
时间:2019-05-13 09:22:44下载本文作者:会员上传


29.in advance(before in time)预告,事先

31.have an advantage over 胜过

32.take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of,38.in all(=counting everyone or everything, altogether)总共,39.after all 毕竟,到底;(not)at all 一点也不;

;first of all 首先;all in all 大体上说;be all in 累极了;

42.answer for(undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take

charge for)对…负责。

44.be anxious about 为…焦急不安;或anxious for

45.apologize to sb.for sth.为…向…道歉

47.apply to sb.for sth.为…向…申请;apply for申请;apply to 适


48.apply to 与…有关;适用

50.arise from(=be caused by)由…引起。

53.be ashamed of(=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth.done)以…为羞耻

54.assure sb.of sth.(=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.)


55.attach(to)(=to fix, fasten;join)缚,系 ,结

56.make an attempt at doing sth.(to do sth.)试图做…

59.attribute…to…(=to believe sth.to be the result of…)把.。归

因于.., 认为.。是.。的结果


68.on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上

71.on behalf of(=as the representative of)以…名义


74.for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)

78.blame sb.for sth.因…责备某人.blame sth.on sb.把…推在某

88.last but one 倒数第二。

99.for certain of(=for sure)肯定地,有把握地


1.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。2.Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半。

3.There is no royal road to learning.学无坦途。

4.Look before you leap.First think, then act.三思而后行。

5.It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。

6.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情

7.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。

8.Art is long, but life is short.人生有限,学问无涯。

9.Stick to it, and you‘ll succeed.只要人有恒,万事都能成。

10.Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。

11.It is the first step that costs troublesome.万事开头难。

12.Experience must be bought.吃一堑,长一智。

13.Every advantage has its disadvantage.有利必有弊。14.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。15.Action speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。

16.He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。

17.What may be done at any time will be done at no time.明日待明日,明日不再来。

18.Let‘s cross the bridge when we come to it.船到桥头自然直。

19.What you sow,you must mow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。20.No cross,no crown.不经历风雨怎么见彩虹。21.A begger can never be bankrupt, 天无绝人之路。

22.Victory belongs to the most persevering.坚持就是胜利。

23.Faith will move mountain.精诚所至,金石为开。24.Four eyes see more than two.人多识广/集思广益

25.Time past cannot be called back again.时光一去不复返。


Be responsible for 负责

Attribute … to 属性来……

…should be blamed for … 应归咎于……

Spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事

Attach importance to sth 重视某事

Lay a good/solid foundation for 打好坚实的基础

Impress the importance of sth.on sb.重视某事对某人印象。Concentrate on 集中于

Turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻

Be reluctant to do sth.不情愿做某事

As the backbone of the society 作为社会的脊梁

Provide much food for thought 回味无穷

Have a long-lasting/far reaching effect on 有一个长期的、深远的影响

Take sth.into account/consideration 考虑到某事

Make every effort to do sth.竭尽全力做某事

Try every means to do sth.尽力做某事

According to the latest research/report, 根据最新的研究报告,Thanks to/due to/ owing to/ because of 感谢/因/因为 Give rise to 导致

Most important of all 最重要的是

Last but not the least..最后但并非最不重要的。

Bring one’s ability into full play 把一个人的能力发挥到极致 Pose a problem/threat to 构成一个问题/威胁

Do sth on a regular basis 做某事对定期的基础

Play an indispensible role 发挥不可或缺的作用 Account for 帐户

As the salt of earth 作为盐的地球

As a result 作为一个结果

From my perspective, 从我的观点,In recent years, the phenomenon that …has become a serious concern of the public.近年来,这一现象,……已经成为一个严重的关注。

A number of reasons can account for …, but they generally fall into three categories.一些原因可以解释……,但他们一般分为三类。it’s generally acknowledged/agreed that… 人们普遍承认/同意…

People maintain/argue/insist/hold the point of view/claim/point out that… 人们认为坚持/举行的角度/要求/指出…

Individual effort in combination with government support will make a tremendous difference in cushioning/solving/improving/resolving/relieving…

个人的努力在联合政府的支持将作出巨大的差异,缓冲/ /改善/解决/解除… Great efforts are needed before we can attain our goal of … 伟大需要努力才能达到我们的目标… nobody will fail to notice that….没有人会注意不到的…

taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list.以一个四处看看,我们可以找到例子不胜枚举。

