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English 1A

Professor Emrys-personDecember 2011

The Socio-Cultural Conflict between New and Traditional Asian-American

I have been living in America for almost a year;the top socio-culture conflict relevant to me are between new Chinese-American and traditional Chinese-American culture.Many Chinese friends often complain that it is difficult to live in the traditional family because there are too many invisible rites and ethical standards to follow at.“Tiger Mother” is one of the well-known examples in US, which display the typical life style of traditional Chinese family.For thousands of years, Chinese lived in a comparative stable and unchanged life, so they also act and think in traditional ways.Though Chinese people‟s lives have changed a lot since the open and reformed policy, many people‟s values towards life stay the same in various aspects.Even though New Chinese-America and traditional Chinese-American are geographically lived together, there are many cultures different between them due to distinctive life style and policy.The new generations who are growing up in the US have diverse moral, ethics as well as attitudes in life.The disparate social structure between modern and traditional creates many culture conflict at home and society.The essay is mainly focusing at comparison of the different families and works aspects in new and old Chinese-American, and the fundamental philosophy behind the culture issues, as well as offers a practical solution in the future.First, New and traditional Chinese-American hold different attitudes towards work.Modern Chinese believe that work is one of sources of happiness.Prof Xu, Hao, director of social psychology and disability research Centre of Tsinghua University, did a research on what makes people happy, and he concluded that passion and enthusiasm in work are the main factors that

make people happy.He found that if a young man is out of his favorable work, his possibility of suicide rates maybe 40 times as larger as those who are not.Most of the New Chinese-American has a shine educational background;For example, most of them hold a degree or MBA from top universities in the world, such as Harvard, Stanford, and Berkeley;however 80% of them rather choose some interesting but lower salaries jobs than the high paid but boring work.In the contrary, traditional Chinese-American holds a separate view on work.Money is always the Priority of selecting a job, as well as some other factors below: secondly, whether the job is a decent one;thirdly, whether the salary is satisfied.In a survey, 36.73% people work for raising the family, 23.64% aim at having a high quality life style, and only 12.87% endeavor to realize their personal value.It shows that most of traditional Chinese American still struggling for rich life rather than the enjoyment of working.Because of the distinctive attitudes and perspectives of working, many problems also create in the Chinese-American family;such as family violence, divorce, and fight.In the paragraph four I will indicate the foundation two cultures.Second, the two parties view on the family values is slightly similar to each other due to both of them believing all happy families resemble each other.Tolstoy once wrote, while unhappy families are each unhappy in their own way.That is to say, both New and traditional parties think happiness of the family is true and most enormous happiness.The traditional concept of the

family still takes deeper root in New Chinese-American.In accordance with a survey, nine out of them people believe that their families are the essential and enduring part of their life, which is a reliable means of resisting the pressure and threats from the society, culture and career.Besides, new group laid stress on the harmonizing atmosphere of a family.Even between the husband and the wife, father and children, sisters and brothers, they will perform themselves as well-manner as possible.It defies traditional group‟s understanding that we can hear the wife say “thank you” to

her husband, or the older sister say “sorry” to her younger brother and the father say “forgive me, please” to his daughter, though they have lived together for a long time.On the other hand, the principle and value of family of traditional group may be the strongest in the world.As for Chinese, a harmonious, large family is considered to be a blessing.It is highly related to the

feudal society and Confucianism, which is the fundamental root in Asian culture.According to an Internet survey, more than 60% people think families are the most reliable people in the world, and 78.8% people hold the view that blessedness family is the biggest happiness in their life.Most women in the countryside spend most of their time and energy on their family.They seldom have their own interests, only their eldership and children in their hearts.In the cities, family is also important.When festivals come, especially the Spring Festival, sons and daughters, who work far from home, will go home and reunite with their parents, with a lot of presents bought for their families.Obviously, family is a top thing traditional group would rather sacrifice almost everything to support and protect.There are many similar culture significance problems for Chinese-American in US, which are also happened in the other country as well because ultimate culture assimilation or harmony would take several generations to achieve.In US, the majority communications, which contain the usual way of living, are the eldership in the family.On the other side, the youth, who have formal education from the western country, represent the key role of reformist;therefore, most of the conflicts often occur in the normal family daily life.Western scholars always argue that the

