
时间:2019-05-13 09:36:43下载本文作者:会员上传


:China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall.The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed.Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle.Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall's ruins, not only could witness that meandered in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand appearance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage.the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included “World heritage Name list” 北京这座城市有我喜欢的气息,深深的,新鲜的,让人难以抗拒的氧气,给我最美味的给养,Beijing city has my favorite flavor, deep, fresh, and makes it difficult to resist oxygen, give me the most delicious supplies,北京曾经令我无限神往的城市,一座巽寮的城市,如今展现在我眼前,如痴如梦,如诗如画,缠绵令人心醉。

Beijin Once made the city which I infinite was charmed, a Xun trigram Laos's city, unfolds now in me at present, like crazy like dream, like poem like picture, tangled up elated.My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city.This is the trip l never forget.My hometown Beijing is famous for its places of interes.Tian An Men ,The Great Wall and the Imperial Palace are the most famous places in Beijing.Each year many visitors visit there.In my hometown,roast duck is very famous too.Many people like to eat it and even foreign peole have known about it.As we know,beijing is our capital so there must be many interesting things there.My hometown Beijing is famous for its places of interes.Tian An Men ,The Great Wall and the Imperial Palace are the most famous places in Beijing.Each year many visitors visit there.In my hometown,roast duck is very famous too.Many people like to eat it and even foreign peole have known about it.Our capital Beijing is a beautiful scenery.It has very old and famous buildings.Such as,the longest wall in the world the Great Wall,TianAnMen's Squar,Place Museumthe summer Place and Temple of Heaven and so on.It has many parks here,too.Such as,Xiangshan Park and Beihai Park.Thy are beautiful,too.Welcome to Beijing.Enjoy yourself.1.故宫



现在故宫的一些宫殿中设有综合性展览,收藏有大量古代艺术珍品,是中国文物收藏最丰富的博物馆。1.The Imperial Palace The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing City, 1 km north from the Tiananmen Square, right opposite the south gate of Jingshan Mountain.Outside the Imperial Palace lies a moat, on the inner side of which there‟s the city wall whose perimeter is 3 km with a height of nearly 10 meters.The wall has one gate on each side: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate to the north, the Donghua Gate to the east and the Xihua Gate to the west;besides, there‟re four exquisitely carved unique turrets standing at each corner of the wall.The Forbidden City can be roughly divided into two parts: the southern part, the working area, is called “the outer court” and the northern part, the living area, is regarded as “the imperial palace”.All the constructions of the Imperial Palace are arranged orderly on the central axis with east-west symmetry.To the north of the living area is the small but unique Imperial Garden where the royal family amuse themselves.Nowadays, some palaces in the Forbidden City have been equipped with comprehensive exhibitions where abundant ancient art treasures are collected.The National Palace Museum is the museum that collects the most cultural relics in China.2.天坛公园 天坛位于北京城南端,是明清两代皇帝祭祀天地之神和祈祷五谷丰收的地方。天坛包括圜丘和祈谷二坛,围墙分内外两层,呈回字形。北围墙为弧圆形,南围墙与东西墙成直角相交,为方形。这种南方北圆,通称“天地墙”,象征古代“天圆地方”之说。外坛墙东、南、北三面均没有门,只有西边修两座大门——圜丘坛门和祈谷坛门(也称天坛门)。而内坛墙四周则有东、南、西、北四座天门。内坛建有祭坛和斋宫,并有一道东西横墙,南为圜丘坛,北为祈谷坛。2.The Temple of Heaven Located in southern Beijing City, the Temple of Heaven is the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties worshiped Heaven and prayed for bumper crops.The Temple of Heaven is comprised of the Circular Mound Altar and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, and there‟re two walls, the inner one and the outer one, surrounding the Temple of Heaven.With north wall being circular and the south one square as it intersects with the east and west walls at right angles, they‟re given the name “the Heaven and Earth Walls”, representing Heaven and Earth, for in ancient China, people believed that Heaven was round and Earth was square.There is no gate at the east, south and north side of the outer wall and the only two gates are at the1.故宫 故宫又名紫禁城,位于北京市中心、天安门广场北1km,景山南门对面。故宫外围是一条护城河,河内是周长3km、高近10米的城墙,城墙四面都有门,南有午门,北有神武门,东有东华门,西有西华门;城墙四角还耸立着4座角楼,造型别致,玲珑剔透。


