
时间:2019-05-15 14:45:54下载本文作者:会员上传


Westerner and easterner:What do you think of dragon?

The Chinese dragon usually has no wings, it means fortune and power, it is The symbol of our China.The western dragon usually stands for Evil, and westen people don 't like it at all, because it may bring bad luck.“Dragon” should not be translated into dragon.The original idea of the Dragon is ruthless winged behemoths(also can be understood as a demon), implied meaning is shrew, etc.The Chinese dragon yourselves before the foreigners, is self demonized.“Dragon” should not translated into long.Long English pronunciation is not “dragon”, but “the Wolf”, this is not the real transliteration.“Dragon” should be translated into loong, its pronunciation and “dragon” close, in English is supposed to “dragon” word transliteration, such as famous martial Bruce Lee English name is “Lee Siu loong”, which is, of course, by the Hong Kong people use the one that cantonese pinyin influence.Some westerners also of the dragons, called loong.Loong two “O” letters like a dragon's two eyes, Loong reminiscent of long(long), so it is a little hieroglyphs the characteristics, and Chinese characteristics is same.And long in the image is DuYanLong.This paper summarizes the dragons and Dragon between the five most important difference, and try to give the “Loong” English explanation.The Dragon is the symbol of the Chinese nation, in English in the context of, the Dragon was translated into Dragon, but is a winged Dragon evil monsters, and “cruel man, shrew” meant, implied meaning.In the picture, the body of the dragon huge clumsy, color is dark grey, and has huge wings, mouth spitting fire, or devour men and animals, very ugly terrorist, and Chinese dragon different.Chinese people in western yourselves before “Dragon” or “Descendants of the Dragon”(Descendants of the Dragon(seed)), the Chinese people as of westerners are evil and bad guys.In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games mascots, did not choose voice of the highest Dragon, is because of concerns about the English translation of the Dragon “Dragon” will make the world Chinese people's misunderstanding.So we can't put the “Dragon” translated into “Dragon”!

Suggestions in the future not to put also English words translated into Chinese dragon “dragon”, can the transliteration, such as “have to pull the root,” explains: “in western myth winged dragon beast”.Some scholars have suggested that the “dragon” transliteration into “Long”?

But “long” English pronunciation and “dragon” completely different, equivalent to the “Wolf” in Chinese, not the real transliteration.When westerners as dragon said “long”, the Chinese people also have to correct his pronunciation, not only increased communication difficulties, but also can cause each other's confused.Long in English is a very common use often use, meaning was a lot, such as: Long, Long, anticipation, stock or futures bull, and so on, the dragons, translated into Long can also cause the sense of confusion.So can't simply the phonetic alphabet of the dragon as a dragon English transliteration.Since it is the Chinese “dragon” transliteration into English, then in the English pronunciation should and “dragon” close, or it is not the real transliteration.In English to the “dragon” the word is “Loong” transliteration, last name “dragon” and names of the “dragon” word can be translated into “Loong”, such as the famous martial Bruce Lee English name is “Lee Siu Loong”, Singapore prime minister Lee Hsien Loong's name was translated into “Lee Hsien Loong”.In some involved in the words of the dragon, “dragon” and indeed are called “loong”, for example, dragon dance to use when the long dragon props, it is translated into loong.Therefore, the “dragon” translated into “loong” is the real transliteration, and it has been widely used foundation, also accord with the habit of overseas Chinese, to unite overseas Chinese.Once the researchers point out that: English may first is also a hieroglyphs, for example: eye(eyes), bed(bed), broom(brooms.The letter “b” is the shape of the broom, a broom in room and room).Loong two “O” letters, just like the dragon's two big eyes;Loong in words and and “long” close, give a person the feeling of “long”(many westerners really mean to put “long long ago” written “Loong Loong ago”), so Loong also has hieroglyphs the characteristics, and Chinese characters have implies the wonderful.And long are “DuYanLong” disrelish.In the English were not loong this word, so the “dragon” translated into loong, won't cause ambiguity.So, “dragon” should be translated as “loong”.In 2004, the Taiwan scholar MengTianXiang also is in “for” dragon 'face up to listen to is our responsibility “the dragon is proposed in this paper to translate into Loong.There are many people oppose ”Dragon“ to translation, think that foreigners have or future can correctly understand the Dragon of the Dragon and the original referred to different Dragon, or just need to write Chinese Dragon.I think this view is wrong.Words like graphics, see specific letter combinations, will produce a specific feeling.For example saw ”good“ word, will have the joyful feeling;And saw the ”evil“ word, will be nervous.Similarly, even if we Chinese see ”Dragon“ think of auspicious Dragon, but foreigners see ”Dragon“ after think of is still demons and shrew.We can change it to Dragon or foreigners Chinese Dragon feeling, but it is not the most effective and most economical way.We Chinese people can't imagine as foreigners feel, but we can stand in the point of view of a Chinese simulation analysis.If a country people's totem is appearance of the fictional creatures like pigs, we or their own put this creature's name in Chinese translated into ”pig“, they speak Chinese before the Chinese people claiming to be ”descendants of the pig“, we Chinese will be how to see them?

