
时间:2019-05-15 14:45:19下载本文作者:会员上传


The speech about Charlie Chaplin

Now, I will introduce Charlie Chaplin to you.“Time is a great author,it will give each person to write a perfect ending.” This famous saying from Charlie Chaplin is the portrayal of his life.“He made a great contribution to the art of film which is inestimable at this century.”This is the highest evaluation given by Hollywood and the main idea of us.The next we will introduce him from the following two aspects.The first is his personal introduction.Then we will show some video works to you.Charlie Chaplin, KBE(16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977)was an English comic actor, film director and composer best known for his work during the silent film era.He became the most famous film star in the world before the end of World War I.Chaplin used mime, slapstick and other visual comedy routines, and continued well into the era of the talkies, though his films decreased in frequency from the end of the 1920s.His most famous role was that of The Tramp.The Tramp is a vagrant with the refined manners, cloths, and dignity of a gentleman.Chaplin, with his Tramp character, quickly became the most popular star and this popularity last over twenty years.He laid the foundation of modern comedy and “The Tramp”, Chaplin’s principal character also influenced other comedian to copy him later. is one of the representation films by Charlie Chaplin.This film shows Chaplin’s iconic little Tramp character struggling to survive in the modern, industrialized world.The film is a comment on the desperate employment and fiscal conditions many people faced during the great depression.The ideological content of this film is profound , and Chaplin’s acting reaches a high degree of excellence.The first talkie by Chaplin is .This film was act of defiance against Nazism and Hitler.It was a fearlessly performance for Chaplin Sr.who lived in a world shrouded in the darkness by political atmosphere.It discloses the ugliness of Nazism according to act a vivid role of jews.People can see how the Chaplin’s political view about by this film brightly.These films and his whole life bring us endless fun and deeply thinking.He corresponds to the honor-----pioneering film artist and global celebrity.The personal charm contributes to his achievement.Just as his quote ,“To believe in yourself, this is the secret of success.”


I'm sorry but I don't want to be an EmperorI don't want to rule or conquer anyone.I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white.We all want to help one another, human beings are like that.We want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery.We don't want to hate and despise one another.In this world there is room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone.The way of life can be free and beautiful.But we have lost the way.Greed has poisoned men's soulsdon't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave youonly the unloved hatedon't fight for slavery, fight for liberty!

In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written the kingdom of God is within manbut in all menlet us all unite!!Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security.By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie!They do not fulfil their promise, they never will!Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people!Now let us fight to fulfil that promise!Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance!Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.Soldiers-in the name of democracy, let us all unite!!



【】首先,很高兴站在这里和大家一起去分享自己对于卓别林的一个见解以及看法。First of all, I am very happy to Stade here to share my views with Chaplin.这次的讲解一共分成三个部分,第一部分是卓别林的个人简介,第二部分是有关卓别林人生的时间轴,第三部分是的主要作品。

This explanation is divided into three parts, the first part is the introduction of Chaplin, the second part is about the timeline of Chaplin's life, the third part is the main works.【】卓别林1889年出生在伦敦南沃克区的一个普通家庭中,家庭也不是很富裕,甚至他没有出生证明。在他19岁的时候,受父亲的影响,卓别林成为了一名舞台剧演员。这时候,卓别林才算是开始接触戏剧,而他之后一直参与舞台剧演出直到1913年。

