
时间:2019-05-13 06:11:51下载本文作者:会员上传



提示词语:the summer holiday, come, your classmates, talk about, travel, play, think, do

The summer holiday is coming.Your classmates are talking about what to do during the holiday.Some are going out for travelling with their families.Of course they will spend more money.Some are going to play ball games with their classmates.Though it's good for health, it's not my favourite.I think it's much better to stay at home.I can do many things as I like, such as reading, watching TV and helping my parents with the housework.In this way I can not only increase my knowledge but also do something for my parents.密云一模

As the summer vacation is coming, some of my classmates are talking about playing sports with friends while the others are going on traveling with their families.For my part, the reasons why I agree with the second opinion are following.First of all, an advantage of traveling is that I can not only learn more about the local culture but also enjoy the time with my parents.Moreover, I think traveling can be a good choice to enrich our memory.As for this, I’m going to do some short travels during the vacation.It’s common knowledge that traveling can both ease our anxiety and bring us a better condition for the later study.In brief, short as our vacation is, every minute should be fully used and make a balance between study and entertainment.(128)

The summer holiday is coming, what can we do to spend this relaxing time? In our classmates’ discussion, I heard some good ideas.Some students talked about traveling with families, and I thought it might make family more harmonic and happier.While I prefer the idea that playing ballgames with friends, because nothing is better than enjoying the free time with them.As for me, I like doing more reading in the holiday.Gaining knowledge can make us intelligent, so I don’t want to miss the chance to enrich my brain and broaden my horizon.Also, I hope to get involved volunteering works, for developing myself and make contributions to our society.All in all, everyone should have a own plan which include playing happily and do something meaningful for summer holiday.Let’s change the summer holiday into a precious period of our


When it comes to the summer holiday plan, some people would like to go out with parents, others want to play ball games with classmates.As for me, I’d love to visit England.First of all, I think enjoying the beautiful views of England may keeps me away from stressful study life and develop my sight-seeing.Secondly, visiting well-known museums helps a lot, for it can not only give me knowledge, but also let me know more about western cultures.In addition, there is no denying that I will have a good chance to practicing speaking English with foreigners.All in all, travelling abroad on summer vacation plays an essential role in our daily life, because it is time to improve ourselves.I ’m really looking forward to going on this trip as quickly as possible!(137)

How time flies, the summer holiday is coming.It’s obvious that our opinions about the holiday vary from person to person.Some suggest traveling outside, while others enjoy playing balls with classmates.To my mind, firstly, I prefer taking a long trip to Europe with my family, because we can experience different culture, and it’s a great chance for us to enjoy ourselves in a quite different place.Besides, we can not only make more friends but also do some sightseeing in the places of interest and take plenty of nature pictures.In addition, after this exiting trip.I’d like to get ready for my new turn, in this way, studying the new knowledge may be a good idea.All in all, for the plans given above, I think this holiday I will be very busy but cheerful.I’m looking forward to the joyful summer holiday, for it’s a great time for us to relax after such a busy study.(161)

The summer holiday is coming, everyone has own ideas when we talk about it.Some would like to go for travels, others plan to play basketball with classmates.As for me, I decide to be a volunteer.As we all know, during every vacation, lots of people from all around the world come to visit our city, therefore, being a volunteer to help visitors will be my pleasure.As for the activities, first, I can tell foreigners the way, for I know a little about spoken English.What’s more, helping clean the places of interests is also a good choice.In this way, I can

improve my ability of Social practice.That’s all about my plan.I think whatever we choose to do during the summer holiday, the activities are supposed to be meaningful.Hope everyone can put time into good use.(164)




六、作文(50分)23.摆渡过河,从此岸到彼岸,需要用船。那么,从失败的此岸到成功的彼岸,从痛苦 的此岸到欢乐的彼岸,从幼稚的此岸到成熟的彼岸,从初识的此岸到相知的彼岸……需要用什么样的“船”来摆渡呢?请以“摆渡”为题,写一篇文章。


(4)作文中不要出现所在学校的校名或师生姓名。范文: 摆渡自己







也许一生中我们不会遭遇这样的大灾大难,但是我们何曾摆渡过阴天雨天雪天,何曾摆渡过绝望的纠缠!折磨人生的,一是生存,一是感情,它们常常就浊浪翻滚的横亘在面前,你愁肠百结的也找不到过去的桥,你痛不欲生的也寻不到可以渡过去的船。这种无路可走的绝望,一生中谁不碰上几回? 当我们知道苦难是生命的常态,挫折是与我们相伴时,我们何必自怨自艾,早早的放弃,早早的绝望呢? 有的人将求生的本能折成一只船,将自己摆渡出绝望的深渊;有的人将新的希望折成一只船,渡过了挫折后的痛苦与心碎;有的人将光明折成一只船,驶过了重重叠叠的黑暗。实在无船可渡的人,哪怕用幻想折只小船呢,也要奋斗将自己摆渡到对岸。






假如你叫刘风,是美国中学生Mike的朋友,你收到了他的一封电子邮件。请你根据他回信的内容写一封回信,谈谈你对他所提问题的看法、你是怎么做的,并给他提出建议。Dear Liu Feng, I feel sad these days because my parents don’t let me watch TV any more.They say I should put my heart into my lessons or do something interesting instead of enjoying music on TV the whole evening.But I like music.I enjoy the pop songs, and I like the pip stars very much.What shall I do? Can you help me?

