
时间:2019-05-15 14:45:06下载本文作者:会员上传


Bonjour Bonsoir /bɔʒuʀ/ /bɔswaʀ/

Hello / Good day / Good morningGood evening Salut Au revoir Bonne nuit /bɔn nɥi/

Good night(only said when going to bed)

S'il vous plaît / S'il te plaît/saly/ Hi / Bye

Merci(beaucoup)/mɛʀsi boku/

Thank you(very much)



Welcome(also You're welcome in

Quebec)A plus tard /a ply taʀ/ See you later

Je suis désolé(e)/dezɔle/ I'm sorry

Comment allez-vous ? /kɔmɑ tale vu/

How are you?(formal)Ça va ? /sa va/

How are you?(informal)Comment vous appelez-vous ?/kɔmɑ vu zaple vu/

What's your name?(formal)Enchanté(e)/ɑʃɑte/

Nice to meet you.Vous êtes d'où ? / Vous venez d'où ?

/vu zɛt du/ /vu vəne du/Where are you from?(formal)

/ɔʀ(ə)vwaʀ/ Goodbye

De rien./də ʀjɛ/

You're welcome.Allons-y!

/alɔ zi/

Let's go!

A bientôt /a bjɛto/ See you soon

Pardon!/paʀdɔ/ Excuse me!(pushing through a crowd)/ Sorry!(stepped on someone's foot)Je vais bien /ʒə ve bjɛ/ I'm fine.Ça va./sa va/

I'm fine.(informal response

to Ça va ?)

Tu t'appelles comment ? /ty tapɛl kɔmɑ/ What's your name?(informal)Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle

/məsjø/ /madam/ /madwazɛl/ Mister, Misses, Miss

Tu es d'où ? / Tu viens d'où ? /ty ɛ du/ /ty vjɛ du/

Where are you from?


/sil vu plɛ/

Please(formal / informal)Je vous en prie./ʒəvu zɑ pri/

You're welcome.(formal)/ Go ahead.A tout à l'heure /a tu ta lœʀ/

See you in a little whileA demain /a dəmɛ/

See you tomorrow

Excusez-moi!/ekskyze mwa/

Excuse me!(getting someone's attention)/ I'm sorry!(more formal apology)

Très bien / mal / pas mal /tʀɛ bjɛ/ /mal/ /pa mal/ Very good / bad / not bad

Oui / non

/wi/ /nɔ/

Yes / no

Je m'appelle.../ʒə mapɛl/ My name is...Mesdames et Messieurs /medam/ /mesjø/

Ladies and gentlemen

Je suis de.../ Je viens de.../ʒə sɥi də/ /ʒə vjɛ də/

I am from...Où habitez-vous ? /u abite vu/

Where do you live?(formal)Quel âge avez-vous ? /kɛl ɑʒ ave vu/

How old are you?(formal)

Tu habites où ? J'habite à.../ty abit u/ /ʒabit a/ Where do you live?(informal)I live in...Tu as quel âge ? J'ai ____ ans./ty ɑ kɛl ɑʒ/ /ʒe __ ɑ/

How old are you?(informal)I am ____ years old.Parlez-vous français ? / Tu

Je parle allemand.parles anglais ?

/paʀle vu frɑsɛ/ /ty paʀl ɑglɛ/ /ʒə paʀl almɑ/ Do you speak French?(formal)/ Do I speak German.Je ne parle pas espagnol./ʒə nə paʀl pa ɛspaɲɔl/ I don't speak Spanish.you speak English?(informal)

Comprenez-vous? / Tu comprends?

/kɔpʀəne vu/ /ty kɔpʀɑ/

Do you understand?(formal /


Pouvez-vous m'aider ? / Tu peux m'aider ? /puve vu mede/ /ty pø mede/ Can you help me?(formal / informal)

Tenez / Tiens /təne/ /tjɛ/

Hey / Here(formal / informal)Où est.../ Où sont...? /u ɛ/ /u sɔ/

Where is.../ Where are...?

