
时间:2019-05-15 14:18:35下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Where do you prefer to live, in the countryside or in the city? why?

Although some people like to live in the countryside, i still prefer to live in the city.First of all, the city has a better living standard than the countryside.As we know,we can get better education condition ,which is so important to us that if we miss it ,our lives won't be complete.At the same time ,it providesus with better health care system, which can help us live a less painful and healthy life.Secondly, it is often easier to find work, there are always well-developed public transports.Finally, the life in cities is rich and colorful;they can go to cinemas, and walk in the parks whenever we want to relax.2.Why should we learn history of other countries?

There are many reasons, but my favorite is to remember and compare how different lives become after a few years.As we know, the study of world history is a way to understand the growth and evolution of humanity.It enables us to learn from our past and teaches us ways to build a better future.There is a saying: Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.We study history to find out more about ourselves, to learn from mistakes, to recall different ways of approaching things.History is more than just dates and places.From one decade to the next, from one century to the next, the ideas, inventions, clothing, attitudes, everything about civilization can change so drastically.It is about understanding the relationship between cause and effect and how nothing is a constant in an ever-changing world.We study history so that we don't forget ourselves.3.How does micro-blog or weibo change our life?

As the Internet develop rapidly ,micro-blog has play an important role in our daily life.micro-blog,which in china we called“Weibo”.Firstly, its a good way for us to communicate with our friends.Unlike the QQ zone and xiaonei,microblog is relatively private.You can choose whoever to pay attention to, then, his or her fresh news will appear on your space.At the same time, you can also report interesting trivial matters and mood in your microblog.Thirdly,microblg can shorten the distance between people.It’s a convenient way to record interesting trivial matters and mood in our daily lives.We can also spare our sorrow and happy with our friends.With the development of Microblog mobile client, you can send information anywhere and anytime.Microblog will not just change your life now,it will also change your future.


Unit 8 Transcript

A: Mr.Baker, our boss has invited you to dinner tonight to celebrate our successful cooperation, and also as a farewell dinner as you return to America soon.This is the invitation.B: You are very kind.I accept.A: Then we’ll send the car to pick you up at the hotel.B: OK, see you then.C: Mr.Baker, it’s a great honor to have you with us tonight.Please sit here;that’s for our distinguished guest.B: Thank you.I feel overwhelmed to be invited.C: Mr.Baker, as you are our guest, would you please order for us?

B: In America, we order our own dishes.But I should do as the Roman’s do, right? Can I see the menu?

A: Can you bring us the menu, please?

B: There are so many choices!Zhou, can you tell me a little about some of the dishes?

A: Certainly.On the menu, traditional Chinese cuisine from various places are mentioned, like Cantonese cuisine from the south, the Shandong cuisine from the north, Huai Yang cuisine from the east and Shi Chuan cuisine from the west.They each have their own characteristics, such as the light flavor of the south, the salty flavor of the north, the sweet flavor of the east, and the spicy-hot flavor of the north.B: I can’t eat spicy food, and I prefer the light flavor.A: Then what about the Cantonese cuisine?

B: That’s good.I like the Cantonese dishes served in the restaurants in China Town.A: OK.Well, is there anything you don’t eat? I know there are some things Americans don’t eat for religious reasons, or just because of habit.B: I am not particular about food.But I don’t like too much fat and I am allergic to MSG.A: I see.Mr.Baker, I recommend Chinese soup.It’s quite different from the soup in Western cuisine.Most Chinese soups have healing properties.B: Really? Any recommendation?

A: The stewed duck soup with ginseng served here is very famous.You must be quite tired because of your trip.The ginseng will fortify you while the duck is not fat.I think you will like it.B: That sounds great.I’ll try it.A: Would you like something to drink? They serve red wine, liquor, beer, juice and soda here.B: Red wine is ok.I once tried liquor here.It’s too strong for me.A: I don’t know whether you can use chopsticks.Do you need western cutlery?

B: No, thanks.I think chopsticks are very interesting;it’s the Chinese way, and I am working on it.A: OK.C: We’re honored to have Mr.Baker here with us.He will end his work here and leave for America tomorrow, so I’d like to propose a toast.To Mr.Baker, good health, and may he have a great flight!

B: Thank you for your warm welcome.To your good health, and cheers!

