
时间:2019-05-13 07:44:21下载本文作者:会员上传



A Survey of Gansu

Gansu Province, lying in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, is in the heart of China.Tell you its neighbors.Neighboring Shaanxi to the east and Sichuan on the south, Gansu is adjacent to Qinghai and Xinjiang by the west and linked up with Ningxia and Inner Mongolia in the north.The outline of Gansu is shapped like and dumbbell, which means it’s very long from east to west, but at the narrowest place, the north-south distance is only 25kilometers.In ancient China, Gansu’s important geographical position made Gansu a key junction in ancient Silk Road.Now tell you some numbers.Gansu covers an area of 390,000 square kilometers, taking up about 4.72% of the total land territories of China.And the province has a population of around 25.18 million consisting of 44ethnic minorities and most of them are Hui, Tibetan, and Dongxiang ethnic people.Under the administration of the province are 14 cities, prefectures and autonomous prefectures consisting of 86 countries with Lanzhou as the capital city of the province.Climate: Climate in Gansu province has specific features.Belonging to north temperate monsoon climate, featuring a distinctive transitional tendency to continental climate.Dry and short of rain it sees great differences in temperature.The distinctive features of the four seasons are as follows: Lack of rain and snow in winter with longer time cold but the spring witnesses a fast rise of temperature and a drastic change of warm and cold days.It is hot in summer with a concentration of rainfalls and the autumn features a quick falling of temperature and an early frost fall.However, compared with other cities in China, cities of Gansu are cool in summer, so summer is appropriate for your travel.Resources and Mountains:The geomorphology in Gansu is quite complicated featuring mountains, plateaus, plains, river-valleys and deserts and Gobi as well.Moreover, Gansu’s great plateaus and mountains have plentiful mineral resources.These treasures are widely spread over the province in large quantities of high grade and good quality.The mining conditions are also favorable.Rivers: “The water of the Yellow River comes from the heavens”, wrote by Li Bai, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty of ancient China.The Yellow river, known as the mother river of China, together with other rivers provide Gansu with abundant waterpower resources.Large hydropower stations are dotted here and there like bright stars.They produce electrical power day and night for the development of Gansu’s economy.You know there are many favorable advantages for waterpower development such as less inundation, convenient transportation, comparatively low investment costs, and shorter time for return on the investment.Culture and ethnic minority:Gansu has a long history.In ancient times, especially in the Han and Tang Dynasties, Gansu, as an important passageway, made great contributions to the culture exchange and commercial trade between China and western countries.Along the Silk Road can still be seen many ancient grottoes, structures and other historic or cultural relics.Up to now, more than one thousand such relics have been found belonging to different historic periods.Gansu is a multinational province.Living in the province are Hui, Tibet, Mongol, Yugur, Dongxiang, Manchu, a total of over 44 minorities with a population of around 1.5 million.In addition, the ethnic Dongxiang, Yugur and Bonan are the three unique ethnic minorities in Gansu Province.Tourist Resources:Gansu lies at the eastern section of the Silk Road, which extends some 1,600 kilometers in the precinct of the province.So it has left over many footprints of historical figures and colorful tourist resources, such as Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Maiji Mountain Grottoes in Tianshui, Bingling Temple in Yongji Country, as well as Jiayu Pass known as “Magnificent Pass under heaven”, which is the western end of the Great Wall and some other attractions all along the way.Besides there are still some local special products, refreshments and ethnic folk customs that are all here waiting for you to make an appreciation of them.Finally, the satellite-launching center at Jiuquan is a spot of great importance catching

