
时间:2019-05-13 05:32:29下载本文作者:会员上传



Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Weihai.I am very pleased to be at your service as a tour guide today.Located at the Weihai Bay, Liugongdao Island is 2.1 sea miles away from the city, a distance that takes 20 minutes by ferry.It is well-known for being the cradle of modern China’ navy and with a reputation of “A Warship Never Sink”.Since ancient times, it has long been a place of strategic importance, known as “A Nature-blessed Screen” and “Dominating the East Sea” for protecting China’s East Territory.In 1888,when the government began to set up the first navy,Beiyang Navy, Liugongdao island was take as the navy base, and lot of facilities had been built.In the spring of 1895, after the Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895 ended, the Beiyang Navy was annihilated.In 1898, the United Kingdom gained the lease of Weihai by force, and Liugongdao was under the occupation of UK for 32 years until 1930.Since new China was founded in 1949, Liugongdao Island has been well preserved.Once being the base of the Northern Navy as well as the battle field of the war, there are 28 historical sites in the island including the Northern Navy Headquarters, Dragon King Temple, Ding Ruchang’s Residence, the Navy school, fort and dock, all of which are designated “national major preservation unit of cultural relics”.Now here we are on the island.In front of us is the Museum of First Sino-Japanese War, built in 1985.It took exact site which was then the administrative office of Beiyang Navy as the exhibition hall, which vividly illustrated the scene of the history.Now here we are at “The Northern Navy Headquarters ”, the administrative office of Beiyang Navy.The plaque “Hai Jun Gong Suo” on the archway in front of the building was written by Li HongZhan.北洋海军提督府

There are 12 halls.The first hall is ceremonial hall.It shows the scene of the Northern Navy senior generals greeting the edicts fro emperor, paying homage to the kings and ministers of inspection and holding major ceremonies.There is a unicorn screens in the main hall, which means the Commander Ding Ruchang is a Top-1 military attaché.The second hall is a big “sand map” of the over all disposition of the North Navy in 1894.The third hall exhibits the equipment of the Northern Navy, including flags and warship models.The fourth hall shows the foundation of the Northern Navy.In 1888, the “Articles of Northern Navy” formally published, which determined Tianjin Dagukou, Lvshoukou and Weihaiwei as the three navy bases.The twelveth hall is the place where Commander Ding Ruchang sacrificed his life.Here From this map you could realize that the island has really a very important strategic position, because it exactly guards the mouth of Weihai Bay.At that time there were six forts on this island which guarded the bay together with those on the shores, solid defenses were set up with torpedoes, logs and iron chains, which shouldn’t be broken through by the invaders.But we know that the Japanese Navy landed from Rongcheng, and attacked Liugongdao from the land.Apart from this consideration, the government at that time was corrupt and incompetent.They adopted the conservative strategy, and thus led the fall of Liugongdao Island.Ok, everyone, let’s move on to the back hall.Yes, these are the model warships of the Northern Navy.They were all made according to real photos or data from records.Yes, an illustration of the battle that happened in the Yellow Sea, on September 17th, 1894.That battle lasted about five hours and five of the ten warships of the Northern Navy were destroyed.It was after this battle that the Qing Government adopted the conservation policy.They didn’t allow the warships to go out of Weihai Bay, so the sea was controlled by Japanese Navy.And this led the ruin of the whole Northern Navy.Ok, everybody.I think you’ve learned a lot about the Northern Navy and its headquarters, pay attention that cameras are forbidden here in the hall, you could take some pictures outside.I will give you a 10-minute break.We’ll get together at 10:45 just in front of the gate of the headquarters, OK。


















































Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Weihai.I am very pleased to be at your service as a tour guide today.Situated on the east end of Shandong Peninsula, east China, Weihai is a beautiful city.Here you will find yourself in a picture of green mountains and blue sea, and it is pleased to your eyes and heart to see so many trees, flowers, and new buildings everywhere in the city.Among the numerous scenic spots here, Liugongdao Island attracts thousands of tourists every year with its unique charm.That is our destination today.Located at the Weihai Bay, Liugongdao Island is 2.1 sea miles to the city, a distance that takes 20 minutes by ferry.Everybody, please board the ship and let’s go for a look.Now our ship is departing the ferry slowly.Since we have 20 minutes to get there, I’ll make use of the time to tell you something about the history of Liugongdao Island.According to archeological studies, the inhabitation on the island traces back as early as to the Warring States Period(403-221bc)and their remains can be found on the southeast of the island.During the Guongxu period in the Qing Dynasty, when the government began to set up the first navy, Liugongdao island was take as the navy base, and lot of facilities had been built.In the spring of 1895, after the Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895 ended, the island was under the occupation of the Japanese army for three years.In 1898, the United Kingdom gained the lease of Weihai by force, and Liugongdao was under the occupation of UK for 32 years until 1930.In 1948, the troops led by Jiang Keshi occupied the island, and soon the island was liberated by the People’s Liberation Army.Since new China was founded in 1949, Liugongdao Island has been well preserved.The whole island is densely covered with woods, most of which are black pines.It was ratified as a national forestry park in 1985, and in 1999 the island was nominated as a “national level tourist resort for high standard service”.Once being the base of the Northern Navy as well as the battle field of the war, there are 28 historical sites in the island including the Northern Navy Headquarters, Dragon King Temple, Ding Ruchang’s Residence, the Navy school, fort and dock, all of which are designated “national major preservation unit of cultural relics”.Well, that’s the brief history of the island, and we can see that it is not only a beautiful scenic sport, but also a very important witness of history.Ladies and gentleman, here we are on the island.Now, in front of us is the most magnificent building on the island which is called “The Northern Navy Headquarters ”.The inscriptions on the archway in front of the building which mean “China museum of the Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895” were written by president Jiang Zemin.This building was built in 1887 with a land area of more than 10,000 square meters.The Headquarters consist of three halls, first let’s enter the front hall.Here is a big “sand map” of the over all disposition of the North Navy in 1894.From this map you could realize that the island has really a very important strategic position, because it exactly guards the mouth of Weihai Bay.At that time there were six forts on this island which guarded the bay together with those on the shores, solid defenses were set up with torpedoes, logs and iron chains, which shouldn’t be broken through by the invaders.But we know that the Japanese Navy landed from Rongcheng, and attacked Liugongdao from the land.Apart from this consideration, the government at that time was corrupt and incompetent.They adopted the conservative strategy, and thus led the fall of Liugongdao Island.Well, ladies and gentlemen, you have learned the position of the island from the sand map.Please follow me into the next hall and have a visit of the waxworks.The wax figures shown here were the high-ranking commanders who were in a military meeting before the battle.Some of them proposed to launch an attack, some of them were in favor of defending.In the middle sat Ding Ruchang, the general of the Northern Navy.He committed suicide after the fall of Liugongdao Island.Ok, everyone, let’s move on to the back hall.Yes, these are the model warships of the Northern Navy.They were all made according to real photos or data from records.Yes, an illustration of the battle that happened in the Yellow Sea, on September 17th, 1894.That battle lasted about five hours and five of the ten warships of the Northern Navy were destroyed.It was after this battle that the Qing Government adopted the conservation policy.They didn’t allow the warships to go out of Weihai Bay, so the sea was controlled by Japanese Navy.And this led the ruin of the whole Northern Navy.Ok, everybody.I think you’ve learned a lot about the Northern Navy and its headquarters, pay attention that cameras are forbidden here in the hall, you could take some pictures outside.I will give you a 10-minute break.We’ll get together at 10:45 just in front of the gate of the headquarters, OK。


1、Ladies and Gentlemen: welcome to the water town of Jiangbei, the ancient canal city and the Best Town of Taierzhuang for sightseeing.Taierzhuang in the flourishing period of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty was a beautiful ancient town attracting a large number of bussinessman with unique architectural landscape and cultural possessions.Though being a village at the beginning, it was eveb bigger than many towns.Thus the Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty called it “The Best Town in the World”.However, the ancient town was leveled to the ground in the Battle of Taierzhuang.To rebuild the ancient town has become a dream for people of several gennerations.In order to carry forward the Canal Civilization and the national spirit of Chinese and promote the development of culture and tourism industry, on April 8, 2008, it was officially declared to rebuild the ancient town of Taierzhuang by CPC committee and People’s Government of Zaozhuang City,Shandong Province.In 2012, it was rated the national 5A scenic spot.古城展馆



The exhibition of ancient town includes The Rebuilt Ancient Town Exhibition Center, Can Jiang Shu, Fu Feng Tang, San Ke Tang, Ri Sheng Chang Ji, Zhang Guan Shu, Dao Sheng Jiufang and the old post office.Can Jang Shu is an architecture of official style, commonly known as Da Yamen.It was ruined in WW2 and rebuilt in 2010, now is the Museum of Character Culture across the Straits.On the eastern side is ancient dock of inside river.Boating on it will feel that “ Walking and boating on a painting in a non-southern town but more than that.”