Even if they add a XianZhiCi, become ”a pig“, I think the effect still is not good.Of course they could slowly change the concept of Chinese, so that the Chinese think ”the pig is a lovely animal,“ and so on, this also is the successful cases, such as Mickey Mouse, but after all, need a process and extra energy.And Mickey Mouse is an entertainment products, not a national symbol;Besides Mickey Mouse can succeed, the other may not be able to succeed.In fact we Chinese will kindly(we Chinese always is friendly), actively suggest that they do not themselves translated into ”pig“, but take transliteration, and we Chinese will find meaning good Chinese characters for their translation.Even if the totem formerly known as really call ”pig“, we

Chinese will also help them translated as ”Pi godot“, and won't translated into ”fart Ge“.I want to foreigners the first ”Dragon“ translated into ”Dragon“, first, because both between appearance similarities, followed by China's size and power(just started to foreigners may not understand China), once again, is Chinese emperors who calls himself ”Dragon“, and Chinese emperors and Dragon very similar and, majesty and ferocious-a word write wrong will destroy JiuZu, I'm afraid is unique in the world.And three reasons should be the main, is ”Dragon“ and Dragon inner similarities.But China has now become a modern state, or are trying to become a modern state, and without the foreigners to actively to friendly for our consideration, we can only to correct the mistake.Confucius said: ”a regular speech not“.A bear ”Dragon“ for China, to win the people all over the world understand and love, the first to spend huge strength erase the stigma to others causing bad impression.The importance of the name is self-evident, every one of us to give their child named, who is not carefully studied? ”Kim dae-jung“ for the President, presenting, but if his name is ”gold big black“, and what will be the result? Probably even a small, director of the residents' committees do not do.Name also reflects a person, a city or a country's dignity.South Korean put the Chinese translation of the capital by ”Seoul“ to ”Seoul“, and formal notice to China, reflect their name to attention.”Taikonaut“ is Chinese ”astronaut“ transliteration used to transport the Chinese astronauts, in 1998 by the Malaysian Chinese scientists put forward the zhao yu.China's astronauts success after god, English and German media used the word call Chinese astronauts.Because the Soviet union(Russia)astronauts and American astronaut in the English language have certain words, so the western media use ”taikonaut" this word, and say they admitted that China aerospace business success, admitted that a Chinese astronaut status.In order to facilitate people know the difference between the dragon and the dragon, I put forward five most main aspects:

1, the Dragon is the symbol of the main auspicious, Dragon and main the symbol of evil;2, the Dragon no wings, and Dragon has the huge bat wings;

Three, the Dragon of the slender body, and Dragon body stout;

4, the Dragon of the mortal, but Dragon will eat and animals;

5, the color of the Dragon for the golden color or other color, the color of the Dragon is mainly black.