Chaplin was born in 1889 in the south of London Walker area of an ordinary family, the family is not very rich, and even he did not have a birth certificate.At the age of 19, he was influenced by his father, and Chaplin became a stage actor.At this time, Chaplin was considered to be in contact with the drama, and he has been involved in the stage show until 1913.1914年,可以说是卓别林人生中很重要的一个时候。《谋生》卓别林的处女作被搬上了银屏。在这部电影中,卓别林塑造了一个十分有趣的流浪汉的角色,他也开始喜剧电影的演出。1914, can be said to be a very important time in Chaplin's life.“Making a living”.Chaplin's debut was onto the screen.In this movie, Chaplin has made a very interesting tramp, he also started the comedy film performance.1917年,“百万美元合同”是当时很著名的一个事件。“百万美元合同”主要是在将卓别林的一个片酬。这个公司将独立为卓别林制作8部影片,每部影片将提前支付12.5万美元。从这个地方其实我们就可以发现此时的卓别林可以说是炙手可热的当红影星,独立性也有了很大的一个提升,而他也正是通过这个机会开始有了足够的资源去实现自己在电影方面的一个抱负。

1917, “million dollar contract” is a very famous event at that time.The “million dollar contract” is mainly about Chaplin in a paycheck.The company will make 8 films for Chaplin, each of which will pay 12.5million$.From this place actually, we can found that Chaplin at this time can be said is hottest stars, independence has also been a big lift, and he is open with adequate resources to fulfill their own in the movie a ambition through this opportunity.1918年,卓别林建立了自己的制作厂,开始独立创作影片。但是在这个时期,由于但是电影的技术和市场并没有很成熟,卓别林说拍摄的大部分都还只是短片和剧情喜剧,影片的制作也比较生涩。所以这个时期,卓别林并没有完整的电影作品。

In 1918, Chaplin set up his own production plant, began to create independent films.But in this period, because but the film technology and market is not very mature, says Chaplin filmed most of them are only short films and comedy drama, film production is jerky.So this time, Chaplin did not complete the film.卓别林真正开始自导自演电影应该是从1923年开始的。1923年,卓别林拍摄了自己的第一部电影《巴黎一妇人》可以说,这时候,卓别林才真正开始自己的一个电影事业,而他在喜剧方面的天分才真正得到一个展示。这个时候,卓别林也才34岁。在而后的54年间,卓别林一直坚持这自己的电影梦想,其中,他的很多作品至今还被世人认为经典。他的代表作有《淘金热》、《摩登时代》、《大独裁者》、《纽约王》、《香港女伯爵》等等。

Chaplin directed the movie should really start from the beginning of 1923.In 1923, Charlie Chaplin films shot his first film “a woman of Paris”.At this time, Chaplin really began to own a movie career, and his talent in the comedy really a show.At this time, Chaplin was only 34 years old.In the latter 54 years, Chaplin has always insisted on the dream of his films, which, many of his works have been considered the classic world.His representative works “gold rush”, “modern times”, “the Great Dictator”, “New York king”, “Hongkong female count” and so on.其实从卓别林的一个人生经历中,我们可以看到,卓别林在电影和喜剧方面是有很大的一个天分,但是这个肯定和他自身的一个努力有很大的关系。卓别林不仅在表演方面有很大的造诣,而且在导演制片都有很棒的呈现。而卓别林塑造的最为经典的一个形象就是“流浪汉”的形象。还有就是他那很特别的走路的姿态。衣服很脏,也很破,但是我们还是可以看出是绅士燕尾服,这个也是卓别林在人物中想要表达的一种绅士思想。

In fact, from Chaplin's life experience, we can see that Chaplin in the film and comedy is a great talent, but also with one of his efforts are not divided.Chaplin not only has a lot of accomplishments in the show, but also in the production of the director has a great presentation.Chaplin created one of the most classic image is the “Tramp” image.There is his very special posture.Dirty clothes, worn out, but we can still see clothes is gentleman dovetail, this is Charlie Chaplin in the characters to express a gentleman thought.【】接下来,我们来了解一下卓别林的一个主要电影作品。第一部《大独裁者》,这部电影讲述了一个犹太人理发师,在意外中失去了记忆,因为长得很像大独裁者Hynkel,被士兵带走。于是理发师代替Hynkel上台。

