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----the Comments on the Artificial Intelligence

Yang Xin rui


Class 18, Grade 2008


The School of Foreign Languages

China West Normal University

A Paper for Appreciating English Movies

May 2011

On Optimism

----A brief Comment on the Artificial Intelligence


A.I.Artificial Intelligence, also known as A.I., is a 2001 science fiction drama film directed, produced and co-written by Steven Spielberg.The film’s content was maken up by Brian Aldiss' short story “Super-Toys Last All Summer Long”.Set sometime in the future, A.I.tells the story that David who was, a child-like android uniquely, programmed with the ability to love.The review of the film was “a curious, not always seamless, amalgamation of Kubrick's chilly bleakness and Spielberg's warm-hearted optimism.The film is, in a word, fascinating.Key words: Artificial Intelligenceoptimism

The Artificial Intelligence , set in the near future, after the polar ice caps have melted and flooded coastal cities like New York.Highly sophisticated, human-like robots(or ”mechas“)have been developed to perform various tasks for the

much-reduced human population, and now the brilliant Professor Hobby(William Hurt)of Cybertronics Labs has perfected a prototype of a robot boy designed to fill an emotional void for childless couples.A Cybertronics employee, Henry Swinton(Sam Robards), and his wife Monica(Frances O'Connor), whose terminally ill child has been cryogenically frozen, take in the eerily realistic artificial boy, David(Haley Joel Osment), on a trial basis.At first spooked by the ever-smiling robot, Monica is eventually won over and initiates the process of ”imprinting“ the boy with an emotional bond.(It's like flicking an ”on“ switch for love.)The family draws closer until an unexpected miracle occurs: The Swintons' real son Martin(Jake Thomas)is cured and returns home.The bratty Martin exploits his cyber-rival's innocence and lures him into trouble, to the point where Monica is convinced David poses a threat to the family's well being.Monica abandons David in a forest, and the film--which up to now has been a rather hermetic domestic tale--suddenly expands out to the

nightmarish larger world.David, who has been schooled(thanks to a scheming Martin)in the story of Pinocchio, sets out to find the Blue Fairy who can turn him into a real

boy and help him win back his mother's love.But first, David must elude the

cyber-phobic poachers who are rounding up ”mechas“ and destroying them for sport at an arena event called Flesh Fair.The Flesh Fair sequence is but the first of several spectacular episodes in David's odyssey, which also include a visit to a garish, Blade Runner-like urban destination called Rouge City and a journey over the submerged New York.Accompanying David is Gigolo Joe(Jude Law), a strutting ”lover robot“ who becomes his new

protector.Ultimately, David finds his Blue Fairy, but the film takes a radical turn that manages to be simultaneously gloomy and unashamedly emotional.Your response to A.I.will largely depend on your reaction to the whole conceit of a mechanical boy protagonist.If David is ”programmed“ to love, one might ask, why should we care about the fate of this artificial creature? But if you can accept that the character's fixation on his mother's acceptance is taking him beyond himself, creating something spiritual out of his fabricated being, David's odyssey will haunt you.The metaphors for human notions of identity and soul are all there for the pondering in this unusually philosophical studio blockbuster.It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine.For human services and to help people solve problems.After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of characters, this will be very difficult to achieve in the machine.In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all.Through the study of artificial intelligence, can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, and promote the development of other science, the artificial intelligence is the best

AI is about the question, ”What makes us human?“ Can a robot(computer intelligence)ever be human? The boy robot David is created to be fully capable of human characteristics, even love.But he is quickly rejected by his family, and the rest of the story is about his quest to become human so he can regain his mother's acceptance and love.The first twenty minutes of a film, the opening, are critical for engaging the audience.This story has an intriguing story line, great settings, nice special effects, and enough motivation and emotion in the opening, so why doesn't it emotionally engage the audience? Because we don't identify with the struggles of the people involved since there is no continuity of any single character's story.All good science fiction has some human sensitivity in it otherwise it would just be a horror film.The script reflects some of the darkness and coldness that sometimes underlies each character human and machine;there is no fear of this in the story.This darkness draws us on in the story.This raises philosophical issues about the nature of the mind and limits of

scientific hubris, issues which have been addressed by myth, fiction and philosophy since antiquity.Artificial intelligence has been the subject of optimism.A.I.forces us to ponder where we've been and where we might be going.It's an incredible combination of Kubrick's icy intellectual and clinical mind and Spielberg's emotional heart;and I think it works exceedingly well.But it forces the viewer to not leave their heart and brains at the door, which I think is why it is being so negatively received in this season of mindless summer movie fare.It may be too intelligent for its own good, and many don't have the 145 minutes of patience needed for the movie.I did, however;and I would call this an absolute masterpiece.Out of ten stars, give this one a 10.All in all I would say A.I is a wonderfully unique film that should be judged for what it is, a film.Forget everything about the Spielberg/Kubrick ”issue" and just sit back and take in a truely amazing film.You may hate it, you may love it, but no matter what, it will affect your emotions in some way and you will discuss the film afterwards.Bibliography:

(1)English movie “Artificial Intelligence” at http://.(2)The set of “Artificial Intelligence” at:

(3)Comments on review of Spielberg at:






Film is based on the global weather warming, ice melting, many cities on the earth have been submerged in a wash.And, the human science and technology have reached a high level, the scientists invented the robot of artificial intelligence in order to reduce the earth resources consumption and to deal with the bad natural environment,the Advanced robot of artificial intelligence not onlyhave the appearance like humans, but also can realize the existense of thenselves like humans David is such a little robot with thought and emotion.he was adopted by a family whose son was remaining unconscious.Buthis motherMonica can not treat David like her real son at the begining ,gradully Monica start to like David.but one day ,Monica ‘s son Martin miraculous awaken,and returned home, David’ mission is loving his mother,He can't standmother's love is divided, David is eager to have mom's love, so David listened to Martin's request,He cutshis mother's hair.This action was seen byhis father ,his father feel family gatherings,when fellows want to hurt David, David hopes Martin protected him from the damage,but this cause the hurt to Martin.eventually, Monica abandoned David in the the dark forests, David feel helpless and despair, although David is a robot,the longing for his mother has any difference with the real human, when David hiding from genocide process ,He met Joe who is a robotr acted as a lover.after escapingthe fate of destroyed, Davidstepped on the journey for blue fairy with the help of Joe, but we all know that the blue fairy is just fairy tale characters, By this token ,David’love to his mother was the courage for him to exist, I was touchedheavily ,and felt so sorry with David,when David came to Manhattan and saw a lot of robot looks like himself,findingthathimself is uniqueness is onlya lie, David became angry and smashed up to broken the robot ,what this action show is the human independent personality, independent emotions.Later, David bottom found in blue fairy,and eager to her to turn himself into real boy,then he can go back tohismother.He looked forward to be a realboy …

after 2000 years later, David was found by alien,with the help of alien,David met his mom again , although David can onlystay with Monica for one day, David didn’t regret the effort he have paid.A robot who can love truly has any diffience with a human ,they have the power to love ,no matter who can’t deprive it


Forrest Gump review

Forrest Gump describes a story happened on an idiot called Forrest Gump from the 1950’s to the 1980’s in America.As developed America, as Forrest Gump grew up.Ferrost experienced lots of things of importance in the history of America such as the assassinate of kennnedy, the Vietnam War, the Pingpong Diplomacy

and so on.He became a football star, a war hero, a business boss, and a millionnaire.In our view, he is almost a superman, but he did not notice that.As we all know, the film has received a lot of prizes in the Oscar and the other film festivals.I think it deserves it.Some people think this film is a comedy, but I don’t think so.I consider this film as a rony film.The rony occurred in details and was hidden in humor.I will give an example.Do you think an idiot

could be a war hero? I think it should be impossible.But in Vietnam War, it is.In the other way, if the war was started by the fool, the idiot

deserves the hero.From this point, we can see the against attitude of the public taken to this war.Forrest Gump is also a film that can motivate people.In this

film, Forrest take a special attitude different from almost of us to life.The life of Forrest is not very easy, but no matter what he is going to face next, he always accepted it easily, and try his best to accomplish it.Never in his life, he complain about the unfair of 命运 or lost confident of himself.What he did is just doing his best, which is very simple.In our real life, how many people struggled to get something, but in the end, nothing was left.Why not live as Forrest Gump? Doing best is just okey, but never stop our step forward.When it comes to the script, there is no reason not to say the famous words.‘Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.’.It was passed to Forrest by his mother.What wise words it is.The beauty of life is just in the aspect that no one can know what is tommorow like.That is just why I like it.If we all knew what will happen in future, the life must be boring enough.The other fomous script is only one word ‘run’.I think in thisfilm The ‘run’ stand for change.Forrest changed from an idiot

into a success, but there is something that didn’t change.The woman bus driver who took Forrest to school also pick his son

up to school for the first time.I suppose this film deserves us watching it thousands of times.During the progress, we can enjoy the power of one person, the beauty of scenes, be moved by the plot, be influenced by the scripts.Thank you