A: Mr.Baker.I have booked a ticket for the 10 o’clock flight tomorrow morning, and the driver will pick you up at 8: 00.You will transfer in Shanghai at 5 o’clock.I’ve informed my colleague in Shanghai to pick you up at the airport, and, if you like, you can have a short stop over there and have a brief sightseeing too.B: You are very thoughtful.Thank you very much.A: You’re welcome.Have a nice trip./ 1



1.Do you think man lives in harmony with nature now?

No, the relationship between man and nature is not as harmonies as before.With the development of our economy, our environment has become more and more serious while this issue affects people’s work study and daily life.Human develop economy at the expense of nature, therefore, severe environmental deterioration like soil erosion, droughts and green house take place frequently.It seems like that we fall into a vicious circle, which makes our life becoming worse.2.Can you give some examples to show environmental problems which are the consequences of man’ activities? According to you, what can we do to solve or to prevent the problems you have just mentioned?

Nowadays, the relationship between man and nature is not as harmonies as before.Man’s unreasonable activities cause series of environmental problems, like green house, soil erosion, droughts etc.In my view, we shouldn’t develop our economy at the expense of nature.And we should be aware that natural resources are not inexhaustible.Therefore, we must take some active actions to protect our environment.We’d better plan more trees, reduce waste, limit pollution pour and strengthen cyclic utilization.In a word, we should take as little as possible from nation and put back into it as much as we can.3.How has technology made our life easier? Could you give some examples?

Through technology, mankind has united the globe in a continuous civilization that is capable of living standards and life expectancy never before experienced.Take the Internet for example.Surfing on the Internet can expand our horizon and add to our knowledge.Almost everything that you are interested in can be found on the Internet easily.The development of the email and net-chatting make it more convenient to get in touch with our friends, making the earth a small village.What’s more, it also brings a revolution in business because the restrict of the region is less and less important and the efficiency is improved a lot.4.Is the advance of technology always a good thing? How should we avoid its negative points? No.In a strict sense, technology is a double-edged sword, which can be used equally for good or evil.Through technology, mankind has united the globe in a continuous civilization that is capable of living standards and life expectancy never before experienced.But on the other hand, technology has hidden a big security risk, like weapons of mass destruction, Identity theft.In my view, effective measures should be taken to avoid its negative points.First, we should bring the theory of “correct use technology” into countries, set technology management rules and conduct education activities.Second, it is essential that law and regulations be worked out and enforced by the government.Only by the co-efforts of the whole society could technology work reasonable and bring benefit to people’s well-beings.5.There are millions of students graduating from university every year.Most of them may go to work right afterwards, while others may delay their employment plan to further their education such as being engaged in postgraduate programs.In your opinion, which of the following choice is more rational—“work first and then postgraduate education, or vice versa?”

In my opinion, I think work first and then postgraduate education is more rational.In this way, one person can come into contact with varies kinds of work and gain a lot of practical experiences, broaden his horizon and have a general impression of knowledge that mentioned in books.After that, when he review or learn knowledge points that refers to what he had experienced, it will be easier for him to full awareness contents of books.Besides, it’s also a good chance to learn new ways to do his work better.Generally speaking, I think it’s a better way to combine theory with practice, and benefit one’s growing best.6.Nowadays finding a job is not easy, which involves such factors as job hunters’ experience, ability, diploma, personality and so on.As for the ability and diploma, which do you think plays the more important role in securing a job?

There is not doubt that ability and diploma are all take the more important place.Although many Chinese people advocate that diploma is the best evidence of a talent, I insisted that only a person have real ability and learning, can he accomplish his tasks successfully and serve our motherland worthily.I order to get a better diploma, many people sit at his desk studying day and night, but don’t pay attention to the improvement of personnel ability like work ability, communication ability, organization ability etc.Then this had very the multi-high-grades but low ability person.7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Literature can teach you a lot about real life.”