… is bound to generate severe consequences, if we keep turning a blind eye to them.……会产生严重的后果,如果我们继续视而不见。

in view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measure must be taken before things get worse.鉴于这个问题的严重性,必须采取有效的措施之前,事情变得更糟。

public awareness of … must be enhanced.必须加强公众意识…。

it is essential that relative laws and regulations must be worked out to tackle the problem of … 至关重要的是,法律规定必须制定出解决问题的…

with all these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near future.所有这些措施的采取,这是合理的,我们相信,这个问题将得到解决在不久的将来。what we should keep in mind is that we should see to it that/ make sure that….我们应该记住的是,我们应该努力,确保了…

Necessary measures should be taken so as to reverse the grim situation.应该采取必要措施,以扭转形势严峻。

A widespread campaign must be launched to make people realize…


Never in history/China/the society has the problem of … been paid more attention to.As for…., people from different background have different opinions/ hold different attitudes towards this issue.历史上从来没有/中国/社会问题受到重视…。作为对…的,来自不同背景的人有不同的意见,对这一问题持有不同态度。

Along with the advance of education, more and more problem are brought to our attention, one of which is …


There is an undesirable trend for people to…, which has aroused considerable public concern and sparked an intensive debate.有不良的趋势人们……,这引起了相当大的关注,引发了激烈辩论。Some are inclined to speak highly of it, arguing that… 有些人倾向于给予高度评价,认为…

Others, however, are voicing a loud protest.其他人,但是,表达了大声抗议。

There is no consensus of opinions as to the … 也没有一致意见的…

For one thing,… for another… 一方面,另一个……

The twentieth century/China/Modern education/The society has witness tremendous/dramatic change in…, which has(in turn)brought about a series of problems, among which …is one of the worst/…is always of the greatest concern/…has caught the attention of most people.第二十世纪/中国/教育/社会目睹了戏剧性的变化,在……有(又)带来了一系列问题,其中……是一个最坏的/……永远是最大的关注/……引起了人们最为关注。There’s no doubt that… 毫无疑问…

There is no denying that … 不可否认的是… It is true that…but 这是真的,但是…… It pays to do sth.值得做某事

Of the many problems brought about by …, none has attracted more attention than … 对很多问题带来的……不,吸引了更多的关注比…

Government support in combination with students efforts will lead to the ultimate solution to this problem.政府支持,结合学生的努力将导致最终解决这一问题。


V.用于文章开头的语句 用于文章开头的语句节

①when asked about/②when it comes to/③faced with..., most/many people believe that..., but other people ①当问及/②说到/③面对……,大多数人相信……,但其他人 ①regard...as.../②consider it differently ①把……作为……/②观点不同

2.When it comes to..., people's opinions differ.Some hold the opinion that..., while others claim that...2。当谈到……,不同的人有不同的观点。有些人认为……,而其他人认为… 3.There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the ①role/②view/③idea of....Some people claim that..., while others believe that....3。也没有一致意见的人之间的①作用/②查看/③想法的…一些人认为……,而其他人却认为…

4.There is a general discussion today about the①issue/②problem of....Those who criticize...argue that....They believe that...But people who advocate..., on the other hand, argue that....4。人们普遍对今天讨论的①问题/②问题的…那些批评…认为…他们相信…然而赞成者……,另一方面,认为…

5.Most people are of the opinion that....But I personally believe that....5。大多数人认为的…但我个人认为…

6.Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize that....6。现在越来越多的人开始意识到了…

7.Now, it is generally acknowledged that..., but I doubt whether....7。现在,人们普遍认为……,但是我怀疑是否…

①Recently, …has become the focus of the society.②…has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.③Nowadays there is a growing concern for …④Nowadays it is common to hear/see …⑤…has become a common occurrence in our daily life.⑥Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of …⑦It is only during the last/past few years that man has become generally aware that …⑧There is an old/popular saying/proverb which says/ goes …⑨In recent years, there is a general tendency …⑩Nowadays … has become a problem we have to face.①最近,……已经成为社会的焦点。②……一直发挥着越来越重要的角色在我们的日常生活。③如今人们越来越关心……④现在经常听到/看到……⑤……已成为我们日常生活中司空见惯。⑥现在越来越多的人开始被认识到其严重性……⑦仅仅是在过去的过去几年里人已经开始普遍意识到……⑧有个古老的谚语说/说/ /去……⑨近年来,有一个总的趋势……⑩如今……已成为我们不得不面对的问题面对。三。用于描写图片或数据的语句

