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European and American cultural comprehensionFor a long time, are always cherished a dream.The understanding of European and American culture, it is out of this dream, I resolutely chose to European and American culture the brilliant course.A semester of learning, really let me harvest a lot, I not only learned about the cultural origin of Europe and the United States.And through a semester of study, has its own unique feeling.Europe and the United States culture relative to China, despite the lack of Chinese culture that has a long history.But they are the essence of culture in China.They have their own unique culture, it is because of their cultural essence to make them as a world power.Their culture has many good places, is worth us to learn.1.The forgiveness

The United States is a nation of immigrants, it ancestors came from around the world.People moved to the United States, not only geographically move it, but also brought the review and customs of their countries to a new place to live.Because of mixed people their differences is very outstanding;Because the difference is very common, people would not put special emphasis on unity.Over

time, the American cultural convention formed a higher degree of tolerance(how), to heterogeneous culture and different evaluation the tolerance, acceptable attitude.At this point, American society feasible custom than other countries in the world wide.2.Informal.Americans are well known for its informality.In office buildings, people often find “white collar workers” do not wear a coat, a tie to work sitting in my office.Have a telephone conversation, they will be at the back of the chair and put his feet to put on the table, leisurely leisurely to “kan” in the last half a day on the phone.Professor in university campus, the wearing jeans, foot pedal Nike shoes into education class examples abound.What's more, the professor talked about a good place, can sit a bottom to the podium, the butterflies to gush, regardless of age, regardless of gender.Is the more common form, is the easy-going, easy relationship between father and son, between mother and daughter.Whether in the movie, or in real life, we often see the elders and younger each shoulder, free pictures.All this comes from American informality(informality)behavior.Informality is to make people more relaxed and comfortable in a relationship, so as to shorten the distance between people more quickly.This may be one reason for the americans have a bright and cheerful disposition.3.The title and address.Because the American emphasis on equality, their social hierarchical relatively weak, so they have no family hereditary titles.On the contrary, americans like to use a professional title as the call, because it “earn” on their own, rather than a hereditary generation.4.Do-it-yourself

All Europe, Asia and other countries and their families on their own.Americans, this situation is not much, because they pay attention to “do-it-yourself”(do it).In the United States, doctors, professors, lawyers, businessmen, they are themselves on the cooking, laundry, market purchase.They have a social identity, but I don't think housework can reduce their respectable identity.They have economic strength to hire “nanny”, but thought they were going to do, it isn't necessary.The family visit in the United States, people can often see big, professor, doctor you cook cooking.As for mowing the lawn and clean up the garage roof and paint and other tools, such as people with social identity not only, without a sense of boredom can joyfully into it instead.5.They don't like silence

The most of people had contacts with people in the United States have this kind of feeling, in the west people the most bold

and unrestrained, the most sensitive to the United States, the most straightforward-this is American's loveliness, of course.This is bold and unrestrained, easy-going personality was very significant in “chat”.Americans once opened “talk” with people, will tell a reel.They don't like to sit silently “dry”, if it is found that the “dialogue”, long time don't make any noise, will immediately try to let him join “ShenKan”.6.The pace of life

The united nation is a young, innocent, self-confidence, full of angry people.Like a hot-blooded youth, americans go, not lonely.Like an energetic young people, americans who kept dry, seems to have never make not over of energy.In a city where people seem to always rushing to;Village people are always running in between farmland, chicken farm, barns, cattle farm continuously;The people in the office like has a mountain of paperwork(paper work)to do., secretary of the hands and feet kept the phone in the company, send files.You walk around on the street, the people behind the pace is quick to get ahead of you;You go to the restaurant, it's rare to find partner to talking and laughing with you to say.Enough on the rhythm of the life like a clockwork, constantly running methodically, form a, near crazy busy modern life picture.7.Individual progress

The United States is a country respect individuality, advocate individualism, personal struggle for success story is the essence of the “American dream” part.Whether the Carnegie from impoverished apprentice to guilin rich steel magnate, or ascent out of the house of the masses to Lincoln as President, they are ordinary americans relish, dreamed of personal success story.8.The number of concepts

In American civilization, material civilization accounts for large proportion.The americans, insurrection for granted things in life.To do this, they often with a sense of superiority on the standard of living is lower than them.From a fairly extent, americans tend to amount to evaluate almost all things.9.A break of a mystery.Many people in the world has a rich mystery, such as some African nation and some of the Latin American nation to nature, to god, to human beings and other things hold profound mystery.Them or to the cult of these things, believe in, or in awe on these things, did not dare to cross the half step.Americans with these people is very different, few such mystique.If americans found something too mysterious, they often can't break it, make it show “looks like”.,Maybe due to the excellent national culture makes the European and American countries in the world's great powers, their culture is showing, unwilling to yield to the determination to conquer the world.Dare to do STH unconventional or unorthodox, not bound by the secular stereotypes, dare to challenge authority, to break the mystery.Such a spirited people are like a runaway horse, Mercedes in the boundless grassland, continuously forge ahead without fear.These are their understanding of the culture of the European Union, these excellent culture is worth us to learn, in learning to do STH unconventional or unorthodox, hitting a more excellent culture is a way.


This letter is intended to serve as a college recommendation for Ezra

Edlarruti.I have been acquainted with Ezra for four years butcame to know him well last year, as he was in the one class thatI taught, a thirteen-student junior English class.