reason cause Chinese people different than white are because of Communism, which I think it is the funniest joke in my life.Both Communism and Capitalism are games that played by policies, also the perfect excuse used to attack each other;moreover, Communism or Marxism only used by Chinese central government since 1949, but Chinese culture is already existing for over 4000

years.Certainly, there must be something else that rules traditional Chinese‟s social behavior, moral virtue, as well as ethics.Confucian is the real reason behind politic, which is also largely influencing Asian countries.Confucian is the foundation of Chinese philosophy, and it has been existed for 4200 years, which is also deeply rooted in Chinese culture DNA.Most of the time, Chinese people do not even realize that they are acting or thinking of Confucian.One of the famous core principles that Confucianism promoted is “Three Bonds”.The Three bonds delineated the authority of the dominator over the minister, the father over children, and the husband over wife.Wei-Ming Tu, the director of Harvard-Yenching Institute, describes in his speech “Probing the „Three Bonds‟ in Confucian Humanism, are based on

dominance/subservience underscore hierarchical relationships as inviolable principles for

maintaining social harmony.” Three bonds are only one of the theories inside Confucian by using to promote social stability;however, Confucian as Chinese‟s soul not only recommends for all citizens but also required for over 3000 years.As the young generation, I am strongly supporting the new way of life because I was one of the victims from the traditional style because I had wasted over 10 years in my life to make my family happy rather than to live as myself.Since the first day I came to use, I can feel that power from the society because everyone could stands up to fight for their own life.In the end, I believe that in the short term, socio-culture conflict between New and Traditional Asian-American will still go on in our society because it takes time and steps;however, in the long term, countries and culture assimilation will undoubtedly achieve in the future.



When I was a child I was lovely to look at, with long black hair and bright eyes.Now, I am more beautiful than before, because I am taller, stronger and healthier.And My eyes are still bright.But My hair is shorter now, because I like short hair.If you want to know more about me, Come and make friends with me.I will tell you a lot of changes about me between now and past.




Chinese Dream “Chinese Dream ” has become a hot topicamong Chinese people.According to a recent survey by CCTV ,different groups of people have different dreams.For those people live in cities, theirdreams are based on traffic and environment.They dream of having a bettertraffic situation.They wish that less traffic jams will take place on busyroads.They also focus on environmental problems.They wonder if they can haveclearer skies.As for university students, it is their dreams to seek for betterjob opportunities.When it comes to those who work in rural areas, they wanttheir children have equal opportunities in education with those children in urban areas.Medical aids also arouse a lot of concern among farmers.My dream is to not only achieve success in academic performance , but also make greater achievement in the future.A lot can be done to change the problems such as poverty, starvation and so on , which make the people in our nation happy and harmonious.译文: 中国梦






Wedding Ring

The wedding ring has been in evidence.Some believe the wedding ring was the first element of wedding traditions.The circular shape of the wedding ring symbolizes never-ending love.Third finger, left hand It is believed that the vein in the third finger of the left hand runs directly to the heart.Wedding Flowers

Historically, flowers & herbs have played a significant role in the attraction of “good” and/or the warding off of “evil”.Greeks used ivy for the sign of lasting love.Today, pretty wedding flowers convey a message of fertility and enduring love and romance.The minister will speak

To Groom:_ Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of marriage _ Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health;and, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, so long as you both shall live _(Groom: “I do.”)

To Bride: Do you take this man to be your wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of marriage _ Will you obey him and serve him, love, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health;_ and, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, so long as you both shall live _(Bride:_ “I do.”)

(Minister takes the bride by the right hand & taking the groom by the right hand, brings the hands together and instructs the couple to join hands.)