Comment dit-on ____ en français ?/kɔmɑ di tɔ __ ɑ fʀɑsɛ/How do you say ____ in French? Ça ne fait rien./sa nə fɛ ʀjɛ/

It doesn't matter.Je suis fatigué(e)/ Je suis

malade./ʒə sɥi fatiɡe/ /ʒə sɥi malad/

I'm tired / I'm sick.Je m'ennuie./ʒə mɑnɥi/ I'm bored.Je comprends

/ʒə kɔpʀɑ/

I understand

Bien sûr./bjɛ syʀ/ Of course.Je sais /ʒə sɛ/ I know

Voici / Voilà

/vwasi/ /vwala/

Here is/are.../ There it is.Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?/kɛs kə sɛ kə sa/ What is that? Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? /kɛs ki sə pas/ What's happening?

J'ai faim / J'ai soif./ʒe fɛ/ /ʒe swaf/

I'm hungry / I'm thirsty.Ça m'est égal./ Je m'en fiche./sa mɛ teɡal/ /ʒə mɑ fiʃ/It's the same to me / I don't care.(informal)

Je ne comprends pas /ʒə nə kɔpʀɑ pa/ I don't understand

Comment ? /kɔmɑ/

What? Pardon?

Je ne sais pas/ʒən sɛ pa/ I don't know

Il y a.../ Il y avait.../il i a/ /il i avɛ/

There is / are.../ There was

/ were...Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? /kɛs kil i a/ What's the matter? Je n'ai aucune idée./ʒə ne okyn ide/I have no idea.J'ai chaud / J'ai froid./ʒe ʃo/ /ʒe fʀwɑ/ I'm hot / I'm cold.Ne vous en faites pas./ Ne t'en fais pas./nə vu ɑ fɛt pa/ /nə tɑ fɛ pa/Don't worry(formal / informal)

Ce n'est pas grave.J'ai oublié./sə nɛ pa gʀav//ʒe ublije/ It's no problem./ It's alright.I forgot.A vos souhaits!/ A tes souhaits!Félicitations!/a vo swɛ/ /a te swɛ//felisitasjɔ/

Bless you!(formal / informal)Congratulations!C'est à vous!/ C'est à toi!/sɛ ta vu/ /sɛ ta twɑ/It's your turn!(formal / Je dois y aller./ʒə dwa i ale/ I must go.Bonne chance!/bɔn ʃɑs/Good luck!

Je vous aime / Je t'aime /ʒə vu zɛm/ /ʒə tɛm/

I love you(formal & plural / Taisez-vous!/ Tais-toi!/tɛze vu/ /tɛ twɑ/

Shut up!/ Be quiet!(formal informal)

Tu me manques./ty mə mɑk/

I miss you.(informal)

/ informal)Quoi de neuf ?/kwɑ də nœf/ What's new?

informal)Pas grand-chose./pa gʀɑ ʃoz/

Not a whole lot.


1.After you.你先请。


2.I just couldn’t help it.我就是忍不住。



I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried.I just couldn’t help it.3.Don’t take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。


This test isn’t that important.Don’t take it to heart.4.We’d better be off.我们该走了。It’s getting late.We’d better be off.5.Let’s face it.面对现实吧。

常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。参考例句:I know it’s a difficult situation.Let’s face it, OK?

6.Let’s get started.咱们开始干吧。

劝导别人时说:Don’t just talk.Let’s get started.7.I’m really dead.我真要累死了。

坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I’m really dead.8.I’ve done my best.我已尽力了。9.Is that so? 真是那样吗?

常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。10.Don’t play games with me!别跟我耍花招!11.I don’t know for sure.我不确切知道。

Stranger: Could you tell me how to get to the town hall?

Tom: I don’t know for sure.Maybe you could ask the policeman over there.12.I’m not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。Karin: You quit the job? You are kidding.Jack: I’m not going to kid you.I’m serious.13.That’s something.太好了,太棒了。

A: I’m granted a full scholarship for this semester.B: Congratulations.That’s something.14.Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!15.Do you really mean it? 此话当真?

Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me.David: Do you really mean it?

