于TCP协议的uClinux socket数据通信功能。
最后,阐述了利用LabVIEW SQL开发该嵌入式网络数据采集监控系统的数据库实现方法。
I 沈阳工程学院毕业论文 Abstract
Network technology industrial development raises profound technological change control areas.Control systems and control system structures network system openness will be the control system technology development trends.In recent years, Ethemet and an embedded remote monitoring system of considerable development, is currently trying to use Ethernet openness towards an embedded control system network.As a new technology, an embedded Ethernet access Ethemet refers to an embedded system, the computer system can visit the plug-in conferencing equipment, and achieve long-range surveilance of an embedded system, control, diagnosistesting and configuration, and other functions.Such as high-speed Ethemet technology in industrial distributed control site ofers a convenient, fast and generic-strong,relatively low-cost control programme.In the first paper explained the concept of an embedded network remote monitoring system, introduced the system of history, research methodology and research significance of the development of a vision of the system.Communication agreement is the key to the realization of network communications.The second chapter in the use of a wide range of introduced several communications agreements, especially after the realization of the monitoring system needs TCP/IP agreement and the contents of a detailed exposition Taojiezi.Secondly, on an embedded operating system 16ug Clinux main function modules, and the practical application of 16ug Clinux in some aspects of the corresponding analysis;Then introduced the concept of transplantation, the main introduced an embedded operating system 16ug Clinux the transplant process, including translation environment creation, and reduction in hardware changes.16ug Clinux documentation systems for the summary analysis.Then S3C44B0 form an embedded ARM7 controller with details on thecomputer interface, A/D data collection module on the basis of data collection applications in the operating system platform uClinux transplant and driven development, completed based on TCP socket agreement uClinux data communications functions.In order to provide good customer-browser user interface, use of graphics processing language LabVIEW as a client/server model of the programming language.LabVIEW software development platform focused on the DataSocket mechanism to accomplish real-time data from a network of client server publishing functions, based on the achievement of client/server model of the data collection network monitoring system C language code.Finaly, on the development of the plug-in using LabVIEW SQL network database for data collection and control systems.II 沈阳工程学院毕业论文 Abstract
Experimental results indicate that users can collect data on an embedded real-time systems, but also the effective data analysis and achieve long-range monitoring, diagnosis and configuration functions.Plug-Web technology for the realization of the industrial site will be distributed information network technology to control a deliberate atempt, the technology can also be extended to other industrial scene control requirements.Key words ethernet, plug-in systems, remote monitoring, datasocket, client/server
III 沈阳工程学院毕业论文 目录
目 录
摘要..................................................................................................................................................I Abstract..........................................................................................................................................II 第1章 绪论...................................................................................................................................1
1.1 研究课题的引出...............................................................................................................1 1.2 嵌入式以太网监测系统的历史与现状...........................................................................1
1.2.1 嵌入式以太网监测系统的历史.............................................................................1 1.2.2 嵌入式以太网监测系统的实现方法.....................................................................2 1.2.3 嵌入式以太网监测系统的研究意义.....................................................................2 1.3 现阶段以太网监测技术与嵌入式系统的发展...............................................................3
1.3.1 以太网监测技术的发展.........................................................................................3 1.3.2 嵌入式监测系统的发展.........................................................................................3 1.3.3 以太网监测技术中尚需解决的主要问题.............................................................4 1.4 本文研究的内容和组织安排...........................................................................................4 1.5 本章小结...........................................................................................................................5 第2章 嵌入式操作系统及uClinux.............................................................................................6
2.1 uClinux操作系统介绍......................................................................................................6
2.1.1 uClinux的内存管理................................................................................................6 2.1.2 uClinux的进程和线程管理....................................................................................7 2.1.3 针对实时性的解决方案.........................................................................................8 2.1.4 uClinux的内核加载方式........................................................................................8 2.1.5 uClinux的根(root)文件系统..............................................................................8 2.1.6 uClinux的应用程序库............................................................................................8 2.2 建立uClinux开发环境....................................................................................................9
