
时间:2019-05-15 14:40:42下载本文作者:会员上传


I was very young when I first heard stories about the poor.Now I didn't hear those stories from the poor themselves, I heard them from my parents and my teachers, and, of course, from some pictures.These kind of pictures can always make me sad and

make me shocked.I remember learning that people who were poor need something material--food, clothing, shelter.And I know that, it is our job, apparently, to help them.I saw pictures frequently of sadness and suffering.I heard about things that were going wrong in the lives of the poor.I heard about disease, I heard about war--they always seemed to be kind of related.And in general, I got this sort of idea that the poor in the world lived lives that were wrought with suffering and sadness, devastation, hopelessness.And after a while, I developed what I think many of us do, I started to feel bad every time I heard about them.I started to feel guilty for my own relative wealth, because I wasn't doing more, apparently, to make things better.And I even felt a sense of shame because of that.I remember a speaker from ted said ”The cost of a cup of

coffee can save a person's life”.This is the second time I mention this setence in my reports.But actually every time when I saw

people begging for money outside our school, I chose to ignore.i

think only few of us choose to give.We are afraid that those people on the ground are cheating us.However, what if he is not? Does it mean we lost a chance to save others? I can still remember my

junior high school teacher said that if a person puts down his dignity to beg you, you should give for his brave movement.And I, in fact, was so deeply moved by this.It's hard to express now how much that affects me.Sometimes I help poor children through some charity organizations.Now I still keep in touch with a little girl in the mountain area.From her latest letter, I did hear stories of life change and amazing little details of change.Now these pictures including the pictures of the letters are carefully saved in my computer.They will always remind me to give and help as unforgetable pictures in my mind.I think the way that we participate in each other's stories is of deep importance.So what I really hope is that after listening to my report, some of you, maybe all of you can try to help those people, I mean to help them, and to feel them.









The Gettysburg Address

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

November 19, 1863

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.We are met on a great battle-field of that war.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate--we can not consecrate--we can not hallow--this ground.The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.



1、My self2、My family3、My room4、My mother/father/sister/brother5、It’s me6、On the bus7、A Sunday8、Our new Teacher—Mr.wang9、My Favorite10、Go Shopping11、Back to School12、Going to the Zoo13、Xi’an14、My Winter Holiday15、Elephant16、Clean the Snow17、Fast—food Restaurants



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经常演讲,则要抓住机会演讲,寻找机会演讲,创造机会演讲!大部分高中生面子薄,总是抓不住机会来表现自己,更不用说积极的创造了。don’t be shy,just try!如果你已经敢于演讲并希望经常演讲,那么应该要善于演讲。何谓善于演讲?善于演讲,就是懂得演讲的方法。什么是演讲的方法?我认为要想掌握真正的演讲方法,最重要的应该是懂得演讲不是仅仅的演讲,演讲是一种艺术,他是语言所迸发出的美的火花!要想掌握演讲的方法,你应该热爱演讲,你必须记住,attitude is everything!演讲的具体技巧:



①.问候天气,然后 转入正题。

②.寒暄。如:good morning!i’m very glad stand here and give you a talk.③.开门见山。如:good morning!today i stand here to talk about„

有了好的开头,在演讲稿中,为了调动大家的激情,可以多运用排比句,在这点上美国的著名演讲家:martin luther king,jr.可以称的上是专家。






其次,要注意发音,尤其是单词的发音。很多同学认为这没什么,只要发准就行了,其实不然。单词有一个音节的问题,这是我们常常忽略的,是几个音节就一定要发出几个音节,这很关键!如:beautiful 这个单词有三个音节,而很多同学只发出了两个,千万要注意!另外,要学会断句,否则会弄出笑话的!总之还是希望大家能多抓住机会,不要羞于表现自己,而是要尽一切可能多表现自己,好好的说英语。当然,关注我们的免费英语学习网站,您可以获取更多的高中英语演讲资料哦!




请在 网上 申请报名”



How many people know to jump nobody signs action?(Such this.)We know, in recent years this dance is very let me

Introduce the Inherited “me” and “the most classic of both hot period of American music, restore ancient ways elements of culture and the English hackberrya Motown style perfect fit in, create a” nobody street.The choreography is usual Wonder showed Girls relaxed active stage style, easy toxic.After the nobody “

slow, the tango, guitar and Korea etc.Various English version emerge in endlessly.Girls not only Wonder in Korea, dominated the awards ceremony, with English ”nobody in the United States, and the first appearance on the bulletin board list every toradio of 76.These are becoming a global Wonder that Girls, on to the first family Obama and from the Philippines, down to a prison enthusiasts, the song of love.The emerging online video imitation and detonated a network of panic, “nobody.The Girls of Wonder nobody ”is a Korean pop the magic of music.In China, you can be heard everywhere, seeing all this song in the dance.This is also our today's theme: when speaking to South Korean pop storm comes, are you ready?

