
时间:2019-05-15 14:19:58下载本文作者:会员上传


Despicable Me Despicable Me tells the story of Gru(voiced by Steve Carell), planning the biggest heist in the history of the world.He is going to steal the moon.Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his way.Until the day he encounters the immense will of three little orphaned girls who look at him and see

something that no one else has ever seen: a potential Dad.he world's greatest villain has just met his greatest challenge: three little girls named Margo, Edith and Agnes.The movie is entertaining, funny and enjoyable.It has a very good animation.The story is original and the plot is very well developed.It has a very good rhythm, it keeps you entertain for an hour and a half.And the film enjoyed by young and old, to do that is not easy.The cast of voices is great.Steve Carell is Gru, Jason Segel as Vector, Miranda Cosgrove as Margo and Russell Brand as Dr.Nefario everyone delivering very good performances.In conclusion, Despicable Me is a movie to enjoy and better in the 3-D version.Totally worthy and fully recommendable.


:意淫月亮的强盗疼萝莉 《卑鄙的我》 意淫月亮的强盗疼萝莉 卑鄙的我》 :
2010-12-13 21:16:30 来自: taoxinxu 释凡 6900 万投资的《卑鄙的我》算不算黑马?它跟《盗梦空间》暑期档同期热映时,居然 能在北美赢得两亿五票房,甚至超越梦工场巨作《驯龙高手》,已说明问题。曾有人把胜果 归功于环球公司精心经营,置疑它在各款预告片与官网的先声夺人,并指出它明年奥斯卡跟 《玩具 3》 《驯龙》竞争时的劣势,反而彻底忽视超乎寻常的搞笑想象力,与及那颗真挚不 渝的童心。说实话《卑鄙的我》没有《玩具 3》 《长发公主》那等金子招牌,没有《驯龙高 手》那等环保主题,没有《猫头鹰王国》那等尖端 3D 技术,却胜在剧情紧凑,笑料编织密 集,丝毫不留给人喘息机会,尽情将正邪对决颠覆,令人重回到了《猫和老鼠》 的纯真年代。任何电影的宣传与造势皆是必需,好莱坞毕竟是市场竞争体制,而环球公司上部卡通片 《浪漫鼠达佩罗》吃亏在题材与推广差劲,加上前戏铺垫过长,导致后面精彩戏,并未受世 人重视。因此《卑鄙的我》吸取了《浪漫鼠》的教训,不仅宣传铺天盖地,正片更直奔主题,怎么吸引孩子怎么玩。例如男主角格鲁的长鼻子与倒霉形象,不仅参考过“007 系列”邪恶反 派,还跟 《蓝精灵》 的格格巫如出一辙。那群叫女生狂喊“卡哇伊”的黄豆豆助手,则犹如 《怪 物公司》中“大眼仔”与《海绵宝宝》的灵魂合体,他们成群结队可爱亮相,更为日后玩具市 场先拔头筹。倘若再加上《鼠来宝》三个无家可归的孤儿,在《卑鄙的我》换成了《怪物公 司》那样的可爱小萝莉,“萌”人则“萌”到外焦里嫩,万事 OK!仅欠票房!《卑鄙》开篇中顽皮小孩从埃及高台跳下后,居然瞬间被冒牌金字塔弹飞,如此恶搞桥 段,便让人忍俊不禁。接着,男主角格鲁率领黄豆豆登场,他们的一次次倒霉,一次次耍活 宝,一次次急中生智,则充分展现编导们的天马行空。而皮艾尔·柯芬和曾拍摄《松鼠、坚 果和时间机器》的克里斯·雷纳德两位导演,懂得将来源于生活中点点滴滴夸张,因此黄豆 豆既能懂得上网造假资料,还能懂得开飞机、打游戏、造火箭,甚至把他们摇一摇,都能成 为荧光手电筒,颇为“与时俱进”矣!男主角格鲁呢?哥们平日开着火箭加速车购物,貌似威 风八面,貌似如鱼得水,貌似无懈可击,但他先被大反派的各式机关打惨,后为偷窃“缩小 枪”领养三个小女孩,结果他狼狈不堪,疲劳亦不堪,丑态百出了,欢笑赢尽了。这位超级奶爸真不好当啊!格鲁除了被逼坐上翻滚过山车,还用