2.2.1 移植概述.................................................................................................................9 2.2.2 交叉编译环境的建立.............................................................................................9 2.2.3 建立宿主机开发环境...........................................................................................10 2.2.4 编译uCIinux内核................................................................................................10 2.2.5 构建文件系统.......................................................................................................12 2.3 本章小结.........................................................................................................................13 第3章 嵌入式数据采集系统的硬件设计.................................................................................14 3.1 嵌入式数据采集系统的硬件结构.................................................................................14 3.2 嵌入式数据采集系统主要功能的实现.........................................................................15 3.2.1 嵌入式ARM微处理器........................................................................................15 3.2.2 数据采集与处理...................................................................................................15 3.2.3 人机交互接口设计...............................................................................................16 3.3 本章小结.........................................................................................................................18 第4章 应用LabVIEW实现远程监测......................................................................................19 4.1 分布式应用程序间的通信模式.....................................................................................19 4.1.1 C/S模式.................................................................................................................19 4.1.2 B/S模式.................................................................................................................19 4.2 LabVIEW网络通信技术................................................................................................19
IV 沈阳工程学院毕业论文 目录
4.2.1 LabVIEW中的TCP通信.....................................................................................19 4.2.2 虚拟仪器网络测控系统软件的构成方案及工作原理.......................................20 4.3 DataSocket通信编程......................................................................................................21 4.4 DataSocket客户端网页网页发布功能..........................................................................22 4.4.1 配置LabVIEW Web Server.................................................................................22 4.4.2 在LabVIEX环境中操作Remote Panels............................................................23 4.5 本章小结.........................................................................................................................24 结 论.............................................................................................................................................25 致 谢.............................................................................................................................................26 参考文献.......................................................................................................................................27
V 沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第1章 绪论
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究课题的引出
1.2 嵌入式以太网监测系统的历史与现状
1.2.1 嵌入式以太网监测系统的历史
随着工业以太网在速度上不断提高以及交换技术、全双工工作方式等技术的融入,以太网与工业通信网络的差距正在逐步缩小。另外,从80年代起,一些IT组织和公司开始进行嵌入式系统的研发,大部分新开发的嵌入式处理器都支持网络协议,如AMD公司的AM 186系列嵌入式处理器、MOTOROLA公司的M68HC系列嵌入式处理器等等。可以说,目前研究嵌入式以太网的条件已经成熟。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第1章 绪论
1.2.2 嵌入式以太网监测系统的实现方法
1.2.3 嵌入式以太网监测系统的研究意义
·不需要专用的通信线路,可以使用现成网络资源; ·由于采用TCP/IP等网络协议,传输数据多、速度快; ·不仅可以传递数据信息,还可以传递声音及图像信息; 沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第1章 绪论
1.3 现阶段以太网监测技术与嵌入式系统的发展
1.3.1 以太网监测技术的发展
目前,以太网监测技术得到迅速的发展,主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.通信确定性
1.3.2 嵌入式监测系统的发展
目前,嵌入式系统发展迅速,并趋于小型化、智能化,为嵌入式以太网的应用提供了理想的实施对象[6]。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第1章 绪论
1.3.3 以太网监测技术中尚需解决的主要问题
以太网在应用于工业通信网络时,还需要解决以下关键问题: 1.以太网实时通信服务质量
所谓实时通信服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS),是指以太网用于工业控制现场时,为满足工业自动化实时控制要求,而提出的一系列通信特征需求,主要用来反映工业过程控制中的实时性能。
1.4 本文研究的内容和组织安排
本文的设计流程图可由图1.1表示。从总体上看,整个文章可分为以下几个部分: 第一部分是从下位机的角度,为嵌入式开发板建立系统移植、数据采集驱动开发和uClinux网络通信程序;
第二部分是从服务器和客户机的角度,建立基于C-S模式的socket上下位机多机通信; 第三部分是从服务器的角度,开发数据库以便进行实时数据的保存。因此,基于以上考虑,全文共分为七章对本项目进行论述。第1章阐述了嵌入式网络远程监测系统的概念,介绍了该系统的历史,研究方法及研究意义,对该系统的发展进行了展望。
第3章从嵌入式控制器ARM7 S3C444B0入手,详细介绍了人机接口、A/D数据采集模块,在此基础上进行了数据采集应用程序在uClinux操作系统平台上的移植和驱动开发,完沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第1章 绪论
成了基于TCP协议的uClinux socket数据通信功能。
图1.1 整体设计框图
1.5 本章小结
本章从总体上介绍了本课题的研究背景,论述了网络监测系统的历史,研究方法和发展情况,并提出了今后网络监测系统研究总需要解决的相关问题。最后概括出本实验的整体设计框图。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第2章 嵌入式操作系统及UCLINUX
第2章 嵌入式操作系统及uClinux
uClinux是Lineo公司的主打产品,同时也是开放源码的嵌入式Linux的典范之作。uClinux主要是针对口标处理器没有存储管理单元MMU(Memory Management Unit)的嵌入式系统而设计的。本系统采用uClinux做为嵌入式操作系统的主要是基于uClinux的许多优良特点,例如开源、稳定、良好的移植性等。
2.1 uClinux操作系统介绍
uClinux有一个完整的TCP/IP协议栈,同时对其它许多的网络协议都提供支持。这些网络协议都在uClinux上得到了很好的实现。对嵌入式系统而言,uClinux可以称作是一个优秀网络操作系统。uClinux所支持的文件系统有多种,其中包括了最常用的NFS(网络文件系统)、ext2,romfs、MS-DOS及FAT 16/32等[9]。
2.1.1 uClinux的内存管理
⑸写机器无关的代码。程序不必韦先约定机器的配置情况。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第2章 嵌入式操作系统及UCLINUX
⑺可以进行共享,例如,如果两个进程运行同一个程序,它们应该可以共享程序代玛 的同一个副本。
2.1.2 uClinux的进程和线程管理
进程:进程是一个运行程序并为其提供执行环境的实体,它包括一个地址空间和至少一个控制点,进程在这个地址空间上执行单一指令序列。进程地址空间包括.可以访问或引用的内存单元的集合,进程控制点通过一个一般称为程序计数器(program counter,PC)的硬件寄存器控制和跟踪进程指令序列。fork:由于进程为执行程序的环境,因此在执行程序前必须先建立这个能跑程序的环境。Linux系统提供系统调用拷贝现行进程的内容,以产生新的进程,调用fork的进程称为父进程:而所产生的新进程则称为子进程。子进程会承袭父进程的一切特性,但是它有自己的数据段,也就是说,尽管子进程改变了所属的变量,却不会影响到父进程的变量值。
