
时间:2019-05-15 14:46:46下载本文作者:会员上传


Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to the inauguration of the new office for the Economic and Commercial Section of the Chinese Consulate General, and please allow me introduce to you its new director--Mr.Lin Kun.The location of the office manifests our confidence in the future of Sydney’s development.And In view of the continuously increased commercial activities in this neighborhood after the year 2000, we are convinced that this district shall have great development prospect.Today’s ceremony is held at a time when China-Australia economic and trade relations have entered a period of sustained development.Compared to its vast potential, the existing bilateral economic and trade exchanges may have not reached our expectation.However, through years’ endeavor from governments of all levels and entrepreneur in both countries, we now have deepened mutual understanding, no longer groping in the dark, with clear concepts what are each other’s urgent needs and what we can offer to each other.Economic and Commercial Section, operating as part of diplomatic organ, does not directly get involved in business activities which are left to commercial communities, but to provide policy instruction and information services.And we are willing to provide our services to business communities in both China and Australia.






一、对于 _____工作,我们要从思想上提高认识,充分领会_____工作的重要性和必要性。目前,_____工作已经开创了很好的局面,获得了很大的成绩,这是有目共睹的。但是,还是要从深度和广度上更加推进_____工作。我看,最重要的一点是:提高认识!各级领导要充分领会_____工作的重要性和必要性,各级组.织要加强关于_____工作的宣传力度,形成上下“齐抓共管”的局面,只有这样,_____工作才能更上层楼。




五、参与 XXX工作的同志,要有自豪感和责任感。同志们,对于_____工作,我们是非常重视的尤其各级组.织也投入了大量的人力,物力、财力,同志们,你们承担的 _____工作,是肩负了各级组.织对你们的殷切希望的,希望你们要脚踏实地洞心同德。努力工作,在各自的岗位上努力工作,添砖加瓦!





















Dignified guests, Principal Xia, students, teachers, parents, ladies and gentlemen:

It is pleasure to be here today representing the Nova Scotia Department of Education on this auspicious occasion.Over the past number of years, your school has developed a strong connection with Nova Scotiaand has built a valuable and lasting partnership.We are celebrating the first ever graduation of the Nova Scotia Pubilc School Program at Jilin No.1 High School.I know this is a tremendously important day for everyone gathered here but especially for the graduates and their families whose faith and support of this program have determined its success.The advancement of this program can be attributed to the wonderful leadership of Principal Xia, the tremendous support provided by Linda and her team, as well as the exceptional teaching this school has to offer.These ceremonies are filled with joy, relief and anticipation;but mostly they are filled with the pride that comes with accomplishment.I share your pride, because you are Nova Scotia high school graduates.Even though you are half a world away, you join thousands of students in Nova Scotia, who are also celebrating their graduation this month.That, in itself, is an amazing thing.You are also sharing something precious with students in Nova Scotia-a quality education that will open many doors and provide you with many opportunities.Your graduation day is a significant milestone in your educational journey.Today marks the end of one chapter in your life, but it is also the start of a new chapter that holds many exciting possibilities.You are an exceptionally committed and tenacious group of students and you will be a valuable addition to any post-secondary institution

I am told that many of the graduates here today have chosen to study in Canada.Canadais extremely fortunate to have such an accomplished group of students joined our renowned educational institutions.I am confident you will enjoy your experience in Canada, and receive a superlative education that will prepare you well for the many career pathways available to you.Your years of hard work and dedication are celebrated today, and I applaud you for your efforts and achievements.Always aim high.Do not settle for what you know you can accomplish;challenge yourself to pursue the impossible and you will go further than you could ever imagine.)



Ladies and gentlemen:

Good afternoon!

Its my great honor to come to East China Normal University to attend the opening ceremony of “20xx Master of Education Program for Developing Countries” in this most beautiful Autumn season. On behalf of Ministry of Education People`s Republic of China, Please allow me to extend my warmest welcome to all participants coming from afar.I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to ECNU for their hard work.I `d also like to say a big thank you to the Ministry of Commerce for their tremendous support and guidance without which this program will not be possible.

Nowadays ,developing countries are playing an increasingly important role in the international community.China, along with other developing countries has actively engaged in multipolarizing of world political patterns, democratizing international relations, establishing new international order of justice and fairness, boosting world economy and settling global issues. Being a member of family of developing countries,China attaches significant importance to traditional friendship and bilateral relations with other developing countries.To strengthen cooperation and nurture the talent for them in the field of human resources,we have run “Master of Public Administration Program for Developing Countries ” since 20xx and has received wide praise and recognition.

In addition to that program ,the ministry of Education and Ministry of Commerce have decided to launch “Master of Education program for developing countries” in 20xx.The first session of this program is specifically designed for developing countries in Africa with the aim to help these nation to train intermediate and high senior educational administrators.

Nowadays ,development is top priority for each country.Education is the foundation stone of a nation`s revitalizaton and social

development ,playing an essential role in social and economic development. the recently released “China`s National Plan for Medium and Long—term educational reform and development(20xx-2020)” lays out the direction of Chinese Education for the next ten years, demonstrating Chinese government`s resoluation in building China into strong country of human resources .Being educational administrators from different countries and different institutes with great potential leadership,each of you must have you own perspective and insights into education.In this sense,this program provides us with a fascinating opportunity to share among us these valuable experience.

East China Normal University is a both nationally and internationally recognized comprehensive research university in China,particularly renowned for its excellence in teacher-training.It has nurtured numerous competent teachers and disdinguished educators.I am pretty confident that with the substantial support of ECNU,this program is absolutely going to be a huge success.

There are a few points I would like you to highlight here.Firstly,I hope you could adapt to this new environment and new role as a student as soon as possible , follow the syllabus and course design, study hard and involved in practice session actively; secondly, I hope you make as many Chinese friends as you can so as to have a better understanding of China and Chinese people`s desire for peaceful development.thirdly,I hope you could combine what you learn with the actual situation and your work back in your home country and share with us your experience.

Finally ,I would like to wish each of you a fruitful and rewarding study and and enjoyable stay in China.

Thank you very much.



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