议 题:海洋环境保护与资源开发
代 表:王哲 毕文泽
印度最为一个半岛和大陆双重地位的国家,也是一个传统的海陆复合型国家,历史上海洋文化的不健全,是印度面对印度洋是世界第三大洋, 东、西、北三面连接亚洲、非洲和大洋洲, 有红海、波斯湾、阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾等重要边缘海和海湾。在印度洋地区居住的人口约占世界总人口的1 /3。这里还有地球上60%的铀矿, 40% 的黄金, 和绝大部分的锡、橡胶和钻石。据统计, 世界上约40% 的离岸石油产品出自印度洋, 65% 的石油储量和35% 的天然气储量存在于印度洋沿岸国家。印度洋还是连接太平洋与大西洋的交通枢纽, 世界上1 /3的散装货和2 /3的原油都通过这条国际航道运往各地。印度在马六甲海峡和霍尔木兹海峡之间, 大部分国土伸入印度洋, 其海岸线长达7000公里, 并拥有250万平方公里的专属经济区, 每年大约97% 的对外贸易物资通过海路运输, 石油需求的90% 来自海上, 或是船运, 或是取自离岸地区。此外, 印度在印度洋中部还有一个被分配到的15万平方公里的深海采矿区。因此除了地缘外, 印度洋对印度还具有经济和生态等方面的多重意义。所以印度也是下了大决心大勇气来发展海洋印度也是希望与世界其他的国家一到合作,建立关于海洋资源和环境和合作框架和法律条文。
牵扯到海洋资源和环境的问题接着来了各国利益的纠纷和争执,就加剧了建立海洋资源和环境保护机制和法律的约束。海洋权益日益加剧的竞争使各国开始认真仔细的清算自己的领海和附属岛屿。但是一个公衡第三方的介入得却是解决问题的关键。印度于1997年联合南非共同发起建立了环印度洋地区合作联盟(IndianOceanRimAssociation fo rR eg iona lCooperat ion),成员虽来自亚洲、非洲和大洋洲, 但骨干是印度洋沿岸非洲国家。印度在该联盟中发挥主导作用, 并希望以这样一种合作框架, 将非洲东部国家组织起来, 更好地维护海上航行的顺畅和经济的往来。
发展中国家的贫困问题已危如累卵!发展中国家的贫困人口由1990年的10亿增加到目前的13亿。这些人每人每天只有不到1美元的收入。在发展中国家中,8000 万人完全不能享受医疗服务,8.4亿人营养不良,2.6亿人不能上学,1 亿儿童流浪街头。在非洲6.3亿人口中,约有一半挣扎在饥饿线上。面对如此严峻的现实,我国政府务实前行!
立场文件 新中国成立以来,我们国家发生了巨大变化,特别是改革开放,极大地调动了人们的积极性和创造性,开创了国家经济、政治、文化、社会全面发展的崭新局面,综合国力大幅提升,人民生活显著改善,城乡面貌日新月异,国际地位不断提高。我们走的中国特色社会主义道路,是一条富民强国、振兴中华的康庄大道。
第四篇:模联印度立场文件Position Paper of India英文版
Committee: The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency Topic: The Prevention& Control of atmospheric pollution Country: The Republic of India Delegate: Sun Jiangwenxiu&DiYa Atmospheric pollution has become the world's biggestenvironmental problemand increasingly drawn the wide attention of the world.To solve this problem, the United Nations has done a large number of surveys to find the main cause of the pollution and established the UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgramme(UNEP)as the world organization of the UNco-ordination to get to grips with pollution in 1972.India has always followed their action and taken some relative measures.As a developing country, with the development of industrial and cities, India has been damaged seriously.Air pollution in India is a serious issue with the major sources fromwood and biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission and traffic congestion.Meanwhile, based on the analysis of the environmental actuality, government has drawn up a detailed list of measuresand put forward the control countermeasures for reducing pollution.Such as the promotion of natural gas as a vehicle fuel,encouraging people to use public transport to lessen emissionas well as restricting commercial trucks into the city.Second, India passed onThe Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act to strengthen the force of supervision.Then local organizations establish smoke alarms, so that people know the air quality changes.It is an indisputable fact that an awareness of public environmental protection needs to be enhanced.So, In addition to rev up publicity with advertisements, the institution of environmental protectionorganizes and encourages afforestation and the protection of forests.All of these methods have made a great effect on pollution.Now, the environmental state is showing signs of improvement.But that’s not enough, India will learn from other countries which conduct well as the United States and Japan.Air pollution is a global problem, it related to every member’s interests.The members must immediately solve it together.India will also develop capabilities to the maximum.