Last spring, while he was singing the lead in “The Marriageof Figaro, ” Ezra became especially interested in a shortstory that we read as a class, Albert Camus's “The

Guest.” It is a challenging story for any reader, and Ezrabecame interested in the subtleties of interpreting it,especially in the difficulties inherent in the translation of

such a story.What did Camus really mean to say and how mighthis intentions have been compromised by its English translation?Ezra read the original, French, version of the story and thenwrote a superb analysis of the compromises inherent in itsEnglish translation.His essay was flawless--his wording apt,and his analysis insightful, logical and comprehensive.Some ofour English faculty can't write so well.

Students and faculty often remark that Ezra is blessed with

considerable talent.What many of them overlook is how hard Ezraworks to cultivate his talent, whether it be the development ofhis beautiful voice for an operatic performance or of hiswriting skills as he works through an essay.I know of the

effort that he put into book reviews of _1984_ and _Animal Farm_because he shared early drafts with me.I also appreciate thetime that he put into his analysis of “The Guest”because he stopped by periodically to share his enthusiasm forthe project and his progress with it.

In over twenty-five years of teaching, I have known otherstudents with talent equivalent to Ezra's.Many of them lackedhis good nature and humility, and few demonstrated the genuineintellectual curiosity that Ezra has exhibited over and over--a curiosity that is often accompanied by his excitement orenthusiasm for an idea, an author, a literary work or the leadrole in a challenging operatic performance.

When I decided to set up a debate on Henry David Thoreau's“Civil Disobedience, ” regarding the role ofgovernment in our lives today, in an effort to have the class

appreciate more fully the contemporary implications of Thoreau'ssophisticated essay, it was Ezra who was most helpful increating a resolution that would lead to that appreciation.Ezra, to no one's surprise, then agreed to argue on any side ofthe debate.

Ezra is a motivated young man of numerous talents andconsiderable self-discipline.He is fun-loving, likable,enthusiastic, trusting and trustworthy.

Gary Youstis




宏观上:冷战”结束后,市场化经济体新增 30亿劳动力,导致了接下来的近20年里全球范围内出现了低价商品和低通胀。日本为应对泡沫经济而自1990年以来采取的货币政策,使得全球近20年来可以几乎不付利息地取得日元贷款,也催生了著名的日元利差交易。最近一项关于全球利差交易的估算显示,这种对不同国家的利率和汇率差异进行的套利,总额可达2 万亿美元,其中有一半是日元的利差交易。这为金融工程提供了大量资金,在亚洲金融危机期间施加了巨大影响。这种利差交易的成功后来又被杠杆操作和衍生品放大,成为后来的投资银行和对冲基金的标志性特征。利用低利率货币进行利差交易的兴与衰,加大了全球金融交易和资本流动的数量和波动。金融工程师大量涌现。这在“冷战”末期大量科学家和物理学家被辞退的时候,就已经很明显了。这些数理人才将技术和统计技巧应用到金融市场,建立了金融模型来管理风险,遍布于主宰了全球金融市场的商学院、投资银行和对冲基金。他们那些复杂模型之下有一个致命弊病,就是认为风险世界是一个正态钟型的统计曲线,而完全忽略了长尾效应。全球市场的监管放松。从 WTO下的关税减免,到 IMF 下的解除资本管制。那种干预最小化、让市场决定价格、竞争将创造全球效率的哲学,不仅成了基础教科书上的金科玉律,也成了全世界官员们奉行的准则。






院系:物理工程学院 专业:电子科学与技术 学号:2009223022




















《海底两万里》-----读后感 《海底两万里》写于1870年,书中主要讲述了生物学家阿龙纳斯随“鹦鹉螺号”潜水艇艇长尼摩及两位同伴周游海底的故事,展现出一幅幅惊险刺激画面:他们从太平洋出发,经过珊瑚岛、印度洋、红海、地中海,进入大西洋,看到许多罕见的海生动植物和水中的奇异景象,又经历了搁浅、土人围攻、同鲨鱼搏斗、冰山封路、章鱼袭击等许多险情。

“在海中我不承认有什么主子,在海中我完全是自由的。[4]”这是鹦鹉螺号艇长尼摩的肺腑之言。尼摩艇长是个极其神秘而又复杂的人物。他看似是个暴躁的人,但遇事却极其镇静,他身世不明,逃避人类,蛰居海底,而又隐隐约约和陆地上的某些人有一种特殊联系;他貌似冷酷无情,但 当自己的艇员被海浪,被章鱼卷走时,他会悄然的落泪,而且他还可以把财富送给受到压迫的可怜人;他拥有让人难以置信的智慧和能力,他运建造的鹦鹉螺号不仅异常坚固,而且结构巧妙,能够利用海洋来提供能源。而最后随之故事的深入,尼摩船长的身份被逐步揭开,原来他是一个在反抗殖民主义斗争的烈火中成长起来的民族志士。他搜集海底金银财宝,支援被压迫民族的正义斗争。当祖国沦为殖民地后,他带领少数志同道合的人潜入海底,用反抗的行动和不满的言论,支持和唤醒被压迫民族反抗殖民统治的斗争。

作者凡尔纳 正是通过尼摩船长之口谴责了殖民主义者在印度次大陆的野蛮的扩张行为,他 塑造的尼摩船长是处在资本主义上升阶段,有着人文主义和民主思想的典型的人物形象。在当时的历史条件下,他代表着新兴的资产阶级的利益。透过他的个性,可以看到处在上升阶段的资产阶级的代表人物那种自强不息的进取精神。




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