the world attention.It is the glory and pride of the Chinese nation.炳灵寺

Bingling Temple Bingling Temple Grotto is located on the Small Jishi Hill, about 35 kilometers(about 22 miles)west of Yongjing County in Lanzhou City.Being one of the very noted four caves in China, it is the second to Mogao Caves in respect of artistic value.The Bingling Temple Grotto is located at a transportation hub on a feeder line of the ancient Silk Road leading from China to the western countries.Buddhists started to cave grottoes and sculpture as early as the western Jin Dynasty.During the period of the Sixteen states, the nobles of the Xianbei enthnic trible established the Western Qin Regime here.They were for the Buddhist cult and so many eminent monks from inland and western regions swarmed to the place, preaching and sermonizing.The Dasi Valley in the Minor Jishi Hills within the territory of the Western Qin ,namely the area where Bingling Temple located came to be the Buddhist venue of the time.According to historical records, the Bingling Lower Temple used to be called the Lingyan Temple during the Tang(618-917)and Ming(1368-1644)dynasties.Bingling is a Tibtan expression, which means “ten thousand Buddha” and equivalent to “Thousand Buddha Hill” or “Ten thousand Buddha cave” of literary translation in Chinese.The formal construction of the Bingling Temple took place in the 420, the first year under the reign of the Western Qin dynasty.And it was carried on during the ensuing dynasties of Northern Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang, and murals and decorations were made even in the Yuan and a Ming dynasties.So it has a history of 1,600 years.There are now 183 niches, 694 stone statues, 82 clay sculptures and some 900 square meters'(about 1,076 square yards')of murals, which are all well preserved.Famous for its stone sculptures, Bingling Temple Grotto stretches about 200 meters(about 600 feet)on the west cliff in Dasi Gully.Among the caves, the main characters are Sakyamuni, Kwan-yin, Amitayus Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, and other Buddhas.With elegant postures, flying robes and ribbons, the statues are life-like.Among the caves, Cave No.169 is worthy of a particular mention.Made in the Northern Dynasties(386-581), it is the most imposing and delicate one which holds the clay sculptures of Kwan-yin, Dali Buddha(Dali means powerful strength in Chinese), etc.Dali Buddha has a round face, sitting with legs crossed.When we see this sculpture we will feel its expression as being very solemn.On its two sides stands Bodhisattvas with their hair bound, waving bare arms.The colors present us vivid Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.Cave No.125, which holds the stone sculpture of Sakyamuni, is also one not to be missed.The stone sculptures in Bingling Temple Grotto represent the social situations and customs during ancient times.In the vicinity of the caves are green hills, crystal water, grotesque stones and precipitous cliffs, which adds more beauty to this artistic site.After the founding of People's Republic of China, the State Council designated the site as a key cultural relic, and placed it under state protection.武都万象洞

This paper presents the stable isotopic compositions from the cave dripwater and actively forming soda straw stalactites collected from Wanxiang Cave, Wudu,Gansu, located on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Loess Plateau transition zone, China.The δ18Odw and δDdw of dripwater samples in the cave plot directly on the local MWL,constructed by using GNIP data from 3 sites surrounding the cave regions(Lanzhou, Xi'an, and Chengdu), the nearest site to the cave, suggesting that there is a close relationship between the δ18Odw of the cave water and the δ18O of the pre cipitations.Using the measured δ18Odw and δ18Omc values from the mid-farthest parts from the cave entrance and the carbonate paleotemperature equation, the calculated temperatures range from 8.9 to 12.4℃, with the mean value of 10.7℃ and the temperature calculated at 8 locations in the farthest part of the cave is in the range of 10.1-12.4℃, with the mean value of 11.5℃, being consistent with the survey value(10.99℃)in the cave, slightly lower than the mean annual temperature(14.4℃)in Wudu.This suggests that modern speleothems are forming under isotopic equilibrium and their isotopic composition accurately reflects the mean annual temperature at the surface, indicating that the isotopic composition of the modern speleothems records local temperature change with credibility.崆峒山