School: College of Foreign Language.Country: The United Kingdom Committee: ECOSOC Topic: Ocean Protection.Ocean protection has become a world focus, for it has close relationship to many other important issues.On one hand, the high seas are parts of country.Each of us thinks highly of them.We will take a good use of them and protect them well.On the other hand, the ocean is the property of the whole human.As the water flowing, the pollution of ocean will affect many countries.So the UK government has created the world's largest marine reserve around the Chagos Islands.As UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband commented: “Its creation is a major step forward for protecting the oceans, not just around BIOT [British Indian Ocean Territory] itself, but also throughout the world.This measure is a further demonstration of how the UK takes its international environmental responsibilities seriously.”
The UK government has long paid attention to the problem of ocean protection.In 2010, One year ago, the UK government established the Chagos Marine Reserve in the Indian Ocean, marking an historic victory for global ocean conservation.And more than 275,000 people from at least 200 countries and territories joined the call from the Chagos Environment Network, Pew’s joint initiative with eight leading conservation and scientific organizations, to protect the Chagos before it is too late.For now, the UK goverment has been accomplished to ensure that these islands and their surrounding waters will be protected for future generations.These efforts include initiating scientific and conservation projects to restore native vegetation on the islands, ending all legal fishing in the surrounding waters, and launching conservation training for Chagossians.UK is with no exception as together with all the other nations in the whole world faced with the problem of oceanic pollution as well as the over exploitation problem, and is facing it ,for generations.The optimistic achievement from UK so far is also pretty encouraging.In 2010, the UK government established the Chagos Marine Reserve in the Indian Ocean, which makes such a historic victory for global ocean conservation.This measure is a further demonstration of how the UK takes its international environmental responsibilities seriously." And also, according to a survey of Marine Conservation Society, the numbers of sharks, sea purses, stingrays, whales and seals have already been sharply reduced in the seas around UK.The UK government is always making effort in many aspects to provide better treatment to protect ocean.For instance, UK put forward the new bill on ocean protection, Marine and Coastal Access Act, in 2009, which also marked the UK's marine species and their habitats would be more comprehensive protection.UK would like to utilize the power of international legislation to standardize ocean exploitation.For now, the UK government has been accomplished to ensure that these islands and their surrounding waters will be protected for future generations.These efforts include initiating scientific and conservation projects to restore native vegetation on the islands, ending all legal fishing in the surrounding waters, and launching conservation training for Chagossians.UK would like to utilize the chance of cooperating with international countries.Meanwhile, UK would like to establish a new marine management institution, to strengthen the construction of marine protection laws and regulations.UK affirms its great intention of cooperating with other countries to promote this project.UK is firmly convinced that the ocean should be protected before it is too late.海洋保护已成为世界的焦点,因为它有着密切的关系,许多其他重要问题。一方面,公海是全国各地。我们每个人都认为他们的高度评价。我们将采取一系列用好,保护好。另一方面,海洋是整个人类的财产。由于水流,海洋污染将影响许多国家。因此,英国政府已经创造了世界上最大的查戈斯群岛周围的海洋保护区。正如英国外交大臣米利班德说:“它的建立是保护海洋的重要一步,不仅是围绕毕奥[英属印度洋领地]本身,而且在整个世界里,这种措施是英国如何采取进一步论证。其国际环境认真负责。“