现在故宫的一些宫殿中设有综合性展览,收藏有大量古代艺术珍品,是中国文物收藏最丰富的博物馆。1.The Imperial Palace The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing City, 1 km north from the Tiananmen Square, right opposite the south gate of Jingshan Mountain.Outside the Imperial Palace lies a moat, on the inner side of which there‟s the city wall whose perimeter is 3 km with a height of nearly 10 meters.The wall has one gate on each side: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate to the north, the Donghua Gate to the east and the Xihua Gate to the west;besides, there‟re four exquisitely carved unique turrets standing at each corner of the wall.The Forbidden City can be roughly divided into two parts: the southern part, the working area, is called “the outer court” and the northern part, the living area, is regarded as “the imperial palace”.All the constructions of the Imperial Palace are arranged orderly on the central axis with east-west symmetry.To the north of the living area is the small but unique Imperial Garden where the royal family amuse themselves.Nowadays, some palaces in the Forbidden City have been equipped with comprehensive exhibitions where abundant ancient art treasures are collected.The National Palace Museum is the museum that collects the most cultural relics in China.2.天坛公园 天坛位于北京城南端,是明清两代皇帝祭祀天地之神和祈祷五谷丰收的地方。天坛包括圜丘和祈谷二坛,围墙分内外两层,呈回字形。北围墙为弧圆形,南围墙与东西墙成直角相交,为方形。这种南方北圆,通称“天地墙”,象征古代“天圆地方”之说。外坛墙东、南、北三面均没有门,只有西边修两座大门——圜丘坛门和祈谷坛门(也称天坛门)。而内坛墙四周则有东、南、西、北四座天门。内坛建有祭坛和斋宫,并有一道东西横墙,南为圜丘坛,北为祈谷坛。2.The Temple of Heaven Located in southern Beijing City, the Temple of Heaven is the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties worshiped Heaven and prayed for bumper crops.The Temple of Heaven is comprised of the Circular Mound Altar and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, and there‟re two walls, the inner one and the outer one, surrounding the Temple of Heaven.With north wall being circular and the south one square as it intersects with the east and west walls at right angles, they‟re given the name “the Heaven and Earth Walls”, representing Heaven and Earth, for in ancient China, people believed that Heaven was round and Earth was square.There is no gate at the east, south and north side of the outer wall and the only two gates are at the子群。5.The Bell Tower and the Drum Tower Located at the Di‟anmen Outer Street on the central axis of Beijing City, the Drum Tower together with the Bell Tower were the time service center of Beijing City back in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.In 1990, the government decided to recover the bell striking and drum beating on every New Year‟ Eve and New Year‟s Day of the Chinese lunar calendar.Standing on the Drum Tower, you can feel the liveliness and prosperity of Houhai and the Di‟anmen Avenue.While on the Bell Tower, right in front of your eyes are those constructions alongside the central axis of Beijing City and when the weather is clear, you can even see the Bird‟s Nest and the Water Cube far distance away.At the east and west sides of the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower are the well-conserved Hutong neighborhoods where there‟re orderly arranged courtyards and pigeons wearing whistles.6.天安门广场