Kongtong Mountain Scenic Area Situated some 15 kilometers to the west of the Pingliang City, Kongtong Mountain is celebrated as “the first Taoist Mountain under Heaven”.It is said that it was here that Guang Chengzi, an immortal, cultivated himself to attain immortality, and the Emperor Huang the first civilized Chinese ancestor, came here to consult him, about how to administer a country and cultivate himself.Since than the Kongtong Mountain became one of the famous Taoist mountains of the country.After Emperor Huang, Emperors Qinshihuang and Wu of the Han Dynasty had as said ever been here doing the worshipping.Kongtong Mountain has been also highly praised by many historical notables So it has been called “the first mountain on the western tour ”,“a wonder among western towns” since ancient times.The Kongtong Mountain, part of the Liupan Mountain Ranges,has Guan Mountain by the north and Taitong to the south with Cock’s Head at its Cock’s Head at its back and the Jing River in front.With an elevation of 2,123 meters the Kongtong Mountain covers an area of over 30 square kilometers.Kongtong Mountain, 90% of which is covered by forest, is a natural kingdom for its 1,300 species of animals and plants.Ridges and peaks are high, steep and imposing cliffs towering to the skies seem to be made by superlative craftsmanship.Why the mountain named Kongtong? There are several versions.One version is Kongtong means caves, since there’re a lot of caves in this mountain, the mountain was given the name Kongtong.Another was said the name of the mountain was derived from a Taoist expression, real emptiness and vacancy, a natural seclusion in quietness.As early as in the Qin and Han periods, here used to be a religious venue.Taoist and Buddhist temples were found put up here one after another during the Tang and Song periods and all the way down to the Ming and Qing dynasties.It formed an architectural community featuring “ eight terraces, nine palaces and twelve temple compounds”, and 42 Taoist and Buddhist temples and buildings, which present a picture of boundless variety.Tell you more information to the scenic spots of the mountain.Leisheng Feng(Thunder Peak), to the south of Horse's Mane, has dangerously sheer cliffs.The wind roars loudly down in the gorge, while the clouds and mist move swiftly up the peak.During midsummer, when it rains, the gorge vibrates with roaring wind and crashing thunder, giving rise to the name Thunder Peak.Huang Cheng(Imperial City)is on Horse's Mane, the summit of Kongtong Mountain.A ”sky ladder," comprising 378 stone steps, leads to it.Huang Cheng is the most magnificent of the temples on Kongtong Mountain.Most of its buildings are in good repair.雷台旅游区

Wuwei City in central Gansu once occupied a strategic position on the famous Silk Road.In 1969 a farmer discovered a tomb dating from the Han Dynasty and which has become a main tourist attraction in the city.The tomb is situated in Leitai Park so called, as there was a Temple built to honor the Chinese god Leishen on the ten-meter high earth platform that was erected during the middle Ming Dynasty.The inscription on the tomb shows that it was constructed circa 186-219BC for an officer from Zhangye, another major town on the Silk Road.The tomb comprises three main chambers of brick construction placed one behind the other.Each room has a smaller annex on each of its sides.This has proved to be a very important find as the tomb contained some two hundred and thirty outstanding relics of gold, silver, copper and jade as well as pottery.The funerary artifacts included ninety-nine copper chariots complete with horses and soldiers.The most important find was the Bronze Galloping Horse.Known in Chinese as 'Ma Chao Long Que', the horse is depicted in a full gallop supported on just one foot upon the back of a bird in flight.The statuette is roughly 35 centimeters high and 45 centimeters long, weighing 7 kilograms.The artist is unknown but the vitality and exquisite modeling of the piece has meant that it has been adopted as a symbol for Chinese tourism.The horse may be seen in the Gansu Provincial History Museum.伏羲庙

