
时间:2019-05-15 14:38:41下载本文作者:会员上传


With the tremendous development of modern society and science,experimentations become an essential impetus to the scientific advancement.Accordingly, the using of animals in experimentations is raising people's attention for the number of it has exceeded 8 millions according to figures ,what a huge amount!Which means 8 millions lives disappeared by force.Some people persevere this standpoint that human being is the domination of the world ,who has the domination patent of using animals to the experimentations for the purpose of progress of science.As well as the sacrifice of animals is prerequisite to some extent.Not only agriculture、industry、medical science、hereditism、military but necessities of our daily life ,the using of animals in experimentations plays an significant role to these researches ,The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences data shows that three fourths research achievements depends on the experiment animals every year.However, the others take prohibiting using animals in experimentations for granted ,especially zoophilists.From a modern perspective, they understand that equal rights take precedence over scientific interest.Science improvements should not at the expense of animals.How can the animals' rights be neglected as the human rights has been upraised to

a high position which touch off so many watchful eyes that every country has to do something for their management and legislation.If evolution is survival of the fittest, why should we give them a peaceful and safe environment not force them in death for experimentations but let them go? My friend, a student in college of medicine posted a card in Internet says that when the using of animals in experimentations can over, seeing these innocent animals lost their life for a reason to research is so cruel.We can never taste the painful feeling of experimental animals.injection narcosis surgery seaming even struggling against death.Every step they taking stands drastic sufferings.how dear can we leave them in this situation ? It is a vivid life ,not a thing but our company in this world ,who own a longer living history than we human being.All in all,every thing has two sides ,what we should attach importance to is judging and weighing which side is more meaningful and worthy.If you ask me ,i will provide you a viewpoint that the using animals in experimentations is so ruthless and brutal that should be forbided as soon as possible.Of course the science moving step is necessary for us ,however,which can not be a powerful reason that we can ending a life without permit.And we can use dead humans

cell or organs to the experimentations instead of vivid animals ,As the technology of science high developed ,we has no hinder that we can create a now tool or something kinds like appliances can be used in experimentations.Remember we are a member of living lives ,we are equal ,please do not deprive the rights of animals ,just give them a space to be a





Wild animals have no place in the 21st century.Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.Biological diversity has never been so threatened as it is today as a result of the process of human civilization.The various forms of pressure created by human activity have destroyed natural balance, led to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion and the rarity, even disappearance, of a number of plant and animal species.As the pace of civilization accelerates, more people, taking more space, needing to use more natural resources, engaging in ever-growing consumption, impose severe deterioration on the habitat of animals.An increasing number of people come to realize that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threat to the equilibrium of ecosystem.Simply put, the extinction of hawks, a rat-eating bird seen in many

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


regions, will result in the rapid propagation of rats.And rats, further, will destroy the prairies and threaten the other animals like gazelles, zebras and others, who live on grass and green lands.The coexistence of animals and human beings creates perfect harmony and brings about the vividness to our planet.It is hard to imagine what our world would be like without animals.Sociologists also point out that the disappearance of animals can cause social and economic problems.Animal trade, as a supporting sector to the world economy, was very active before.However, the situation is beyond control since animal trade is very profitable and alluring.Many species cannot escape the adversity of being killed.Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat.There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious produce.Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones.To protect animals is to protect our living environment.Every individual should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



摘 要:一些学者认为动物跟我们人类一样,可以感知痛苦,并拥有情感。所以它们应该拥有获得尊重对待的平等权利。所以,人类对动物的任何利用方式都是错误的,要求人类完全废除对动物的利用。本人认为,这种激进的完全废除主义是不可能实现的,动物权利违背了绝大多数人类的利益,所以动物没有权利。本文通过实例,论述动物并不具有权利这一现实,同时正确看待动物在自然界中的重要地位,我们应该看到动物保护有利于促进人类进步和社会发展的一面。关键词:动物权利、道德、权利


















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第四篇:动物的权利An animals Place
















The similarities and differences between human and animals in terms of pain and suffering.在养鸡场和猪的围栏饲养场里,给疼痛和痛苦之间划界限并不容易。这些地方道德哲学的精妙和对动物的认知一文不值,所有一切从达尔文开始教给我们的动物知识都被置之不理。参观现代围栏饲养场意味着进入了一个世界,这个世界虽然技术很先进,但却是按笛卡尔落后的理论设计:动物是机器不会感到疼痛。由于我们任何一个能思考的人都不可能再相信迪尔的观点。工业化畜牧业(能够经营下去)依靠的是,经营方对迪卡理论明知不对而悬置起来,而其他人自愿选择视而不见。





