
时间:2019-05-13 09:00:07下载本文作者:会员上传









The Legend of 1900

Born, lived, and died on a ship, this is a grieving story, as well as a legend about him---Danny Boodmann T.D.Lemon Nineteen Hundred---a story integrated a genius with music, friendship and solitude.Music is his perception about life.It was music that made up 1900’s entire life, who drifted over the Virginian without setting foot on land and finally chose to gone with the wind as the explosion of the ship.He was such a perceptive man that he could use his music language to describe exactly what others felt.Seeing the scene of his playing, I couldn’t help adoring: What a miracle that a guy could use his ten fingers flowing on the keys of a piano and made out such wonderful pieces of music, even in a terrifying storm!As notes floating on his fingers, I saw as if he was telling his sincerity and affection about life.Not until then did I realize the incredible meaning of music, which could reflect the inner emotion of a person.Just as 1900 notes, ‘Take a piano.The keys begin, the keys end.You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different.They are not infinite.You are infinite.And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite.’

Friendship is the only warmth during his life.This is a movie without a heroine.On the contrary, Max took the role who connected him with the society, thus bringing him the most

precious friendship.Max was the only person who understood him, accompanied him and helped him throughout his solitude.‘What’s the matter? Lose your sea legs?’ This sentence witnessed the beginning of their friendship, as well as the first glance after their long separation.Max didn’t insisted on 1900’s getting off Virginian, for he understood the reason 1900 chose to gone with the wind.I gradually understand the power of fellowship between two men, impressive and sensitive.Solitude is his fate floating on the sea.1900 was born on the ship, grew up there and spent his whole life there, only with a piano.Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music.Remember the scene? When Virginian pulled in to the shore, the cabin came to a total silence all of a sudden, leaving 1900 behind, sitting in front of the piano, gloomy and lonely.What a poor guy!Nothing could rescue him from loneliness, and he was an abandonee rather than a genius.1900 eventually refused to get off the ship.He said, ‘There are eighty-eight keys on a piano, but there are millions of keys, millions and billions of keys outside the ship, never ends.’ That’s what he said and did.You may confuse about his choice, but I do not.There are millions of people who hold their dreams deep in heart without carrying them out and they are the ones 1900 represents.However, we were born on God’s piano, thus we are doomed to suffer frustrations and create the most

elegant piece of music in this tiny world.No one was born genius, but we can forge ourselves a conscientious and earnest one.Do remember that all the compromises are for the sake of our dreams.




It is a story about spiritual freedom and pure man called 1900 was born on the ship,then he grew on the ship and died on the ship.The ship called Virginian bears his whole 1900;s time,only once he made a decision to leave the ship and see the at last he turned he can;t face the infinite city life.He's a man so brave,that he can play the imaginary piano when exploded with the ship he was born,lived and died he's a man so scared,that he cannot face the infinite city life we are living everyday.He's a man so intelligent,that he can play the piano as if he has four arms(or I'd rather say,he has God's arms).Yet he's a man so stupid,that he chose to gone with the wind while he's other choice could be marrying a beautiful woman and having a 's a man so perceptive,that he could use his music language to describe exactly others' feelings.Take a piano.The keys begin, the keys end.You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different.They are not infinite.You are infinite.And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite.I like that.That I can live by.What I didn't see.In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end.There was no end.What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end.The end of the world...You get me up on that gangway and you're rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never they never end.That keyboard is infinite.And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play.You're sitting on the wrong bench.That's God's piano.


