
时间:2019-05-15 14:45:35下载本文作者:会员上传


Position Paper

Delegate: Zhang San, Wang Wu

School: Beijing No.1 Middle School

Country: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Committee: ECOSOC

Topic: International Migration

International Migration has become a world focus, for it has close relationship to many other important issues.On one hand, migration is contributive to global culture and economic communication.On the other, migration touches on numbers of sharp problems, inclusive of human rights, refugees, public education, healthcare, racial and gender discrimination.As a developed country in west Europe, UK is evidently facing the problem of international migration.According to the UK National Bureau of Statistics, the number of migrants in UK is about 5 million, which forms 10% of the nation’s population.As the former Prime Minister Tony Blare has stated, migrants has become a strong contributive power in UK economy.The international community has long paid attention to the problem of migration.In 2003, the Global Commission on International Migration was created to study ways that governments and UN agencies can work together to address migration issues.The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights is also working on important human rights issue in international migration.There have also been a number of international documents produced which affect the treatment of migrants, such as the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.The UK government is always making effort in many aspects to provide better treatment to legal migrants and prevent illegal migration.UK is always working to constitute better social environment for legal migrants.For instance, UK put forward the new bill on migration in March 2006, which includes fine evaluation criteria for migrants and standardizes migration to some extent.UK affirms its intention of cooperating with other countries on the issue of

international migration.UK would like to utilize the power of international legislation to standardize migration.UK would also like to optimize the information-exchange system among countries to provide more efficiency in solving migration issues.Moreover, UK is willing to establish stable cooperation on migration issues with third-world countries.In details, UK intends to establish express gateways to welcome legal migrants and work with third-world countries on preventing illegal migrants.To sum up, UK is convinced that with the cooperation among countries, international migration will contribute more to the world and cause less trouble.


立场文件 新中国成立以来,我们国家发生了巨大变化,特别是改革开放,极大地调动了人们的积极性和创造性,开创了国家经济、政治、文化、社会全面发展的崭新局面,综合国力大幅提升,人民生活显著改善,城乡面貌日新月异,国际地位不断提高。我们走的中国特色社会主义道路,是一条富民强国、振兴中华的康庄大道。





第三篇:Position Ppaper(立场文件)英文简介及

What is Position Paper?

Position paper is a written statement of your nation’s view on the topic.Using outside research, delegates should describe the essential stance their nation has on the issue being discussed.Many delegates use their position papers for their first speech in the committee, either by reading sections out loud or pulling important phrases or ideas from them, so it is also helpful to focus your thoughts and identify the main points you want to address in the committee.Content of Position Paper

A good position paper will not only provide facts but also make proposals for resolutions.It shall contain the followings:

·a brief statement on the significance of the topic;

·a clear statement of your country’s position on the topic;

·major actions that have been taken nationally and globally regarding the topic;·suggestions for possible solutions to the issue.To finish a good position paper or speech, you could refer to:

·Country Information

Highlight the key factors you need to know about your country from the basic information on the one you will be representing.·Newspaper Articles

Try to have the most up-to-date information available if the topic has recently been in the news, which could include the quotes from your country’s leaders about the issue and the statistics to back up your country’s position on the issue, etc.·UN Resolutions

Search through UN’s online documentation center for relevant resolutions and UN documents pertaining to your topic.·Other Key Documents

Try to include relevant excerpts from treaties, protocols, agreements and other documents.Format of Position Paper

On the top of the position paper is the basic information which includes Committee, Country, University and Topic.The details are specified as follows:

·12 point and Times New Roman

·one to one-and-a-half pages in length

Deadline of Position Paper

September 25, 2007

Sample Position Paper

Committee: The Human Rights Council

Topic: Violence against Women

Country: The Kingdom of Denmark

University: Shea University

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Although this doctrine was adopted in 1948, the world has fallen quite short of this goal.Violence against women pervades all states and it is the duty of the international community to ensure that all persons are afforded equality and respect.Despite cooperative efforts at combating gross human rights abuses, such as the adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, the United Nations has not been able to alleviate the injustice women worldwide experience daily.The Kingdom of Denmark believes that in order to end violence against women, nations must look to empower women in all aspects of society.This includes promoting equal gender roles in government, civil society, education and business.However, Denmark also recognizes the need to combat human rights-abuses against women as they occur, and no nation is immune to gender violence.In 2002, the Danish Government launched an extensive action plan to combat domestic violence against women.The plan includes measures to help treat abused women, identify and prosecute the perpetrators, and incorporate professional medical and psychological staff into the rehabilitation process.The action plan currently reaches out to both governmental and nongovernmental groups on the local level throughout the nation.The Danish Centre for Human Rights in Copenhagen, Denmark's foremost national human rights institution also promotes and protects human rights.Based on the Center’s research, Denmark's parliament can promote human-rights-based legislation and education / awareness programs throughout the nation.The Centre also addresses the U.N.Commission on Human Rights annually regarding human rights developments in Denmark and internationally.Denmark has no record of committing major human rights violations, most importantly any targeted at women.In its 2003 Annual Report, Amnesty International also found no human rights violations against Danish women.Women are invaluable to Denmark's society and have achieved significant economic and social gains in the 20th century.Currently, 75 percent of medical students in Denmark are women.Denmark is confident that this Council can bring about an end to violence against women without compromising the sovereignty of member states.Educationremains perhaps the most useful tool in protecting victims of gender-based violence.Governments, U.N.agencies, and nongovernmental organizations(NGOs)can plan a coordinated campaign that educates national populations on the various ways women are violently targeted.Similarly, harmful traditions, such as honor killings and female genital mutilation, must be stopped by reforming traditional views of women in

society.Children of both sexes need to be taught at an early age to value the rights of women in order to prevent such violence in their generation.Another way to stop gender violence would be to reproach member states that consistently violate treaties such as the Convention on Political Rights of Women(1952), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women(1979), and the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women(1993).Although this Committee cannot impose sanctions, it can pass resolutions ver-bally condemning states that commit human rights violations.The U.N.High Commissioner for Human Rights can also meet with representatives of governments that violate the above treaties to discuss possible solutions.In order to prevent gender violence, nations must work together to build a culture of support, equality and community.As such, the Kingdom of Denmark looks forward to offering its support, in whatever form possible, to nations firmly committed to ending violence against women in all its forms.




















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