Next, let's look at one of Chaplin's major films.First film “the Great Dictator”, the film tells the story of a Jewish barber, in the accident loss of memory, because it looks very like the great dictator Hynkel, was seized by the soldiers.And the barber took the place of the great dictator Hynkel.这是卓别林的第一部有声电影,卓别林在人物造型上非常明显地仿照法西斯头子希特勒,并通过表演对这个人物进行辛辣的讽刺。

This was Chaplin's first sound film, Chaplin in figures modeled the fascist dictator Hitler, and through the performance of Hitler were spicy satire.大家可以看到图片中有很多极具讽刺意味的片段。

We can see that there are a lot of pictures in the very ironic fragments.图中的那个男的就是独裁者Hynkel,我们可以看到,独裁者,他的手中是举着一个地球的,其实是在讽刺希特勒企图要占领地球。

The man in the dictator is Hynkel, we can see that his hand is holding a globe, is in fact the irony of Hitler attempted to occupy the earth.第二张图片,是片中的主角。这个时候是独裁者在迫害犹太人,而男主正在逃难的一个状态。Second pictures, is the protagonist of the film.This time is Hynkel in the persecution of Jews, and a state of the male are fleeing.第三张,也是在逃跑。图中的女人喜欢理发师,可以看到她在拿锅砸士兵。想要救理发师,三个人就在那里纠缠。这一段是电影中比较有趣和搞笑的片段。

Third, is also in the escape.The woman in the picture likes the hairdresser, so she can see her in the pot.Want to save the barber, three people on the entanglement.This is a more interesting and funny segment of the film.第四张,是理发师的一个形象 Fourth, this is a barber's image.这张是,理发师被迫参军。也是在这次的参军,他很意外的救了一名虽然不是犹太人,但是向往民族主义的士兵。后来他们一起逃难。

This is a picture of the barber was forced to join the army.Also in the army, he accidentally saved a although not Jewish, but for nationalist soldiers.Then they flee together.这张是已经替代独裁者的理发师在演讲的片段。这一段可以说是整部影片中最为精彩10分钟。这也卓别林对于纳粹的一个抗争。

This is a barber in a speech fragment.This period can be said to be the most exciting movie in 10 minutes.This is also the embodiment of Chaplin's struggle against the Nazis.第二部是《摩登时代》


The second part is “modern times” Chaplin is a very high profile of a work, which is more classic or for some of the industrialization of some of the irony of a fragment.第三部是《纽约王》


The third part is the “king of New York” This story mainly tells the story of a king, fled to the United States, accompanied by a servant and escaped and fled.Then the king was accidentally discovered to become a star advertising.We can look at the movie picture.最后的话是《淘金记》

主要是对于当时美国的西进运动的一个展现。The last word is “gold rush” Is a show for the American westward movement at that time.卓别林的作品很多时候其实都是对于现实的一个反映。而他的一个讽刺更多的也是在表达对于一些畸形的不公平的,或者是很可耻的现象的一个嘲讽。或许这才是卓别林作品经典的一个原因。

Chaplin's films are often a reflection of reality.And one of his more ironic is that the expression of some of the abnormal, or very shameful phenomenon of a mockery.Perhaps this is one reason the classic works of Chaplin.希望大家能够通过简单的一个PPT对于卓别林有个更深刻的了解。

I hope you can have a more profound understanding of Chaplin through a simple PPT.——福建工程学院 林惠霞 2016/3/9







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另外关于上位者的讽刺则是一大堆的流浪者与孤儿,只能以无时无刻都出在一旁stand by的警车到处取缔,却没有任何的配套措施来训练这些孤儿,好让他们脱离流浪之途,片子里出现的警车次多,越能表现在上位者的无能。


《摩登时代》是查理.卓别林(Charles Chaplin)一部非常优秀的作品,因为这部影片超越了其他单纯以他个人特点为卖点的悲剧性主题作品,改而反映了当时社会中一些重要的问题。他利用滑稽搞笑的形式让人在轻松的氛围中感受不轻松的寓意。








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