英语故事 jack is a young boy.he lives with his mother.they live in a small house.the family is poor.their cow, betsy, gives them milk.杰克是一个年轻小伙子,他与妈妈相依为命。两人同住在一


只牛供给他们牛奶喝。one day, betsy has no milk.jack and his mother are hungry.jack, we need money, says his mother.take betsy to the market and sell her.有一天,贝琪没有奶水了。杰克和妈妈肚子饿


“杰克,我们需要钱。”妈妈说。“把贝琪带到市场去卖了吧。” jack isnt happy because he likes betsy.sadly, he walks her to the market.a man is standing on the road.he wants betsy.he has five beans in his hand.he shows them to jack.these beans are special.they can grow very high, he says.do you want them? 杰克很不开心,因为他喜欢贝琪。他难过地带着贝琪走到市场。一名男子站在路上,他想要贝琪。他手中有五颗豆子,便把这些豆子拿给杰克看。

“这些豆子可是很特别的哟,它们会长得很高,”他说。“你想要吗?” jack likes the beans, so he gives betsy to the man.at home, his mother sees the beans.she is very angry.jack, we need money!she says.what can we buy with beans? 杰克很喜欢这些豆子,于是就把贝琪给了这个


“杰克,我们需要的是钱!”她说。“我们能用豆子买什么东西呢?” jack goes to bed.he is very sad.his mother throws the beans out the window.soon, a beanstalk is growing.it grows and grows and grows and grows!now, it is in the sky!杰克伤心地睡觉去了。他的妈妈把豆子丢到窗外。


长到天上去了!jack wakes up early.he sees the beanstalk.where does it go? jack goes up the beanstalk.he goes up and up and up.finally, he is at the top.杰克很早就醒了,他看见了豆茎。这株豆茎会通往哪里去呢?杰克沿着豆茎爬上去。他爬呀爬的,最后爬到了顶端。

a giant lives in the sky.he has a big house and a lot of money, but he isnt nice.he eats people!jack doesnt know the giant.he goes into the house.天上有一位巨人住在那里,他有一间好大好大的屋子和好多好多的钱,但是他却不是个好


jack looks around the house.there are tables, chairs, rugs, and a fireplace.everything is so big!then, the giants wife sees jack.she is old and kind.who are you? she asks jack.i am jack, he says.can you give me some food? i am hungry.杰克看了看屋子里的四周,有桌子、椅子、地毯,还有一个壁炉。每一样东西都好大!这时巨人的妻子看到了杰克,她年纪很大,但心地善良。“你是谁?”她问杰克。

“我是杰克,”他说。“你可以给我一点吃的东西吗?我饿了。” the giants wife feeds jack.her food is good.into the house!quick, jack, get into the pot, says the giants wife.the giant likes to eat boys!巨人的妻子煮东西给杰克吃,她煮的菜很好



“快点!杰克!快到锅子里去,”巨人的妻子说道。“巨人喜欢吃男孩!” the kitchen.he looks around.i smell a boy, he says with a loud voice.where is he? i want to eat him.there are no boys here, says his wife.sit down and eat your breakfast.杰克躲进锅子里去。巨人走进厨房,四处张望。

“我闻到男孩子的味道,”他大声说。“他在哪里?我要吃掉他。” “这里没有什么男孩子,”巨人的妻子回答道。“坐下来吃你的早餐。” the giant has a goose.he puts it on the table.the goose lays an egg.it is made of gold!jack sees the egg.i want that goose, he thinks.i can sell the golden eggs.then, mother and i can buy food.巨人有一只鹅,他把这只鹅摆到餐桌上。鹅下

了一颗蛋,这是一颗金蛋!杰克看到了这颗蛋。“我想要那只鹅,”他心想。“我可以把金蛋卖掉,这样妈妈和我就可以拿钱买食物了。” the giant goes out of the kitchen.soon he table.i dont feel happy, he says.harp, sing me a song!the harp sings very well.the giant smiles, and eats his breakfast.jack is also listening to the harp.the sound is really beautiful, thinks jack.i can give the harp to mother.then, she wont be angry with me.巨人走出厨房,很快又回来了。他在桌上放了一把黄金打造的竖琴。“我不太开心,”他说。“竖琴!唱首歌给我听!”

