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Italy-A Beautiful and Charming Land



The name “Italy” is extremely old.It seems to have been used first in documents of the 5th century BC.To describe a small territory at the tip of the boot-shaped peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea.Historians used to think that the name came from that of a legendary king, Italo.“意大利”这一名字极其古老。它最早被用在公元前5世纪的文件中,指延伸进地中海的靴形半岛顶端的那一小块领土。历史学家过去一直认为它取自一位传奇国王-意大洛的名字。人们还提出许多有独创性但却不大可能的理论来解释这一名字的来源。

No matter what its origins, the name of that small territory at the tip of the boot spreads, little by little, to indicate the whole peninsula.By about AD1000 the name designated a region, a dialect, and a culture.But it was not until the mid-19th century that the many separate nations on the peninsula were united into one nation, the nation to which the ancient name “Italy” was given.不论其来源于何处,原来只指靴形半岛顶端那一小块领土的这一名字逐渐扩大到泛指整个半岛。大约到了公元1000年,它指一个地区,一种方言,以及一种文化。但是一直到19世纪中期,该半岛上的许多独立国家才联合成为一个国家,并以“意大利”这一古老的名字命名。



Italy is a great country full of history and culture that amazes the world.Italy is located in Southern Europe, on the Italian Peninsula and it’s bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, which hosts two Italian Islands: Sardinia and Sicily.Italy is a country full of beauty, art and fashion, all these are mixed to give Italy a magic atmosphere and to captivate tourist from every corner of the world.意大利以其悠久的历史和丰富的文化吸引着中外游人。它坐落在欧洲南部的意大利半岛,毗邻由撒丁岛和西西里岛环绕的地中海。意大利是一座充满魅力的城市,时尚确不失美感,这些使得意大利有一种吸引全世界游客的魔力。

Discovering Italy can be a pleasant and unforgettable experience, each corner of this beautiful country will take you back in time to ancient times and you will recognize its great development till nowadays.Italy offers unbeatable touristic destinations such as: Florence and its artistic productions and fashion, Rome, the capital city known as the eternal city, Venice, the romantic city built under water, and Milan, the most fashionable city in Italy.走进意大利是一次非常惬意并且难忘的经历,每一个角落都会把你带回到远古时代让你领略它今日的发展。这里有无与伦比的景致,例如:艺术与时尚并存的佛罗伦萨,首都罗马,水下浪漫的威尼斯,最时尚的米兰。

三、Brief introduction of the main attractions(主要景点简介)

Italy has countless places to visit and enjoy: firstly The Leaning Tower of Pisa ,the Tower was built under Romanesque style and it started to lean from its construction;it’s a symbol of Italy and

its attractions.意大利有数不清的游览胜地,不得不提的便是比萨的比萨斜塔,这座具有罗马风格的建筑从建成开始倾斜,是意大利的一个标志性建筑。


Rome is the perfect combination of the modern and the classical, when one walks around the city can see many museums, because most of the most famous painters like Correggio, and Raphael are Italian so their painting jobs are at the disposal of everybody in these museums.罗马是现代与古典的完美结合,当你只身走到城市中,你会看到很多博物馆,那是因为很多著名的画家像柯勒乔,拉斐尔都是意大利人,所以他们的作品可以任由人们欣赏。

The History of Rome is very amazing;many people assume that Romulus and Remus were the ones who founded Rome, but this is only a legend.罗马的来历很是吸引人,很多人假设罗穆卢斯和雷穆斯是最初发现罗马的人,但这也只是一个猜测。

Rome was the capital of the Roman Empire prior to its fall, and this city has seen the boom of Romans.Currently, Rome can see the boom of fashion, because it's considerate as the fashion center of the world.罗马是罗马帝国最先的首都,这个城市见证了罗马最繁荣的景象,当然,现在的罗马也是时尚又繁华,被称为世界时尚中心。

Looking around Rome one can find some buildings like The Rome Coliseum or the Pantheon, the former is today considered one wonder of the modern world.To visit these places you will need to rent a car and so you can contact Rhino Car Hire Rome in order to make your experience the best.在罗马你可以看到很多竞技场和万神殿这样的建筑,竞技场被称为现代世界的一大奇迹。参观这里你需要租一辆车,这样你才能亲自感受到这里的繁华,使你不虚此行。

五、The leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔)

The Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the Cathedral.Its construction began in the August of 1173 and continued for about two hundred years, in full fidelity to the original project, whose architect is still uncertain.比萨斜塔是大教堂的一座钟塔。它建于1173年8月,至今已有200年的历史,就连它的建筑师都难以相信它居然一直保持着精准的时间。

In the past it was widely believed that the inclination of the Tower was part of the project ever since its beginning, but now we know that it is not so.The Tower was designed to be “vertical”, and started to incline during its construction.在过去人们认为它开始就是倾斜的,但事实不是我们想象的那样。这个塔是垂直建立的,在建造的期间它才开始倾斜。