1.In 1990, it increased/decreased from...to...1。1990,增加/减少…到…

2.By comparison with 1998, it decreased/increased by 2。通过比较1998个,减少/增加

3.The figure has nearly doubled, ①compared with/②as against/ that of last year.3。这个数字几乎增加了一倍,①相比②对/去年。

4.It has①increased/②decreased/ almost ①two and a half times/②twice/③six times/, compared with...4。它有①增加/减少/②几乎①两年半的时间/②两次/六次/③,比较…

5.The number is ①twice/②4 times/③half/ as much as that of 1990.5。数字①两次/4次/半/②③尽,1990。

6.It①accounts for/②takes(up)/...percent of the total.6。它①占/②需要(上)/…%。

7.The number was..., ①less then/②more then/ a①half/②third/③quarter/ of the 1990 total.7。数字是……,①小于/②更多然后/半/②①第三/③季度/总额的1990。2)第二段:


1.The phenomenon/change in...Mainly①results from/②arises from/ the fact that...1。该现象的变化…主要①结果/②源自/事实…

2.One may regard the phenomenon as a...①sign of.../②response to...2。人们可能把这个现象作为一个……①迹象……/②反应…

3.There are many①causes/②reasons/ for this dramatic growth/decrease.First,...Second,...Finally,...3。有许多①原因/②原因/这戏剧性的增长/下降。首先。二,…最后,… 4.A number of factors can account for the change in...4。许多因素可以解释的变化…

5.Another contributory factor of...is...5。另一个起作用的因素…是…

6.Why ①are/②do/③did/...?①For one thing,..For another,.../②One reason is...Another is....Perhaps the primary reason is....6。为什么①/②③做/做……?①一事,为另一个,一个原因是……/②……另一个是…也许最主要的原因是… 7....is also responsible for the ①rise/②decrease/ in...7。…还负责①上升/下降/在②… I.用于比较的语句

1.The advantages of A outweigh any benefit we gain from B.1。优势一超过任何好处我们获得B.2.Good as A is, it has its own disadvantages.For one thing, it...;for another, it....2。是个很好的是,它有它自己的缺点。首先,它……;另一方面,它…

3.Although A has ①enormous/②much/③substantial/④considerable/⑤a distinct/ advantage over B..., it can not compete with B in...3。虽然有①巨大的②/③大量/④相当/⑤独特/优势乙……,它不能与乙…

4.A's advantage①sounds ridiculous/②means nothing/ when B's advantages are considered.4。一个优势①听起来可笑/②没有意义/时的优点是考虑。


1.Although a lot of people believe that..., I ①doubt/②wonder/ whether the argument bears①much analysis/②close examination.1。尽管很多人认为……,我怀疑/不①②这种论点是否经得起①分析/②仔细检查。2.As opposed to widely held ideas, I①believe/②argue/③think/ that...2。反对公认的观点,我相信/认为/③①②认为/…

3.Although the popular ①belief/②idea/ is that...,(a)current①study/②survey indicates that...3。虽然流行的①信仰/②思想是……,(一)目前的①研究/②调查表明… 4.They may be right about..., but they seem to①neglect/②fail/ to①mention/②consider/ the fact that...4。他们也许是对的,但他们似乎……①忽视/②失败/①提/②考虑/事实…

5.Although it is widely accepted that..., it is unlikely to be true that...5。虽然人们普遍认为……,但不大可能是真的…

6.It is true that..., but①this is not to say/②it doesn't follow/③it doesn't mean/ that...6。这是真的,但①……这并不是说/②不遵循/③并不意味着…

7.There is/are①absolutely/②in fact every reason(s)for us to ①believe/②accept/③resist/④reject/ that...7。有/是①绝对/②实际上的理由(县)为我们①相信/②接受/③抵抗④拒绝…

8.What these people fail to ①understand/②consider/③mention is that...8。这些人不①理解/②考虑/③提的是…

9.①You/②One may①say/②argue/③think that....It probably will.But...9①。你可以说②①/②争论/③认为…它可能会。但…