uClinux的这种多进程实现机制同它的内存管理紧密相关。uClinux针对nommu处理器开发,所以被迫使用一种flat方式的内存管理模式,启动新的应用程序时系统必须为应用程序分配存储空间,并立即把应用程序加载到内存。缺少了MMU的内存重映射机制,uClinux必须在可执行文件加载阶段对可执行文件reloc处理,使得程序执行时能够直接使用物理内存。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第2章 嵌入式操作系统及UCLINUX
2.1.3 针对实时性的解决方案
uClinux本身并没有关注实时问题,它并不是为了Linux的实时性而提出的。另外有一种Linux-RTlinux关注实时问题。RTlinux执行管理器把普通Linux的内核当成一个任务运行,同时还管理了实时进程。而非实时进程则交给普通Linux内核处理。这种方法已经应用于很多的操作系统用于增强操作系统的实时性,包括一些商用版UNIX系统,Windows NT等。这种方法优点之一是实现简单,且实时性能容易检验。优点之二是由于非实时进程运行于标准Linux系统,同其它Linux商用版本之间保持了很大的兼容性。优点之三是可以支持硬实时时钟的应用。uClinux可以使用RTlinux的patch,从而增强uClinux的实时性,使得uClinux可以应用于工业控制、进程控制等一些实时要求较高的应用。
2.1.4 uClinux的内核加载方式
2.1.5 uClinux的根(root)文件系统
2.1.6 uClinux的应用程序库
uClinux小型化的另一个做法是重写了应用程序库,相对于越来越大且越来越全的libc库,uClibc对libc做了精简。uClinux对用户程序采用静态连接的形式,这种做法会使应用程序变大,但是基于内存管理的问题,不得不这样做,同时这种做法也更接近于通常嵌入式系统的做法。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第2章 嵌入式操作系统及UCLINUX
2.2 建立uClinux开发环境
2.2.1 移植概述
2.2.2 交叉编译环境的建立
绝大多数Linux软件开发都是以native方式进行的,即本机开发、调试,本机运行的方式。这种方式通常不适合于嵌入式系统的软件开发。因为对于嵌入式系统的开发,没有足够的资源在本机(即板子上系统)运行开发工具和调试工具。通常嵌入式系统的软件开发采用一种交叉编译调试方式。交叉编译调试环境建立在宿主机(即一台PC机)上,对应的开发板叫做目标板。开发时使用宿主机上的交叉编译、汇编及链接上具形成可执行的二进制代码,然后把可执行文件下载到口标机上运行和调试。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第2章 嵌入式操作系统及UCLINUX
2.2.3 建立宿主机开发环境
在进行嵌入式uClinux应用开发设计之前,首先需要安装一台装有指定操作系统的PC机作宿主机。对于嵌入式uClinux,宿主机上的操作系统一般要求为Redhat Linux,在本课题中用的是Redhat 9.0。对于没有使用类UNIX操作系统的设计者,安装Redhat 9.0一般选择完全安装,这样可以避免在实际操作时引起不必要的麻烦。嵌入式开发通常要求宿主机配置有网络,支持NFS,支持tftp服务器等等。对于Redhat 9.0,它默认打开了防火墙。对于外来的IP访问,它会全部拒绝,这样其它网络设备就根本不可能访问它,即开发板无法使用NFS,无法通过tftp从它下载,无法完成telnet等。因此网络安装好后,应关闭防火墙并且去掉ipchains和iptables两项服务。NFS和tftp服务器的设置完全可以在Redhat 9.0的KDE图形界面下完成。
由于uClinux及它的相关开发工具集大多都是来自于软件组织的开放源代码,大多数软 件都可以从网站http://文件。如图4.7。
图4.7 生成HTML文件
4.4.2 在LabVIEX环境中操作Remote Panels
完成上述配置后,就可以在LabVIEW环境中运行一个Remote Panels了。
第一步:在Web Server端计算机中打开该VI前面板窗口(必须要打开,否则客户端在连接这个VI时会出错)
第二步:在Client客户端的LabVIEW菜单栏中选择Operate》Connect to Remote Panel--,弹出Connect to Remote Panel对话框,如图4.8所示。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 第4章 应用LabVIEW实现远程监测
图4.8 Connect to Remote Panel对话框
第三步:在Connect to Remote Panel对话框的Server IP Address栏中,输入Server端计算机的IP地址、域名或计算机名,如192.168.1.138;在VI Name栏中输入想要控制的VI名称数据采集。在PORT栏中输入Web Server configuration中设定的HTTP Port(默认值为80)。
第四步:单击Connect按钮,Remote Panels就会出现在屏幕上了。如图4.9所示。
图4.9 Remote Panels
4.5 本章小结
本节详细介绍了LabVIEW DataSocket的c-s模式下的网络通信基本理论和方法,并完成了基于LabVIEW DataSocket机制的服务器和客户机软件,该软件可顺利实现上下位机网络通信功能。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 结论
结 论
4.应用TCP和DataSocket技术,在网络上只需传输数据,从而真正实现服务器/客户端模式的网络化虚拟仪器。这种方式便得用户只需要打开相应的应用程序就可以实时查看远方的实时数据采集监测情况。沈阳工程学院毕业论文 致谢
致 谢
最后,对评审论文的各位专家、学者表示衷心的感谢!沈阳工程学院毕业论文 参考文献
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Research and Development of the Remote I/O Data Acquisition System Based on Embedded ARM Platform
With the wide use of the networked, intelligent and digital distributed control system, the data acquisition system based on the single-chip is not only limited in processing capacity, but also the problem of poor real-time and reliability.In recent years, with the rapid development of the field of industrial process control and the fast popularization of embedded ARM processor, it has been a trend that ARM processor can substitute the single-chip to realize data acquisition and control.Embedded ARM system can adapt to the strict requirements of the data acquisition system, such as the function, reliability, cost, size, power consumption, and so on.In this paper, a new kind of remote I/O data acquisition system based on ARM embedded platform has been researched and developed, which can measure all kinds of electrical and thermal parameters such as voltage, current, thermocouple, RTD, and so on.The measured data can be displayed on LCD of the system, and at the same time can be transmitted through RS485 or Ethernet network to remote DAS or DCS monitoring system by using Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCP protocol.The system has the dual redundant network and long-distance communication function, which can ensure the disturb rejection capability and reliability of the communication network.The new
generation remote data acquisition and moni-toring system based on the high-performance embedded ARM microprocessor has important application significance.STRUCTRUE DESIGN OF THE WHOLE SYSTEM
The whole structure chart of the remote data acquisition and monitoring system based on embedded ARM platform is shown in Figure 1.In the scheme of the system, the remote I/O data acquisition modules are developed by embedded ARM processor, which can be widely used to diversified industries such as electric power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, steel, transportation and so on.This system is mainly used for the concentrative acquisition and digital conversion of a variety of electrical and thermal signals such as voltage, current, thermal resistance, thermo-couple in the production process.Then the converted data can be displayed on the LCD directly, and also can be sent to the embedded controller through RS485 or Ethernet network communication interface by using Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCP protocol.The data in the embedded controller platform is transmitted to the work-stations of remote monitoring center by Ethernet after further analyzed and pro-cessed.At the same time, these data can be stored in the real time database of the database server in remote monitoring center.The system has the dual redun-dant network and long-distance communication
function, which can ensure the disturb rejection capability and reliability of the communication network.The hardware platform of the Remote I/O data acquisition system based on emb-edded ARM uses 32-bit ARM embedded microprocessor, and the software plat-form uses the real-time multi-task operating system uC/OS-II, which is open-source and can be grafted, cut out and solidified.The real time operating system(RTOS makes the design and expansion of the application becomes very easy, and without more changes when add new functions.Through the division of the appli-cation into several independent tasks, RTOS makes the design process of the application greatly simple.Figure 1 Structure of the whole system THE HARDWARE DESIGN OF THE SYSTEM