Today, interventions are being carried out within the sub-soil in order to significantly reduce the inclination and to make sure that Tower will have a long life.现在政府已经采取一定的措施来防止它继续倾斜以延续它的生命。


[ Raw material ] thin noodles 480g, sausage 65g, eggplant 80g, tomato 65g, pepper 30g, cowpea 3 0g, onion 65g, salad oil right amount, garlic 65g, sauces 80g 食材:细面条480克 香肠65克 茄子80克 番茄65克 胡椒粉3克 洋葱65克适量色拉油 蒜65克 调味酱80克 [ manufacture process ]

1.The noodles cooked tomatoes into pieces, good-cheuk 9:20 into 3cm long.2. The eggplant, the persimmon pepper, cuts Large expanse of, onion cuts the filament, the garlic cuts to pieces, the sausage slivers the slanting block.3. In the pot puts the oil heats up, the raw material which does well has poured into in the pot the 2nd step fries.4. Mixes it with the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces modulates.主要步骤:





七、小组成员分工 讲解:王江、孙嘉 ppt制作:孙嘉 翻译工作:王江
















































Introduction for the Fashui Tianmu Hotspring Hello,everyone here.Welcome to Fashui Tianmu Hotspring.It's my honor to be your guide and i'm so glad to service for you.Wish you have a perfect time with me.We are located in Fashui village Zixi town of Fuzhou,near to the 316 national road.The resort is about 20 kilometers far away from Zixi town,70 kilometers from Mount Longhu and 170 kilometers from Mount Wuyi.On entering into our company,you can know the whole resort was picture perfect.First of all,we'll know about the basic information together.The resort was made to the national AAAA tourist hotel.The total planning land area is 6000 acres.Construction planning area is about 300000 square meters.And the total investment of Projects is 600 million yuan.As you see,the resort is surrounded by mountains which are with fresh air and elegant environment.according to researchs,percentage of the greenery coverage is over ninety-two percent in all over the resort.So it is considered as a natural oxygen bar.Then let's know about the structure of the resort.It is divided into Forest resources exploration area,Hot spring bath area,Fitness recuperate area,Sports competitive area,and VIP(short for Very Important Person)functional areas.As for sales production,it mainly includes hotspring,Room Division,food and beverage department,conference,and it relies on the Taoism culture.In total,it gives priority to us with fresh and natural feelings,must be an idea place for tourism,relaxation,various Business Transactions ,trainings and meetings.Next we'll visit from hotspring,Room Division,food and beverage department to conference.The first site is hotspring center which is our Featured Products.It contains indoor area and outdoor area.There are swimming pool, Hot spring fish recuperating,lounge hall,massage rooms,billiard saloon ,aromatherapy house and so on indoors.Outdoors there are many hotspring pools with various functions and characteristics.Those are Nine characteristics area,water park which includes Python slide and wave pool,Four beauties area,Five Elements zone,SPA(short for Solus Par Agula)area and Taoist Culture area.By enjoying them,it not only makes us escape from strain and dust,but also help us keep healthy and beautiful.


Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to KM, a beautiful city of eternal spring.My name is Tom, and I am pleased to be your tour guide.An old Chinese saying goes like this: friends should come from afar, isn’t this delightful? So I am very delighted to have this chance to serve you, to show you the most beautiful of KM and YN, to feed you the most delicious local food, to introduce to you the most precious local specialties.In one word, I’ll try my best to help you have a happy and gainful tour here.Now, you must want to know some general info about this city.Situated at the center of YN-GZH Plateau, KM has a history of over 2400 years and now serves as the capital of YN Province.It features pleasant climate all the year round and various natural sceneries as well as places of historical interest.A poem portraits KM like this:

the weather is like April constantly,flowers blossom for four seasons.Hence its name ‘city of eternal spring’.It’s neither hot in summer nor cold in winter.The average temperature in summer is about 23℃ while that in winter is about 9℃, and the average temperature year round is approximately 15℃.There are two distinct seasons here: the dry season and the rainy season.The rainy season is from May to Oct.when the humid air from the Indian Ocean brings rich rainfall.The other months are the dry season with very few rains.So ladies and gentlemen, now you must have a question in your mind: why is the climate like this? The geographical location of KM is about at the same latitude with Guilin, Xiamen and Taipei.But these places are much hotter in summer and colder in winter.The reason mainly lies in the topography and landscape of KM.The city is located on the plateau area with an altitude of over 1800 m.So it’s not very hot in summer.In winter, the high mountains to the north of KM block the cold air from Siberia.Therefore, the affect of the cold air to the weather of KM is not as strong as other areas in China.Consequently, KM enjoys a pleasant climate all the year round.KM’s history goes back over 2000 years to the Waring States Period of ancient China.In BC 279, a general of Chu Kingdom in the area of today’s Hunan and Hubei provinces came here with his troops and settled down near Dianchi Lake which is a large lake adjoining the southwest edge of today’s KM city.In AD 109, during the reign of emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the city of “Kunzhou” was established to the southeast of present day Kunming.Towards the end of the Yuan Dynasty, which was about 600 years ago, this area became known as KM County.In 1832, a traditional city with high wall was erected, which became Kunming municipality in 1928.In the book Guide to China the author says that if your time is limited while visiting China and you could only afford to travel around one place, the best choice is YN Province, because it is the most ethnically diverse province in China with various landscapes.It’s absolutely true.26 ethnic groups inhabit different areas of YN Province.During the long course of history, each ethnic group has developed their own unique culture and diverse customs.In different ethnic communities we can see different architectures, costumes, and taste local foods of various flavor, of which the most famous one is Across Bridge Rice Noodle whose name originated from an ancient legend.Most of the ethnic groups are good at singing and dancing and they also have their own traditional festivals, such as the Torch Festival of the Yi people, the Splashing Water Festival of the Dai people.Their marital customs are also different, among which the most amazing one is that of Muosuo people who is a branch of Naxi ethnic group and lives in Shangri-la.They actually don’t get married all their life.I’ll explain to you the details during our tour later.Now we’ve arrived at our hotel.Please gather your belongings and follow me.