10.It is one thing to believe that..., but it is quite another to say that...10。这是一件事,认为……,但它是另一回事,说… 六。用于文章结尾的语句 ①From what has been discussed above/②Taking into account all these features/③Judging from all evidence offered /we may safely draw the conclusion that....①通过以上讨论/②考虑到所有这些特点/③从所提供的证据来看,我们可以得出结论… 2.All the evidence supports an unshakable conclusion that....2。所有的证据都支持一个不可动摇的结论…

3.It is(high)time that we placed great emphasis on....3。它是(高),我们非常强调…

4.It is(high)time we put an end to the undesirable phenomenon of....4。它是(高)我们杜绝不良现象的…

5.There is①little doubt/②no denying that further attention must be paid to the problem of....5。有①毫无疑问/②无可否认,还必须注意的问题了…

6.It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to prevent the situation.6。这是必要的,应采取有效措施防止情况。



中文已经快不能表达我对热的愤怒了,我决定用上英文>It's hot in here.这里好热啊。It's like an oven in here.这里怎么热得像火炉一样。It's as hot as hell.热爆了。I'm sweltering.我快热晕了。I'm going to melt.我要熔化了。Turn on the air conditioner.快开空调。Is it hot enough for you? 热得够呛吧? It's not the heat, it's the humidity.不仅热,还湿热湿热的。

英语里年份怎么读?这绝不是个幼稚的问题,而是个高级问题,老外自己可能说着挺顺口,但要他们说出个所以然来也不容易,来看看靠谱老外是怎么说的~ 千年,读作X thousand: 1000=one thousand 2000=two thousand 百年,读作X hundred: 1900=nineteen hundred 600=six hundred 百位是零,读作X thousand and Y,可省略and: 2008=two thousand and eight 或two thousand eight 2013=two thousand thirteen 百位不是零,读作X hundred and Y,可省略hundred and: 1997=nineteen hundred and ninety-seven 或nineteen ninety-seven 1811=eighteen eleven 十位是零,零读作oh: 1908=nineteen hundred and eight 或nineteen oh eight baby-faced=娃娃脸的 round-faced=圆脸的 hatchet-faced=瘦瘦尖尖脸的 fresh-faced=面带稚气的 pasty-faced=脸色苍白的 red-faced=脸红的、尴尬的 poker-faced=面无表情的 stone-faced=冷漠的 bald-faced=无耻的 two-faced=两面派的

说人年纪不小但看起来不老>ageless=不老的 youthful=年轻的 looking young=看起来年轻 over 40 and looking fabulous=40而不老 have a forever face=拥有不会老的颜 find the fountain of youth=找到了不老泉 He hasn't changed much in twenty years.=他20年来都没怎么变样。冻龄人是这样炼成的>Botox=肉毒杆菌 facelift=面部拉提手术 filler=面部填充物 beauty sleep=美容觉 broad-spectrum sunscreen=广谱防晒霜 anti-ageing cream=抗衰老面霜 yoga=瑜伽 exercising=锻炼 well-balanced diet=均衡饮食 find the fountain of youth=找到了不老泉 He hasn't changed much in twenty years.=他20年来都没怎么变样。约人: Are you free Saturday night? 你周六晚上有空吗? Are you busy on the 25th? 你25号忙吗? What are you doing next weekend? 你下周末准备干吗? Would you like to go to dinner? 要不要去吃晚饭? I was wondering if you'd like to see a movie.我想问你想不想去看场电影。If you're not doing anything, would you like to go to a party with me? 如果你没什么事的话,要不要和我一起去个party?

答应别人可以这么说: Yes.好啊。Sure.当然了。Absolutely.非常。Id love to.我很乐意去。Great!太好了!Wonderful!太棒了!Perfect!最好了!