Weddings in the United States vary as much as the people do.There are church weddings with a great deal of fanfare;there are weddings on mountain-tops with guests barefooted;and there have been weddings on the ocean floor with oxygen tanks for the guests.But many weddings, no matter where or how they are performed, include certain traditional customs.美国的国土上居住着各种各样的人,他们的婚礼也千差万别.有热闹庄重的教堂婚礼;有在山顶上举行的婚礼,客人们光着脚陪伴登高;也有在海底举行的婚礼,客人们戴着氧气罐跟着入水.但婚礼无论在哪儿举行或怎样举行,总有某些传统的风俗.Before a couple is married, they become engaged.And then invitations are sent to those who live nearby, their close friends and their relatives who live far away.When everything is ready, then comes the most exciting moment.在举行婚礼前先要先订婚,然后发放请贴给住在附近的人和好朋友以及远方的亲戚.当一切准备就绪,就该到最激动人心的时刻了.The wedding itself usually lasts between 20 and 40 minutes.The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march is played.The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with her father who will “give her away”.The groom enters the church from a side door.When the wedding party is gathered by the altar, the bride and groom exchange vows.It is traditional to use the words “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part”.Following the vows, the couple exchange rings.Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old custom.婚礼本身通常进行20至40分钟.婚礼一行人伴着结婚进行曲进入教堂.新娘手持一束鲜花和她的父亲最后进来,父亲要把她交给新郎.而新郎则要从侧门进入教堂.当婚礼一行人聚集到教堂的祭坛前时,新娘和新郎互相表达誓言.常用的结婚誓言是:“而今而后,不论境遇好坏,家境贫富,生病与否,誓言相亲相爱,至死不分离.”宣誓过后,二人交换戒指.通常把戒指戴在左手无名指上,这是一个古老的风俗.After the ceremony there is often a party, called a reception,which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds.礼仪过后,通常会有宴会,叫“喜宴”.宴会给参加婚礼的人一个向新婚夫妇祝贺的机会.The car in which the couple leaves the church is decorated with balloons, streamers and shaving cream.The words “Just Married” are painted on the trunk or back window.The bride and groom run to the car under a shower of rice thrown by the wedding guests.When the couple drives away from the church, friends often chase them in cars, honking and drawing attention to them.And then the couple go on their honeymoon.新郎新娘乘坐汽车离开教堂,汽车上装饰有气球,彩色纸带,刮须膏之类的东西.“新婚燕尔”
















举办新娘结婚洗礼Bridal Shower)。(注:这个聚会一般是由伴娘主持,邀请所有新娘的女友与女亲戚参加。男士一般不参加。这个庆祝会除了讲些“女人话”外,很多人也会趁这个机会提前送结婚礼物。)





(7)为新郎举办“单身庆祝会”(Bachelor Party)。(注:未婚新郎的“单身庆祝会”通常是由他的好友代为安排,只有男士参,意为让新郎向他的“单身生活”告别,但同时也要他牢记单身的“美妙回忆”,于是往往转变成“男人最后的疯狂”。啤酒、舞女是这聚会的主题,与新娘洗礼形成鲜明对比。)







仪式结束,新郎新娘手挽手在音乐声中步出教堂,参加婚礼的人们纷纷向他们抛撒米粒、玫瑰花瓣和五彩纸屑,向他们祝福.婚宴 按照习惯,婚宴由女方家里举办,其丰盛程度,要取决于女方家庭的经济状况。婚宴热闹非常,觥筹交错,碰杯之声不绝于耳。此时在座的每一位男客都可以亲吻新娘,这大概是西方封建时代的遗俗。



宴会即将结束,新娘站在屋子中间,将手中的花束从左肩信手向背后年轻姑娘们抛去。据说,碰到花束的姑娘将成为下一次婚礼上的新娘。所以这时在场的姑娘神态各异,腼腆的姑娘羞涩地躲闪,大方的姑娘则毫不顾忌地抢着去接花束。抛完花束,新郎还可以将新娘的吊袜带摘下来,向小伙于们扔去,抓住吊袜带的人就意味着快要做新郎了。宴会在这欢快的气氛中结束。度蜜月 婚礼毕,人们欢送新郎新娘去度蜜月,这一场面充满诙谐和滑稽,与方才的庄重和热闹恰成对照。届时新郎要想方设法带妻子赶快离开,而那些调皮的客人则想出种种新奇花样阻止汽车开走。他们有时把剃须膏抹在司机座前的车窗上,使新郎不得不下车来擦掉;有时把一串罐头盒挂在车尾,弄得叮挡作响。当汽车终于突出包围困时,人们便在后面一阵追赶,最后在笑声中目送汽车远去。这种情景,象征着人们对新娘的爱慕,表现出亲人和朋友对新婚夫妻难舍难分的情感。此时此刻也正是新郎显示自己有足够力量和智慧保护妻子的大好时机。



Wedding Ring

The wedding ring has been in evidence.Some believe the wedding ring was the first element of wedding traditions.The circular shape of the wedding ring symbolizes never-ending love.Third finger, left hand It is believed that the vein in the third

finger of the left hand runs directly to the heart.Wedding Flowers

Historically, flowers & herbs have played a significant role in the attraction of “good” and/or the warding off of “evil”.Greeks used ivy for the sign of lasting love.Today, pretty wedding flowers convey a message of fertility and enduring love and romance.The minister will speak

To Groom:_ Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of marriage _ Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health;and, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, so long as you both shall live _(Groom: “I do.”)