16.You are a great help.你帮了大忙

17.I couldn’t be more sure.我再也肯定不过。18.I am behind you.我支持你。

A: Whatever decision you’re going to make, I am behind you.19.I’m broke.我身无分文。

20.Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。)模范例句:Mind you!He’s a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.21.You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。

A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party?B: You can count on it.22.I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。

当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:Oh, don’t worry.I’m thinking of buying a new one.I never liked it anyway.23.That depends.看情况再说。

例:I may go to the airport to meet her.But that depends.Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。

24.Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。

25.It’s a deal.一言为定

Harry: Haven’t seen you for ages.Let’s have a get-together next week.Jenny: It’s a deal.1.Things couldn't be better。(一切顺利。)2.Are you ****** progress?(有进展吗?)

3.May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?)4.I've heard so much about you。(久仰大名。)5.Please say hello to your mother for me。(请代我向你母亲问好。)

6.Same to you。(彼此彼此。)

7.Nice talking to you。(很高兴与你聊天。)

8.Thank you for everything。(谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。)

9.I appreciate your help。(我感谢你的帮助。)10.Sorry to bother /have bothered you。(抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。)

11.What do you do?(你做什么工作?)

12.How do you like your new job?(你觉得你的新工作怎样?)

13.I know how you feel。(我知道你的感受。)14.I love you guys。(我爱你们。)

15.How do I look?(我看起来怎么样?)

16.That's really something。(那真是了不起!)17.It's a pleasure working with you。(与您合作很愉快。)

18.I'd like to propose a toast。(我提议干杯!)

19.I've been dying to see you。(我非常想见到你。)20.Money will come and go。(钱乃身外之物。)21.You're everything to me。(你是我的一切!)22.I love you with all my heart。(我全心全意爱你!)23.Have you got it?(明白了吗?)24.I mean it。(我是认真的。)25.I'm so scared。(我怕极了。)

26.It's a long story。(说来话长/一言难尽。)27.It's a small world。(世界真小。)28.No doubt about it。(毫无疑问。)29.Think it over。(仔细考虑一下。)30.Time will tell。(时间会证明的。)

31.You are the boss!(听你的!你说了算!)32.Zip your fly!(闭嘴!)





Tom:(Answering the phone)Hello?


Mary: Hello.May I speak to Tom please?


Tom: Speaking.请讲。

Mary: Hi, Tom, this is Mary.Im a friend of Jims.汤姆,我是玛丽,吉姆的朋友。

Tom: Hi, Mary.Jim has told me about you.Whats up?


Mary: Today is Jims birthday and were having a party for him tonight.Do you think you could come?


Tom: Oh, I didnt know it was his birthday today.Sure.Id love to come.What time and where?


Mary: Well, were all meeting at Jims neighbors apartment at about seven thirty.Its at 789 Peace Street, Apartment 3.好,我们打算7点半左右在他的邻居家碰面。地点是和平大街789号,3号公寓。

Tom: Ill be there.Do you want me to bring something?


Mary: Bring some flowers if you can.如果可以,带一些花吧。

Tom: No problem.See you tonight.没问题,晚上见。


Appropriate gift




情景对话 2:


Sam: Say, Adam, Im having a barbecue at my house on December 13th.Would you like to come?


Adam: The 13th? Let me check.(looking at his pocket calendar)Sure, I can make it.13号吗?让我看看。(看一看小记事本)没问题,我能来。

Sam: Great!Come any time after seven oclock.太好了。七点钟过后,什么时候都成。

Adam: Sounds great!Can I bring anything?


Sam: Nope.Just yourself.Ill give you directions to my house later.不用了。你自己来就好了。我晚一点再告诉你怎么到我家。

Adam: Fine.好的。

Sam: Im glad you can come.很高兴你能来。

Adam: Thanks.Im looking forward to it.谢谢你的邀请,我正期待着那一天呢。

Sam: Well, I should be going.Ill talk to you later.那么,我得走了。再聊。

Adam: Yeah.See you.好的,回头见。



应邀参加聚会或是吃饭的时候,通常应问主人:Can I bring anything? 如果是和朋友相聚的非正式场合,主人可能会请客人带一瓶葡萄酒或几罐啤酒。


Im going to play with a group of friends.Would you like to join us?