拒绝可以说得婉约一点: I have other plans.我有约了。My calendar is full.我抽不出时间。Something suddenly came up.临时有事去不了。Im not interested.我不想去。I have a headache.Please.拜托,我头痛。


anthropologist 人类, archeologist 考古, biochemist 生物化学, geologist 地质, linguist 语言, astronomer 天文, psychoanalyst 精神分析,philosopher 哲学家 1.counterproductive adj.产生相反效果(结果)的e.g.It is counterproductive tobe too tough: it just makes the staff resentful.e.g.Althoughthe speaker overlooks certain circumstances in which undue skepticism might becounterproductive, and even harmful, on balance I agree that weshould not passively accept whatever is passed off as fact;otherwise,human knowledge would never advance.2.seminal adj.萌芽的,潜在的;开创性的;有重大影响的e.g.in the seminal state(在萌芽状态)|| seminal thoughts || seminal principle(基本原则)

e.g.a seminal book/poet || Thisexperiment was to have a seminal influence on his own political development.3.forgo v.放弃(The choice to forgo his security is always available, althoughit might carry unpleasant consequence)4.intuition n.直觉(I will trust my strong intuition that free will is anessential part of our being as humans.)

5.satisfy v.证明是正当的,公证的;为…寻找正当理由e.g.Such action can be justified onthe grounds of greater efficiency.e.g.In the finalanalysis, government cannot philosophically justify assisting large cities forthe purpose of either promoting or preserving the nation's cultural traditions;nor is government assistance necessary toward these ends.6.resort to … 诉诸…

e.g.no necessity to resort to violentactions such as demonstration, riot or rebel.conduce 7.hinge on … 以…为转移,靠…转动e.g.The claim that society’s destinyhinges on how children are socialized, while appealing in some respects, is anover-statement at best.8.at best 最多,充其量;以最乐观的观点来看 9.collaborate to …

e.g.For example, scientists,researchers, and even computer programmers must collaborate to establishcommon goals, coordinate efforts, and meet time lines.10.lend some credence to … 提供支持e.g.While our everyday experience might lendcredence to this assertion.e.g.Recent advances in molecular biology and genetics lend some credence tothis position, by suggesting that these determining physical forces include ourown individual genetic makeup.11.dimension n.大小;体积;程度;范围e.g.a creature of huge dimensions.|| I did not realize the dimensions of the problem.e.g.There is a dimension to the problem that we have not discussed.||various dimensions of human experience.12.detractor n.损毁者;贬低者

13.amount to … 相当于;等于e.g.What you say amounts to adirect accusation.e.g.Even where a fiction work amounts to pure fantasy, with nohistorical context, it can still hold more lasting significance than a factualaccount.14.fruit

ion n.享用, 结果实, 成就, 实现e.g.It is the famous few that providevision of the future, visions which groups then bring to fruition.e.g.bring one's plans to fruition || After years of hard work, his hopes cameto fruition.reap v.收获;收割(The consumer reaps rich rewards from this competitivespirit.)

15.inspire v.激励或鼓舞e.g.To begin with, learning about keyhistorical figures inspires us to achieve great things ourselves---farmore so than learning about the conditions of groups of people.16.provide necessary impetus for … 给与…动力e.g.It is almost always a keyindividual who provide the necessary imputes for what otherwise might bea group effort, as discussed below.17.favor v.赐予;给与e.g.He was favored with greatintelligence.|| adduce facts to favor one’s contention.18.paradigm n.样式;典范;范例(educational paradigms)

19.obscure v.使阴暗;使朦胧e.g.Generally speaking, then, undueattention to the efforts and contributions of various groups tends to obscurethe cause and effect relationship with which the study of history is chieflyconcerned.20.take steps to …(take step to help alleviate social problems)21.serve useful purposes for …

e.g.I agree insofar as some commoncore curriculum would serve useful purposes for any nation e.g.immediate disclosure would have served no useful purpose and mighteven have resulted in mass hysteria.22.nascent adj.初生的(in a nascentcondition/stage/state || a nascent industry/ literature/art)23.reach a(fully informed)consensus as to …对于达成共识 24.unfettered adj.除去脚镣的;自由而不受约束的

25.irrespective of whether … 无论如何e.g.While we must invest in research irrespectiveof whether the results might be controversial.26.draw a distinction between …(One useful approachis to draw a distinction between personal morality and public morality)

27.catalyst n.催化剂;刺激因素e.g.circumstance often serves as acatalyst for heroism.28.account for …解释原因e.g.This combination of very highdensity of population, goods and services, and machines, allincreasing withalmost brutal speed, does account for some really antisocialtendencies in modernurban growth.29.proviso n.限制性条款;(附带)条件e.g.Thecarpenter agreed to do the work, with the proviso that he was paid inadvance.e.g.Aside from the two forgoing provisos, however, I fundamentally disagreewith the speaker’s claim.30.conversely adv.相反的(They hold converse opinion || Without knowledge, we can hardly survivethrough abominable conditions, depending solely on the admiration of the beingsderived from imagination.Conversely, without imagination, we can as well notpossible to get through due to the impediment of knowledge and the depletion ofspiritual asylums.)