By Wei Qilin


2, Forrest Gump: Review




班级:12通信2班 学号:112263030211


《Forrest Gump》

Life is like a box of chocolates.You never know what youre gonna get.Forrest gump mother's this understanding to illustrate: each person's life is, and it is unique.Forrest gump, is listening to such teachings, one step a footprint on out their own the miracle of life.From IQ only 75 points, to go to special schools, the football athletes, to the Vietnam war hero, to the shrimp boat captain, to around the United States, forrest gump with birth defects of body, reached many intelligent people maybe a lifetime also highly difficult to achieve.At the beginning and end of the film you will see in the vast blue sky, a root is lightsome and white feathers from the sky, slowly landed in forrest gump feet.This is actually films in hint: this world, if someone see life like a feather pure, simple and beautiful, so, this person must be forrest gump.Young forrest gump leg disability, forrest gump's mother, son have to put on a heavy iron frame, walking to assist.After school, his companions laugh at him, on the way to play with him, chasing throw stones.The female classmate Jenny shouted: “forrest, run.” Forrest gump panic, started to run, fell struggled to climb up.Gradually, iron frame is not bound him, he run such as fly.Men not overtake him, helpless.This is forrest gump life the first miracle.The miracle is for other miracle was kicked off in the future.Run with amazing speed, forrest gump into the rugby team, later again into the university and eventually graduate.Thought his life here has been very perfect, I didn't think his life's wonderful fragment has just ended.Very soon, he took part in the Vietnam war.The battlefield in Vietnam, forrest gump troops in the ambush, a evacuation order, forrest gump remember Jenny's charge: “hit and run.” The content to be turned and ran.He ran out of the forest, smoothly arrived in a safe place, but he thought of his comrades, he returned to the battlefield, his comrades back one back.After returning, forrest gump is met President for battle achievement is remarkable.Gump became a spokesperson for table tennis, and get a part of money, he bought a shrimp boat, only do yourself is not familiar with the shrimp industry

Thought he would be so comfortable, but he was the only one who love, Jenny came back, Jane began to give him bring happiness and joy, and then Jenny and quietly left.Forrest gump began to fell into chaos, he is going to start running.Someone said he seemed to be thinking in the running, but I think he won't, because forrest gump is a focus on people, if he were running, that he must be in the running, don't want to other things in our mind.What's more, he is a person always live in their own world.Later, he ran for a long time, and have a lot of followers, finally one day, he didn't want to run, and Jenny is back on his world, and of course their son-little forrest gump.Whose end is perfect.Lieutenant Dan is also a perfect ending.Forrest gump's persistent rescued Jenny and lieutenant Dan, or at least to save their souls.Forrest gump's life appeared a lot of miracle, but not the miracle, also will never lead you to envy him, you can only appreciate and forrest gump together those years, life and history, taste the bitter sweet, in order to “across defects, perfect life”.Life is like a feather, who also don't know where next moment want to gone with the wind, insists he wants to is good, but a lot of people like Jenny, in order to pursue and pursue, ignore the side Fine, only the angrily moment in mind, or as lt.Dan to make pain became the pain of forever.There is no one in the film of forrest gump said thank you, but I believe that all those who have seen the film will sincerely say: thank you, forrest gump.






这部电影教会我们很多东西。我们应该多陪陪自己的父母,让他们消除对年老的惧怕。同时可以加强两代人之间的理解。作为一个子女,我们要学会换位思考问题,多想想自己的父母.《On Golden Pond》 Film critics 《On Golden Pond》describes that a retired elderly professor and his wife were on holidays in New England Lake , and he faced many aging crisis in the quite days.His daughter had just got divorced and she was in a wandering mind.There was always a poor relationship between both father and daughter.As the proverb” Blood is thicker than water.”They united their knot finally because the 13-year old grandchildren lived together with grandparents for some time.The movie discusses the ageing problem and the generation gap.First , the ageing problem.He did not want to face the fact that he had been old, because he had a stronger personality as he was young.First, he went to pick strawberries in the woods and he behaved very panicked when he lost.Second, when his grandson asked his age, he would be angry and fight back.Third, he did not acknowledged that he was old even in front of his wife.He was afraid of death.Finally, when a heart attack, he saw his wife's nervous.Though life to death , he had an open heart.Second ,the generation gap between father and daughter.The father and daughter were in fact very painful.They wanted to get good well each other.But they did not take the first step.In fact, in the parents ' hearts, sons and daughters were the most important.The lacking of communication led to the estrangement between the two generations.This movie teaches us many things.As the proverb “The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.”We should spend more time with our parents, making them to eliminate the fear of old.At the same time ,We need to strengthen the communication with our parents.As a child, we must learn the transposition thinking, thinking more of our parents.The true value of life lies in not getting but giving.Blood is thicker than water.Every heart has its own sorrow.Fact speak louder than words.



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