有多少人会跳nobody的招牌动作呢?像这样(表演动作)继承了《tell me》和《so hot》时期最为经典的复古元素,深受美国音乐文化影响的朴镇英又将Motown风格完美的融入其中,打造出了《nobody》这一名曲。编舞也一如既往的展现了Wonder Girls清爽活泼的舞台风格,简单易懂中毒性极强。

之后,《nobody》的慢版、探戈版、吉他版和韩中英语等各种版本层出不穷。Wonder Girls不仅在韩国内,横扫各大颁奖典礼,还凭借英文版《nobody》在美国初次登台,并一举登上了美国公告牌榜最热单曲的76位。这些都表明Wonder Girls红遍了全球,上至美国第一家庭的奥巴马母女,下至来自菲律宾某监狱的发烧友们,都对这首歌喜爱有加。不断涌现的网友模仿视频也引爆了网络,掀起了《nobody》的狂潮,持续至今。Wonder Girls的这首《nobody》可谓是韩国乐坛的一首的神奇之曲。在中国,你到处都可以听到这首歌,看到大家在跳。这也正是我们今天的要讲的主题:当韩潮来临时,你准备好了吗?

Not only dancing,what most popular in China for many years is Korean dramas.Believe that you have seen many Korean dramas, especially girls.Why han drama so attractive? I think it because it fit many people imagine, beautiful actress and rich childe romantic love story caused the female audience's endless longing.China ocean university professor JinLongFan tells us a funny thing: “once asked han students learn other languages, why don't you learn Korean? The answer is, because like han drama so intellect.Then I said, see dubbed or subtitles not ok? Why must learn Korean students? Then smiled answered and said to them, a personal experience in the south Korean dramas.It seems that mass culture of Korean triggered concern is not argue that already.”


South Korean star's influence has gone up rapidly in recent years, the media has breath more in star signed exclusive agency of 14 Korean.For the foreseeable future, the south Korean star will be further into our life.Entertainment,这也导致了韩国明星影响力在中国的飙升,有的星传媒更于日前一口气签下了十四位韩星的独家代理权。可以预见的是,韩国明星未来将进一步介入我们的娱乐生活。

Korean dramas and south Korean star, also brought the Korean beauty industry development in China.I think the blossom in China is Korea's beauty.I think the blossom in China is Korea's beauty.It also raises a tornado in China.I think this is because our native culture begins to release society beauty, the consciousness of chung Internet technology support and sow han drama, Korean stars and also because our country started business in China market, created beauty on the earth, a sunrise industry-plastic industry are formed, and quickly and quietly.Keen to change the appearance of the acquired through those who believe that not only can let yourself get cosmetic beautiful appearance can also help a successful career, such as “China's first man-made beauty” HaoLuLu, Korean star Kim hee-sun, won bin, etc., all looked after by Peugeot features of popular cosmetic..韩剧和韩国明星的引入,也带来了韩国美容业在中国的发展。我想在中国遍地开花的是韩国的美容业。它也同样在中国掀起了一阵旋风。我想这是由于我国本土文化开始释放社会崇美意识,互联网的技术支撑和韩剧热播和韩国明星走红,也由于我国商界开始支撑造美市场,在中国大地上,一个朝阳产业——整形美容业正在被悄然推动,并迅速形成热潮。热衷于通过后天努力改变外表的那些人相信,整容不仅可以让自己获得靓丽的外形还能帮助事业成功,如“中国第一人造美女”郝璐璐,韩国大牌明星金喜善、元斌、张东健等,一个个都凭借整容后标致的五官走红。

Of course, the lovely little also not in China, now the influence of melting and lovely Korean style has deep heart.And South Korea pickle, now a lot of cities in China have many Korean restaurant.It is of Japanese cuisine, refined, and civilization of the Chinese food,eating with material benefit and thick, taste and the long and grasp of of primitive simplicity, is rare delicacy wind.当然了,也少不了韩服在中国的影响,现在韩式甜美可爱的风格已经深人人心。还有韩国的泡菜,现在很多在中国的各个城市也有很多韩国料理店。它有日本料理的文明、雅致,又有中国菜的实惠与厚重,随吃法而变味道,采众长而秉古朴之风,实属不可多得的美味。

Today, I am not speaking to Korean culture is good or bad, just as an entertainment in Korean culture and talk to Chinese influence.Of course, I believe you are wise to choice , so, when the Korean pop storm you, are you ready? Accept or reject? Thank you!




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