竖琴唱得非常棒。巨人边吃着早餐边微笑。杰克也在聆听竖琴的歌声。“ 这声音真好听,”杰克心想。“我可以把竖琴送给妈妈,这样她就不会生我的气了。” now, the giant feels sleepy.he closes his eyes.soon he is sleeping.jack walks to the table.he takes the goose and the harp.they are also sleeping.quietly, he takes them to the beanstalk.suddenly, the harp wakes up.help!help!somebody is taking me away!it cries.巨人现在很困,就闭起双眼,很快便睡着了。杰克走向桌子,把鹅和竖琴抱走,它们也都睡着了。杰克静悄悄地把它们带到豆茎那里。突然间,竖琴醒了。

“救命啊!救命啊!有人要把我带走了!”它叫道。the giant wakes up.he looks out the window and sees jack.quickly, he runs after him.jack goes down the beanstalk.he is very fast.above him, the giant is going down the beanstalk.will he catch jack? 巨人醒了。他往窗外看,见到杰克,于是马上

追着他跑。杰克沿着豆茎往下爬,速度非常快。篇二:英语小故事 演讲稿 我要自由 i want be free good afternoon,everyone.today,my topic is “i want to be free.”it’s a story about a wolf and a dog.a wolf was almost dead with hunger.a house-dog saw him,and asked,”friend,it’s bad for you.”

so the wolf and the dog went to the town together.on the way ,the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog’neck.he felt quite surprised,and asked him why it was like that? “oh,it is nothing.”said the dog.”every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up.you will soon get used to it.”

“is that the only reason.”said the wolf.”then good bye to you,my friend.i would like to be free.”

do you like to be free?every.thank you for listening.下午好。今天,我的话题是“我要自由”。这是一个关于一只狗和一只狼的故事。






英文小故事演讲稿 hello , my beloved judges.i am。。,i study in shi yan primary school.now, let me tell a little story for you.the name is: fox and the grapes one hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard.he stopped before a bunch of grapes.they were ripe and juicy im just feeling thirsty, he thought.so he backed up a few paces, got a running start, jumped up, but could not reach the grapes.he walked back.one, two, three, he jumped up again, but still, he missed the grapes.the fox tried again and again, but never succeeded.at last he decided to give it up.he walked away with his nose in the air, and said“i am sure they are sour(酸的).”

the story is over, i hope you like it.thanks篇四:英语小故事演讲稿

英语小故事演讲稿 a lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat.as she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one.already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: an excellent choice, madam.you look at least ten years younger with this hat on!to his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: i dont want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as i take it off.show me some more hats!中文翻译


一位妇女到一家帽子店买帽子。她很挑剔,用了很长时间才选好了一顶。已经忍耐到极限的售货员害怕她再改变主意,便恭维她:你做了极好的选择,夫人。你戴上这顶帽子看上去起码年轻十岁!但令他沮丧的是,这位女士马上摘下了她的帽子说:我不想要一顶摘下来便使我立刻显得老十岁的帽子。多拿一些帽子给我看看!篇五:小学英语故事演讲稿 小学英语故事演讲稿:小蝌蚪找妈妈 today i say the story is < tadpole’s mummy >.three little pigs 三只小猪 storyteller: there are three little pigs living with their mother.讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈住在一起。ding-ding and dong-dong are brother pigs.丁丁和东东是猪哥哥。they are very lazy.他们很懒they eat and sleep all day.他们整天吃了就睡。龙龙是 long-long is the youngest pig.龙龙是最小的。she works all day.she helps her mother to do the housework.她整天帮着妈妈做家务。mother pig: you have grown up.you must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得 your own houses.为自己盖间房。