To Bride: Do you take this man to be your wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of marriage _ Will you obey him and serve him, love, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health;_ and, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, so long as you both shall live _(Bride:_ “I do.”)

(Minister takes the bride by the right hand & taking the groom by the right hand, brings the hands together and instructs the couple to join hands.)


Pre-existing elements of traditional Chinese wedding ceremony is generally credited to scholars of the Warring States period, 402-221 B.C.The Three Covenants and the Six Rites, which were considered necessary elements of a marriage.However, the full ritual was too complicated, so even within the span of the Warring States period;the etiquette underwent changes and simplification.” What remained constant were the chief objectives: joining and enhancing the two families and ensuring succession with numerous descendants.Reverence to parents and ancestors, omens to encourage fertility and wealth, financial and social obligations contracted by both families at the betrothal, extensive gift giving etiquette, and the bride’s incorporation into her husband’s family are recurring elements.”

1There are six steps to form a completely wedding: The Proposal, The Betrothal, and Preparing for the Wedding Day, Day of the Wedding, Day After the Wedding, and Three Days after the Wedding.Before the wedding ritual, there are a lot to do, including The “Hair Dressing” Ritual which is done at dawn on her wedding day(or the night before).A “good luck woman”, woman with living parents, spouse and children, will come to help dressing up the bride’s hair.The woman should also speak auspicious words while tying up her hair in a bun, a style of married woman.Though this “hair dressing” ceremony, people give their best wishes to the bride so the bride will bring good luck to the groom and his family。The “Capping” Ritual “ that is performed at the groom’s home, where father of the groom place a hat decorated with cypress leaves on the groom’s head”.The groom will bring the bridal sedan chair, an equivalent of a limousine nowadays, and a group of relatives and friends to go to fetch the bride.This act also wishes the groom to have good luck.The Bride’s Journey to the Groom’s House which is do by the “good luck woman” or a dajin, employed by the bride’s family to look after the bride, carried the bride on her back to the sedan chair.Arriving at the Groom’s House and after stepping over a saddle or a lit stove, the wedding ritual comes to the emphases.In contrast to the elaborate preparations, the wedding ceremony itself is simple.The bride and groom are conducted to the family altar, where they pay homage to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and the Kitchen God, Tsao-Chün.Tea, generally with two lotus seeds or two red dates in the cup, is offered to the groom’s parents.Then the bride and groom bow to each other.This completes the marriage ceremony, except in some regions, where both also drink wine from the same goblet, eat sugar molded in the form of a rooster, and partake of the wedding dinner together.Immediately after the ceremony, the couples are led to the bridal chamber, where both sit on the bed.In some areas, honey and wine poured into two goblets linked by

a red thread.The bride and groom take a few sips and then exchange cups and drink it up.And the guests that are usually the relatives of the bride and groom, will enjoy separately rich banquet which is by either the bride’s parents or the groom’s.It is generally considered as public recognition of the union.介绍一下中国婚礼习俗