高科技手枪炸毁玩具摊 位,凭啥搞破坏?给孩子赢奖品!再后来,就连辛苦盗来的月球,也拱手相让了。什么火箭 飞弹?他躲避了!什么可怕鲨鱼?他痛扁了!哥们开飞机腾云驾雾又为啥?上演“救萝莉总 动员”,关键救完了人,睡前还得给孩子读故事书,容易吗?有人说《卑鄙的我》像是皮克 斯和迪斯尼早期作品,整体让人如释重负,并满载着童年回忆,甚至犹同一个嬉戏的顽童,永远那么天真可爱,永远那么无忧无虑,永远那么乐不思蜀!如今笔者看来,《卑鄙的我》 坚定不移贯彻着皮克斯《怪物公司》核心主旨——全心意为孩子服务!为什么一定要像《快乐大脚》那样搞环保主题呢?为什么要像《瓦力》那样谈一场成人 恋爱呢?或者干脆像《飞屋总动员》 《玛丽与马克斯》沉思生命哲理呢?《卑鄙的我》就是 一部讲述家庭温情,将孩子摆最重要诙谐喜剧,它让你走出电影院后,照旧流连忘返,并一 路欣喜若狂。本片耗时两年拍摄,并请来了著名笑星史蒂夫•卡瑞尔献声,还有当红配乐大 师汉斯·季默谱写“愉快”,是否能最终锁定奥斯卡最佳动画!不晓得!但谁都知晓奥斯卡是 成人评委的世界,有《怪物公司》 《冰河世纪》 《闪电狗》这等经典相继折戟沉沙,有《霍顿 与无名氏》 《鼠来宝》 《棒球小英雄》 《浪漫鼠达佩罗》等精品捞不到提名的先例,那么《卑

鄙的我》为孩子们奉献乐趣,是否能打破《玩具 3》连庄宿命?已无遗憾!去他个“奥斯卡最佳动画奖”吧!那帮墨守陈规的评委老爷们选奖时,真为小朋友想过 吗?我看未必!


Forrest Gump review

Forrest Gump describes a story happened on an idiot called Forrest Gump from the 1950’s to the 1980’s in America.As developed America, as Forrest Gump grew up.Ferrost experienced lots of things of importance in the history of America such as the assassinate of kennnedy, the Vietnam War, the Pingpong Diplomacy

and so on.He became a football star, a war hero, a business boss, and a millionnaire.In our view, he is almost a superman, but he did not notice that.As we all know, the film has received a lot of prizes in the Oscar and the other film festivals.I think it deserves it.Some people think this film is a comedy, but I don’t think so.I consider this film as a rony film.The rony occurred in details and was hidden in humor.I will give an example.Do you think an idiot

could be a war hero? I think it should be impossible.But in Vietnam War, it is.In the other way, if the war was started by the fool, the idiot

deserves the hero.From this point, we can see the against attitude of the public taken to this war.Forrest Gump is also a film that can motivate people.In this

film, Forrest take a special attitude different from almost of us to life.The life of Forrest is not very easy, but no matter what he is going to face next, he always accepted it easily, and try his best to accomplish it.Never in his life, he complain about the unfair of 命运 or lost confident of himself.What he did is just doing his best, which is very simple.In our real life, how many people struggled to get something, but in the end, nothing was left.Why not live as Forrest Gump? Doing best is just okey, but never stop our step forward.When it comes to the script, there is no reason not to say the famous words.‘Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.’.It was passed to Forrest by his mother.What wise words it is.The beauty of life is just in the aspect that no one can know what is tommorow like.That is just why I like it.If we all knew what will happen in future, the life must be boring enough.The other fomous script is only one word ‘run’.I think in thisfilm The ‘run’ stand for change.Forrest changed from an idiot

into a success, but there is something that didn’t change.The woman bus driver who took Forrest to school also pick his son

up to school for the first time.I suppose this film deserves us watching it thousands of times.During the progress, we can enjoy the power of one person, the beauty of scenes, be moved by the plot, be influenced by the scripts.Thank you