岳麓书院英文导游词 2009-2-12 9:30

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Good morning!ladies and gentlemen: Today we will go and visit the yuelu academy!yuelu academy is one of the four famous academies in china, and it was established by zhudong, magistrate of tanzhou prefecture in 976a.d at the time of northern song dynasty.the academy accepted disciples throughout the song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties.it was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional confucian learning to an insitute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named hunan university.Early in 1015, emperor zhen zong of the song dynasty awarded the academy hid majesty“s own handwriting ”yuelu academy“ on a tablet.form then on many famous scholars and great thinkers gave lectures here, among them were zhangshi, zhuxi and wangyangming, thus making a great impact on the province”s culture and education.most of the existing buildings here were constructions of the ming and qing dynasties, and the bulk of the engraved stone plates and inscribed tablets have all been kept intact, in 1956 the academy was listed as a historical site at the provincial level and later, in 1988 it became a historical site at the state level.the last restoration project started in 1981 and the major part was completed in 1987.Now, here we are at the “he xi platform”, “he xi” means the “the splendour of the sunrise”, it was named by zhuxi, a great idealist philosopher of the confucian school during the song dynasty, the platform was first built on the top of yuelu hill, by zhanshi, and later in 1528, a pavilion was built on it, but it became deserted with the passing time.in 1790 luodian, the master of the academy, built a platform at the present site, in 1820, the succeeding master, ouyang houjun, renamed it “he xi platform” in order to memory zhuxi and zhanshi.it was restored in 1868.On the inner walls of the platform are two big chinese characters “fu” and “shuo”, which mean “blessing” and “longevity” respectively.legend has it that the character “shuo ”was written with a broom soaked in yellow mud by a taoist master at the time master luodian was attending a banquet in honour of the examination officials and those dispels who had passed the civil exam hence it has been regarded as having “celestial touch” the character “fu” was written by luodian, the master himself.This gate in front of us is the main gate, the gate was formerly built at the time of the song dynasty, and was then called “central gate”.the main gate underwent both destruction and reconstruction in the course of time.the present structure was once

thoroughly renovated in 1868.The characters “yuelu academy” on the horizontal tablet were inscribed by emperor zhen zong of the song dynasty.it was presented as an award to zhoushi, the master of the academy, when he was summoned to the emperor“s presence.on both door posts are couplets which read ”

the kingdom of chu, unique home of the talents, the academy of yuelu, the very cradle of all “.it was composed in the qing dynasty by the master of the academy, yuan jiangang and his disciple zhang renjie.This gate was the second gate, it was first built in 1527 during the ming dynasty.it underwent repairs and restoration many times.it was completely devastated during the anti-japanese war.in 1984, the gate was restored to its former state.This is the lecture hall, where the students had lessons here, it was first built at the time of the song dynasty and was once named ”jing yi hall“.now, it has a more elaborate name ”the hall of the loyalty, filiality honesty and integrity“, because on the inner walls of the hall are engraved four big chinese characters:” loyalty, filiality, honesty and integrity.they were handwriting by the great scholar, zhuxi, who once lectured here.others, such as the school regulations, the administrations and way to read were masterpieces of the masters of the academy.on the two horizontal tablets hanging on top were written: “Learn before you can probe the infiniteness of the universe.” “The doctrines taught here in the south are genuine confucian doctrines.” They were inscribed by the emperor kangxi and qianlong respectively during the qing dynasty.The building in front of us is the yushu library, “yushu” literally means “imperial books”, so yushu library ,built in 999a.d in the early song dynasty, was a place to keep imperial books.books were continuously sent here during the succeeding dynasties.the library was first named “classics treasuring house” in the song dynasty, “classic venerating house” in the yuan and ming dynasties, and finally “yushu library” in the qing dynasty,.it had been repaired and expanded many times, and now it has a collection of over twenty thousand chinese classics.this building was rebuilt on its original site in 1986.The two small pavilions xi quan and ni lan , built during the song and ming dynasties, were restored to the right and left of the compound galleries in order to display cultural relics.



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