Sure, I am agreeing that literature can teach us a lot of our real life.Literature, contains varies kinds of form like poetry、novel、play、essay etc.It’s the reaction of social life in a certain era.As a reader, the function of literature is to convey inner ideas feelings and imagines of writer.And literature has drawn its materials from real life.We experience the drama when we read the literature, and share different kinds of from all over the world.Then, we connect it with our real life, and express more feelings.Therefore, we learn a lot of our real life from it.8.Describe a book, a story or a movie you like most and its influence on your life.“The Notebook” is my favorite movie.In this movie, the elder Noah is battling with his pain and suffering to a woman who has fallen victim to an illness and tries his best to help her remember.When she does, it is one of the best moments in the film;as melodramatic as all of it is, we come to the movies to be swept away into another time and place, and that's where “The Notebook” gets it right.The movie is so simple and yet so honest about love that I couldn't help but get swept up in the whole melodrama of it all.It makes me start to discover and to feel the love besides me.


1.Which one do you prefer, on-line education or traditional education? Online education panders to people’s liking for flexibility and fun.First , through online education ,we don’t have to travel long distances to have a class.Instead we could stay at home and devote the traveling time to study.Second, thanks to the internet, there is a sea of courses covering different fields for us to choose from.Finally, online education gives us more flexibility.We can study at our own pace.If meeting with something we don’t understand, we could go over the information and learn again.2.Which one do you prefer? live alone or with roomates? I prefer living with roommates.I think living in a dormitory is a great experience in life.Firstly, by living under the same roof, we can learn to be considerate towards others, share interests and views and develop lifelong friendship.Furthermore, living in a dormitory is far more convenient owing to the proximity to the teaching building and other facilities, which saves us a lot of time.Finally , living in a dormitory is quite safe, especially for the girls.Living in the dormitory will be an unforgettable memory.3.What do you think are the characteristics of a good teacher? I think a teacher should be responsible.Being a good teacher cann’t let his students make mistakes and ignore them.On the one hand, teachers need to be patient to students when students ask questions even too much.On the other hand, teachers should be resourceful so that can give help to students who need and even if they cann’t help students by person.4.Every one has some goals, describe one of your goals。

one of my goals is to travel around the world.Since i was a child, i have been very curious about the outside world, so i want to get to know it by experiencing it myself.And travelling is witnout doubt a good choice.But in fact, I need to study hard so I can enjoy tomorrow.5.Do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth? I think it depends.Generally , people should be honest and genuine.Only when we are frank ,can we make real friends and be successful in the end.However, sometimes white lies are necessary.For example, doctors can choose not to tell the patients the truth in order to give them courage and hope to fight with disease.6.how do you usually spend your holidays? What’s your plan for the coming winter holiday? First, I usually finish my tasks first.And I will do anything I like.For example, reading some books I interested, watching some tv programs or movies.But this winter holiday I will change my usual plans.I want to take a travel around my hometown—Xiamen with my friends.7.is writing better than calling ? give your reasons? I think writing is better than calling.Because writing in hand can express our feelings better.Especially sometime we cann’t say something by our mouth personally.Via letters, we can show our love and respect more well.8.which do you prefer : single-sex class or co-educational class? I think single-sex school may be more pure.Professor’s courses may well suit for girls.There will be so many differences between girls and boys’ interests.In co-educational schools, boys are more likely to speak out their ideas, and the courses are designed much suitable for boy.If possible, I hope to read single-sex school, so I more likely to be elegant and powerful women.9.which should be emphasized in education: knowledge or creativity ? Who do you admire most? why? Creativity is very important.Creativity is the key to a brighter future, say education and business experts.Now schools and parents are eager to encourage this vital skill in children.they want children to do something ,such as class experiments, to build up their sense of creativity.10.who do you admire most? Why? I admire the singers and band the most.Because they have to go on tours around the world, trying to please all their fans even though they've barely got any sleep or hasn't eaten meal yet.It takes a great amount of energy to sing and dance continuously.Some of them worked so hard that they ended up fainting, skipping their concerts, or staying in the hospital.Even so, they still continue to tour around, perform, and going on interviews for the sake of their fans.11.Long-term contact and first impression, which do you think can help you best to know a person? why? I think long-term contact can help me best to know a person.Because we can’t know a person well from the first impression.everyone of us can behave well as long as we intend to.Through long-term contact,we can know everything about the person with which we are getting along.It is very important for us to know the person around us through long-term contact 12.What do you miss most in your home? 13.Describe the most important object to you? As for me, My computer is the most important object to me.I am major in computering technology and science in the university.and I am interested in computer,At present I need computer to study ,I need computer to amuse and in the future I need computer to work with.So I can not live without my computer.14.Novel, maganize or poem, which one do you prefer? 15.Which do you cherish more, your friend or your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? Obviously, a friend is easy to make, but a lover is kind of hard to seek for.Since relationships between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationships, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship.Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this.As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind.I partly agree this, and when I fall in love , especially at the very beginning , I think I will cherish it more than fiendship.16 What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job(even a part-time job)?