在长安街南侧,北京城的传统中轴线上,座落着世界上最大的广场——天安门广场,广场中心为人民英雄纪念碑,继续向南穿过毛主席纪念堂就到了正阳门,也就是人们常说的前门。广场的西侧是人民大会堂,东侧是国家博物馆。在广场的对面,长安街的北侧即是天安门城楼,城楼下是波光粼粼的金水河。每天的清晨和傍晚,天安门广场都会举行隆重严肃的升降旗仪式,对于初到北京的人来说,观看一场升降旗仪式是必不可少的一件事。6.The Tiananmen Square At the south side of Chang An Avenue and on the traditional central axis of Beijing City locates the Tiananmen Square, the world‟s largest square.In the center of the square stands the Monument of the People„s Heroes, to the south of which is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, and cross the hall you‟ll arrive at the Zhengyang Gate which is more frequently referred to by people as Qianmen.The Great Hall of the People lies on the west side of the square and on the east side is the National Museum.Right opposite the square, namely, the north side of Chang An Avenue is the Tiananmen Gate Tower beneath which flows the glistening Golden Stream.Every morning and dusk witnesses a grand and solemn flag raising and lowering ceremony and those who come to Beijing for the first time definitely don‟t want to miss the flag raising ceremony.7.明十三陵 明十三陵是明朝迁都北京后13位皇帝的墓葬群,位于昌平区天寿山南麓,距市区约50km。明十三陵由13个独立的陵墓组成为一个统一的整体。每座陵墓分别建于一座山前,陵墓规格大同小异,陵与陵之间少至0.5km,多至8km。已开放的景点有长陵、定陵、昭陵和神道(神路)。7.The Ming Tombs Situated at the south foot of the Tianshou Mountain in Changping District which is about 50 km away from the city center, the Ming Tombs are the graves of the 13 emperors of Ming Dynasty after the capital of Ming Dynasty was moved from Nanjing to Beijing.It‟s a unified entirety composed by 13 independent tombs.Every tomb was built in the front of a mountain, but their sizes are quite different from each other.There‟s at least a distance of 0.5 km and 8 km at most between each two tombs.8.万里长城







这类长城大多深藏在荒山野岭,虽惨败破落,却别有一番沧桑、肃杀的味道,而且这些长城所倚山势多险峻壮观,不少路段山体近垂直陡峭,景观震撼。但攀爬野长城需注意自身安全,并注意环保和保护野长城。8.The Great Wall As the national military defensive project in cold weapon era that took the longest period of time to build and with the largest project amount in the world, the Great Wall of China, imbued with the blood, sweat and ingenuity of our ancestors, is the symbol and pride of the Chinese nation.With a total length of about 6700 km, it‟s called “the Great Wall”.Based on historical records, Chu State first built the wall “Fangcheng” in 700 BC and the construction never ended until Ming Dynasty, the construction of the Great Wall lasted for over two thousand years during which more than 20 kingdoms and feudal dynasties once took part in building the Great Wall.In Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties, the length of the wall were all more than 5000 km.The major part of the Great Wall is the tall wall extending for thousands of miles, most of which were built on the highest point of the mountain ridges.The Great Walls, like a leaping giant dragon full of momentum, sketches a legible outline of the endless winding mountains alongside those ridges, therefore becoming the symbol of the Chinese nation.Hundreds of impregnable passes and barriers, and thousands of enemy towers and smoke towers are distributed on the Great Wall, which not only makes the Great Wall not that monotonous but also emphasizes grandness and steepness of the already precipitous landform, full of artistic charm.He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man, thus there‟s no reason for people who live at the foot of the Great Wall not to worship it.Recommended places to climb the Great Wall: Famous Great Walls: Badaling Great Wall and Juyongguan Great Wall These Kind Of Great Walls though relatively well-repaired yet filled with completely new elements are classical scenic spots in Beijing that group tourists certainly won‟t miss.Every year, those scenic spots see tens of thousands of visitors, and visitors are especially numerous during holidays.The “wild” Great Walls: Mutianyu Great Wall, Simatai Great Wall, Jiankou Great Wall, Huanghuachengshui Great Wall, Gubeikou Great Wall, Jinshanling Great Wall, Bailingguan Great Wall, Shixiaguan Great Wall, Yanhecheng Great Wall etc.Those types of Great Walls mostly hide in the deep wild mountains, ruined and dilapidated, but beneath that you can see that they are weather-beaten and chilling.The mountains on which those walls were built are grand and precipitous, and you can see the mountains on some sections of the wall are almost vertical, which really catches one‟s breath.However, at the same time when you take care of the environment and protect the wild Great Walls while climbing the wall, don‟t forget to mind your own safety as well.9.孔庙国子监


9.The Beijing Confucius Temple and the Imperial College Located at the Street of Confucius Temple(the old name is called Chengxian Street)in the Anding Door, the Imperial College is adjacent to the Confucius Temple and the Yonghegong Lamasery.It is the Chinese highest administrative institution of the national education management in Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and also the most advanced school established by state.Beijing Confucius Temple is one part of the Imperial College that once was called the Confucius Temple of Imperial College or Peking Imperial Confucius Temple.And It was the place that the emperor giving the national Confucius memorial ceremony.It forms the construction system of “temple left and school right” with the Imperial Collage at its west side.From the October to the April in the next year, there are wonderful flowers everywhere in the warm spring and the climate is quite agreeable, it is the best tourist season other than the hot summer.People can also take a walk in the Imperial Palace Wall Park by the way, and to appreciate the flowers and birds which is very pleasant.10.景山公园