第五篇:雅思作文 保护动物

The time and money spent on the protection of wild animals should be spent on improving human lives instead.To what extent do you agree or disagree? We are facing many problems that affect the whole planet.Some people think that good relationships between different countries are more important than ever before.Do you agree or disagree? Some people think that high school students should be encouraged to evaluate their teachers.Others, however, believe that will result in loss of respect and discipline in the classroom.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Once children start school, teachers have more influence than parents on their intellectual and social development.To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people believe that students should study a wide range of subjects.Others, however, argue that students should focus on the subjects they are best at or they find most interesting.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education.Some people think that universities should make it easier for them to access higher education.To what extent do you agree or disagree? Distance education delivered via the Internet or television has more advantages than classroom-based education.Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? There are many problems associated with mobile phones.Do you think the disadvantages of mobile phones outweigh the advantages? The Internet will replace books as the main source of information.To what extent do you agree or disagree? As global trade increases, many goods, including some daily goods, are exported to other countries.Such goods are usually transported over long distances.Do the benefits of this trend outweigh the drawbacks? Some people believe that the government can improve public health by increasing the number of sports facilities and promoting healthy diets, while others think that other measures should be taken.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.12 Many people think that private companies, rather than the government, should pay for cleaning up the environment.Do you agree or disagree? Many people today are too busy with their work and do not have enough time to spend with their family and friends.What are the main causes of this? What effects does it have on individuals and society as a whole? The government should not provide financial support for elderly people because it is the responsibility of each person to prepare for retirement.Do you agree or disagree? If a product is good and can meet people’s needs, people will buy it.Advertising in the media is no more than a form of entertainment.Do you agree or disagree? Some people think that we live in a consumer society where money and possessions are given too much importance.Others, however, believe that consumer culture plays an important role in improving our lives.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed if they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists.Others, however, believe that is the only way to save these traditions.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Some people think that museums and art galleries should be enjoyable places to entertain people.Others, however, believe that the purpose of museums and art galleries is to educate.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Developing countries need international organisations’ help.Some people think that financial aid should be provided, while others think that practical aid and advice would be better.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.The number of crimes committed by young people has been increasing in recent years.What are the causes of this trend? Suggest some solutions.Part 1:(Q's about your personal background)

What’s your favorite subject/course? Do you think people who major in your field can find a job easily when they graduate? What subjects did you study at primary school? What’s your hometown famous for? Is it good for young people? Can you tell me about some recent changes in your hometown? Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown? What's your favorite means of transport? Does your Chinese name have any special meaning? Are there any important traditions about giving children their names in China?

(some other general Q’s about yourself and your life)Do you live in a house or a flat? Have you ever considered moving to another place? Which is your favorite room in your house/ flat? Do you prefer to live in a city or in the countryside? Have you ever been to the countryside? Are there any disadvantages to living in the countryside? Do you have a bicycle? Do you think bicycles will become more popular in the future? Have you ever travelled by train? Do people in your country like to travel by train? Do you wear a watch? Why? Do you often use dictionaries? Do you use paper dictionaries or electronic dictionaries? Why? How many languages can you speak? Do you want to learn another language? How are you going to learn it? Do you like pets? Why do people keep pets? Do you like wild animals? Do you think zoos are still important today? Do you like plants? Do you have any plants in your house / flat? How do you take care of the plants? Do you think trees and forests are important to us? Do you wish to live in a place with many trees? Do you think places with lots of trees can attract many visitors? Why are gardens and parks important to us? Do you like to walk in cities? How can large cities become more pedestrian-friendly and walkable? Do you like rainy days? Why? Do you like to go out on sunny days? What do you usually do on sunny days? Is there anything that you don’t like to do on sunny days? Why? Do you think sunshine can make people happy and friendly? What’s your favorite kind of weather?

Do you have patience? Have you ever lost your patience? Why is it important to be polite? Do you think people in your country are more polite than in the past? Why is it important to be punctual? Are you often late for things? Do you prefer to write letters or emails? Or would you prefer to use a mobile phone? How often do you send an email? Do you like writing? Do you think you're good at it? What did you write about in high school? How do you get news? How often do you read newspapers? Are you more interested in international news or news about your own country? Do you want to become a journalist? When do you do your housework? Do you think children should help their parents with housework? What do you think is the most difficult housework task? Who cooks in your family? Can you cook? How did you learn to cook? Do you want to take cooking classes? Are cooking shows popular in China? Do you think children should learn how to cook? What’s your favorite activity after school(or after work)?