Ever since ancient times, there has been a saying that the three most delightful moments in one's life come with success in the imperial examination, marriage and the birth of a son.From the Qin(221 BC – 206 BC)to Qing(1644 – 1911)Dynasties, the feudal system dominated over two thousands years.During this period, the importance of getting married was far more than that a person found his better half.For the male side, it determined the prosperity and even the future fame of their family;while for the female side, it meant that parents lost the chance of seeing their daughter for a long time.Thus to choose an ideal partner was vital for both the individual and the family.In feudal society, a marriage would be decided not by a young couple's love, but by their parents' desires.Only after a matchmaker's introduction and when parents considered the two family conditions were similar and could be matched, would the marriage procedures go forward.Conditions that should be taken into consideration included wealth and social status.If a boy's family was well-off or an official family, his parents would never permit him to marry a girl from a poor family.Essential to the marriage process were the commonly recognized 'three Letters and six etiquettes'.The three letters were the betrothal letter, the gift letter with a gifts list and the wedding letter used on the day the bridegroom met his bride at her home.Six etiquettes then led to the final wedding ceremony.Proposing: when a boy's parents intended to make a match, they would invite a matchmaker to propose with them at the girl's home.It was the custom that the first time matchmaker went as a guest they could not be served tea in order not to 'lighten the marriage'.If the proposal was successful, however, the matchmaker(usually a woman)would be rewarded with profuse gifts and feasts to show the two families' gratitude.Many unmarried young people could not see and were unfamiliar with each other till their wedding day.Birthday Matching: after knowing the girl's full name and birthday, they would ask a fortune teller to predict whether that could match their son's and whether there would be a happy marriage.The Chinese zodiac would be surely taken into consideration.Presenting Betrothal Gifts: if the match was predicted to be auspicious, the matchmaker would take gifts to the girl's parents and tell them that the process could continue.Presenting Wedding Gifts: This was the grandest etiquette of the whole process of engagement.Prolific gifts were presented again to the girl's family, symbolizing respect and kindness towards the girl’s family as well as the capability of providing a good life for the girl.Selecting the Wedding Date: the boy's family asked the fortune-teller to choose a date according to the astrological book when it would be proper and propitious to hold the wedding ceremony.Wedding Ceremony: the wedding ceremony began with the groom and his party meeting the bride in her home.Before this day the bride's dowry would have been sent to the boy's house.The dowry represented her social status and wealth, and would be displayed at the boy's house.The most common dowries included scissors like two butterflies never separating, rulers indicating acres of fields, and vases for peace and wealth.Before the meeting party's arrival, the bride would be helped by a respectable old woman to tie up her hair with colorful cotton threads.She would wear a red skirt as Chinese believed red foreshadowed delight.When the party arrived, the bride, covered by a red head-kerchief, must cry with her mother to show her reluctance to leave home.She would be led or carried by her elder brother to the sedan.In the meeting party the bridegroom would meet a series of difficulties intentionally set in his path.Only after coping with these could he pass to see his wife-to-be.On the arrival of the sedan at the wedding place, there would be music and firecrackers.The bride would be led along the red carpet in a festive atmosphere.The bridegroom, also in a red gown, would kowtow three times to worship the heaven, parents and spouse.Then the new couple would go to their bridal chamber and guests would be treated to a feast.Wine should be poured to the brim of a cup but must not spill over.On the night of the wedding day, there was a custom in some places for relatives or friends to banter the newlyweds.Though this seemed a little noisy, both of them dropped shyness and got familiar with each other.On the third day of the marriage, the new couple would go back to the bride's parents' home.They would be received with also a dinner party including relatives.Of course, marriage customs differed by region, but these were the most common.They have been maintained for thousands of years, but in recent years(especially after the founding of modern China), people have tended to discard some of the details and advocate simplified marriage procedures and wedding ceremonies.娶亲回来,新娘、新郎在进大门时,门口左右预先放着的两捆干草要点燃。干草是用红线绳捆着,草内夹放着油炸糕。点干草含有三层意思:其一,因干草乃“五谷”之一的秸秆,点燃是祈祝五谷丰登;其二,干草里夹油糕,借“糕”字音寓意步步登高;其三,捆系干草的线是红色的,点燃后的火也是红的,可以辟邪。不论是为了辟邪、还是祈福,红色,都包含着强烈的生活的愿望、意志和追求。生活仿佛是从结婚开始,而红色的婚礼,象征红红火火的日子。







结婚之日,新郎、新娘束系的都是大红裤带。裤带是空心的,里边装着钱。清代时,装的钱是“字钱”,解放初期装的是硬币,现在装的是百元大钞,名为 “富贵”,寓意是婚后能招财进宝,成为腰缠万贯的富豪人家。折枣枝和拿筷、杯 新郎去娶亲时,要从新娘家折些枣树枝子,并要两双筷子、两个喝水杯,用红丝带系在一起,用红绸布包好带走。