景山地处北京城中轴线最高点。登上景山,可俯瞰北京,古都风貌尽收眼底,美不胜收。景山春天有牡丹展、夏天有荷花展、秋天有秋实秋菊展,三季花团锦簇,四季松柏常青。除了美景,这里还充满着老北京的生活气息,每天早晚都有很多人在这里锻炼,多以老年人为主,他们还在这里唱红歌忆往昔。10.The Jingshan Park The Jingshan Park is at the top of the axle wire of Beijing city.Climbing up on the Jingshan, people can overlook and have a panoramic view of Beijing;it is a feast for the eyes.There areRecommended places to climb the Great Wall: Famous Great Walls: Badaling Great Wall and Juyongguan Great Wall These Kind Of Great Walls though relatively well-repaired yet filled with completely new elements are classical scenic spots in Beijing that group tourists certainly won‟t miss.Every year, those scenic spots see tens of thousands of visitors, and visitors are especially numerous during holidays.The “wild” Great Walls: Mutianyu Great Wall, Simatai Great Wall, Jiankou Great Wall, Huanghuachengshui Great Wall, Gubeikou Great Wall, Jinshanling Great Wall, Bailingguan Great Wall, Shixiaguan Great Wall, Yanhecheng Great Wall etc.Those types of Great Walls mostly hide in the deep wild mountains, ruined and dilapidated, but beneath that you can see that they are weather-beaten and chilling.The mountains on which those walls were built are grand and precipitous, and you can see the mountains on some sections of the wall are almost vertical, which really catches one‟s breath.However, at the same time when you take care of the environment and protect the wild Great Walls while climbing the wall, don‟t forget to mind your own safety as well.9.孔庙国子监


9.The Beijing Confucius Temple and the Imperial College Located at the Street of Confucius Temple(the old name is called Chengxian Street)in the Anding Door, the Imperial College is adjacent to the Confucius Temple and the Yonghegong Lamasery.It is the Chinese highest administrative institution of the national education management in Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and also the most advanced school established by state.Beijing Confucius Temple is one part of the Imperial College that once was called the Confucius Temple of Imperial College or Peking Imperial Confucius Temple.And It was the place that the emperor giving the national Confucius memorial ceremony.It forms the construction system of “temple left and school right” with the Imperial Collage at its west side.From the October to the April in the next year, there are wonderful flowers everywhere in the warm spring and the climate is quite agreeable, it is the best tourist season other than the hot summer.People can also take a walk in the Imperial Palace Wall Park by the way, and to appreciate the flowers and birds which is very pleasant.10.景山公园

景山地处北京城中轴线最高点。登上景山,可俯瞰北京,古都风貌尽收眼底,美不胜收。景山春天有牡丹展、夏天有荷花展、秋天有秋实秋菊展,三季花团锦簇,四季松柏常青。除了美景,这里还充满着老北京的生活气息,每天早晚都有很多人在这里锻炼,多以老年人为主,他们还在这里唱红歌忆往昔。10.The Jingshan Park The Jingshan Park is at the top of the axle wire of Beijing city.Climbing up on the Jingshan, people can overlook and have a panoramic view of Beijing;it is a feast for the eyes.There arepeony show in spring, lotus show in summer and chrysanthemum show in autumn.It is the bouquets of flowers and piles of brocades for three seasons and the pine and cypress staying evergreen for four seasons.In addition to the beautiful scenery, there is filled with the lifestyle of old Peking: there are many people taking exercise every morning and night, mostly are the elderly, they are also singing the red songs and recalling the past.11.中山公园