31.core values upon which any(democratic)society depends to thrive.一个社会赖以繁荣的价值核心 32.be superior(in …)to … 比更好,更优秀e.g.this engine is superior in every respect to that.|| whenever moving images are central toan event the video camera is superior to a written word.33.proceeding

n.行动, 进行,会议录, 学报(legal proceeding || governmental proceedings)

34.thwart v.反对;妨碍;挫败e.g.thegovernment’s strategies for thwarting specific plans of an internationalterrorist or a drug trafficker.35.public panic 公众恐慌

36.unprecedented adj.空前的,史无前例的(the society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented)

37.inexorable adj.不可阻挡的;坚持不懈的;无情的(Facts are inexorable || the inexorablemarch of science)

38.Science is on the march.|| the marchof science/events/time 39.make great effort 努力; make every effort 尽一切努力;overcome a myriad of politicalimpediments克服政治障碍

40.a myriad of 无数,数不清(Each galaxy contains myriad of stars)

41.while parochial social problems gounsolved.|| mitigate(缓和)the problems || address pressingsocial problems 42.take precedence over …

e.g.This interest might takeprecedence over the historic value of an old structure that stands in theway of a parking structure.43.strike a balance among competing interest 44.serve as asubstitute for

…取代… be superseded by 代替;取代

e.g.Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to besuperseded by simpler, more immediate options.45.源自于:emerge from …(in every age andculture some worthwhile art and literature emerges from the mediocrity.)

stem from …(prevailing attitudes about sexualmorality stem from the ideas of key religious leaders)spring from…

e.g.this desire toidentify oneself with an exclusive social group seems to spring fromsome innate psychological need to define one's self through one's personalassociations.46.坏影响;负面影响:

detrimental effects of …(In politics, the detrimentaleffects of competition are blatant.)negative/adverse effects on/to 47.名人notablefigures celebrity elite personality(television personalities)

48.普遍;普及prevailing adj.普遍的;流行的;占优势的(the prevailing view in Westerncorporate culture || prevailing principle)popular adj.prevalent

adj.(The habit of traveling by aircraft is becoming more prevalent eachyear.)


v.(Courtesy must be instilled inchildhood || Morality may be instilled into their minds)

inculcate v.(inculcate the young with a sense of duty.)


v.(A good teacher imparts wisdomto his pupils.)


v.养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓励(Frequent cultural exchange willcertainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities.|| detect and foster artistic talent.|| to foster an interest inmusic)

nurture v.养育, 给与营养物, 教养(While the speaker might overlook thebenefits of nurturing certain emotions and feels, on balance I agreethat …)

50.充满;装满be ladenwith …(History is laden with unusualclaims || be laden with responsibility)be replete with …

(Modern politics is replete with examples of what most people wouldconsider personal ethical fallings)

be fraught with …

(a complexissue that is fraught with the problems of defining ethics, morality,and successful leadership)


adj.特性的;癖性的(Given a choice they will pursue theirown idiosyncratic area of interest.)

inclination n.(follow one's own inclination || I have no inclination to be a doctor.)52.若干重;若干刃

a double-edged sword 双刃剑e.g.This type ofadvertisement can be a doubt-edged sword, when the product does not make theperson “be like” the person in the advertisement, there can be disappointmentand disillusionment with the product.a two-edged weapon 双重武器e.g.As is sooften pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equallyfor good or evil.twofold/threefold/manifold adj.双重/三重/多种e.g.We have toask ourselves very seriously what will happen is this twofold use of knowledge,with its ever-increasing power, continues.e.g.The City Council has a manifold plan to beautify the city.53.have little bearing on … 与…无关e.g.Moreover,assisting large cities would have little bearing on our distinctcultural traditions, which abide elsewhere.with respect to…