The Rebuilt Ancient Town Exhibition Center of Taierzhuang is a temporary hall.The western hall has 2 parts, Ancient Town in Memory and Ancient Town in rebuilt.In the Recovery Map of the Scenic Spots of the Ancient Canal Town of Taierzhuang, we can see the flourishing social development which went well beyond those painted here, just as a poem goes, “The painting of the Riverside Scene during the Qingming festival could hardly be posted in a Ten-li Arts Gallery(一幅清明上河图,十里画廊卷不住)”

The Eastern hall shows the bird’s eye view of the ancient town.Taierzhuang reserves 53 relics of World War 2, which is the most of the world.It is known as “Wharf for Water and Land Transport”, which contributes the culture communication and combination.There has been preserved a large amount of ancient wharfs and ancient ship docks, for that, Taierzhuang has been called as the Living Canal by the World Tourism Organization and the Only Relic Village existing along the Grand Canal.All the scenic spots can be accessed by boat.Meanwhile, Taierzhuang is also the first Base of Communication across the Straits with the Official peimissiom of Taiwan Affairs Office.There are also many commercial guild halls in the ancient town, such as Hui Zhou Commercial Guild Hall, Fujian Commercial Guild Hall, Shanxi Commercial Guild Hall, Zheren Commercial Guild Hall and Taizhuang Yi.2、We’re passing through the Western Gate: Taichengjiuzhi.Taichengjiuzhi is the landmark of the

Ancient Town.3、The rebuilt Ancient Town of Taierzhuang is graceful and primitive with perfect union between the heaven and the earth.It has intensively reflected the four unique cultural and historic values of the city, which justify its attractiveness to the tourists both at home and abrosd as an ideal destination for sightseeing, leisure and vacation.4、Taierzhuang bears the largest amount of relica of WWⅡ in China.35 sites bridge the modernity of Taierzhuang with its bitter history as being a city suffering most in the war.It is also the only memorial city for WWⅡ in China.5、Come to Taierzhuang to view the living fossil of Canal Cuture, and the largest collections of civillian’s residences in China.Located in the hub of the north and south, Taierzhuang has been knowm to the world as the “Wharf for Water and Land Transport” suggesting the frequent exchanges of people, goods and information here and in turn the cultural communication.Taierzhuang deserves its status as a landmark city for canal culture boasting 8 architectural styles and 72 temples.(8大建筑体系

1、Anhui style architecture

2、Southern Shangdong residential architecture

3、Watertown Landscape architecture

4、Southern Fujian style architecture

5、Lingnan architecture

6、European architecture

7、Religious architecture

8、Northern Courts)(72座庙宇including those of the mmajor religions in the world)

6、Just come to Taierzhuang for the last section of living canal along Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.The last 3-kilometer ancient river of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is preserved here in Taierzhuang.A large amount of ancient wharfs and ancient ship docks, among other water conservancy facilities, have been called as the Living Canal by the World Tourism Organization and the Only Relic Village existing along the Grand Canal.7、The 10-kilometer-long water streets and alleys are quite a match to those of Venice.After being rebuilt, the Ancient Town will become the water city with the most density of water network all across the country.All the scenic spots can be accessed by boat.8、Meanwhile, Taierzhuang is also the first Base of Communication across the Straits with the Official peimissiom of Taiwan Affairs Office.It is an important carrier and platform for the economic political and cultural communications between the two sides across the Straits.9、展馆(或者展板)

Welcome to the Rebuilt Ancient Town Exhibition Center of Taierzhuang

①The Recovert Map of the Scenic Spots of the Ancient Canal Town of Taierzhuang, which was drawn by Mayor Chenwei based on his thorough studies.In the map,we can see the flourishing social development which went well beyond those painted here, just as a poem goes,”The painting of the Riverside Scene during the Qingming festival could hardly be posted in a Ten-li Arts Gallery(一幅清明上河图,十里画廊卷不住)”

②Ancient Town in Memory.This part mainly about the information, development and destroying