Do you often buy things online? Why are things so expensive today? Where do you usually buy clothing? What is your favorite kind of clothing? Do you think clothing is less expensive in China than in other countries? Do you often help your friends shop for clothing? Do you like going to parties? Why? Do you prefer to go to parties with your family or with your friends? What do you dislike about parties? Do you often visit your relatives? Who are more important to you – your friends or your relatives? Which birthday left you with the deepest impression? Did you receive any gifts for that birthday? Who gave you the gifts? What did your friends do for that birthday? Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with your family members or your friends? What’s your favorite birthday activity? How do children celebrate their birthday in China? Do you like taking photos? How often do you take photos? What kind of camera do you have? Do you like to take photos outdoors or indoors? Is photography popular in China? Do you like drawing and painting? What were your favorite kinds of drawings or paintings when you were a child? Do you think children can benefit from drawing and painting? Do you like art? Do you think art is difficult to understand? Do you think art is a good way to express ourselves? What were your favorite childhood activities? Did you prefer outdoor activities or indoor activities? What were your favorite toys when you were a child? What kinds of toys do Chinese children play with these days? What games did you like to play when you were a child? What games do children play these days? What’re the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls? What’re your favorite sports? Are there any sports you want to learn to play? What are the most popular sports in China? Are advertisements popular in China? Do you often buy advertised products? Do you like history? Why? Who’s your favorite historical figure? Do you like watching historical dramas? Do you like watching historical documentaries online?

March, 2014 Part 2: 城市与建筑

Describe a beautiful(or ideal)house / flat.Describe a new house.(Keep in mind you can reuse the same ideas for different topic cards.)Describe a new place you moved to.Describe a room that you use a lot / a room where you spend a lot of time.Describe a garden / park.Describe a trip by public transport(such as bus or train).Describe a holiday that you spent far away from home.Describe a place where you experienced a new culture.Describe a childhood trip / journey.Describe a place you’ll travel to when you have a day off.Describe a place far away from your home.Describe a plan(not related to study or work).Describe a library.Describe a new school.Describe a place where you studied or worked before.Describe a shopping mall.Describe a shopping street.Describe a famous building in your city.Describe an old building in your city.Describe a tourist attraction you visited.Describe an interesting foreign country you wish to visit.Describe a city or town you wish to visit / you enjoyed visiting.个人与组织

Describe a person you became friends with the first time when you met him/her.Describe a friend you haven’t seen for a long time.Describe a close friend of yours.Describe a person you spend a lot of time with.Describe a friend you made recently.Describe a good parent.Describe a family member who helps you a lot.Describe something you learned from a family member.Describe something you like to do with the elderly people in your family.Describe an interesting old man / an interesting old person.Describe a very old person.Describe a conversation you had with a stranger.Describe an interesting conversation.Describe someone who helped you study.Describe an intelligent person.Describe a teacher who taught you an important skill such as cooking, biking or swimming.Describe a skill you learned when you were a child.Describe a training session.Describe a positive experience in your childhood.Describe a person you helped before.Describe a teenager.Describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle.Describe a good way to stay healthy.Describe a club(or a team)you belong to.Describe a club programme you like.Describe a singer or a band.Describe a comic star you like.Describe a famous singer in your country.Describe a famous person in your country./ Describe a celebrity in your country.Describe a person you admire.Describe a person who has an important job.Describe an ideal job.Describe a job/an interesting thing you wish to do in the future.自然界

Describe a picnic(or an outdoor meal)you had.Describe an important plant in your country.Describe a river / lake / sea.Describe a place near water.Describe a seaside place.Describe your favorite weather.Describe your favorite season.休闲娱乐

Describe your favorite sport.Describe a sport you like to watch on TV.Describe a sports event.Describe an outdoor activity(such as a sport or an outdoor game).Describe a childhood game.Describe something that helps you relax.Describe your favorite leisure activity.Describe a leisure activity near the sea.Describe a healthy lifestyle.Describe a song that is special to you / a song that means a lot to you.Describe a book you enjoyed as a child(such as a storybook).Describe a book that you read several times./ Describe a book you would like to read again./ Describe a book you would recommend to others.Describe your favorite childhood story.Describe your favorite TV show.Describe a film that you dislike.Describe a TV show(or a film)that made you laugh.Describe your favorite radio programme.Describe a show / performance you watched.Describe an interesting / impressive speech you listened to.Describe a useful website.事件