By Wei Qilin


2, Forrest Gump: Review

From http://movies.tvguide.com/forrest-gump/review/129960



班级:12通信2班 学号:112263030211


《Forrest Gump》

Life is like a box of chocolates.You never know what youre gonna get.Forrest gump mother's this understanding to illustrate: each person's life is, and it is unique.Forrest gump, is listening to such teachings, one step a footprint on out their own the miracle of life.From IQ only 75 points, to go to special schools, the football athletes, to the Vietnam war hero, to the shrimp boat captain, to around the United States, forrest gump with birth defects of body, reached many intelligent people maybe a lifetime also highly difficult to achieve.At the beginning and end of the film you will see in the vast blue sky, a root is lightsome and white feathers from the sky, slowly landed in forrest gump feet.This is actually films in hint: this world, if someone see life like a feather pure, simple and beautiful, so, this person must be forrest gump.Young forrest gump leg disability, forrest gump's mother, son have to put on a heavy iron frame, walking to assist.After school, his companions laugh at him, on the way to play with him, chasing throw stones.The female classmate Jenny shouted: “forrest, run.” Forrest gump panic, started to run, fell struggled to climb up.Gradually, iron frame is not bound him, he run such as fly.Men not overtake him, helpless.This is forrest gump life the first miracle.The miracle is for other miracle was kicked off in the future.Run with amazing speed, forrest gump into the rugby team, later again into the university and eventually graduate.Thought his life here has been very perfect, I didn't think his life's wonderful fragment has just ended.Very soon, he took part in the Vietnam war.The battlefield in Vietnam, forrest gump troops in the ambush, a evacuation order, forrest gump remember Jenny's charge: “hit and run.” The content to be turned and ran.He ran out of the forest, smoothly arrived in a safe place, but he thought of his comrades, he returned to the battlefield, his comrades back one back.After returning, forrest gump is met President for battle achievement is remarkable.Gump became a spokesperson for table tennis, and get a part of money, he bought a shrimp boat, only do yourself is not familiar with the shrimp industry

Thought he would be so comfortable, but he was the only one who love, Jenny came back, Jane began to give him bring happiness and joy, and then Jenny and quietly left.Forrest gump began to fell into chaos, he is going to start running.Someone said he seemed to be thinking in the running, but I think he won't, because forrest gump is a focus on people, if he were running, that he must be in the running, don't want to other things in our mind.What's more, he is a person always live in their own world.Later, he ran for a long time, and have a lot of followers, finally one day, he didn't want to run, and Jenny is back on his world, and of course their son-little forrest gump.Whose end is perfect.Lieutenant Dan is also a perfect ending.Forrest gump's persistent rescued Jenny and lieutenant Dan, or at least to save their souls.Forrest gump's life appeared a lot of miracle, but not the miracle, also will never lead you to envy him, you can only appreciate and forrest gump together those years, life and history, taste the bitter sweet, in order to “across defects, perfect life”.Life is like a feather, who also don't know where next moment want to gone with the wind, insists he wants to is good, but a lot of people like Jenny, in order to pursue and pursue, ignore the side Fine, only the angrily moment in mind, or as lt.Dan to make pain became the pain of forever.There is no one in the film of forrest gump said thank you, but I believe that all those who have seen the film will sincerely say: thank you, forrest gump.






这部电影教会我们很多东西。我们应该多陪陪自己的父母,让他们消除对年老的惧怕。同时可以加强两代人之间的理解。作为一个子女,我们要学会换位思考问题,多想想自己的父母.《On Golden Pond》 Film critics 《On Golden Pond》describes that a retired elderly professor and his wife were on holidays in New England Lake , and he faced many aging crisis in the quite days.His daughter had just got divorced and she was in a wandering mind.There was always a poor relationship between both father and daughter.As the proverb” Blood is thicker than water.”They united their knot finally because the 13-year old grandchildren lived together with grandparents for some time.The movie discusses the ageing problem and the generation gap.First , the ageing problem.He did not want to face the fact that he had been old, because he had a stronger personality as he was young.First, he went to pick strawberries in the woods and he behaved very panicked when he lost.Second, when his grandson asked his age, he would be angry and fight back.Third, he did not acknowledged that he was old even in front of his wife.He was afraid of death.Finally, when a heart attack, he saw his wife's nervous.Though life to death , he had an open heart.Second ,the generation gap between father and daughter.The father and daughter were in fact very painful.They wanted to get good well each other.But they did not take the first step.In fact, in the parents ' hearts, sons and daughters were the most important.The lacking of communication led to the estrangement between the two generations.This movie teaches us many things.As the proverb “The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.”We should spend more time with our parents, making them to eliminate the fear of old.At the same time ,We need to strengthen the communication with our parents.As a child, we must learn the transposition thinking, thinking more of our parents.The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.Blood is thicker than water.Every heart has its own sorrow.Fact speak louder than words.



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