Do you want me to bring something?

Uh, are you going to be busy this evening?

Do you have time to go to...?

How about coming to...?

Thanks.That sounds like fun.Thank you.Thats very nice of you.


I want to be a teacher in the future because I met many good teachers.When I was in the middle school, I met an important man in my life, Mr.Yi, the teacher who has had a deep impact on my life.He was a very fair man and had a great

influence on many of the children.He was good at a lot such as guitar, piano,football and drawing.I admired him very much.He was a kind and special teacher.At that time, I had quick sense of math, so he always praised me.He told me many things, and charged me with a class organizer.Day by day, I became confident.I was very grateful to him.Being a teacher is difficult now.Being a good teacher is more difficult.But I think I can do everything if I do my best!I think I will be strict to my students in the class.But after class, I want to be their friend.Besides, it can help me to keep a young heart to stay with young people.Many factors influence your choice of career, ranging from personality and individual preferences to practical concerns such as salary, job outlook for the field, career stability and opportunities for advancement.Other people choose their careers based on a desire to help others, solve a specific problem, or continue a family legacy in a specific industry.Your personality has a strong impact on career choice.For example, social persons are more likely to choose a career working with the public than a job where they will work alone most of the time.Career choice is often influenced by your values.For instance, people may choose to pursue a career to make a difference in children's lives, or in medicine, in order to cure a disease that has impacted their family.Hobbies are very important to a person, without having any hobbies, life won't be as colorful as it should be.All of us have hobbies, and our hobbies are changing all the time.My hobbies help me relax after periods of hard work.Moreover, I can make many friends who share the same hobbies with me.My hobbies make me maintain a mental and physical balance.I used to listen to music, because they can help me relaxing.Music can make me very happy.When I am unhappy, it cheers me up.When I am stressed, it makes me calm down.Music is really important to me.I think music is a necessary part of my life.Every language has its natural, inherent, rhythm.Tuning into this rhythm, can help us learn the language in a fun, active and effective way.Music can enhance the understangding, enhance a sense of rhythm, we can also learn voice, grammar and vocabulary from the music.Music can be a very effective method of learning English.In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension.This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective.This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking.It is helpful for you to improve your interests, only then, you will find English is not difficult at all!

There are some methods that English learners can never get tired of using, like listening to English songs.Should you have better English skills if you listen to English songs for a long time? People like using English songs to practice English skill because it's easy and enjoyable.I like to listen to English songs, a nice rhythm is easier to remember the patterns and words.Listening to English songs always makes me unwind.It's clear when people listening to the English songs, talking fluently can not only improve our spoken English, but also plays an important role in improving listening skills.You can't get yourself familiar with English pronunciation or accent just from listenning to English songs.




1)A: I don't believe we've met.B: No, I don't think we have.A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.A: 我们以前没有见过吧?





A: Here's my name card.B: And here's mine.A: It's nice to finally meet you.B: And I'm glad to meet you, too.A: 这是我的名片。

B: 这是我的。

A: 很高兴终于与你见面了。

B: 我也很高兴见到你。


A: Is that the office manager over there?

B: Yes, it is,A: I haven't met him yet.B: I'll introduce him to you.A:在那边的那位是经理吧?





A: Do you have a calling card?

B: Yes, right here.A: Here's one of mine.B: Thanks.A:您有名片吗?





A: Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent?B: Haven't you met yet?

A: No, we haven't.B: I'll be glad to do it.A:请替我引介新来负责采购的人好吗?





A: I'll call you next week.B: Do you know my number?

A: No, I don't.B: It's right here on my card.A:我下个星期会打电话给你。




7)A: Have we been introduced?

B: No, I don't think we have been.A: My name is Wong.B: And I'm Jack Smith.A:对不起,我们彼此介绍过了吗?




8)A: Is this Mr.Jones?