Describe a group activity(a group game, a group presentation or a sports match …).Describe a group(or team)project.Describe a time when you were very busy.Describe a sports game / match / competition you watched.Describe a competition you’d like to take part in.Describe an event that changed your life.Describe a school rule(that you agree or disagree with).Describe a historical event./ Describe a historical event you’re interested in.Describe a disease many people suffer from.Describe a wrong decision you made./ Describe a decision you have regrets about.Describe a decision that took you a long time to make.Describe an important letter.Describe a memorable birthday party.Describe a time when someone took a photo of you.Describe a party you want to throw for your friends / family.Describe a special family event.Describe a wedding.Describe an occasion when you were dressed formally.Describe a happy thing / a happy event in your childhood.Describe something that can make you happy.Describe your favorite subject.Describe a subject you didn’t like in high school.Describe a foreign language you wish to learn(not English).Describe a recent change / a challenge in your life.Describe an important message you received(by phone, email or text).Describe a difficult thing that you did well.Describe an interesting thing / an unusual thing you did recently.Describe something you forgot to do.物品

Describe a popular product made in your country.Describe a product made in your region.Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device that is NOT a computer.Describe a piece of technical equipment you often use at home.Describe something you can’t live without(that’s NOT a computer or a mobile phone).Describe something that helps you learn another language.Describe someone who helped you learn a foreign language.Describe a time when you saved money for something special.Describe an ad that helped you buy something.Describe a means of telecommunication(mobile phone, e-mail...).Describe an important kind of technology.Describe a photo you like.Describe a childhood toy.(a kite, a puzzle, try to solve a puzzle or try to solve a Rubik's Cube … Also for boys: a toy car, a toy airplane or a toy robot.Also for girls: a Barbie doll or a stuffed animal …)

Describe a gift you gave a friend.Describe a gift you received.Describe a gift you received when you were a child.Describe your favorite clothes or accessories./ Describe a special item(or piece)of clothing.Describe a uniform.Describe a vehicle you wish to buy.Describe a means of public transport.Day 10 Describe a place where people can enjoy music.Describe a work of art such as a sculpture, a painting or a drawing.Describe a museum.Describe a family business.Describe a science lesson.Describe a science subject you studied in secondary school.Describe a subject about which others get information from you.Describe a special meal./ Describe a special meal you were invited to.Describe a restaurant you like.Describe an occasion when someone visited you.Describe an old object your family has kept for a long time.0、International tourism has become the biggest industry in the world.Some people think it cause tension between people from different culture.Others thing it leads to understanding between countries.To what extend do you agree or disagree?(3.3新增)

1.In many countries prices of airplane tickets have dropped.Is it positive or negative situation? Write about your personal experience or knowledge.Air travel is cheap these days, allowing ordinary people to travel further.Some people say that airfare should be increased because this leads to environmental problems.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(1.25考了化石燃料环保问题,和本题有本质联系,可降低重视)

2、Some people think that men and women have different qualities.Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Many people believe that women should be given an equal role to men in the military forces or police.Others, however, claim that such occupations are not suitable for women.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.The workplace nowadays is trying to employ the equal number of females and males.Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?

3、Sometimes people are rejecting a job opportunity due to their age or other circumstances.Is it a negative or a positive approach? Give your opinion and relevant examples.4、Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed.However, some people think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals.Discuss both these views and give your opinion.5、Unlike other countries, police in UK do not carry guns.Some think it leaves citizen unprotected, other think it reduce the overall violence in the society.Discuss.//Some people think that a police force carrying guns can educate higher level of violence.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

6、Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful.However, it is rare for old people to use them.What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How does the old people to be encouraged using this new technology?

7、We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist.What do you think? What qualities should a journalist have?

8、Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them.Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment.Discuss both views and how do you think about it?

9、The world of work is changing rapidly.Working conditions today are not the same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life.Discuss the possible causes for these changes and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future.(命中1.11A类大作文原题变形,删除)

10、Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than in quality.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2.24新增)

11、Some people believe that a country benefits greatly with a high percentage of young people who go to university, while others argue that it only leads to graduate unemployment.Discuss both views and give your opinion.12、Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad consequences on society, so this kind of information should be restricted on media.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

13、In many countries traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods.This is having a negative effect on both families and societies.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Scientists believe that junk food has bad impact on our health.Some people think that people should be educated to consume less of it, while others think that it is pointless.What is your opinion?

14、The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?A tendency of news reports in the media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments is harmful to the individual and to society.agree or disagree?

15、In today’s world, it is private companies rather than government who pay for and carry out most on scientific research.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Since money for postgraduate research is limited, some people think financial support from the government should be only provided for scientific research rather than the research for less useful subjects.To what extent do you agree or disagree?



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