I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential.I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement.Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value.Another factor I concern is –its location.I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t.whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, your parents or your friends?

They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.They can give me better suggestion.Parents are people love us most and will never be unwilling or too busy to listen to me and give me a hand.However ,friends may be busy with study or can’t figure out my situation clearly.What’s more, always asking them for help perhaps will make them become inpatient.18 nature or nurture: which plays a more important role in a person’s success, biological factors or environmental factors? I do think the environmental factors are vital for one’s success.There are so many things we have to learn on this earth.You probably have some nature talent but if the environment doestn’t provide you the platform to show and make the most use of it, it means nothing.Environment can have a very strong impact on a person through out the life.Live with A level students, we will be influenced to learn better.1 percent talent and 99 percent hard working.We can be easily affected.19 how do you get along with your roommates? What do you do when conflicts with your roommates come in the way?(interpersonal relationships)Bring them homemade food.Having meals and going shopping together clean the dorm regularly.I’ll firstly let myself calm down and figure out whether it’s my fault or her fault.If it’s my fault ,I will break the freezing atmosphere and say sorry.If it’s her fault, I will understand her.20 what are your hobbies ? what do you think of some students who spend far too much more time on their hobbies than on their schoolwork? 21 a lot of young people like fast food.What is your attitude to the phenomenon? I really don’t agree to take fast food so frequently, because there are ways too much oil, meat and fewer vegetables in it.I m worried about its nutrition.It’s an unbalance way of eating.I love McDonald’s and KFC as well but I understand that they are fairly unhealthy.Sometime I do go to eat there if I have a very strong feeling of having it.But in most time, I will persuade myself just stop here, stop at thinking of it.22 would you like to further your education abroad, if it were possible? Give your reasons.I really want to study abroad in the future, in fact ,I’m preparing for TOFFL now.the first reason is that the education in western country have a pretty high quality and the facility and resources in university is abundant.Second resond is that I would like to take this chance to have a close look at western country and culture, and broaden my horizon.Another reason is that I can learn to be independent and do all stuffs by myself.23describe your life at college with your parents.what aspects about college life do you like the best ? More free to study by myself, more spare time I can arrange in order to focus on my interest.And now I have to take my responsibility for my study , descisions and life style



What are the positive and negative qualities of leaders? Every leader has positive and negative qualities.This is because few leaders are absolutely terrible and no leaders are absolutely perfect.Leaders tell people what to do and how to act.This means that leaders need to have good character,such asstanding behind your rules and regulations;understanding your staff ,and the ability to look at information and quickly make a clear decision.But there are also negative qualities, such as ignoring your employees, do not listen to others, hesitant.第四个

What is us business protocol? The most important business protocol is timing.you must arrive at business meetings on time.Only a 15-minutes delay because of traffic problem is allowed.And the next is greetings and polite conversation, including shaking hands, introductions.And you don’t have to exchange business cards unless there is a reason to get in contact later.And you mustn’t smoke in many public spaces.The gift shouldn’t be given until the meeting is over.last but not least , you should write a short thank you note to your host and hostess.You don’t have to give a gift but flowers and wine are appreciated.第三个

Whatare the bad qualities of an organization? There are still some bad qualities such as bureaucratic ,centralized, conservative , impersonal in an organization.They will make the organization dissolved.And we should try our best to avoid them.that is very important.第二个

What are the advantages of globalization? Globalization has several advantages on the economic, cultural, technological, social, and other aspects.We can buy goods and services with a lower price.And we can find moreemployment opportunities to work.We have the chance to understand other countrys culture, technology and sct.All in all,the globalization has many advantages for us.第一个

Why do some people like or dislike brands? People like the brands because of its quality, its details and its guarantee on credit.If we have brands clothes or other things , we maybe have a good feeling and think we are better than others.The reasons why people don’t like brands maybe its higher price.And most of people cant afford to pay it.And some people think its wrong to compete buying brands and Ordinary brands can also meet the needs.So they don’t like the brands.



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