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A book report on Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice, first published on 28 January 1813, is the most famous of Jane Austen's novels and one of the first “romantic comedies” in the history of the novel.Jane Austen, English novelist whose realism, biting social commentary and masterful use of free indirect speech, burlesque and irony have earned her a place as one of the most widely-read and best-loved writers in British literature.Its manuscript was first written between 1796 and 1797, initially called First Impressions, but was never published under that title.The title of the book is taken from a sentence in Fanny Burney's Cecilia;Austen was a reader and admirer of Burney's novels.The book opens its prelude with the sentence, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surroundings families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.Elizabeth was the core character of the story, who is the second daughter of Mr.Bennet.She is characterized as a sensible, intelligent, yet stubborn, young woman.Elizabeth initially holds that Mr.Darcy is such a proud man that she dislikes him because of it.Jane, sister of Elizabeth falls in love with Mr.Bingley but Mr.Bingley is persuaded to leave the town under the suggestion of Mr.Darcy.Mr.Darcy is a rich man that at first he thinks that Elizabeth is not handsome enough to tempt him.However, he has a crush on the girl later.The man makes a proposal to Elizabeth, unfortunately he was turned down because his attitude is supposed to be too proud and Elizabeth has a great prejudice against him.What’s more, Elizabeth is convinced by Mr.Wickam of Darcy’s selfishness and pride.Having been turned down by the girl, Mr.Darcy leaves her sadly, leaving a long letter to make some explanation: he admits that he persuaded Bingley to leave but it is

because he is unsatisfied with Mrs.Bennet.What Mr.Wickam has said is all a lie for that it is Wickam who uses up all the assets and attempts to temp her sister.After reading the letter, Elizabeth is regretful and changes her opinion against Darcy.The next summer, Elizabeth meets Mr.Darcy and finds the changes in Darcy.During that time, Mr.Darcy helps Lidia and helps Bingley be together with Jane.From then on, Elizabeth’s prejudice towards Darcy is changed into true love.Finally they make peace and again, Mr.Darcy makes a proposal to Elizabeth.At last, the lovers finally got married.Having read the book, a question occurred to me that what is the cause of the lovers to be together after such a long time.As far as I am concerned, it is pride and prejudice that is the barrier of their love.In fact, there is barrier like this in our communication in our daily life.We always take something for granted and we have prejudice to the people whom we do not really understand.Meanwhile, we are too proud sometimes and we just refuse to know others well because of our poor pride.Furthermore, we have choice to decide what we want.Some people gets married because the temptation of the materials, like Charlotte, however, some insist on getting married to the person that is really their love, just like Elizabeth.Material comfort makes us happy sometimes, however, it won’t last long.For the things are empty in spirits.We need something that can comfort our spirits not just our bodies.Everyone has his own shortcomings.Elizabeth has prejudice against before she knows the person well, while Mr.Darcy is too proud at first.No one is perfect, but we can overcome those shortcomings as possible as we can, no matter what the result is.The communication with people is not an easy thing and understanding others may be more difficult.However, if we try our best to do it well, throwing away all our pride and prejudice, and be a new person to fight for a good future.







Book Reading

Jane Austen(1775-1817)

“Pride and Prejudice”Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press(April 2010)

Information about the writer: An English writer, who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life.Although Austen was widely read in her lifetime, she published her works anonymously.The most urgent preoccupation of her bright, young heroines is courtship and finally marriage.Austen herself never married.Her best-known books include PRIDE AND PREJUDICE(1813)and EMMA(1816).Virginia Woolf called Austen “the most perfect artist among women.”