The remote I/O data acquisition system based on embedded ARM platform has high universality, each acquisition device equipped with 24-way acquisition I/O channels and isolated from each other.Each I/O channel can select a variety of voltage and current signals, as well as temperature signals such as thermal resis-tance, thermocouple and so on.The voltage signals in the range of 0-75 mV ,1-5V ,0-5V, and so on, the current signals in the range of 0-10mA and 4-20 mA, the thermal resistance measurement components including Cu50, Cu100, Pt50, Pt100, and the thermocouple measurement components including K, E, S, T, and so on.Figure2.Structure of the remote I/O data acquisition system based on ARM processor The structural design of the embedded remote I/O data acquisition system is shown in Figure 2.The system equipped with some peripherals such as power, keyboard, reset, LCD display, ADC, RS485, Ethernet, JTAG, I2C, E2PROM, and so on.The A/D interface circuit is independent with the embedded system, which is independent with the embedded system, which is system has setting buttons and 128*64 LCD, which makes the debugging and modification of the parameters easy.The collected data can be sent to the remote embedded controller or DAS, DCS system by using
Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCP protocol through RS485 or Eth-ernet communication interface also, and then be used
for monitoring and control after farther disposal.The system of RS485 has a dual redundant network and long-distance communication function.As the embedded Ethernet interface makes the remote data exchange of the applications become very easy, the system can choose RS485 or Ethernet interface through jumper to communicate with host computer.Ethernet interface use independent ZNE-100TL intelligent embedded Ethernet to serial port conversion module in order to facilitate the system maintenance and upgrade.The ZNE-100TL module has an adaptive 10/100M Ethernet interface, which has a lot of working modes such as TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP, Real COM, and so on, and it can support four connections at most.Figure3.Diagram of the signal pretreatment circuit
Figure 3 shows the signal pretreatment circuit diagram.The signals of thermo-couple such as K,E,S,T etc and 0-500mV voltage signal can connect to the positive end INPx and the negative end INNx of the simulate multiplexers(MUX directly.The 4-20mA current signal and 1-5V voltage signal must be transformed by resis-tance before connecting to the positive end INPx and the negative end INNx of the MUX of certain channel.The RTD thermal resistance signals such as Cu50, Cu100, Pt50 and Pt100 should connect one 1mA constant current before connecting to the positive end INPx and the negative end INNx of the MUX of certain channel.Figure4.Diagram of ADC signal circuit Figure 4 shows the ADC signal circuit, which using the 16-bit ADC chip AD7715.The connection of the chip and the system is simple and only need
five lines which are CS(chip select, SCLK(system clock, DIN(data input, DOUT(data output and DRDY(data ready.As the ARM microprocessor has the characteristics of high speed, low power, low voltage and so on, which make its capacity of low-noise, the ripple of power, the transient response performance, the stability of clock source, the reliability of power control and many other aspects should be have higher request.The system reset circuit use special microprocessor power monitoring chip of MAX708S, in order to improve the reliability of the system.The system reset circuit is shown in Figure 5.Figure5.Diagram of system reset circuit
The system software of the remote I/O data acquisition system based on embedded ARM platform use the real-time operating system(RTOS uC/OS-II, which is open-source and can be grafted,cut out and solidified.The key part of RTOS is the real-time multi-task core, whose basic functions including task management, resource management, system management, timer management, memory management, information management, queue management and so on.These functions are used though API service functions of the core.The system software platform use uC/OS-II real-time operating system core simplified the design of application system and made the whole structure of the system simple and the complex application hierarchical.The design of the whole system includes the tasks of the operating system and a series of user applications.The main function of the system is mainly to realize the initialization of the system hardware and the operating system.The initialization of hardware includes interr-upt、keyboard、LCD and so on.The initialization of operating system includes the control blocks and events control blocks, and before the start of multi-task schedu-ling, one task must be started at least.A start task has been created in this system, which is mainly responsible for the initialization and startup of clock, the start-up of interruption, the initialization of communication task module, as