of Taierzhuang.Taierzhuang has a long history with an origin dating back long to the ancient time.It was formed in Han Dynasty, and developed in Yuan Dynasty.Witnessing its prosperity in Ming and Qing Dynasty, Taierzhuang greeted its gloden time for development because of the Canal and won the fame of “the Best Town in the World” with the imperial granting of King Qianlong.However, in the spring of 1983, the breakout of the Battle of Taierzhuang brought forth the severe damage to the city and Taierzhuang almost had nothing left but the ruins.After WWⅡ Koumintang once issued an offical order to rebuild Taierzhuang in Central Daily News.Since the establishment of the People’s republic of China, many leaders of the People’s Government tried to reconstruct the city.However, due to many reasons, such a plan was not carried out.After about 70 years later, this dream comes ture with our government’s effort.The rebuild Ancient Town is made according to the philosophy of “preservation, restoration and creation of prinitivism.(存古、复古、创古)” The cutural and historic relics with great historic values are preserved to the maximum degree by recovering the architecture with great historic and cultural implications according to the historic data.Meanwhile the fashionable elements were integrated during the creation of digital Ancient Town, energy-saving Ancient Town, eco Ancient Town.The combination of history and modernity made the Ancient Town real yet beyond history.10、First, the Ancien Town of Taierzhuang boasts the most sites of WWⅡ in the world..In the spring of 1938, the victory in the Battle of Taierzhuang marks the first victory in the frontline battle field of Chinese’s anti-Japanese war, ending the fairytale that Japanese armies were indestructible and greatly inspring the faith of the people in the world to fight back Fascism.Therefore Taierzhuang is regarded as the palce for Chinese nation to show their invincible powers and spirits.Second, the Ancient Town of Taierzhuang is a cultural city with great cultural continuity and assimilation in China.Located in the hub between the north and east, it was known as the wharf for water and land transport














Yimeng Mountain is located in the south-central part of Shandong Province, including Mount Yi, Gui Meng scenic area, Yun Meng scenic area.Yimeng Mountain has the world's cultural heritage Qi Great Wall, is a world-famous resort of longevity, and now a national 5A scenic spot.Confucius feel the LU kingdom is smaller when he in on the top of Mount Dong.The Mount Dong refers to Monsanto.Yimeng Mountain scenic area is blessed with natural oxygen, known as “36 peaks 72 hills”.The highest peak Guimeng is 1156 meters above sea.The Fu Shou Kang Ning Tripod is a highlight on Guimeng Mountain.Made natural black jade stone, it is the largest and tallest tripod in our nation.The three legs separately correspond Fu, Kang and Ning three words.It means bless , health and peace.Wanshou Palace was built in the North Song Dynasty.Shanshen Temple worships the god of Mount Meng.The god is Emperor Chuan Yu, the descendants of taeho , the leader of ancient Dong Yi ancestors.Jade Emperor Temple wotships theJade Emperor.The eight dragon-carved stone columns beside are refered to the ones of Dacheng Hall in Qufu.Sanqing Pavilion worships Taoism trinityLingbao Tianzun, right to him is Taiqing Daode Tianzun.The first gate of Mountain Meng is Meng Shan Arch, facing south.The two characters “Meng Shan” are manuscript of Wang Xizhi.In the scorpion mountain there is rock like a turtle viewing the moon in the air.It is called Shen Gui wang yue.The Longevity God of Meng is the world's largest mountain carving, 218 meters high , 198 meters wide , three times the height of Leshan Giant Buddha.The carving has been loaded in the Guinness Book of World Records.Shengjing Arch is an intersection of the 3 roads leading to Guimeng Peak.Heading to the west is the hiking path of ancients, east is used by cars and walking straight is can reach to the Guimeng Peak.Jiu Long Tan Waterfall is named after the nine white marble dragons of the source.Every summer and autumn, flood surging, the sound of the fall could be heard a few miles away with the waterfall pouring down as milky way and falling into the bottom.The Eagle Nest Peak is one of the top ten spots, which is referred to the soul of Mountain Meng by ancients.Since ancient times, there is a saying that “Bu Dao Ying Wo Feng, Wang Wei Meng Shan Xing”.It means the trip of Mountain Meng is boring if the Eagle Nest Peak is not reached.Because of the steepness and only eagles reaching, it is called Ying Wo Feng.The northern cliff is carved with 4 big words “Ying Feng Qi Guan”, which is written by Mr.Qi Gong.Dongtian Gate is the intersection of walking path and driving path.The characters “Yun Zheng Xia Wei” is the writing of Mi Fu, one of four calligraphers of Song.The Guimeng Peak is the highest peak of the mountain.The first thing before we reach the top, we can see 3 big red characters “Gui Meng Ding” and 4 characters “Gui Meng Qi Guan”.Above the Wolong Pine, there is a inscription of “Confucius Xiao Lu Chu”.Confucius had reached the Guimeng Peak along with the rugged road, then he issued a feeling of "Teng Dong Shan Er Xiao Lu, Deng Tai Shan Er Xiao Tian Xia”.It means that Confucius feels the LU kingdom small when he is on the top of Mount Dong, feels the whole world small when he is on top of Mount Tai.



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