Extract1.Elizabeth’s astonishment was beyond expression.She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent.This he considered sufficient encouragement;and the avowal of all that he felt, and had long felt for her, immediately followed.He spoke well;but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed;and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride.His sense of her inferiority— of its being a degradation—of the family obstacles which had always opposed to inclination, were dwelt on with a warmth which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit.2.In spite of her deeply-rooted dislike, she could not be insensible to the compliment of such a man’s affection, and though her intentions did not vary for an instant, she was at first sorry for the pain he was to receive;till, roused to resentment by his subsequent language, she lost all compassion in anger.She tried, however, to compose herself to answer him with patience, when he should have done.My comments: Mrs.Bennet is a vain person, and she has five daughters, all of whom with obvious personality.Mrs.Bennet has no other wish but marring off her daughters with someone wealthy and has high social status, but she never gives a lot of care to her daughters’ improperly behavior.Mr.Bennent is an old gentleman who take good care of his family, but he would like to let his wife’s improper behavior go unchecked, and he prefer hiding himself into library to find a piece of peace.Their oldest daughter, Jane Bennet, has a good appearance, gentle despotism, and always be quiet.Second daughter, Elizabeth, a vivid, wisdom, pretty, independent girl.Third daughter, Mary Bennet, maybe she is not as beautiful as her sisters ,but she is delinquent in pursuing knowledge to make up the common of her appearance ,so she is also a pride girl.Forth girl, Catherine “Kitty” Bennet ,who has a impetuous character , is fond of dancing, her manner is always improper, but she was never aware of this point.The youngest daughter , Lydia Bennet , is also a vain person , interested in dancing and making fun with officers ,it seems that such thing is her own life’s aim.One day, Bingley, a single man of a large fortune came to live near their home.He was a gentle, honest, tolerant and rich young man.He fell in love with Jane in a dance and had an affinity for each other.But Bingley’s friend

Darcy was serious and not good at communicating with others, which left a proud impression on others.Gradually, he fell in love with Elizabeth.However, the family of Bennet was not a decent family itself, which hindered their love from developing smoothly.Elizabeth had a prejudice against Darcy from the first.The problem between Elizabeth and Darcy was just a representative.Once one’s parentage, property, status and cultivation are related to upper class, he will be proud and look down on poor, humble and vulgar people.In turn, people with low status and little property, out of the self-esteem, will defend the proud with prejudice, which turns out to be another pride.Elizabeth was a clever girl;she did not accept that kind of marriage, either.When Darcy, a rich man proposed to her, she rejected.Because she did not like Darcy.Darcy was proud.Elizabeth had prejudice with him.Obviously, the pride and prejudice;two bad guys obstructed Darcy and Elizabeth's marriage.Fortunately, Darcy and Elizabeth rediscovered

themselves.Gradually, Elizabeth fell in love with Darcy, too.Finally, they married.By the way, in the end, Jane married Bingley.Love is really a wonderful thing.On the way of seeking love, as long as we stick to our principle and don’t be afraid of misunderstanding, I believe one day happiness will come true.


Marriages in Pride and Prejudice

The novel Pride and Prejudice,written by Jane Austen in 1813, tells the love story of four couples.The first one is Jane and Bingly.Although they fall in love with each other somehow influenced by wealth and beauty,their marriage is mainlybased on love.The second is about Elizabeth.Elizabeth has a prejudice against Mr.Darcy because he istoo proud to appreciate her.Even when he displays Darcy affair to her,she refuses him for he considers Bingly and her sister,Jane.Another is Elizabeth’s Friend Charlotte Lucas who is neither beautiful nor rich.She marries Mr.Colins for financial supprot.The last one is her sister Lydia Bennet ,who is laching in maturity,runs off with George Wickham.Through these characters,this novel mainly tells us the attitude towards love and marriage.Above all,Jane Austen held the view that one should marry based on love like Elizabeth and Darcy.A womanshould refuse to marry a man without love,however rich he is.However,her friend Charlotte Lucas fail to persist on it,resulting in an unhappy mariage.What’s more,a woman should be independent when she choose her husband.In the Chapter 20,Elizabeth refuses the proposal of Mr.Colins in spite ofhis wealth and her mother’ persistence.“She talked to Elizabeth again and again;coaxed and threatened her by turns and Elizabeth, sometimes with real earnestness.” “and Elizabeth, sometimes with real earnestness and sometimes with playful gaiety, replied to her attacks.Though her manner varied, however, her determination never did.’’And in our real life,one should choose his or her mates because of love rather than money or appearance.Moreover, maturity is important in one’s marriage.Lydia Bennet accepts George Wickham without consideration.And her indiscreetnot only lead to a distress to her family but also runis her marriage.“How Wickham and Lydia were to be supported in tolerable independence, she could not imagine.But how little of permanent happiness could belong to a couple who were only brought together because their passions were stronger than their virtue, she could easily conjecture.”