“红盖头” 过去新娘出嫁时坐轿子,戴“红盖头”,现在出嫁一般是坐小轿车,戴“面纱”。“盖头”和“面纱”同是一个同意,是在显示和代表新娘青春、贞洁和尊贵。





Married back, the bride, the groom at the entry gate, the gate stood about in advance of the two bundles of hay to be ignited.Hay is the red line Shengkun the grass stood inside the folder deep-fried cakes.Contains a three-point hay meaning: first, because hay is a “grain” one of the straw, light is pray bumper grain harvest;secondly, hay inside folders You Gao, use the “cake” pronunciation implication ascend step by step;Third, the Department of hay bales line is red, lit the fire is red, you can ward off

evil.Whether in order to ward off evil, or praying, red, all with a strong desire to live, will, and pursuit.Life is like starting from the marriage, while the red wedding, symbolizing the booming days.“China Red” Wedding

Red is a traditional Chinese color, lucky colors, happy colors.Red is a strong visual impact of light, has a life, fire and brilliant color, so red and could drive out the ancient Chinese believed that all the evil.A wedding is the most important things in life do not allow a shred of evil evil spirit trouble, so the red color became the main traditional wedding.Red lanterns, red hi word, red couplets, red bars scenes from large to small details, the wedding is red.Colored silk

Five-color silk colored lines

Married that day, the bride and groom have brought chest chest flower, flowers, inlaid with a five-color silk colored lines.Colored, also known as colorful, Qinghuang Chibai black, symbolizing the colors, mainly red, Figure good luck.Not only the chest with a five-color silk, colored lines, even with the marriage of the red tape burden is also five colored silk wear.Installed in his hip pocket money

Wedding day, the groom, the bride-beam system are red belt.Belt is hollow, the inside filled with money.During the Qing Dynasty, filled with money, “the word money,” the liberation of the initial installation of the coins, and now is filled with hundred dollar bills, called “rich”, it means that marriage can be招财进宝to become wealthy and rich people.Off date sticks and chopsticks, cups and groom to get married when the bride's family from the jujube tree branches off more, and to two pairs of chopsticks, two drinking cups, is tied with red ribbon with a red silk cloth away.“Jujube Tree” implies marriage “as early as a son.” A pair of chopsticks, a pair of cups, meaning pairs, and after marriage for food and drink, free from poverty.Carry-wear red handkerchief

Will have to leave the bride married when the girl, Guye both bid farewell to their parents Zuo Yi.Cijing such a situation inevitably raises the sad tears, bring a handkerchief to facilitate Mayan Lei.In the past, when the cry out of the village married bride, bride is said to cry tears of marriage will bring nectar crops.Ancient times, women, once married, especially in marrying men from his home, they rarely have the opportunity to meet with their parents, their grief can imagine.Now, in the city, weeping is no longer unusual, and the bride married with a handkerchief, but in accordance with custom trip.The “red hijab” In the past when the bride married sedan chair, wearing a “red hijab”, now married generally by car, wearing “the veil.” “Hijab” and the “veil” with an agreement on behalf of the bride in the display, and youth, virginity and distinguished.To send the pro-grandmother or with dolls

Together with the bride sitting in red chair inside the person, if the escort is the aunt, or aunt, known as the “sending pro-Grandma”;if the escort who is niece of the bride's nephew, called “with dolls.” If there is no escort the person, then the chair where the bride put a large steamed bun, painted into a saffron colored, saying “hi bun”, it means the bride is not sitting alone single sedan chair.Sedan chair up and down does not stick to

Married bride upper and lower chair, pay attention to feet do not stick to.Ancient legend of earth was married, Nintendogs stars should drop of blood, if the bride's foot so that the star on the Tengu blood, they will not have a baby.Therefore sedan chair(vehicle)dignitaries hold, got down(car)dignitaries back, Jin Dongfang to tread yellow cloth, is this intention.



directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic do libraries become useless at the age of information? you should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in chinese:





there has been a heated discussion about libraries at the age of information among people.some people, especially the younger generation, challenge the value of conventional libraries.when they need any information in their studies or work, they can turn to their computers for help.for this reason, they do not need to go to a library for borrowing or returning one or two books.while others, including most old people as well as scholars, value libraries.they love libraries because they can enjoy peace and quietness in an isolated spiritual world.and they also have access to rare academic works needed for their studies in the libraries.in my view, conventional libraries are still available though there is still much room for improving.at the age of information, as long as knowledge is respected and cherished, libraries won’t extinct from our lives.on the other hand, libraries should not refuse

the latest information technology, which will enable them to regain those young readers。



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