A friend in need is a friend indeed(有用英语作文)(大全)

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第一篇:A friend in need is a friend indeed(有用英语作文)(大全)

A friend in need is a friend indeed I would like to make friends with others.I know that ''A friend in need is a friend indeed''.No matter when and where, I believe I have a friend like this.However, I always remember the thing which happened when I was eight years old.It's a cold day in winter when I was in elementary school 3 grade.I went to school with my friend every day.What's more, I felt more excited and worried.Because the winter holiday was around the corner and I would have a final exam.I was so worried about the final exam.I felt my heart had been very nervous.When I felt helpless, li xian who was my friend came to see me.He said that what happened to you, are you ok? I was only afraid that I would fail in the exam.He said that you must believe in yourself.If you can truthfully say 'I have done everything I could and I have given everything I had, then you are a winner'.I stared at him when I was thinking about his words.Suddenly, I said that thank you and I know what to do!After he talked about something with me, he sat down.I believed if I tried my best to do, I was a winner no matter how many goals I got.Although I tried to calm down, I was still nervous when the day arrived.On the one hand, I was worried about the exam.On the other hand, I wanted to have a good goal.After I sat down, I started to take out a pencil case from the bag.But to my surprise, my pencil case was lost!I thought I had missed it at home.I become so helpless and felt this time was the end of the world.When I didn't know what to do, li appeared with a smile.He was worried to say that what happened to you? I said my pencil case was left at home He thought for a moment and said that I could give you my pencil but I only had one.I didn't expect him to worry about me.But suddenly I heard a loud sound.I was amazed to see that he broke off his pencil.I didn't know what to say.I was so appreciated it that he could help me so sincerely.However, a week later, I passed the exam and li became my best friend.A friend in need is a friend indeed!I was so lucky that I have a sincere friend.I would try my best to help others.


About physical training

Recently, we have made a survey of the people on physical training.Only 35 percent of the people surveyed have taken part in physical activities.Over half of the people say they haven't got enough time to take exercises.34.9 percent of them complain they don't have places where they can relax themselves and that there are not enough training facilities, while another 12.9 percent of the people feel that they live too far away from the training centers.Some of them even don't know how to train.For lack of physical training, many people are not in good health.People should realize the importance of it, and measures should be taken to provide people with training facilities.Dear Mary,I am sorry to hear that you have been ill for days and hope you have got better now.You have studied so hard that you have had no time for exercise.This is harmful for your health.You have been in poor health these years.I feel it would be more beneficial to your health if you could take more exercise in future.Do not think that time spent in exercise is wasted.Exercise can improve your physical constitution and refresh the mind.After one or two hours of exercise you can study better.Only when you have a strong body can you keep on studying without felling fatigue.Otherwise your study will be interrupted from time to time by fatigue or sickness.I am not advising you to devote all your time to exercise.What I want to say is that exercise is as useful and important as your study.I hope you can take at least one hours exercise every day after you are recovered.I would be more than happy to see you have a stronger body.I would like to suggest that...我想建议……

I am writing to express my views concerning...我写信来是要表达有关……我的看法。You have asked for my advice with regard to...and I will try to make some suggestions.你问我有关……的事情,我会尝试着提出一些建议。

If I were you, I would...如果我是你,我会……

It seems to me that you could...我认为你可以……

I think it would be more beneficial if you could...我想如果你能……,可能会更好。I believe you will take my advice into account.我相信你会认真考虑我的建议的。I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions/recommendations

practical/useful/helpful.我希望这些建议/意见/看法对你来说实用/有用/有帮助。I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.如果这方面有所改善我会非常开心的。

I will be ready for further discussing this matter into details.我时刻准备着就此事进行更详尽的讨论。


这样学英语三个月超过你过去学三年 来源: 潘永政的日志



常速还不过瘾,可以去找talkshow来听,譬如Saturday Night,在优酷或者土豆上都有。









再说一点,英语阅读材料中,最简单的是专业文章,其次是新闻,最难的是小说。我花了一年多时间就毫不费力的可以读懂纽约时报,但是很久以后才能勉强读完Da Vinci Code。但是真的读完一本几百页的小说,带来的成就感是读几篇文章难以比拟的。



如果还要追求文笔,可以去看看华尔街日报中文版VOA Special English Vocabulary 1500




从事翻译者无法拒绝的网站 来源: 于聪 Inêsღ的日志

1.联合国网:英文版 http:/// 强烈推荐(一个新兴的翻译站点,创办者为第四届优萌杯竞赛获奖者,偏重文学翻译,汇集了不少背景资料和翻译赛事。)