中山公园坐落在北京城中心,位于天安门西侧,前邻天安门广场,后依紫禁城。原是明、清时的社稷坛,因1925年孙中山先生的灵柩曾停放在园内拜殿中,1928年命名为中山公园。中山音乐堂就在中山公园内,中山音乐堂是中国爱乐乐团与北京交响乐团音乐季的主场,同时也是北京国际音乐节的主要演出场地。11.The Zhongshan Park The Zhongshan Park is situated in the center of Beijing city, located at the west side of Tiananmen.Its front is adjacent to the Tiananmen Square and its back is near the Forbidden City.The Zhongshan Park was once the Altar of Land and Grain in Ming and Qing dynasty.In 1925, the bier of Sun Yat-sen was placed in the hall of the park, Therefore, in 1928, it got the name of Zhongshan Park.Zhongshan Music Hall is in the Zhongshan Park, it is the music season home court of the Chinese Philharmonic Orchestra and Beijing Symphony Orchestra, and meanwhile, it is also the main performing place of Beijing International Music Festival2.香山公园

香山公园位于北京西郊,景区内主峰香炉峰俗称“鬼见愁”,海拔557m。香山公园文物古迹众多,有燕京八景之一的“西山晴雪”,有集明清两代建筑风格的寺院“碧云寺”,有国内仅存的木质贴金“五百罗汉”,有迎接六世**的行宫“宗镜大昭之庙”,有颇具江南特色的古雅庭院“见心斋”。香山红叶驰名中外,1986年就被评为“新北京十六景”之一,成为京城最浓的秋色,每到深秋时节(10月中旬至11月中旬),数以万计的中外游客齐聚香山,共赏秋色。12.The Fragrant Hill Park The Fragrant Hill Park is located in western suburbs of Beijing.The main peak Hyangnobong is commonly known as “devilishly hard to achieve” with a altitude of 557 meters.There are numerous historical relics, such as the “Fine Snow in Xishan”, one of the Eight Great sights of Yanjing, the “Temple of Azure Cloud” which has the architectural style of Ming and Qing dynasty, the remaining wooden “Five Hundred Arhats” with golden coat, the temporary imperial palace “Zongjing Jokhang Temple” to welcome the Sixth Panchen Lama, and the graceful courtyard “Jianxin Hall” with the characteristics of the regions south of the Yangtze River.The maple leaves in Fragrant Hill is known at home and abroad.In 1986, it was rated as one view of the “Sixteen Sights of New Beijing”, and became the most charming autumn scenery in Beijing.In late autumn(from the middle of October to the middle of November), millions of the visitors gather in the Fragrant Hill to appreciate the autumn scenery.13.水立方(国家游泳中心)

国家游泳中心位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是2008年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。奥运期间承担了游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球等比赛,赛后建成具有国际先进水平的集游泳、健身、休闲于一体的活动中心。“水立方”与国家体育场“鸟巢”分别位于中轴线两侧,一方一圆,遥相呼应,构成了“人文奥运”的独特风景线。13.The Water Cube(National Swimming Center)The National Swimming Center is situated in the Beijing Olympic Park, and it is one of the symbolic buildings of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.There held the swimming, diving, synchronized swimming and water polo and so on.After the Beijing Olympic Games, it was constructed into the activity center which concentrated the swimming, fitness and leisure as a whole.“The Water Cube” and “The Bird‟s Nest” are respectively located at the two side of the axle wire of Beijing.There is one square and one round, they are echoing each other at a distance which forming the creating scenery line of “the Humanistic Olympics”.14.鸟巢(国家体育馆)

国家体育场即“鸟巢”位于北京市北四环的奥林匹克公园以南,建筑面积约26万平方米,可容纳观众10万人,承担2008北京奥运会田径、足球两大项目的比赛任务,同时承担奥运会开幕式、闭幕式任务。奥运会后成为北京市民广泛参与体育活动及享受体育娱乐的大型专业场所,并成为具有地标性的体育建筑和奥运遗产。14.The Bird‟s Nest(National Indoor Stadium)The National Indoor Stadium also called “Bird‟s Nest” is situated in the south of the Olympic Park in Beijing North Four Ring Road.Its covered area is about 260 thousand square meters, which can hold 100 thousand audiences, can conduct the track and field and the football game of Beijing Olympic Games, and can hold the opening and closing ceremony of the Olympic Games at the same time.After the Beijing Olympic Games, the Bird‟s Nest is widely known as the large professional place for citizens to take part in the sports activities and enjoy the sports entertainment.It also becomes the landmark sports building and the Olympic legacy.15.北京动物园