B: Yes, that's right.A: I'm just calling to introduce myself.My name is Tang.B: I'm glad to meet you, Mr.Tang.A:是琼斯先生吗?




9)A: I have a letter of introduction here.B: Your name, please?

A: It's David Chou.B: Oh, yes, Mr.Chou.We've been looking forward to this.A:我这儿有一封介绍信。




10)A: I'll call you if you give me a name card.B: I'm sorry, but I don't have any with me now.A: Just tell me your number, in that case.B: It's 322-5879.A:给我一张名片吧,我会打电话给你。





11)A: Do you have some time tomorrow?

B: Yes, I do.A: How about having lunch with me?

B: Good idea.A:明天有空吧?




12)A: If you're free, how about lunch?

B: When did you have in mind?

A: I was thinking about Thursday?

B: That will be fine with me.A:有空的话一起吃顿中饭如何?




13)A: I'm calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow.B: I'm sorry, but this week isn't very convenient for me.A: Perhaps we van make it later.B: That would be better.A:我打电话给你,是想知道明天一起吃顿中饭怎样?




14)A: I'm calling to confirm our luncheon appointment.B: It's tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right?

A: Yes, that's right.B: I'll be there.A:我打电话来,是想确定一下我们约好吃饭的事。




15)A: I'm sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment.B: I'm sorry to hear that.A: I have pressing business to attend to.B: No problem.We’ll make it later in the month.A:真抱歉,不过我不得不取消我们午餐的约会。




16)A: I need to change the time we meet for lunch.B: What time would be good for you?

A: I'll be about half an hour late.B: Good, I'll see you there at 12:30.A:我需要更改我们见面吃午饭的时间。




17)A: I'll get the check.B: No, let me pay this time.A: No, I insist.B: Well, thank you very much.A:我来付帐。




18)A: This lunch is on me today,B: I think you got it last time.A: It's my pleasure.B: That's very nice of you.A:今天这顿饭算我请客。




19)A: Shall we split the check.B: Why don't you let me pick it up.A: Oh, that's not necessary.B: I know it's not necessary.I want to do it.A:大家分摊吧?




20)A: I really enjoyed the lunch.B: Yes, let's do it again real soon.A: I'll be back in town next month.B: Good, I'll invite you out when you're here.A:这顿饭我吃得好高兴。





21)A: Would you like to go through our factory some time?B: That's a good idea.A: I can set up a tour next week.B: Just let me know which day.A:什么时候来看看我们的工厂吧?




22)A: thank for coming today.B: I'll wanted to see your factory for a long time.A: we can start any time you're ready.B: I'm all set.A:谢谢您今天的莅临。




23)A: The tour should last about an hour and a half.B: I'm really looking forward to this.A: We can start over here.B: I'll just follow you.A:这次参观大概需要一个半小时。




24)A: Please stop me if you have any question.B: I well.A: Duck your head as you go through the door there.B: Thank you.A:有任何问题,请随时叫我停下来。



25)A: You'll have to wear this hard hat for the tour.B: This one seems a little small for me.A: Here, try this one.B: That's better.A:参观时必需戴上这安全帽。




26)A: That's the end of the tour.B: It was a great help to me.A: Just let me know if you want to bring anyone else.B: I'd like to have my boss go through the plant some day.A:参观就此结束了。




27)A: I'd like to see your showroom.B: Do you know where it is?

A: No, I don't.B: I'll have the office send you a map.A:我想参观你们的展示中心,B:你知道地方吗?



28)A: I'm hoping to get to your showroom.B: When might you go?

A: I was thinking about next Tuesday.B: I'll meet you there, shall we say about eleven o'clock.A:我打算到你们的展示中心看看,B:什么时候想去呢?



29)A: Welcome to our showroom.B: Thank you.I'm glad to be here.A: Is there anything I can show you.B: I think I'd like to just look around.A:欢迎参观我们的展示室,B:谢谢,我很高兴到这里来。



30)A: Where can we see your complete line?

B: We have a showroom in this city.A: I'd like to see it.B: Drop by anytime.A:什么地方可以看到你们全部产品的样品?






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