well as the division of tasks and so on.The tasks must be divided in order to complete various functions of the real-time multi-task system.Figure6.Functional tasks of the system software Figure6 shows the functional tasks of the system software.According to importance of the tasks and the demands of real-time, the system applications are divided into six tasks with different priority, which including the tasks of A/D data acquisition, system monitoring, receive queue, data send, keyboard input, LCD display.The A/D data acquisition task demands the highest real-time requirements and the LCD display task is the lowest.Because each task has a different priority, the higher-priority task can access the ready one by calling the system hang up function or delay function.Figure7.Chart of AD7715 data transfer flow Figure 7 shows the data conversion flow of AD7715.The application A/D conversion is an important part of the data acquisition system.In the uC/OS-II real-time operating system core, the realization process of A/D driver depends mainly on the conversion time of A/D converter, the analog frequency of the conversion value, the number of input channels, the conversion frequency and so on.The typical A/D
conversion circuit is made up of analog multiplexer(MUX, amplifier and analog to digital converter(ADC.Figure8.Diagram of the application transfer driver Figure8 shows the application procedure transfer driver.The driver chooses the analog channel to read by MUX, then delay a few microseconds in order to make the signal pass through the MUX, and stabilize it.Then the ADC was triggered to start the conversion and the driver in the circle waiting for the ADC until its completion of the conversion.When waiting is in progress, the driver is detecting the ADC state signal.If the waiting time is longer than the set time, the cycle should be end.During waiting time of the cycle, if the conversion completed signal by ADC has been detected, the driver should read the results of the conversion and then return the result to the application.Figure9.Diagram of serial receive Figure9 shows the serial receive diagram with the buffer and signal quantity.Due to the existence of serial peripheral equipment does not match the speed of CPU, a buffer zone is needed, and when the data is sending to the serial, it need to be written to the buffer, and then be sent out through serial one by one.When the data is received from the serial port, it will not be processed until several bytes have been received, so the advance data can be stored in buffer.In practice, two buffer zones, the receiving buffer and the sending buffer, are needed to be opened from the memory.Here the buffer zone is defined as loop queue data structure.As the signal of uC/OS-II provides the overtime waiting mechanism, the serial also have the overtime reading and writing ability.If the initialization of the received data signal is 0, it expresses the loop buffer is empty.After the interrupt received, ISR read the received bytes from the UART receiving buffer, and put into receiving buffer region, at last wake the user task to execute read operation with the help of received signal.During the entire
process, the variable value of the current bytes in recording buffer can be inquired, which is able to shows whether the receive buffer is full.The size of the buffer zone should be set reasonable to reduce the possibility of data loss, and to avoid the waste of storage space.CONCLUSIONS
With the rapid development of the field of industrial process control and the wide range of applications of network, intelligence, digital distributed control System, it is necessary to make a higher demand of the data accuracy and reliability of the control system.Data acquisition system based on single-chip has been gradually eliminated because the problem of the poor real-time and reliability.With the fast popularization of embedded ARM processor, there has been a trend that ARM processor can alternate to single-chip to realize data acquisition and control.The embedded ARM system can adapt to the strict requirements of the data acquisition system, such as the function, reliability, cost, size, power consum-ption, and so on.In this paper, A kind of ARM-based embedded remote I/O data acquisition system has been researched and developed, whose hardware platform use 32-bit embedded ARM processor, and software platform use open-source RTOS uC/OS-II core.The system can be widely applied to electric power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, steel, transportation and so on.And it is mainly used in the collection and monitoring of all
kinds of electrical and thermal signals such as voltage, current, thermal resistance, thermocouple data of the production process.Then these data can be sent to the remote DAS, DCS monitoring system through RS485 or Ethernet interface.The system has the dual redundant network and long-distance communication function, which can ensure the disturb rejection capability and reliability of the communication network.基于嵌入式ARM平台的远程I / O数据采集系统的研究和开发
在本文中提出一种新型的基于ARM嵌入式平台的远程I / O数据采集系统已被研制开发,它可以衡量各种电气和热参数,如电压,电流,热电偶,热电阻等等。那个测量数据可以显示在液晶显示器的系统中,同时可通过使用Modbus / RTU或的Modbus / TCP协议从RS485或以太网网络传送到DAS或DCS远程监控
基于嵌入式ARM的平台的远程数据采集和监控系统的整个结构图在以下的图1中展示。在这系统的计划中,通过使用广泛用于多种行业如电气电力,石油,化工,冶金,钢铁,运输等的嵌入式ARM处理器来开发远程I / O数据采集模块。该系统主要用于的集中采购和将各种电和热信号如电压,热电阻,热电偶在生产过程中进行数字转换。转换的数据可直接在液晶显示器上显示,也可以通过使用的Modbus / RTU或的Modbus / TCP协议的RS485总线或以太网网络通信接口被发送到嵌入式控制器。嵌入控制器平台的数据通过进一步以太网的分析和处理被传送至远程监控中心的工作站。与此同时,这些数据可以存储在远程监控中心数据库服务器的实时数据库中。该系统具有双冗余网络和远程通讯功能,它可以确保通信网络的干扰抑制能力和可靠性。
基于嵌入式ARM远程I / O数据采集系统的硬件平台使用32位ARM嵌入式微处理器和软件平台使用的是开源的并且可移植,削减和巩固的实时多任务操作系统的第二代UC / OS核心。实时操作系统(RTOS)使设计和应用的扩大变得非常容
基于嵌入式ARM平台的远程I / O数据采集系统具有很高的普遍性,每个购置设备配备24收购方式的I / O渠道且彼此孤立。每个I / O通道可以选择不同的电压和电流信号,以及温度信号如热电阻,热电偶等。在05V的,010毫安和4100TL智能嵌入式以太网串口转换模块。该ZNE500mV的电压信号可以直接接到模拟多路复用器(复用器)的INPx正极和INNx负极。45V的电压信号必须用阻抗转换。热电阻的电阻信号如Cu50,Cu100,Pt50和Pt100应在接到某些频道的复用器INPx正极和INNx负极前连接一1毫安的恒流源。
基于嵌入式ARM平台的远程I / O数据采集系统的软件使用的是开源的并且可移植,削减和巩固的实时多任务操作系统的第二代UC / OS核心。RTOS的关键部分是实时多任务的核心,其基本功能包括任务管理,资源管理,系统管理,计时器管理,内存管理,信息管理,队列管理等。通过API服务职能核心使用这些功能。
该系统软件平台使用的是单一化的uC/ OS第二代实时简化操作系统核心,使整个结构系统简单和应用层次复杂。整个系统的设计包括操作系统的任务和一系列的用户应用程序。系统的主要职能是实现系统硬件和操作系统的初始化。硬件初始化包括中断,键盘,液晶显示器等。操作系统初始化包括控制模块和事件控制,在多任务调度前,至少有一个任务开始。一个开端任务已建立在这一系统,这系统主要负责初始化和启动的时钟,开办中断,通信任务模块的初始化,以及任务分工等。为了完成实时多任务系统的多种职能那个任务必须被划分。