I think your parents are right.It is not good for us to spend whole nights enjoying music on TV.We have a lot of things to do except homework, such as reading, doing sport, and helping around the house.When I have finished my homework, I usually read magazines, wash my clothes, or watch news on TV.It is all right that you like pop music.You can enjoy it on weekend.I think your parents will be glad to see that.通州一模范文

Dear Mike,I’m sorry to hear that.And I don’t agree with your parents’ idea, maybe it isn’t very good for your study.Sometimes I meet the same problem as yours.At this time, I always tell my parents that I feel tired and need a little relaxation, and at most time they can understand me.According to my experience, I suggest you to have a talk with your parents first, tell them you love music and what good influence it has, maybe your parents will change their mind.Besides, enjoying music whole night can’t be born because it occupies too much studying time, and the problem can be solved only when you keep a balance between study and entertainment.I hope my suggestions can help you get through the trouble.Just communicate with parents and control yourself.I believe things can be better.Good luck!

Yours,Liu Feng

Dear Mike,I’ m sorry to hear that you have a problem, in fact it’s not as terrible as you think, it’ll be better if you find a balance between study and rest.When it comes to my thoughts, I’m agree with what your parents have done, after all watching TV isn’t good..As for me, I have plenty of hobbies so that I never worry about what to do if I lose one of them.I think it’s good for you to find another hobby such as basketball which not only be good for your health but also divert your concentrate so that you won’t cherish music at all In addition concentrate more on study and you won’t get bored when you are free.In conclusion, don’t worry about it anymore and try to find a suitable way to solve this problem.Hope you will better soon.Yours,Liu Feng Dear Mike, Thanks for your letter.I’ve known your problem.Don’t worry.Let me help you.I think your parents’ view is right because your final exam is coming so you’d better pay more attention to your study.If I were you, I would make every effort to study to improve my grade.I suggest you making a daily plan to make full use of time.Then you’ll find it interesting that there are so many wonderful things you can do.Also, you can enjoy the pop music but not very long time.This can relax yourself and let you study more efficient.In conclusion, study is first, songs are second.I hope these suggestions can solve your problem.Yours,Liu Feng

Dear Mike,So glad to hear from you, in my opinion, I don’t think it’s the proper time for you to watch too much TV, now.Be different from you, I hardly watch TV because of the busy study, but often relax myself by enjoying music.Also, I sometimes do some reading after a long time of study.Well, speaking of my suggestions, resist from temptation of TV is the most necessary one, for it can be harm not only to your study but to your vision as well.Secondly, you’d better having a talk with your parents, which may help a lot.What’s more, try some other interesting things like reading books can also help you overcome this trouble.That’s all I want to say.And I hope these suggestions can be helpful.Good luck!

Yours,Liu Feng

Dear Mike,I’m sorry to hear that you have some problems.I hope that these suggestions can help you go out of the trouble.To begin with, your problem is not so serious, so you don’t have to worry about it.Pop music is also my favorite, but I have to study.So precious is music that I couldn’t afford to abandon it, so I listen to the music in my spare time.It can not only relax myself, but also good for my study.It’s necessary for you to communicate with your parents, tell them how important the music is, they may allow you to watch TV for a short time.Furthermore, why not do something else? If your parents don’t allow you to watch TV, you can use computers to listen to the music and play some games.I hope you can take my suggestions into serious generation and solve the problem successfully.Yours,Liu Feng










23.数学中有加减乘除,人生中同样有四则运算,你是怎样对待人生中的加减乘除的,请以“人生的 法”为题,写一篇作文。










23.题目:让 成为习惯

















考 试 分 析




听力方面,听力话题以课标和考试说明为依托,材料内容贴近生活实际,试题以获取具体信息为主,体现了英语的开放性和实践性。听力中的录音,很标准的美式发音。但由于学生接触的听力录音大多是不太标准的英美混合,所以有一部分同学对本次发音不太适应。然后It’s piece of cake for you to finish the job的同义句此题难住了我校大部分学生,很多学生理解不够到位,这说明学生在平时接触口语以及我对学生的口语拓展较少。其实许老师在每年中考培训都有此类提示和建议,以后会更多关注此方面。在单选方面,考点清晰明确符合考试说明题例,比较符合中考的出题思路和难度。其中一个题非常赞同许老师所说,其中的语境给的不够,很多学生选择了look up,而且按中式思维翻译look up是没有问题的,此题的确有待商榷和探讨。











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