Fuxi Temple Fuxi Temple, also called Taihao gong,is the biggest of its kind in China in memory of a legendary figure named Fuxi who is known as the ancestor and a great emperor in many Chinese legends.Fuxi was said half human and half snake.The snake was a popular totem of the time and is the origin of the dragon.In addition, Fuxi was born here in Tianshui and that's why we have a temple for him here.The temple is a Ming dynasty construction that, despite renovations in the Qing dynasty, still retains its basic Ming format.The temple was completed in 1490 during the reign of the emperor Hongzhi of the Ming dynasty, and covers a total area of 6,000 square meters.Facing the street, the temple consists of three rows of buildings with two temple gates.Ranging from south to north include the Archway, Moon Terrace, Tablet Tower, Main Hall and other buildings.The buildings are symmetrically laid out in regular order.The Main Hall is named the Xiantian Hall.In the middle of it sits the statue of Fuxi.On his right is a queerly shaped dragon-horse with wings, which is about to fly while on the left is a 8 Trigram carried by the dragon-horse to come out from the river.Legend has it that his acute observation of nature inspired him to come up with 8 Trigrams that were believed to explain all the laws of the world.But apart from being a philosopher, Fuxi was also a great inventor.It's said Fuxi developed the net, allowing people to catch fish and wild animals.It's also about this time that the domestication of animals takes place.Fuxi was obviously a busy man.The list of his achievements goes on and on and his reign marked the dawn of civilization for the people of the time.But his most incredible claim to fame is his legendary status as the ancestor of the Chinese people.He apparently married his own sister Nvwa and started populating the planet.What Nvwa couldn't produce herself, she made from clay.It's really difficult for people today to understand the legend of a brother-sister marriage.Actually a lot of folklore has a strong cultural background.Fuxi and Nvwa were not real people.We believe they are the names of two ancient Chinese tribes.Fuxi-Nvwa account reflects the earliest form of marriage in human society-marriage between brothers and sisters.At that time, there were actually such unions.It's a roundabout reflection and a mysterious interpretation of history.Sixty-four cypress trees used to grow in the temple's courtyard.Now there are just 37 left.They were planted according to points dictated by the 8 diagrams.Many local people still believe these old trees have the power to cure and heal.Actually the idea of old trees having supernatural powers is a common theme in Chinese superstition so it's easy to understand that these trees have earned this reputation.Every 16th of the first month in the lunar calendar is said to be the birthday of Fuxi, and on that day, people in Tianshui come here one after another to pay homage to him, the ancestor of the Chinese nation.魏晋壁画墓 Wei-Jin Art Gallery Located about 15 kilometers northeast of Jiayuguan, Wei-Jin Mural Brick Tomb is a big tomb group with over 1,400 tombs built between the 3rd Century and 5th Century during the Wei and Jin dynasties.Renowned as the largest subterranean art gallery in the world, housing a great deal of colorful murals, the gallery has attracted tourists from both home and abroad since 1972 when it was excavated.Most tombs are of families, housing bodies of three or four generations, and now only Grave 6 and Grave 7 are open for tourism.Entering the cold stone tomb, you will marvel at the vivid murals and special layout inside.Each Wei-Jin tomb generally has two or three chambers which are connected by corridors paved with tiles in various flower patterns.The gate was decorated with delicate patterns and easy lines symbolizing clouds, water, fire, gods and weird animals.The exquisite murals on the inner chamber walls tell the master and mistress's contemporary carefree life, and servant's hard working one.Most reflect the political, cultural, military, and scientific developments of the Wei and Jin Dynasty age...an insight into this ancient Chinese feudal society.Mainly painted realistically and earlier than Mogao Grottoes, Wei-Jin Art Gallery provides an example of unmixed Chinese realism art1644), and was used to pull the float bridge over the Yellow River.As the First Bridge over the Yellow River, Zhongshan Bridge is valued highly.Walking along the south bank, visitors can enjoy the beautiful city statues, which are dotted in the zonal green park named as the “Green Corridor” taking “the Mother Yellow River” as their representative.This is the best sculpture of its kind in China.A baby lies on the bosom of his mother with a naive smile while the mother(unlike most of the mothers in Chinese arts who are old, weather-beaten, kindly but with a touch of sorrow)looks happy and affectionate.Along the Yellow River, there are two scenes you should not miss.The first is the sculpture of the Mother Yellow River.The second one is the Water Wheel Park, where you can get an idea of the old irrigation tool.The waterwheel was introduced from southern Yunnan Province to Lanzhou by a local who had been an official in Yunnan.The first waterwheel was made successfully in 1556 on the north bank of the Yellow River.Up to 1952 there were altogether 252 waterwheels lining both banks of the River.Today this replica has become an attraction with a park founded around it.In the evening, with the neon lamps glimmering and the fountains spraying, standing on the top of Lanshan Mountain, you can have a magnificent view of the Yellow River surrounding the city, the 100-mile travel route along Yellow River is just like the Milkway in the world and looks more attractive.鸣沙山、月牙泉风景名胜区

Mingha Sand Dunes and Crescent Moon Spring in DunHuang Mingha Sand Dunes and Crescent Moon Spring in DunHuang is one of the 40 Top National Natural Scenery Zones of China, also known as the National AAAA Tourist Scenic Zone.Mingsha Sand Dunes, situated 6 km southwest away from Dunhuang Town, is stretching for more than 40 km's long and more than 20 km's wide.According to the historical recording such as“the Book of Later Han dynasty”, the reputation of Mingha Sand Dunes and Crescent Moon Spring in DunHuang could be traced back to about 2 thousand years ago, when it had been regarded as a spectacular sight in Tenggeli Desert.The hill is composed of five-color sands in red, yellow, green, black and white.The northern peak is cragged, steep and wonderful-looking like the sharp edge of a knife.Sometimes you can hear the sound from the sands when you slide down from its top.Sometimes the sands give out the droning and rumbling sound from beating a gong and a drum, or reed pipe and bamboo flute.It is“the sound of earth and the sound of nature”.It is said that the sands also give out the sound of music instrument in sunny days even when the wind stops and the sand is still.So the hill gets its name and“the sands chirping in sunny days”becomes the most magnetic scene.Crescent Moon Spring lies in the arm of the dunes at the foot of Mingsha Hills, extending for 118m from west to the east but only 25m from south to the north.As it looks very much like a new moon hence it is named Crescent Spring.Despite being surrounded by the sand hills, the Spring has never been covered by quick sands and kept clear perennially.Featuring the quite pretty scenes, it neither overflows after rain nor drys up after drought.It is really a wonder that the sands and spring lake coexist together for thousands of years.





Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the long history of dunhuang mogao grottoes, I am your tour guide, everyone call me pan!Dunhuang mogao grottoes is one of China's four big grottoes!Four big grottoes and: longmen grottoes, yungang grottoes and maijishan grottoes.But can these grottoes and dunhuang mogao grottoes than, because of the largest grottoes in dunhuang mogao grottoes is one of the world!Its history is very long, it was built during the period of former qin, the north, the sui dynasty, tang dynasty, five dynasties, xixia and yuan dynasties were built.Had finished these, you come with me to the mogao grottoes in dunhuang to see!

You see, this is a grotto of dunhuang mogao grottoes southwest: west thousand-buddha grottoes, you guess how long is the hole? Don't know, the hole is 2.5 km long in there!These clay sculptures in the cave there are 34, but the whole painted sculpture of the mogao grottoes, 2415!

All sorts of grottoes sizes, the biggest wat 16 of 268 square meters, the smallest 37 wat is less than a foot high.The mogao grottoes murals painted on the walls of caves, wat and niches.Content is very extensive and profound, mainly there are Buddha, buddhist stories, historic, JingBian, genie, support and decorative pattern and so on seven kind of subject matter, and there are a lot of life painting.Well, said so much, we will go to visit the next landscape!

You see, this thing is a nine layers of eaves, also called as “Peking University”, is at cliff wat, middle, and top contour, towering spectacular.There is maitreya statue, 36 meters high, composed of stone tire clay sculpture, is in addition to the leshan giant Buddha and rong county Buddha third Buddha oh!

Okay, end of dunhuang mogao grottoes visit, welcome to have the opportunity to play here again.


Everybody is good, and where we are now, is the famous mogao grottoes.Mogao grottoes in dunhuang, it used to be like the singing, crescent lake, dunhuang is the famous tourist attractions, or by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in our country on the world heritage list in 29 landscape, one of the cultural heritage.The mogao grottoes, commonly known as the thousand-buddha grottoes is located in the singing.Caves chisel in the 4th century AD, until the end of the 14th century, before and after the continuation of about one thousand years.The mogao grottoes is a magnificent building, is the palace of paintings and sculptures, is the largest and most content in Chinese now grottoes grottoes.Of where the visitors, now is the door to the mogao grottoes, in front of us there are two towers, finishing mountain layers are hidden behind the hole, from a distance like a tower, a house room, room.The hole in possession of many treasures, books, documents, etc.Most eye-catching is the murals, particular is flying mural image.Dear visitors, do you have any found mural is mostly incomplete, that's because once suffered a few times, more than one hundred years ago was stole many foreigners, now give people leave many regrets.I also want to here called on everyone to protect our world cultural heritage, inherit and carry forward our national culture.Dear visitors, because time relationship, today's visit to call it a day.Hope you regret it, through this tour, know more about the mogao grottoes culture.Want a deeper understanding of the mogao grottoes, welcome you come again next time.














