
时间:2019-05-15 14:30:37下载本文作者:会员上传


Since my childhood, I have been dreaming of traveling around the world.I think one should not always stay in the same place;I should go out to other countries from time to time to see what is happening there and enjoy another kind of life.The outside world is so beautiful that I make up my mind to enjoy the amazing views of different places.Among numerous tourist destinations around the world, I like Europe most, since Europe can offer my much beautiful natural scenery and it also boasts a big number of museums with a long history.If you ask which country is my favorite, it is, without any doubt, France, because it is such a romantic and lovable country.The Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Big Ban in London are my favorite places to visit.I can learn about the western culture and customs there.Asian Countries are my second choice, for example, South Korea, because it is modern country marked with advanced technology and fast economic growth.I also would like to go to Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia and Singapore.Then I'll travel to Australia to see animals, such as kangaroos.Australia is a developed country with beautiful scenery and fresh air.Africa is my next aim.The pyramids and wild animals are waiting for me to come.Of course China is also famous for its countless natural and cultural sites.So maybe traveling around China may be my first step towards my dream.I wish my dream can come true.Now I am studying

hard and preparing for my travel, I believe my dream will come true!


Since my childhood, I have been dreaming of traveling around the world.I think one should not always stay in the same place;I should go out to other countries from time to time to see what is happening there and enjoy another kind of life.The outside world is so beautiful that I make up my mind to enjoy the amazing views of different places.Among numerous tourist destinations around the world, I like Europe most, since Europe can offer my much beautiful natural scenery and it also boasts a big number of museums with a long history.If you ask which country is my favorite, it is, without any doubt, France, because it is such a romantic and lovable country.The Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Big Ban in London are my favorite places to visit.I can learn about the western culture and customs there.Asian Countries are my second choice, for example, South Korea, because it is modern country marked with advanced technology and fast economic growth.I also would like to go to Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia and Singapore.Then I'll travel to Australia to see animals, such as kangaroos.Australia is a developed country with beautiful scenery and fresh air.Africa is my next aim.The pyramids and wild animals are waiting for me to come.Of course China is also famous for its countless natural and cultural sites.So maybe traveling around China may be my first step towards my dream.I wish my dream can come true.Now I am studying


Recently, an increasing number of people argue about whether qing…should be opened.this project should be done.when it comes to whether large/large-scaled shopping mall should be opened in the neighbourhood/community, opinions vary from person to person./I think we should have such one in our life./it should be done.八个万能句

1.…., which is compatible /incompatible with the current society.2.The more/less we focus on it, the more positive/negative effect we can achieve.3.although we have to admit it has outstanding advantage/disadvantage, we should notice its side-effect.4.It is for this reason/method that we must encourage/discourage this phenomenon.



There is a widespread concern over the issue that travelling.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that tourism is good for our society and lives.In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place travelling makes people broaden their horizon, relieve physical and mental, and ease the pressure of work.Furthermore, in the second place, tourism will promote the consumption and economic development, and a lot of people become rich because of tourism.So it goes with saying that tourism is good for our society and lives.People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that large-scale population movements will cause traffic congested and environmental pollution.In their point of view, for one thing, every large festival hundreds of millions of people would go to other place, which makes traffic congested.For another thing, so many people in the scenic will seriously pollute the environment.Therefore, there is no doubt that tourism will cause traffic congestion and environment pollution.For my point of view, I firmly support that travelling is good for us.It is because travelling can not only allows us to exercise but also increases our knowledge.So I think we should go out more in young.

第五篇:英语作文 旅游

Would you prefer to go backpacking or have a package tour I like traveling, I consider it can broaden my horizons and make my life more colorful.Now going backpacking is becoming more and more popular.As for me, I would prefer to have a package tour.I am a cautious person.I want everything will follow my plans, So when I decide to go for a trip, I must make a detailed list about the things I would take with me, the flight and accommodation and the trip itinerary.I know going backpacking is more exciting and more free, however, it is likely to meet difficulties.You may not solve problems by yourself and you will be trapped.I don’t want to see the bad condition happen.Therefore , I always prepare for the worst before my trip.Maybe I can’t enjoy the natural views like backpackers, but I can be relaxed and would not worry more about my travel.I just put my heart to the travel.That’s why I would prefer to have a package tour.作文号 774882



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