goodbye, little pigs.build a house.再见,孩子们。去盖间房。be careful of the wolf.小心狼。pigs: yes, mum.goodbye.三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。wolf: i’m hungry.look!three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可 for dinner.mmm.以做我的美餐。sister pig: what are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么? ding-ding: i’m building a house with leaves.丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。dong-dong: i’m building a house with sticks.东东:我在用树枝盖房子。sister pig: but leaves aren’t strong.猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不 and sticks aren’t strong.牢固。brother pigs: yes, we know.but it’s easy.猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。what are you doing, sister? 你在干什么? sister pig: i’m building a house with bricks.猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。brother pigs: bricks!that’s very difficult.猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。sister pig: i know.but bricks are strong.猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。„„

brother pigs: oh, we’re finished.let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打 a nap.个盹吧。

sister pig: my house is finished.my house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房 is strong.很坚固。

wolf: little pigs.little pigs.open your 狼: 小猪,小猪,快开门!doors!brother pigs: no.no.go away.猪哥哥:不开,不开。快走开。wolf: this is very easy.sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了。树枝和树叶 aren’t strong.都不牢固。storyteller: the wolf blows the houses down.讲故事者:狼吹倒了房屋。丁丁和东

ding-ding and dong-dong run 东跑到龙龙家。to long-long’s house.brother pigs: help!help!猪哥哥:救命!救命!wolf: stop, you two pigs.狼: 站住,你这两只小猪。my house is strong.房子很坚固。wolf: where did they go? oh they are 狼:他们跑哪儿了?噢,他们 here.little pigs.little pigs.open 在这儿。小猪,快把门打 the door!开。three pigs: no.no.go away.you bad wolf.三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。你这只恶狼。

wolf: i’ll blow it down.狼:我要吹倒它。storyteller: the wolf blows and blows.he 讲故事者:狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。blows and blows.but the house 可是房子非常坚固。is very strong.wolf: i’ll hit it.oh.狼:我要撞倒它。噢!long-long: let’s boil the water.龙龙:我们把水烧开。brother pigs: ok.猪哥哥:好的。wolf: oh, oh!it’s hot.it’s hot.狼:噢!噢!好烫,好烫。three pigs: hooray!the wolf is dead.the 三只小猪:好啊!狼死了,狼死了。wolf is dead storyteller: since then, ding-ding and dong-讲故事者:从那以后,丁丁、东东 dong work hard with long-long.和龙龙一起努力工作。



a lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat.as she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one.already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: “an excellent choice, madam.you look at least ten years younger with this hat on!” to his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: “i don’t want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as i take it off.show me some more hats!”





我要自由i want be free

good afternoon,everyone.today,my topic is “i want to be free.”it’s a story about a wolf and a dog.a wolf was almost dead with hunger.a house-dog saw him,and asked,”friend,it’s bad for you.”

“why don’t you work steadily as i do,and get your food regularly?”“i would have no objection.”said the wolf,”if i could only get a place.” “i will help you.”said the dog.”come with me to my master,and you shall share me work ”

so the wolf and the dog went to the

town together.on the way ,the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog’neck.he felt quite surprised,and asked him why it was like that?

“oh,it is nothing.”said the dog.”every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up.you will soon get used to it.”