北京动物园是我国开放最早、动物种类最多的动物园,从清光绪三十二年(1906年)正式建园至今已有逾百年的历史。1955年改今名。各种动物都有专门的馆舍,如犀牛馆、河马馆、狮虎山、熊山、猴山、鹿苑、象房、羚羊馆、长颈鹿馆、熊猫馆、海兽馆、猩猩馆、两栖爬虫馆、鸣禽馆、小动物园等。15.The Beijing Zoo Beijing Zoo is the first opening zoo and owns the highest number of animal species in China.Up to now, there is more than one hundred years history from the establishment on thirty-two years Guangxu Emperor(1906).In 1955, the zoo changed the name into Beijing Zoo.In Beijing Zoo, each kind of animal has its special museum, like rhinoceros museum, hippopotamus museum, lion and tiger hill, bear hill, monkey hill, deer park, elephant house, antelope museum, giraffe museum, panda museum, sea mammal museum, gorilla museum, amphibian & reptile museum, songbird museum and small animal zoo and do forth.16.北京欢乐谷

北京欢乐谷是一座主题生态游乐园,位于朝阳区东四环四方桥东南角,占地100万平方米。分别由峡湾森林、亚特兰蒂斯、失落玛雅、爱琴港、香格里拉和蚂蚁王国等六个主题区组成,120余项体验项目可以满足不同人群的需要。夏季时还开放夜场,尽享浪漫神秘。16.The Beijing Happy Valley The Beijing Happy Valley is an ecological theme amusement park located at the Sifang Bridge southeast corner of Chaoyang District East Forth Ring Road, the total area amounts to one million square meters.It is divided into six theme districts: the Wild Fjord, the Atlantis, the Lost Maya


Hello,everyone.My name is///.I'm twelve years old.I am a Middle school student.I was born in Panjin,It is an beautiful city.Now I study in Bohai No.1 Middle School.I'm in Class Three,Grade Two.There are thirteen-five students in our class.We have four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.Our classes begin at 7:00 and end at 17:00.I love my teachers and my classmates.They are all very nice.There are three people in My family,my father my morther ang I.My father is a worker.He works in a factory.My mother is a worker,too.She works in Xinghai street.I like our family.I am good at math and Chinese.My English is so-so,but I often listening speaking reading and writing.I really like English very much.My favourite sport is football ang I like it very much.I'm good at computers.I hope to become a computer expert when I grow up.I will study hard to make my dream come true.Thank you!

Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you very much for reading my application and I am much honored to introduce myself here.My name is XXX.I am 24 years old and I come from ***, the capital of Hunan Province.I am seeking an opportunity to work with *** as a Engineer.My professional experience and my awareness of your unparalleled reputation have led me to want to work for your company.I have a bachelor degree with a major in Electronic field.I graduated from ***University-widely considered one of the most beautiful

universities of the world.During the 4 year undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished.I was granted scholarship every semester.Additionally, I applied a *** patent, it was authorized in 2005.In 2005, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.I selected Electronic Engineering of *** University to continue my study.In the passing1 year, my research and study dedicated to Linux.I applied another patent which was still in applying.I won the scholarship in 2006.Besides, I participated in many school activities, which widened my horizons and gave me many opportunities to do practical work in companies.All of that were very useful to my major study.During this period, I have learnt much.I learned the values of teamwork and commitment, how to win, how to work hard, how to concentrate and focus on goals, and how to balance my time and priorities.The passing years offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence.With a healthy body, with the solid professional knowledge, with the youthful passion, with the yearning for the future and the admiration of your company, I am eager to enter your company and make my share of contribution to it.Thank you for your patience.Best wishes.Sincerely yours,ABC

Any suggestion and the criticism.Thanks!