图6显示系统软件的功能任务。根据任务的重要性和实时要求,系统的应用曾划分为六个不同优先级的任务,其中包括A / D数据采集任务,系统监控,接受队列,数据传送,键盘输入,液晶显示屏显示。A / D数据采集任务要求最高的实时要求和液晶显示器显示任务是最低的。因为每个任务都有不同的优先事项,通过使用系统挂断功能或延迟功能更高的优先任务可以开始已经准备好的任务。
图7显示的是AD7715的数据转换流。A / D转换器的应用是数据采集系统的一个重要组成部分。在uS/ OS的第二代实时操作系统的核心中,A / D驱动程序的实现过程主要取决于A / D转换器的转换时间,有转换价值的模拟频率,输入通
道的数量,转换频率等等。典型的A / D转换电路由模拟复用器(复用器),放大器和模拟到数字转换器(ADC)组成。
在本文中一种基于ARM的嵌入式远程I / O数据采集系统已被研究和开发,其硬件平台采用32位嵌入式ARM处理器和软件平台的使用开源的RTOS uS/ OS-Ⅱ核心。该系统可广泛应用于电力,石油,化工,冶金,钢铁,交通运输等方面。这是主要用于收集和监测各种电气和热信号,如电压,电流,热电阻,生产过程中的热电偶数据。然后通过RS485或以太网接口将这些数据发送到远程的DAS,DCS控制系统的监测系统。该系统具有双冗余网络和长途通信功能,它可以确保干扰抑制和通信网络的可靠性。
与传统C/s结构的各种大型关系数据库如Oracle,SQL Server,MySQL等相比,在嵌入式系统中由于软硬件资源有限,不可能安装庞大的数据库服务器,而且在很多时候,用户只需要使用这些数据库产品的一些基本特性而已。嵌入式系统的开发环境决定了其数据库的特点:无需独立运行的数据库引擎,而是由程序直接调用相应的API实现对数据的存取操作。嵌入式数据库与其他数据库产品的区别是,前者是程序驱动式,而后者是引擎响应式。
SQLite是D.Richard Hipp在2000年开发的一个小型嵌入式数据库。他是完全独立的,不具有外部依赖性,可以较为方便地应用于嵌入式系统中。其源代码完全开放,可以免费用于任何用途,包括商业目的。SQLite虽然是个极端轻量级的关系数据库,却保留了数据库的大部分特征,他提供了对SQL92标准的大多数支持:支持多表和索引、事务、视图、触发和一系列的用户接口及驱动。其主要特征如下:
(2)零配置(Zero-configuration),无需安装和管理。(3)一个完整的数据库存储在单一磁盘文件中。(4)数据库文件可以在不同字节顺序的机器间自由共享。(5)支持数据库大小至2 TB(2^41 B)。
SQLite由于小、快、简单、可靠,而且作者完全放弃版权,从他一发布出来,便深受欢迎。对于嵌人式环境,管理、执行、维护的简单化比企业数据库引擎提供的许多复杂应用更重要,因此SQLite数据库是一个很好的选择。2 SQLite内部结构及开发技术 2.1 SQLite内部结构
SQLite采用模块化的设计,主要由4个部分组成:内核(Core)、SQL编程器(SQL Compiler)、后短(Backend)以及附件(Accessories)。内部结构如图1所示。
第四篇:基于嵌入式ARM平台的远程I O数据采集系统的研究和开发
Research and Development of the Remote I/O Data Acquisition System Based on Embedded ARM Platform
With the wide use of the networked, intelligent and digital distributed control system, the data acquisition system based on the single-chip is not only limited in processing capacity, but also the problem of poor real-time and reliability.In recent years, with the rapid development of the field of industrial process control and the fast popularization of embedded ARM processor, it has been a trend that ARM processor can substitute the single-chip to realize data acquisition and control.Embedded ARM system can adapt to the strict requirements of the data acquisition system, such as the function, reliability, cost, size, power consumption, and so on.In this paper, a new kind of remote I/O data acquisition system based on ARM embedded platform has been researched and developed, which can measure all kinds of electrical and thermal parameters such as voltage, current, thermocouple, RTD, and so on.The measured data can be displayed on LCD of the system, and at the same time can be transmitted through RS485 or Ethernet network to remote DAS or DCS monitoring system by using Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCP protocol.The system has the dual redundant network and long-distance communication function, which can ensure the disturb rejection capability and reliability of the communication network.The new generation remote data acquisition and moni-toring system based on the high-performance embedded ARM microprocessor has important application significance.STRUCTRUE DESIGN OF THE WHOLE SYSTEM
The whole structure chart of the remote data acquisition and monitoring system based on embedded ARM platform is shown in Figure 1.In the scheme of the system, the remote I/O data acquisition modules are developed by embedded ARM processor, which can be widely used to diversified industries such as electric power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, steel, transportation and so on.This system is mainly used for the concentrative acquisition and digital conversion of a variety of
electrical and thermal signals such as voltage, current, thermal resistance, thermo-couple in the production process.Then the converted data can be displayed on the LCD directly, and also can be sent to the embedded controller through RS485 or Ethernet network communication interface by using Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCP protocol.The data in the embedded controller platform is transmitted to the work-stations of remote monitoring center by Ethernet after further analyzed and pro-cessed.At the same time, these data can be stored in the real time database of the database server in remote monitoring center.The system has the dual redun-dant network and long-distance communication function, which can ensure the disturb rejection capability and reliability of the communication network.The hardware platform of the Remote I/O data acquisition system based on emb-edded ARM uses 32-bit ARM embedded microprocessor, and the software plat-form uses the real-time multi-task operating system uC/OS-II, which is open-source and can be grafted, cut out and solidified.The real time operating system(RTOS)makes the design and expansion of the application becomes very easy, and without more changes when add new functions.Through the division of the appli-cation into several independent tasks, RTOS makes the design process of the application greatly simple.Figure 1 Structure of the whole system
The remote I/O data acquisition system based on embedded ARM platform has high universality, each acquisition device equipped with 24-way acquisition I/O channels and isolated from each other.Each I/O channel can select a variety of voltage and current signals, as well as temperature signals such as thermal resis-tance, thermocouple and so on.The voltage signals in the range of 0-75 mV ,1-5V ,0-5V, and so on, the current signals in the range of 0-10mA and 4-20 mA, the thermal resistance measurement components including Cu50, Cu100, Pt50, Pt100, and the thermocouple measurement components including K, E, S, T, and so on.Figure2.Structure of the remote I/O data acquisition system based on ARM processor