The Legend of 1900 Morning everyone,today i will introduce a film to you all.its name is the legend of 1900,its not talk about stories happened in 1900 ,its mainly about a pianist who was born, lived and died in a ship and never left the ship with a special name.yes his name is 1900.an orphan was adopted by a black man working on the ship

To be honest i have download this film for a long time ,but i didn't watch it ,because i think it won't be very interesting.just a pianist ,what wonderful story can happen to him ? But recently i just opened it by accident ,firstly it was really very dull ,no famous film star ,no interesting plot,no wonderful kungfu.but finally my eyesight was caught by the pianist , He's a man so intelligent, that he can play the piano as if he has four arms,and also he's a man so stupid that he chose to stay on the ship gone with the wind and storm while he can ashore and become the most famous pianist.what's more ,at the end when the ship should be destroyed he still refused to leave and finally died with the ship.Someone may see this film as a tragedy,but is it really one ?maybe the end was indeed so sad ,most of us would feel its a pity to see his died.But one thing is for sure: this man is a real artist--pianist.Only a man like him can dance with the piano in a terrifying storm.Only a man like him can give up desire of reputation and money on the land.Only a man like him...can have such a beautiful story to tell...It is really difficult to image what will happen if 1900 set foot on land ?start an ordinary life and become vulgar ,be absorbed in chasing fame and fortune.no ,we don't want to see that ,so the story just stop here ,even painful and sad.Just let us remember him A man never existed.He has never set foot on land in his entire life.No ID.No passport.No Visa.No parents.No birthday.Nothing in the world belongs to him except his music.





Virginia号油轮年复一日地来来往往于欧洲和美洲大陆之间,光阴春夏秋冬般地流逝,1900也在这所船上度过了他的童年、青春„.这人生最美好的一段时光,在那里和他的挚友Max Tooney—一个分享音乐所带来的喜悦„„



“fuck the regulations ,fuck jazz,too”看似是1900的一个粗口,我们不妨看做是他对音乐的一种态度、理念及追求:管它是什么样式的Music,什么风格,只要是融入了自己的真情,让人们能“若有所思”、愉快的音乐就是好音乐,实际上1900正是在用生命在弹奏,用大海般的情思和胸怀„..经过这一事件后1900声势更是如日中天,许多人之所以坐这一艘油轮就是为了争睹这一传说中人物。

与Mélanie Thierry的际遇,是1900生命之中最美丽回忆,那盛开在风中微微颤抖的爱情之花„..当音乐制作商为1900录制唱片的时候,恰巧一位清纯的少女无意间进入了他的视野,舷窗外少女的面容在蓝天碧海的映照下显得格外纯洁动人,忧郁如盛着海水一样的蓝色大眼

睛,微微翘起的睫毛,如一仙女翩跹于尘世之中,那么的近,1900凝望着那天使般的面庞,手指间流淌出的曲调也变得轻柔舒缓,如细语呢喃,无限惆怅又无限向往,26年尘封的情愫就这么被无意的揭开„.畅望与理想,就这样,那张现场录制的唱片模版记录下1900那甜美而又青涩的初恋之歌——《playing love》—他只想把这张唯一记录下自己杰作的唱片赠送给这位少女。可是在纷飞的雨中,1900因为羞涩和胆怯而未能送出去,于午夜时刻偷偷地跑到了船舱在少女熟睡的时刻轻吻了她那花瓣般鲜艳的双唇„.最后时刻他只是请她替自己向她的父亲(那个会拉手风琴1900攀谈过的人,事隔多年后1900还是认出了那少女就是那他的女儿)问好,并告诉1900她们家在纽约的住址。等到1900要表白自己的用意时,他的话语已经被周围熙熙攘攘的人流和嘈杂的声音中无情湮没,他始终没有喊出声音来,始终没有把生命里最美丽、第一也是唯一一份礼物送出„在无尽的懊悔和失落中1900一片一片掰碎了那张印证了他青涩的初恋的唱片„„





他说:FUCK THE REGULATIONS。FUCH THE JAZZ TOO。如果他活着,他还会说;FUCK THE WAR。他没有户契、没有保险、没有身分。在人世间没有什么能证明他的存在。可却无人不知他的名字。于是他注定不属于现实、不属于人间。于是,你便不能简单地骂他懦弱,不敢追求自己的爱情。于是,你更不能笑他不敢面对现实,笑他不敢下船去追求新的生活。他并没有回过头来看一次海。他不想生活在另一端。





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