
时间:2019-05-13 09:36:47下载本文作者:会员上传


Canada Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories.Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean.It is the world's second largest country by total area.Canada's common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world.Canada occupies a major northern portion of North America, sharing the land borders with the contiguous United States to the south and the U.S.state of Alaska to the northwest, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west;to the north lies the Arctic Ocean.By total area(including its waters), Canada is the second-largest country in the world, after Russia.By land area, Canada ranks fourth.Canada has one third of the world's supply of fresh water.There are five great lakes in the south, and there are many others, especially in the north.Most of the electricity is produced by water.The country has a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited for energy.Much of the country is covered by forests, and wood is cut and sold all over the world.Canada is also the world's biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers.Fishing is also very important for Canadians.Fish from east and west coasts is sold to many other countries.About 40% of the Canadian population are of British descent, while 27% are of French origin.Another 20% are of other European background, about 10% are Asian origin, and some 3% are of aboriginal or Métis(mixed aboriginal and European)background.Canada is a federation of ten provinces(Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan)and three territories(Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut).It is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state.One of the world's highly developed countries, Canada has a diversified economy that is reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade—particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and complex relationship.It is

a member of the G7, G8, G20, NATO, OECD, WTO, Commonwealth, Francophonie, OAS, APEC, and UN.With the eighth-highest Human Development Index globally, it has one of the highest standards of living in the world.The national flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf, and l'Unifolié(French for “the one-leafed”), is a red flag with a white square in its centre, featuring a stylized 11-pointed red maple leaf.The width of the Maple Leaf flag is twice the height.The white field is a Canadian pale(a square central band in a vertical triband flag, named after this flag), and each bordering red field is exactly half its size.Canada's two official languages are English and French.English and French have equal status in federal courts, Parliament, and in all federal institutions.Citizens have the right, where there is sufficient demand, to receive federal government services in either English or French, and official-language minorities are guaranteed their own schools in all provinces and territories.Ottawa is the capital of Canada, the second largest city in the Province

of Ontario, and the fourth largest city in the country.Located in the Ottawa Valley, the city lies in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario on the Ottawa River, a major waterway forming the local boundary between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada.It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario.With over 2.5 million residents, it is the fifth most populous city in North America.Its metropolitan area with over 5 million residents is the seventh largest urban region in North America.The Niagara Falls is the most powerful waterfalls in North America.These voluminous waterfalls are situated on the Niagara River, which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and forms the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S.state of New York.The Niagara Falls is renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power.Vancouver is a coastal harbor city in Canada.Located in the Lower

Mainland, Greater Vancouver is the third-largest metropolitan area in the country and most populous in Western Canada.While forestry remains its largest industry, Vancouver is well known as an urban centre surrounded by nature, making tourism its second-largest industry.Vancouver has ranked highly in worldwide “livable city” rankings for more than a decade according to business magazine assessments and it was also acknowledged by Economist Intelligence Unit as the first city to rank among the top-ten of the world's most livable cities for five straight years.It has hosted many international conferences and events.Banff National Park is Canada's oldest national park, established in 1885 in the Rocky Mountains.The park, located 110–180 kilometers west of Calgary in the province of Alberta, encompasses 6,641 square kilometers of mountainous terrain, with numerous glaciers and ice fields, dense coniferous forest, and alpine landscapes.


Canada is a country in North America consisting of ten provinces and three territories.Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean.At 9.98 million square kilometres in total, Canada is the world's second-largest country by total area and the fourth-largest country by land area.Its common border with the United States is the world's longest land border shared by the same two countries.


Hello,everyone.My name is///.I'm twelve years old.I am a Middle school student.I was born in Panjin,It is an beautiful city.Now I study in Bohai No.1 Middle School.I'm in Class Three,Grade Two.There are thirteen-five students in our class.We have four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.Our classes begin at 7:00 and end at 17:00.I love my teachers and my classmates.They are all very nice.There are three people in My family,my father my morther ang I.My father is a worker.He works in a factory.My mother is a worker,too.She works in Xinghai street.I like our family.I am good at math and Chinese.My English is so-so,but I often listening speaking reading and writing.I really like English very much.My favourite sport is football ang I like it very much.I'm good at computers.I hope to become a computer expert when I grow up.I will study hard to make my dream come true.Thank you!

Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you very much for reading my application and I am much honored to introduce myself here.My name is XXX.I am 24 years old and I come from ***, the capital of Hunan Province.I am seeking an opportunity to work with *** as a Engineer.My professional experience and my awareness of your unparalleled reputation have led me to want to work for your company.I have a bachelor degree with a major in Electronic field.I graduated from ***University-widely considered one of the most beautiful

universities of the world.During the 4 year undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished.I was granted scholarship every semester.Additionally, I applied a *** patent, it was authorized in 2005.In 2005, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.I selected Electronic Engineering of *** University to continue my study.In the passing1 year, my research and study dedicated to Linux.I applied another patent which was still in applying.I won the scholarship in 2006.Besides, I participated in many school activities, which widened my horizons and gave me many opportunities to do practical work in companies.All of that were very useful to my major study.During this period, I have learnt much.I learned the values of teamwork and commitment, how to win, how to work hard, how to concentrate and focus on goals, and how to balance my time and priorities.The passing years offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence.With a healthy body, with the solid professional knowledge, with the youthful passion, with the yearning for the future and the admiration of your company, I am eager to enter your company and make my share of contribution to it.Thank you for your patience.Best wishes.Sincerely yours,ABC

Any suggestion and the criticism.Thanks!



加拿大位于西半球北美洲的北半部。面积为997万平方公里,是世界第二大国。美国是陆地上与加拿大唯一接壤的国家,它们 之间的国境线长达5500余公里。

加拿大基本上为大陆性气候,四季分明。各地的气候差异很 大。由于它处于北半球的高纬度地带,约有1/5的领土位于北极 圈内,将近有一半面积的国土为冻土。


加拿大风景秀丽,有多姿多彩的自然景观和人文景观。位于 伊利湖和安大略湖之间的尼亚加拉瀑布,宽800米,落差48米,瀑布飞流直下,溅起无数白色的水花,在阳光的照射下呈现五彩 缤纷的鲜艳色彩,十分壮观。休伦湖东岸的格雷文赫斯特,是伟 大的国际主义战士白求恩的故乡。加拿大东部的魁北克是美洲最 具欧洲特点的城市,这里的建筑多为英法传统风格,其老区的街 道,市井气氛颇有英法遗风。早年建造的狭窄街道,鳞次栉比的 店铺,古老的天主教堂,哥特式、巴洛克式建筑以及悠然而过的 马车,令人仿佛置身于文艺复兴时期的欧洲。【宗教】

加拿大是个宗教信仰自由的国家,全国绝大多数人信天主教或基督教,信其他宗 的人较少。其中信天主教的占47%,信基督教的占41%,其他人分别信东正教、犹太 教、摩门教和佛教,不信教的人约占总人口的7.4%。【衣食住行】

[衣] 加拿大人衣着与美国人相近,但不像美国人那么随便。

在非正式场合,他们穿着随意,常着夹衫、圆领衫、便装裤等;在正式场合,如上 班、上教堂、观看表演、赴宴等,他们着装整洁、讲究。男子穿西装,女子穿裙服。女 子服装不太讲究面料,但讲究款式新颖、颜色协调、舒适方便。

[食] 加拿大饮食习惯与英、法、美相仿。他们讲究莱肴的营养与质量,注重莱肴的鲜与嫩。一般不喜欢太成,偏爱甜味。对煎、烤、炸等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱。





他们一般都习惯用刀叉。特别爱吃烤制食品,尤以半生不熟的嫩牛排为佳。这里 的人习惯饭后喝咖啡与吃水果。

加拿大人喜欢吃冷食,这种冷食不同于我们的冷盘菜肴,一般是由主人先将各式 菜肴烧好,用碗、盘、碟等器皿盛好后,依次将各式莱肴摆在厨房内的餐桌上,待客 人到齐后,供客人享用。因为菜肴烧得比较早,时间一长,也就变凉了,加拿大人称 之为“冷餐宴会”。

[行] 平和、温和、理性是加拿大人的国民特点。加拿大人生性活泼,谦逊友善,于助人。加拿大人说话也非常风趣、幽默。加拿大人生活习性包含英、法、美三国人 的综合特点,他们既有英国人那种含蓄,又有法国人那种开朗,还有美国人那种无拘无 束的特点,他们热情好客,待人诚恳。加拿大人比较讲实惠,与朋友相处和来往不讲究过多的礼仪。因国土大 多数位于寒带地区,所以加拿大人对夏日的阳光和户外活动情有独钟。【婚恋习俗】

[加拿大基督教徒的婚礼] 加拿大基督教徒的婚礼一般都在教堂里举行。在结婚 式上,牧师要为他们做祷告,祝他们幸福美满,白头偕老。

新郎新娘互换戒指,在上帝面前发誓永远相爱。然后新郎新娘和来宾们一起祷告,起唱赞美诗。在教堂举行婚礼,新郎和男宾坐在教堂的右手边,新娘和女宾坐在教 的左手边,新人的亲属和朋友坐在前几排座位上。

[加拿大印第安人的婚礼] 加拿大印第安人的婚礼带有浓厚的民族色彩。婚礼地 点多选择在印第安人聚居区公共建筑物里举行,一般是一幢较大的木头房屋。

举行婚礼时,亲朋好友、左邻右舍、村中居民纷纷来到木房里,众人席地而坐.互 致问候。男女老幼身穿民族服装,色泽艳丽。虽然印第安人性情开朗,但婚礼场合却显 得非常安静,即使说话也是轻言细语。【传统节日】