“is that the only reason.”said the wolf.”then good bye to you,my friend.i would like to be free.”

do you like to be free?every.thank you for listening.下午好。今天,我的话题是“我要自由”。这是一个关于一只狗和一只狼的故事。







the last thing i want to do is hurt you.but it’s still on the list.直译:在这个世界上,我最不愿意做的事就是伤害你,但是这件事仍在我的考虑之列。意译a:我真不想伤害你,但你也别逼我。


i thought i wanted a career, turns out i just wanted paychecks.曾以为我想要的是职业,结果发现


he who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.临危忽然微笑的那谁,定是找到替罪羊鸟

crowded elevators smell different to midgets.直译:你若是挤满人的电梯里的小矮人,肯定能嗅出不同的味儿。


1never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。

2.i think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong.我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。



3.i know.you know.i know that you know.i know that you know that i know.我知道。你知道。我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知道。

6.was it a bar or a bat i saw? 我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?、7.上联: to china for china, china with china, dinner on china.去中国买瓷器,中国有瓷器,吃饭靠瓷器。



the old cat

an old woman had a cat.the cat was very old;she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old.one day the old cat saw a mouse;she jumped and caught the mouse.but she could not bite it;so the mouse got out of

her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse.she began to hit the cat.the cat said, “do not hit your old servant.i have worked for you for many years, and i would work for you still, but i am too old.do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young.”





a man was going to the house of some rich person.as he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road.he said, “i do not want to eat those apples;for the rich man will give me much food;he will give me very nice food to eat.” then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust.he went on and came to a river.the river had become very big;so he could not go over it.he waited for some time;then he said, “i cannot go to the rich man’s house today, for i cannot get over the river.”

he began to go home.he had eaten no food that day.he began to want food.he came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them.do not throw good things away;you

may be glad to have them at some other time.一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好








the city mouse and the country


once there were two mice.they were friends.one mouse lived in the country;

the other mouse lived in the city.after many years the country mouse saw the

city mouse;he said, “do come and see me at my house in the country.” so the

city mouse went.the city mouse said, “this food is not good, and your house

is not good.why do you live in a hole in the field? you should come and live in

the city.you would live in a nice house made of stone.you would have nice

food to eat.you must come and see me at my house in the city.”

the country mouse went to the house of the city mouse.it was a very good

house.nice food was set ready for them to eat.but just as they began to eat

they heard a great noise.the city mouse cried, “ run!run!the cat is

coming!” they ran away quickly and hid.after some time they came out.when they came out, the country mouse said,”i do not like living in the city.i like living in my hole in the field.for it is nicer to

be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid.”














teacher:why are you late for school every morning?

tom:every time i come to the corner,a sign says,”school-go slow”.老师:为什么你每天早晨都迟到?

汤姆:每当我经过学校的拐角处,就看见一个牌子上写着”学校----慢行”.a good boy

little robert asked his mother for two cents.“what did you do with the money i

gave you yesterday?”

”i gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered.”you’re a good boy,” said the mother proudly.“here are two cents more.but

why are you so interested in the old


”she is the one who sells the candy.”






“她是个卖糖果的。”i have his ear in my pocket ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, “what happened?” “a kid bit me,” replied ivan.“would you recognize him if you saw him again?” asked his mother.”i’d know him any where,” said ivan.“i have his ear in my pocket.” 伊凡鼻子流着血回到家里。他妈妈问,“发生了什么事?” “一个男孩咬了我一口,”伊凡说。


我衣兜里呢? 他的耳朵在我衣兜里little robert asked his mother for two cents.“what did you do with the money i gave you yesterday?” “i gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered.”you’re a good

boy,” said the mother proudly.“here are two cents more.but why are you so interested in the old woman?”

”she is the one who sells the candy.”a good boy 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。“昨天给你的钱干什么了?”好孩子



hospitality the hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an

apple-pie without

any cheese.the little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and

returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest’s plate.the visitor smiled,put the cheese into his mouth and then said: “you must have better eyes than your

mother, sonny.where did you find the cheese?” “in the rat-trap, sir,” replied theboy.由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意。这家的小男孩悄悄地离开了屋子。过了一会儿,他拿着一片奶酪回到房间,把奶酪放在客人的盘子里。客