15.口译天下(其创办者 jackyhuang112 用一年时间考上了欧盟口译司,现在新加坡任职。)

16.UN Interpreters(联合国译员网,提供联合国的一些官方文件。)

17.Interpreter Training Resources(一些免费的口笔译技巧。)














Wednesday(星期三)Tursday(星期四)Friday(星期五)Saturday(星期六)Sunday(星期日)《颜色类》:green(绿色)red(红色)bule(蓝色)yellow(黄色)black(黑色)white(白色)purple(紫色)pink(粉红色)grey(灰色)darkblue(深蓝色)《科目类》:Chinese(语文)Math(Mathematies)(数学)English(英语)pgysics(物理)biology(生物)geography(地理)chemistry(化学)history(历史)politics(政治)music(音乐)painting(美术)algebra(代数)arithmetic(算术)geometry(几何)computer(电脑)physicaleducation(PE)(体育)《水果类》:apple(苹果)pear(梨)banana(香蕉)grape(葡萄)peach(桃子)lemon(柠檬)avocado(南美梨)plum(李子)apricot(杏子)nectarine(油桃)honeydew(honeymelon)(哈密瓜)orang(橙子)prneapple(凤梨)waterelon(西瓜)papaya(木瓜)betelnut(槟榔)chestnut(栗子)tangerine(橘子)sugar-cane(甘蔗)muskmelon(香瓜)shaddock(柚子、文旦)juicepeach(水蜜桃)carambola(杨桃)cherry(樱桃)persimmon(柿子)mango(芒果)fig(无花果)《球类》:basketball(篮球)baseball(棒球)volleyball(排球)handball(手球)bowlingball(保龄球)golfball(高尔夫球)waterpolo(水球)icehockey(冰球)balloon(气球)tennis(网球)table tennis(乒乓球)badmintom(语毛球)billiards(台球)football(soccer)(足球)《动物类》:fly(苍蝇)butterfly(蝴蝶)dragonfly(萤火虫)tiger(虎)bird(鸟)fish(鱼)insect(虫)penguin(企鹅)bear(熊)dog(狗)cat(猫)pig(猪)cow(牛)sheep(绵羊)goat(山羊)monkey(猴子)MickeyMouse(米老鼠)《家庭成员》grandfather/grandpa(爷爷)grandmother/grandma(奶奶)father/dad/daddy(爸爸)mother/mum/mammy(妈妈)husband(丈夫)wife(妻子)son(儿子)daughter(女儿)daughter-in-law(媳妇)grandson(孙子)granddaughter(孙女)sister(姐妹)brother(兄弟)niece(侄女)身体部位:head(头)hand(手)elbow(肘)arm(臂)chest(胸)stomach(腹)waist(腰)buttock(臀)leg(腿)knee(膝)foot(脚)《节日类》:SpringFestival(春节)InternationalChildren'sDay(国际儿童节)ArmyDay(建军节)TeacherDay(教师节)NewYear'sDay(元旦)InternationalWorkingDay(国际妇女劳动节)InternationalLaborDay(国际劳动节)Mid-AutumnFestival(中秋节)Dragon-Boat Festival(端午节)DoubleNinthFestival(重阳节)Tomb-SweepingDay(清明节)



_________?(针对题目提问,以2004年以例,直接把提纲中第三点“当我们达到自己的目标之后应该怎么办?”抄过来就好了)There is a general controvers nowadays as to the issue,some people claim that there are various advantages of ____.(随便说一方观点)They believe that____.(再阐述一下)Other people argue that the disadvantages are more evident.Their belief is reinforced by ____(调查、图表、短文等等,2004年是短文)which shows that about __ percent of the ___s(学生、老人、儿童,会什么词写什么词吧)______.(再重复一次观点)Weighing the pros and cons of both sides,I am inclined to agree to the former(latter)point of view.The explanation for this phenomenon involves many complicated factors.In the first place,__.(第一种情况,编一句吧)A case in point is that ___.(举个例子,随便写)In the second place,___.(第二种情况,再编)For instance,___.(还是举例子)Last but not least,_____.(最后一种情况,仍然编)

Judging from all evidence offered we may reasonably arrive at the moral that ___(作者观点)since ___.(综合一下上述理由)

Perhaps the best policy is to regulate it so as to maximize it's advantages and minize it's disadvantages.In the meantime,a kind of punishment should be given to those who have violated certain regulations.当然要结合一下实际情况,看题目的要求是否全满足了。比如2004年题目要求的提纲中有三个方面,就在最后一段随便说两句。至少“我的目标是成为一名老师”不会说不上来吧。然后可以再说一句“但是我的目标还没有实现”,即可把题目要求完全覆盖了。





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