Last but not least,this novel also shows that one coulple should recognize their own faults so that they can know each other better.At first Elizabeth just can not stand Mr.Darcy’s pride so she refused him.But later she realized that he is kind to help Williama and her sister and generous to forgive others.All in all,Pride and Prejudice is a novel tells the principles of marriage and love.And Elizabeth’s indeendence of persenality as well as her persistence of love is still meaningful inmodern society.

第五篇:傲慢与偏见 读后感

After I had read

, I didn’t know what is the purpose of the wirter to write this book or what is the meaning of the book.If you know more about the background of the wirter, you will know the book more.Jane Austen, the author of the novel, was born in a small and close-knit family located in a rural town.Her father was a priest of local parish.She has never been to school and was educated by her family.She lived in a small town and the people around her were middle and small landlords, priests, and she led a comfortable and peace life,there were nothing serious problem in her books.We can say that most of her books were influenced by her surrounding.Most of her books described the love and marriage between the gentlemen and ladies.And I think

is one of the most famous books represented this style.At first, I don’t know why the author named the book

.Firstly, Mr.Darcy was described as a pride gentelman.Mr.Darcy inherited a huge property from his father and was well-educated, so he looked down upon any girls in the party which was held in the countryside, Netherfield.Mr.Darcy told Mr.Bingely Elizabeth was not handsome enough to tempt him and the conversation between them was heard by Elizabte.And from then on, Elizabeth viewed Mr.Darcy with prejudice.Actually, the title was so closed to the theme of the novel.mainly talks about the Bennet’s family with five daughters.At that time, there was a regulation that only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions.Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives.So Mrs Bennet was worried about her daughters’ marriages and she hoped all of them would marry to good men and lead happy lives.The five daughters had their own personalities.Miss Bennet was a innocent girl and in her mind, there were no evils in the world, everyone was good person.Elizabeth was very clever, sensible.Mary was a book fan.Kitty was a girl without her own opinion and always liked to follow her little sister Lydia’s thought.Lydia was a little profligate and liked to be with men.Because of their different personalities, they had different ideas of mariage.With these different ideas, Austen expressed her views of the society.Mr Bingely, a single man of large fortune;four or five thousand pounds a year, was a new tenant in the Netherfield.In a party, he met Miss Bennet and was attracted by her beauty and she loved him too.But Mr.Bingely’s affection to Miss Bennet was opposed by his sisters and his friend Mr.Darcy, because Jane was not rich and her family’s social position was much lower than them.So they tried their best to prevent his love from Jane.Miss Bingely decevied Bingely that Jane didn’t love him at all even she knew Jane loved him very much.Mr.Bingely was convinced of that and left Netherfield.Miss Bingely hoped he could marry to Mr.Darcy’s sister who had a high social position.Finally, Mr.Bingely married with Miss Bennet, as he knew Miss Bennet loved him so much.Actually, Bingely was a man who didn’t care about the social position, he was just concentrated on love.And Jane held the same opinion.She though, in a marriage, if either partner cannot love nor respect the other that cannot be agreeable to either party.From their marriahe, we can know that Austen want to express a view that each party should love each other, or they will not be happy.Compared with her youngest sisiter Lydia’s marriage, hers was more agreeable to others.I think Lydia is a vain and profligate girl.She wanted to make friends with the soliders.She though a man