明王朝建立后,为了加强河西的军事防御,征虏大将军冯胜收复河西后,在此选址建关,以控制西去的交通要道。据历史记载,嘉峪关“初有水而后置关,有关而后建楼,有楼而后筑长城,长城筑而后关可守也”。嘉峪关从建关到成为坚固的防御工程,经历了一百六十多年的时间。明洪武五年(公元1372年)首筑土城,周长220丈,高2丈许,就是现在的内城夯筑部分,当时只是有关无楼。明弘冶八年(公元148年),肃州兵各道李端澄主持在西罗城嘉峪关正门项修建嘉峪关关楼,也就是说,嘉峪关关楼是关城建成一百多年之后方修建的,史书上记载说:“李端澄构大楼以壮观,望之四达”,又过了11年,也就是明正德元年(公元 1506年)八月至次年二月,李端澄又按照先年所建关的样式、规格修建了内城光化楼和柔远楼,同时,还修建了官厅、仓库等附属建筑物。嘉靖十八年(公元 1539年),尚书翟銮视察河西防务,认为这里必须加强防务,于是大兴土木加固关城,在关城上增修敌楼、角楼等,并在关南关北修筑两翼长城和烽火台等。至此,一座规模浩大,建筑宏伟的古雄关挺立在戈壁岩岗之上,它像一队威武雄壮的战士,屹立在两山之间、伸出双臂,牢牢地守卫着丝绸之路的咽喉要道。公元1873年当时的陕西直隶总督左宗堂在收复新疆伊犁时速经嘉峪关,面对雄伟壮观、气势磅榜的关城,提笔写下“天下第一雄关”的巨匾悬挂于嘉峪关楼上,为雄关又添了几分威严、几分雄壮。清末因禁烟而被贬赴伊犁的爱国将领林则徐于1842年10月11日途经嘉峪关时,面对巍巍雄关和大漠风光写下了著名的诗篇<出嘉峪关感赋)其中一首写道:















尊敬的各位朋友们:大家好、我是嘉峪关关城讲解员×××,今天我演讲的题目是:巍巍雄关耀中华。这里,曾上演过一幕幕民族征战的历史话剧;这里,流传过一篇篇各民族人民和睦相处,团结奋斗的动人故事。巍巍雄关耀中华,古老的嘉峪关,就象一位历史老人,六百多年来,离合悲欢的往事,沧海桑田的巨变,映在它古老的青砖上,刻在它厚重的土墙里。严关百尺界天西,万里征入驻马蹄。飞阁造连秦树直,综垣斜压陇云低。天山峭摩肩立,瀚海苍茫人望迷。谁道堵函千古险,目看只见一九泥。一生酷爱古诗词和书法艺术的毛泽东同志曾手书过这首著名的诗篇。雄关关城布局十分合理,建筑也很得法,适合战争防御的需要,关城有三重城廊,多道防线,城内有城,城外有壕,形成重城并守之势,如果敌兵来犯,可确保万无一夫。嘉峪关建关六百多年以来,由于风雨侵蚀,曾进行过大规模的修缮。尤其是在1986年,嘉峪关市委、市政府响应邓小平同志“爱我中华、修我长城”的伟大号召,倡导各界人士捐款集资,恢复关城。当时,嘉峪关按照国家文物局杨烈等同志指示“修旧如旧、恢复原貌”,经过多方努力,嘉峪关楼终于又屹立于雄伟的关城之上,站在嘉峪关楼上看着关外,由于岁月侵蚀而变的沧桑的丝路古道,诸多感慨涌上。回头,曾有这样一幅对联记载关楼的沧桑历史: 历明清经民国毁于风雨岁月空留遗址、静观世事沧桑: 爱中华修长城建在升平年代恢复原貌、再睹华夏春色。更值得一提的是长城学专家罗哲文老先生也诗兴大发;口占七绝一首: 嘉峪山前起煤城,墙台高峙气萧森 雄关天下今谁主,游客登楼话古今。是的,雄关本身的防御意义早已成为了过去,而今登上这座气宇轩昂的关城,人们不仅为它的气势、它的雄壮、为祖辈们的智慧所折服,更多的是在思索和寻找。在改革开放,发展社会主义市场经济的今天,如何使这座关城焕发出无比的生命力,这是历史赋予我们的责任和使命,谁说春风不度玉门关?改革开放的春风早己吹绿了关城内外。大开发的春风为关城的建设推波助澜。使机遇与挑战同时摆在我们面前。是固守着祖辈留给我们的这笔财富而满足于现状,还是积极探索、寻找差距、开拓进取?事实是最好的口答;关城作为人类重要的文化遗产、当之无愧地被授予甘肃省爱国主义教育基地、一九九六年被授予全国百家爱国主义教育示范基地,今天在实施西部大开发的宏伟战略中,雄关又在争创中国优秀旅游城市的活动中找差距、定措施,这些都意味着关城人正以“不到长城非好汉”的精神赋予关城以新的意义。





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    甘肃概况导游词 各位团友大家好,很高兴我能担任本次之旅的导游员,希望我们相处的开心,也希望各位团友玩的开心,吃得舒心。接下来我为大家简单地介绍一下甘肃概况,大家知道“甘肃......