关于e.g.Personaleconomic success might be due either to one's investment strategy or to one'swork or career.With respect to the former, non-conformists with enoughrisk tolerance and patience invariably achieve more success than conformists.Withrespect to the latter, while non-conformists are more likely to succeed innewer industries where markets and technology are in constant flux, conformistsare more likely to succeed in traditional service industries ensconced insystems and regulations.54.先天的,天生的innate

adj.先天的, 天生的(Correct ideas are not innate in the mind, but come fromsocial practice.)[O] acquired



adj.天生的(an inborn sense ofthe appropriate || inborn intelligence)

55.利用;有益于conduce to 有助于e.g.encouraging students to questionand criticize is conducing to the development of democratic spirits.be beneficial to …

e.g.A national core curriculum would be beneficial to a nation in anumber of respects.harness v.利用e.g.The dilemma facing leadersin all areas of life is how to best assess these individuals to determine howto best harness heir capabilities to reach their ultimate productivecapabilities.take advantage of …

make its contribution to … 56.消除;减轻

eliminate v.排除,消除(eliminate the false and retain the true || eliminate thepossibility of= preclude the possibility of)


v.使减小,使变少(diminish one’s reputation || diminish the cost of production)


v.破坏,削弱(formal study of thepresent culture at the expanse of studying past cultures can underminethe function of higher education, and ultimately provide a disservice tostudents and to society.)57.恶化;加剧

exacerbate v.恶化, 增剧, 激怒, 使加剧, 使烦恼e.g.Thisproblems would only be exacerbated were these decisions left exclusivelyto federal regulators.e.g.a speech that exacerbated racial tensions || a heavy rainfall that exacerbatedthe flood problems.aggravate v.58.过度;过分


adj.过度的;过高的(exorbitant rents || exorbitantly expensive || exorbitant amount of money)undue

adj.过度的;过分的(apply undue pressure to make s.b.change his mind)overemphasize v.59.导致、造成pose 引起某事物,造成,提出e.g.Winter posesparticular difficulties for the elderly.e.g.However, a common curriculum that is also an exclusive one would posecertain problems.render v.致使,造成e.g.Your actionhas rendered our contract invalid.e.g.This trend renders a society’s members more vulnerable todemagoguery.breed v.导致;造成e.g.The speakerunfairly suggests that large cities serve as the primary breeding groundand sanctuaries for a nation’s cultural traditions.e.g.Dirt breeds disease.|| Unemployment breeds social unrest(社会不安定).burgeon v.迅速发展;发芽(burgeoning cities || burgeoning Internet commerce)

outgrowth n.长出, 派出, 结果, 副产物e.g.A thirduniquely contemporary problem is an outgrowth of the inexorable advancement ofscientific knowledge.e.g.Inflation is an outgrowth of war.60.探求、努力: seek to …探求,寻求

e.g.One compelling argument in favor of a global university has to do with thefact that its faculty and students would bring diverse cultural and educationalperspectives to the problems they seek to solve.strive to …努力e.g.studentsshould strive to excel in the specific requirements of their major course ofstudy probe


e.g.probe a matter to the bottom e.g.Does his/her cultural background allows him/her to freely probe theintricacy of the work? e.g.Even in his philosophical probinghe cannot go behind these stereotypes;his veryconcepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particulartraditional customs.61.资助、赞助:subsidize

v.资助, 津贴(Subsidizing cultural traditions is not a proper role of government.)


n.资助人;赞助人(cultural patron)on the patronage of … e.g.culture has always depended primarily on the patronage ofprivate individuals and businesses.under the auspices of …

e.g.During this period, on significant scientific advances occurred underthe auspices of the government.62.增强、提高escalate

v.增强提高(the escalating cost of addressingthese problems)enhance/ promote/ augment / elevate

v.(… was elevating their notion about …)63.方法、途径:

avenue n.大街, 方法, 途径, 路(an avenue to success)approach

n.64.ostensible adj.表面上的e.g.Today'shigh-tech firms seem compelled to boldly go to what effort is required todevise increasingly complex products, for the ostensible purpose ofstaying ahead of their 65.获得;达到 ||||角度;方面 ||| 短暂/长远 ||| 危险;危害 |||| 分配 ||||最后地;最终地

acquire/gain/attain/achieve |||| angles/aspect/facet/side/respect ||||transient, ephemeral / enduring, permanent |||| menace, jeopardize, imperil,endanger |||| allocate/ distribute/ assign |||| eventually/ultimately



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