looked nothing with regimentals.She eloped with George Wickham when she was about sixteen years old.It was a rediculous behaviour to her families, because she didn’t know more about Wickham.In fact, Wickham was willing to marry Lydia because he cheated a great amout of money from Mr.Darcy.In Elizabeth’s view, what Lydia did insulted Bennets.People would look down upon her family and though they was not well-educated.And she thought Lydia would damage their marriage.And I think what Elizabeth thought was actually Austen’s thought.She aimed to satirized the vain people.Even Lydia married prior to her sisters, she got the person she loved, but her marriage was just a exchange for money.So her husband was not welcome to her families, and he was a deceptive man to her families.But Lydia knew nothing about the secrect which her families kept, because they hoped she would have a happy marriage.In

, there was a marriage which was similar to Mr.&Mrs Wickham.In a way, they were the results of economic needs.Mr.Colins was a priest who inherited Mr.Bennet’s property.He visited the Bennets and decided to marry one of his cousins to compensate for inheriting Mr.Bennet’s property.But Elizabeth refused his proposal.At the time he was plannning to leave, Charlotte, Elizabeth’s good friend, called on Elizabeth.When she knew Mr.Collins tended to leave, she invited him to her family.Then Elizabeth heard the news that her good friend would marry to Mr.Collins soon.Such an important decision was made so quickly, I doubt whether there was love in their marriage.And the answer could be found in the life after they married.Everyday, Mr.Collins spent a lot of time in his garden and went to vistie Lady Catherine de, his patron.When he was in the house, he was mostly in his book room.And most of it was encourage by his wife.And his wife would prefer to sit in the parlour.Obviously, they didn't spend more than a few minutes in each other’s company.And each other was content with the situation.If a couple would not be willing to spend a few minutes with each other, would there be love between them?

Mr Collins was a vain man, too.He had the abilities to offer any compliments on every occasion.Mr.Collins confessed sometime he wrote down and arranged the compliments.From the reactions of Jane and Elizabeth, we know his behaviour was so ridiculous.And we can find Mr.Collins was deceptive.And he was also a snobbish man.If Charlotte had not been the daughter of Sir.William, would have Mr.Collins married her?

In Mrs.Collins’s opinion, all she wanted only a comfortable home.But I want to know if Mr.Collins had not been the heritor, would have Charlotte married him?

Is there ture happiness in their marriage without love?

I think the love between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy must be expected by most of people and the author advocated this kind of love.At first, I thought Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth would not fall in love with each othre, because Mr.Darcy was pride to Elizabeth and she was with prejudice to him.Although Mr.Darcy was attracted by Elizabeth’s beautiful eyes, he was still pride to her for her low social position.From Wickham, Elizabeth knew Mr.Darcy was a mean guy and did something hostile to Wickham.Days by days, they had more chance to get along with each other, thus knew more about each other.Finally, Elizabeth knew she was cheated and misunderstood Mr.Darcy.And she found she loved Mr.Darcy a little and Mr.Darcy could not control himself and propose to Elizabeth.Even though Mr.Darcy was refused once but they finally got married because of their love but not for economic needs.Mr.Darcy attracted not only Elizabeth not also mamy girls in real world.He was a man with great fortune and handsome.The most important was that he was faithful in love.Although he tried to control himself from loving Elizabeth because of her low social position, he finally got rid of the prejudice.Elizabeth was a brave woman.After knowing her nephew proposed to Elizabeth, Lady Catherine de Bourgh tried to ask Elizabeth’s promise not to marry her nephew.But Elizabeth ignored her speech and did not promise.She was also loyal to love.So they could find their ture love.All in all, the author indicated that there was no social position in marriage but love.And no matter you are rich or poor, you could find your ture love.And I think the author hoped that every man could get rid of the social prejudice.



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