汤姆:约翰尼,你小弟弟好吗? 约翰尼:他害病卧床了。他受了伤。汤姆:真糟糕,怎么

回事儿?约翰尼:我们做游戏,看谁能把身子探出窗外最远,他赢了。there was a barber in a developing country who had a little shed at the roadside to

cut hair, and a certain man used to come in regularly for haircuts.one day he

noticed that a dog was always sitting underneath, near the chair where the

customers sat for their haircuts.so the man asked the barber, “is that your dog?”

and the barber replied, “no, he always comes every day.it’s not my dog.i don’t

know whose dog it is.” then the customer asked, “so if it’s not your dog, you never

feed him, right?” and the barber

said, “no.” and the customer said, “then why does he always come here every day?” and the barber answered, “he’s waiting in case an ear comes off.” a very patient pooch 一处简陋的乡下,一位理发师傅在路边的小棚子帮人理发。有位经常 来理发的男士,注意到有一只狗老是喜欢坐在客人的座椅旁边,于是 他问师傅:那是你的狗吗?师傅答:不,不是我的狗,我不知 道那是谁的狗,不过,它每天都会来。那个客人又问:不是你的狗,那你从来没有喂过它吗?师傅回答:没有。客人又问:那它为什么每天都来?师傅回答:它在等看看有没有耳朵掉下来。耐心的狗

“1purple sharpener!” says max.clap, clap, clap!

“3 orange notebooks!” says max.clap, clap, clap!

and out of his backpack come 1 purple sharpener and three orange notebooks!

max has a magic backpack.“5 brown rulers!” says max.clap, clap, clap!

“9 green pens!” says max.clap, clap clap!

and out of his backpack come 5 brown rulers and 9 green pens!max has a magic backpack.“11 blue markers!”says max.clap, clap, clap!

“14 pink erasers!”says max.and out of his backpack come 11 blue markers and 14 pink erasers!max has a magic backpack.“16 yellow pencils!” says max.clap,clap, clap!

“20 candies!” says max.clap,clap,clap

and out of his backpack come 16 yellow pencils and 20 candies!“candies for everyone!” says max.max has a magic backpack.candies for everyone!

who want candies?

here you are!here you are!

第四篇:英语小故事 演讲稿

我要自由I want be free

Good afternoon,everyone.Today,my topic is “I want to be free.”It’s a story about a wolf and a dog.A wolf was almost dead with hunger.A house-dog saw him,and asked,”friend,it’s bad for you.”

“Why don’t you work steadily as I do,and get your food regularly?”“I would have no objection.”said the wolf,”if I could only get a place.” “I will help you.”said the dog.”Come with me to my master,and you shall share me work ”

So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.On the way ,the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog’neck.He felt quite surprised,and asked him why it was like that?

“Oh,it is nothing.”said the dog.”Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up.You will soon get used to it.”

“Is that the only reason.”said the wolf.”Then good bye to you,my friend.I would like to be free.”

Do you like to be free?every.Thank you for listening.下午好。今天,我的话题是“我要自由”。这是一个关于一只狗和一只狼的故事。







英语小达人(English talent)演讲稿

Hello, every one, I am Xu Zi Ran, My English name is Tom, I am nine years old.I from fourth grade of Dong Hua second elementary school.By the way I have been to American with my father and studied in Mckinley elementary school last year.I have a lot of hobbies such as swimming, sing, Chinese handwriting, English speaking and basketball, but my favorite sport is basketball.So this summer vacation, I enrolled in a basketball training in southwest forestry university, my coach is a PE teacher, she is a kind and active women.My team member were study hard, all of us played basketball with sweats and tears under the burning sun.But as the old saying goes, No pains No gains.I gained so many basketball skills, such as pass ball, set shot, jump shot, three point shot and so on.Moreover, I learned the team spirit and I know how to cooperate with my team members, not only play basket ball but also do anything.Now I always play basketball in my spare time, I enjoy it, I love it, I give, I take, how about you? Thank you.



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