The structural design of the embedded remote I/O data acquisition system is shown in Figure 2.The system equipped with some peripherals such as power, keyboard, reset, LCD display, ADC, RS485, Ethernet, JTAG, I2C, E2PROM, and so on.The A/D interface circuit is independent with the embedded system, which is independent with the embedded system, which is system has setting buttons and 128*64 LCD, which makes the debugging and modification of the parameters easy.The collected data can be sent to the remote embedded controller or DAS, DCS system by using Modbus/RTU or Modbus/TCP protocol through RS485 or Eth-ernet communication interface also, and then be used for monitoring and control
after farther disposal.The system of RS485 has a dual redundant network and long-distance communication function.As the embedded Ethernet interface makes the remote data exchange of the applications become very easy, the system can choose RS485 or Ethernet interface through jumper to communicate with host computer.Ethernet interface use independent ZNE-100TL intelligent embedded Ethernet to serial port
conversion module in order to facilitate the system maintenance and upgrade.The ZNE-100TL module has an adaptive 10/100M Ethernet interface, which has a lot of working modes such as TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP, Real COM, and so on, and it can support four connections at most.Figure3.Diagram of the signal pretreatment circuit
Figure 3 shows the signal pretreatment circuit diagram.The signals of thermo-couple such as K,E,S,T etc and 0-500mV voltage signal can connect to the positive end INPx and the negative end INNx of the simulate multiplexers(MUX)directly.The 4-20mA current signal and 1-5V voltage signal must be transformed by resis-tance before connecting to the positive end INPx and the negative end INNx of the MUX of certain channel.The RTD thermal resistance signals such as Cu50, Cu100, Pt50 and Pt100 should connect one 1mA constant current before connecting to the positive end INPx and the negative end INNx of the MUX of certain channel.苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)
Figure4.Diagram of ADC signal circuit
Figure 4 shows the ADC signal circuit, which using the 16-bit ADC chip AD7715.The connection of the chip and the system is simple and only need five lines which are CS(chip select), SCLK(system clock), DIN(data input), DOUT(data output)and DRDY(data ready).As the ARM microprocessor has the characteristics of high speed, low power, low voltage and so on, which make its capacity of low-noise, the ripple of power, the transient response performance, the stability of clock source, the reliability of power control and many other aspects should be have higher request.The system reset circuit use special microprocessor power monitoring chip of MAX708S, in order to improve the reliability of the system.The system reset circuit is shown in Figure 5.苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)
Figure5.Diagram of system reset circuit
SOFTWARE DESIGN AND REALIZATION OF THE SYSTEM The system software of the remote I/O data acquisition system based on embedded ARM platform use the real-time operating system(RTOS)uC/OS-II, which is open-source and can be grafted, cut out and solidified.The key part of RTOS is the real-time multi-task core, whose basic functions including task management, resource management, system management, timer management, memory management, information management, queue management and so on.These functions are used though API service functions of the core.The system software platform use uC/OS-II real-time operating system core simplified the design of application system and made the whole structure of the system simple and the complex application hierarchical.The design of the whole system includes the tasks of the operating system and a series of user applications.The main function of the system is mainly to realize the initialization of the system hardware and the operating system.The initialization of hardware includes interr-upt、keyboard、LCD and so on.The initialization of operating system includes the control blocks and events control blocks, and before the start of multi-task schedu-ling, one task must be started at least.A start task has been created in this system, which is mainly responsible for the initialization and startup of clock, the start-up of interruption, the initialization of communication task module, as well as the division of tasks and so on.The tasks must be divided in order to complete various functions of the real-time multi-task system.苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)
Figure6.Functional tasks of the system software
Figure6 shows the functional tasks of the system software.According to importance of the tasks and the demands of real-time, the system applications are divided into six tasks with different priority, which including the tasks of A/D data acquisition, system monitoring, receive queue, data send, keyboard input, LCD display.The A/D data acquisition task demands the highest real-time requirements and the LCD display task is the lowest.Because each task has a different priority, the higher-priority task can access the ready one by calling the system hang up function or delay function.苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)
Figure7.Chart of AD7715 data transfer flow
Figure 7 shows the data conversion flow of AD7715.The application A/D
conversion is an important part of the data acquisition system.In the uC/OS-II real-time operating system core, the realization process of A/D driver depends mainly on the conversion time of A/D converter, the analog frequency of the conversion value, the number of input channels, the conversion frequency and so on.The typical A/D conversion circuit is made up of analog multiplexer(MUX), amplifier and analog to digital converter(ADC).苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)
Figure8.Diagram of the application transfer driver