What happens in the 45 seconds after meeting makes it crystal clear if love is in the air or whether the hapless male suitor will get the cold shoulder, experts have said.专家说,是爱情即将降临,还是不走运的男性追求者就要被拒绝,见面45秒后结果就清晰可见。It is in fact the opposite

事实上,正好相反!In humans, as in most animal species, the state pf the female body is very important for the success of reproduction.正如大多数动物一样,对人类来说,女性的身体状况对繁衍的成功与否至关重要。5 To avoid criticism, do nothing, do nothing, and be nothing,(Elbert Wubbat)One never notices what has been done, one can only see what remains to be done.(Marie Curie)


1.We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the starts.当我们都在污水


2.When a love comes to an end, weaklings cry, efficient ones instantly find another

love, and wise already had one in reserve.当一段爱结束时,懦弱者哭泣,有效率的人很快就找到了新欢,聪明的人早就找到另外一个。

3.[搞笑] I like man who have a future and woman who have a past.我喜欢有未来的男人和有过去的女人。

4.There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the

is getting it.生活中有两种悲剧:一种是得不到他想得到的,另一种是得到了他想得到的。

5.There is no smooth road into future, but we go round, or scramble over the


6.What’s that as flies without wings? Time, time.什么流逝不会留下任何痕迹,恐怕


7.We’ve got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.不管天会塌下来多少


8.Life will seem to you, later, not a lesser, but a greater thing.生活对于你来说,到


9.Live and let live, love and let love.Flower and fade, and follow the natural curve,which flows on pointless.活就好好活,爱就好好爱,花开花谢都是遵循自然规律的。

10.The human soul needs actural beauty more than bread.一个人的灵魂需要高尚的情操更胜于面包。

11.Life is ours to be spent, not to be save.生命对于我们的意义是享受而不是压力。

12.Just as one takes pride in important tasks outside of prison, one can find the

same pride in doing small things inside prison.[Madela’s Garden] 做一件小事要像做一件大事一样认真。

13.A man can be destoryed but not defeated.一个人能被毁灭,但是不能屈服。

14.It’s always a bit difficult to get something started.Once you get started you’ll

found it much easier to do.万事开头难,一旦有了开始就不会觉得那么难了。

15.Life is very deal to all, yet love is better than life.生命诚可贵,爱情价更高。



1.After you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。(好象现在女士不愿意你这么做,特别是那些女权主义者,我还记得这么一段话:一个女士对一个让她先行的男士说:You do this because I am a woman?那个男士回答说:I do this not because you are a woman but because I am a man!I love this guy!

2.I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子:

I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried.I just couldn't help it.3.Don't take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例:

This test isn't that important.Don't take it to heart.安慰人的超级句子。

4.We'd better be off.我们该走了。It's getting late.We'd better be off.5.Let's face it.面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。

参考例句:I know it's a difficult situation.Let's face it, ok?

很棒啊,年轻人犯错误,上帝都会原谅,remember?但是犯了错误,你必须面对他,Let's face it。或者是:Let's face the music.6.Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:Don't just talk.Let's get started.Let's get started.Let's start.Let's do it right now.Llet's hit sth.Let's rock&roll.Let's put our hands on sth.7.I'm really dead.我真要累死了。坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I'm really dead.8.I've done my best.我已尽力了。

这句话,很有用,失败有时难免,但是你要是可以说,I've done my best.I spare no efforts。就不必遗憾,毕竟,Man supposes,god disposes.9.Is that so?真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、的怀疑。

10.Don't play games with me!别跟我耍花招!

11.I don't know for sure.我不确切知道。

Sranger: Could you tell me how to get to the town hall?

Tom: I don't know for sure.Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.12.I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。

Karin: You quit the job? You are kidding.Jack: I'm not going to kid you.i'm serious.13.That's something.太好了,太棒了。

A: I'm granted a full scholarship for this semester.B: Congratulations.That's something.14.Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!

15.Do you really mean it? 此话当真?

Michael: Whenever you are short of money, just come to me.David: Do you really mean it?

16.You are a great help.你帮了大忙

17.I couldn't be more sure.我再也肯定不过。

18.I am behind you.我支持你。

Whatever decision you're going to make, I am behind you.19.I'm broke.我身无分文。

I am penniless.20.Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用mind。)

模范例句:Mind you!He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.21.You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。

A: Do you think he will come to my birthday party?

B: You can count on it.22.I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:Oh, don't worry.I'm thinking of buying a new one.I never liked it anyway.23.That depends.看情况再说。(on sth)

例:I may go to the airport to meet her.but that depends.24.Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。

25.Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。

26.It's a deal.一言为定

Harry: Haven't seen you for ages.Let's have a get-together next week.Jenny: It's a deal

电影里经常听到,It's a deal, That is a good deal.或是两个人打算达成某个协议或是做成某个生意会说:Deal? Deal!



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