[国庆节](Canada Day)7月1日(国冢成立于1867年)。各大中城市市组织上街游行 狂欢活动,晚上燃放焰火。

最重要的活动地点当数首都渥太华,很多民间组织或个人自愿出资制造彩车,并 举行各种表演式的游行;皇家卫队骑马开道,老兵身着军装,佩勋章游行;有人做杂 耍等游戏,形式自由多样,热闹非凡。人们纷纷涌向街头看热闹,当游行队伍经过时,欢声雷动。

[魁北兜冬季狂欢节] 魁北克的冬天寒冷而漫长,一年一度的冬季狂欢节给隆冬 中的魁北克带来了温暖和欢乐。

冬季狂欢节是魁北克省最大的节日,1955年以来,该省府魁北克市每年都要举办 一次冬季狂欢节,从2月上、中旬开始,为期10天左右。狂欢节活动内容丰富多彩,其间举行冰雕比赛、划船比赛、越野滑雪比赛、轮胎滑雪比赛、大型滑车、狗拉雪橇 赛、冰上赛马等各种体育活动。冰雕和雪雕展览是魁北克冬季狂欢节的重要项目。【民间习俗】

加拿大被称为“枫叶之国”,到处都能看到枫树,加拿大国旗中央绘有一片11个 角的红色枫树叶。枫树是加拿大的国树,也是加拿大民族的象征。秋天赏枫,春天过 枫糖节,品尝新鲜的枫糖浆,就成了加拿大独有的风情。

每年3~4月间,加拿大传统的民间节日”枫糖节”在魁北克和安大略举行。在魁 北克,喜欢枫糖浆的人会去当地的“枫糖小屋”过过瘾。小屋由原木搭建,小屋里有 专门熬制枫糖浆的大锅,有专人讲解和表演枫糖的熬制过程,还请游客品尝地道的枫 糖制品。这样的枫糖小屋,全魁北克大约有400个。

[因纽特人的生活] 在加拿大北极生活的原始居民,过去被称为“爱斯基摩人”.现 在被称为“因纽特人”,其意是“人”。

在加拿大的所有印第安居民中因纽特人的生存条件最为恶劣艰苦,他们生活在北极 的冰天雪地中。因纽特人自古以来依靠捕捉鲸、海豹、海象等海洋哺乳动物来维持生存。因纽特人平常住在石屋、草屋、圆顶小屋或兽皮帐篷里。当他们去海洋猎取动物的时候,就住在用冰砖临时搭建的冰屋中。

[“雪鸟”南飞成传统] 加拿大的大部分地区气候寒冷,令人难挨。

特别是老年人不愿忍受漫长冬季的寒冷没年秋天一过,一些人便收拾行装飞往美国 的佛罗里达过冬,直到第二年的春天才返回。这些人被大家称为“雪乌”。

[过境购物不稀奇] 加拿大紧邻美国,两国又有特殊的关系,人员自由往来,贸易


由于美国物价相对便宜,所以很多加拿大人不惜花费大量时间和精力开车到美国去 购物。

[皇家骑警] 皇家骑警是加拿大的鲜明象征。上身着红制服、脚登高筒靴、头戴宽 檐帽的加拿大皇家骑警骑在高头大马上,还真是威风。







吃东西时不要发出声音,不宜说话,不要当众用牙签剔牙,切忌把自己的餐具摆到 他人的位置上。


在汽车里、电梯上和办公室内,当着不抽烟人的面吸烟是不礼貌的,进餐时也不要 吸烟。





加拿大人喜欢别人赞美他的衣服、手表或向他请教一些关于加拿大的风俗习惯、游 览胜地方面的问题。



加拿大人不喜欢外来人过分地把他们的国家和美国进行比较,往往喜欢外来人谈有 关他们国家和人民的长处。

在公共场合,加拿大人厌恶那种抢着插嘴、边说话边用手指人的人,他们不喜欢别 人老盯着自己。【特别链接】

在加拿大有禁烟规定,并且必须年满16岁方可购买香烟。在联邦政府大楼、电梯、银行、商店、学校及多数公共场所吸烟都是违法的。有违者会被.处以5000加元的罚 款。对酒也是如此,如阿尔伯塔省规定,19岁以上者方可买酒,而烈性白酒则被禁止 出售。

另外,餐厅、酒吧只可在早上11时到凌晨1时卖酒,饮酒者只能在领有酒牌的地 方或住宅内喝酒,在这些地方以外饮酒都是违法的。

一般而言,除了禁止在餐馆吸烟的城市外,多数加拿大的餐馆都分为吸 烟区及非 吸烟区,所以,当你去用餐时,一定要小心不要坐错了地方。









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