Figure8 shows the application procedure transfer driver.The driver chooses the analog channel to read by MUX, then delay a few microseconds in order to make the signal pass through the MUX, and stabilize it.Then the ADC was triggered to start the conversion and the driver in the circle waiting for the ADC until its completion of the conversion.When waiting is in progress, the driver is detecting the ADC state signal.If the waiting time is longer than the set time, the cycle should be end.During waiting time of the cycle, if the conversion completed signal by ADC has been detected, the driver should read the results of the conversion and then return the result to the application.苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)
Figure9.Diagram of serial receive
Figure9 shows the serial receive diagram with the buffer and signal quantity.Due to the existence of serial peripheral equipment does not match the speed of CPU, a buffer zone is needed, and when the data is sending to the serial, it need to be written to the buffer, and then be sent out through serial one by one.When the data is received from the serial port, it will not be processed until several bytes have been received, so the advance data can be stored in buffer.In practice,two buffer zones, the receiving buffer and the sending buffer, are needed to be opened from the memory.Here the buffer zone is defined as loop queue data structure.As the signal of uC/OS-II provides the overtime waiting mechanism, the serial also have the overtime reading and writing ability.If the initialization of the received data signal is 0, it expresses the loop buffer is empty.After the interrupt received, ISR read the received bytes from the UART receiving buffer, and put into receiving buffer region, at last wake the user task to execute read operation with the help of received signal.During the entire process, the variable value of the current bytes in recording buffer can be inquired, which is able to shows whether the receive buffer is full.The size of the buffer zone should be set reasonable to reduce the possibility of data loss, and to avoid the waste of storage space.CONCLUSIONS
With the rapid development of the field of industrial process control and the
wide range of applications of network, intelligence, digital distributed control System, it is necessary to make a higher demand of the data accuracy and reliability of the control system.Data acquisition system based on single-chip has been gradually eliminated because the problem of the poor real-time and reliability.With the fast popularization of embedded ARM processor, there has been a trend that ARM processor can alternate to single-chip to realize data acquisition and control.The embedded ARM system can adapt to the strict requirements of the data acquisition system, such as the function, reliability, cost, size, power consum-ption, and so on.In this paper, A kind of ARM-based embedded remote I/O data acquisition system has been researched and developed, whose hardware platform use 32-bit embedded ARM processor, and software platform use open-source RTOS uC/OS-II core.The system can be widely applied to electric power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, steel, transportation and so on.And it is mainly used in the collection and monitoring of all kinds of electrical and thermal signals such as voltage, current, thermal resistance, thermocouple data of the production process.Then these data can be sent to the remote DAS, DCS monitoring system through RS485 or Ethernet interface.The system has the dual redundant network and long-distance communication function, which can ensure the disturb rejection capability and reliability of the communication network.苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)
基于嵌入式ARM平台的远程I / O数据采集系统的研究和开发
在本文中提出一种新型的基于ARM嵌入式平台的远程I / O数据采集系统已被研制开发,它可以衡量各种电气和热参数,如电压,电流,热电偶,热电阻等等。那个测量数据可以显示在液晶显示器的系统中,同时可通过使用Modbus / RTU或的Modbus / TCP协议从RS485或以太网网络传送到DAS或DCS远程监控系统。该系统具有双冗余网络和长途电通信功能,它可以确保通信网络的干扰抑制能力和可靠性。基于高性能嵌入式ARM微处理器的新一代远程数据采集和监控系统具有重要的应用意义。
基于嵌入式ARM的平台的远程数据采集和监控系统的整个结构图在以下的图1中展示。在这系统的计划中,通过使用广泛用于多种行业如电气电力,石油,化工,冶金,钢铁,运输等的嵌入式ARM处理器来开发远程I / O数据采集模块。该系统主要用于的集中采购和将各种电和热信号如电压,热电阻,热电偶在生产过程中进行数字转换。转换的数据可直接在液晶显示器上显示,也可以通过使用的Modbus / RTU或的Modbus / TCP协议的RS485总线或以太网网络通信接口被发送到嵌入式控制器。嵌入控制器平台的数据通过进一步以太网的分析和处理被传送至远程监控中心的工作站。与此同时,这些数据可以存储在远程监控中心数据库服务器的实时数据库中。该系统具有双冗余网络和远程通讯功能,它可以确保通信网络的干扰抑制能力和可靠性。
基于嵌入式ARM远程I / O数据采集系统的硬件平台使用32位ARM嵌入式微处理器和软件平台使用的是开源的并且可移植,削减和巩固的实时多任务操作系统的第二代UC / OS核心。实时操作系统(RTOS)使设计和应用的扩大变得非常容易,增加新的功能时也没多大变化。通过几个独立的任务的应用,实时操作系统使得应用的设计过程极为简单。
基于嵌入式ARM平台的远程I / O数据采集系统具有很高的普遍性,每个购置设备配备24收购方式的I / O渠道且彼此孤立。每个I / O通道可以选择不同的电压和电流信号,以及温度信号如热电阻,热电偶等。在05V的,010毫安和4100TL智能嵌入式以太网串口转换模块。该ZNE500mV的电压信号可以直接接到模拟多路复用器(复用器)的INPx正极和INNx负极。45V的电压信号必须用阻抗转换。热电阻的电阻信号如Cu50,Cu100,Pt50和Pt100应在接到某些频道的复用器INPx正极和INNx负极前连接一1毫安的恒流源。
基于嵌入式ARM平台的远程I / O数据采集系统的软件使用的是开源的并且可移植,削减和巩固的实时多任务操作系统的第二代UC / OS核心。RTOS的关键部分是实时多任务的核心,其基本功能包括任务管理,资源管理,系统管理,计时器管理,内存管理,信息管理,队列管理等。通过API服务职能核心使用这些功能。
该系统软件平台使用的是单一化的uC/ OS第二代实时简化操作系统核心,使整个结构系统简单和应用层次复杂。整个系统的设计包括操作系统的任务和一系列的用户应用程序。系统的主要职能是实现系统硬件和操作系统的初始化。硬件初始化包括中断,键盘,液晶显示器等。操作系统初始化包括控制模块和事件控制,在多任务调度前,至少有一个任务开始。一个开端任务已建立在这一系统,这系统主要负责初始化和启动的时钟,开办中断,通信任务模块的初始化,以及任务分工等。为了完成实时多任务系统的多种职能那个任务必须被划分。
图6显示系统软件的功能任务。根据任务的重要性和实时要求,系统的应用曾划分为六个不同优先级的任务,其中包括A / D数据采集任务,系统监控,接受队列,数据传送,键盘输入,液晶显示屏显示。A / D数据采集任务要求最高的实时要求和液晶显示器显示任务是最低的。因为每个任务都有不同的优先事项,通过使用系统挂断功能或延迟功能更高的优先任务可以开始已经准备好的任务。
图7显示的是AD7715的数据转换流。A / D转换器的应用是数据采集系统的一个重要组成部分。在uS/ OS的第二代实时操作系统的核心中,A / D驱动程序的实现过程主要取决于A / D转换器的转换时间,有转换价值的模拟频率,输入通道的数量,转换频率等等。典型的A / D转换电路由模拟复用器(复用器),放大器和模拟到数字转换器(ADC)组成。
在本文中一种基于ARM的嵌入式远程I / O数据采集系统已被研究和开发,其硬件平台采用32位嵌入式ARM处理器和软件平台的使用开源的RTOS uS/ OS-Ⅱ核心。该系统可广泛应用于电力,石油,化工,冶金,钢铁,交通运输等方面。这是主要用于收集和监测各种电气和热信号,如电压,电流,热电阻,生产过程中的热电偶数据。然后通过RS485或以太网接口将这些数据发送到远程的DAS,DCS控制系统的监测系统。该系统具有双冗余网络和长途通信功能,它可以确保干扰抑制和通信网络的可靠性。