
时间:2019-05-15 14:20:28下载本文作者:会员上传


Dear Amanda:

First, please accept my deep regret for the absent from the English class yesterday.I have recognized my fault for this absent and swear to attend all the English class in the rest of semester.If the regret has been accepted, please allow me a chance to explain the reason why I was absent.Last weekend a terrible fact came to me that my love told me not to contact with each other any longer.The one who used to be my boyfriend and we had been in love for approximate one year since graduated from high school.He was the person who I once wished to keep company with for my rest live.The time when l heard the words squeezed from his mouth, the backbone that support my faith for life crashed down and was destroyed immediately.At once, the meaning of love seemed to fade away, all the beautiful memories we used to enjoy came to me and hovered in my mind.Beyond all my exception, I did not say any word to beg his love.And with a slight goodbye I hang up the phone, but then tears filled my eyes out of control.At that time, I was like a kite who broke away from her string and was doomed to sway in the sky then die in the wind.Without the accompaniment of my best friend, I could have not image what stupid things would I do in the next few days.Everything seems to go better in the following days, but I have got a bad cold owing to my over-sadness.Now, I have a fever of 38℃ and need to have some medicines every day.This fact has tormented me for 5 days, and now I decide to escape from this nightmare as quickly as I can.I know, maybe this story won’t impress you so much, my dear teacher, to forgive my absent.But I ensure that there won’t be such things again.At last, I want to share some of my own English learning experiences with you and look forward to your advisements.Firstly, my main idea of learning English is that in this world there is no shortcut to English learning.For English is a language which needs us to pick up with constant practicing and use it as possible as we can.Secondly, English learning needs us to attach much interest into it.Hence, my out-of-class time is usually spent on watching American dramas or listening to English songs.Gossip Girl and Lady Gaga are my favourite.At last, English learning needs us to broaden our horizon.One thing I always keep in my mind is that things we learn from textbooks are only the tip of the iceberg especially considering English learning.Cite a sentence of Steve jobs, stay hungry and stay foolish.I think we should always stay hungry for knowledge and be modest enough to our life.



Today, I wrote this self-criticism book with guilt and regret, expressing my deep understanding of the bad behavior of leave early to reduce queuing time for meals and my determination not to leave early again.I have committed a serious matter of principle.I know that it is the most basic responsibility and obligation of employees to ensure that each session is not late or leave early.But I didn't even do the most basic things Now, the big mistake is a fait accompli, and I deeply regret it and make a profound review.I think I have hidden a fatal mistake in my mind: The ideological consciousness is not high and the respect for the work is not enough.I will have a clearer understanding and respect for it in the future.At ordinary times life style is lazy, if it weren't for being too lazy, it wouldn't be so.In order to better understand the mistakes, but also to enable leaders to believe that I can really correct my mistakes and guarantee not to repeat them again, I attribute my mistakes to the following: 1.Mistakes in thought: Insufficient attention has been paid to Attendance system.After deep reflection, I finally realized that this mistake was the important reason for my leaving early.2.Behavioral error: You should not leave early without reason.On this point, it is obviously a mistake.3.Mistakes in the impact on colleagues and myself: If I leave early without being punished, more colleagues who have the idea of leaving early are likely to do such irrational behavior.As for the mistakes I made before, I have deeply realized their seriousness.I will write down this review so that leaders can criticize it and hope to be forgiven by the leaders.And assure the leaders that I will not make the above mistakes again in the future, especially I will not leave early for no reason at all.


First of all , I’d like to apologize that I was absent of the class, I am so sorry for that.Really I’m not on purpose and I have reasons, I hope you could understand.This week I suddenly became so homesick, maybe because of the coming exams or something else, that I decided to go back home immediately.But the problem is that my home is far from our school, and the transportation of my hometown is quite inconvenience.Buses are rare and every time I would spend a couple of hours waiting for the bus and going back to school.And this time , I was late for the bus, so I had to wait long for the next one and thus I was absent for your class, it’s really regretful.I know it’s impolite.And after thinking over for a long time, I realize that students should consider their study the most important thing, and that students are supposed to show their respect to their teachers.Everyday our teachers give lectures to us devotedly, they may have worked hard through the whole night just for this class and to make us exposed to more knowledge.What they’ve taught us is not only the knowledge in the books, but the spirit of our life and how to be a well-behaved citizen who will make great contribution to our society.Then how to show our respect to our teacher and become a good student? Of course top of the list is to study hard, listen carefully to our teachers, and eye contact and smile on classes may help us a lot.I think this way is better than giving any present

to our teacher, our outstanding performance on our academic study is the best reward for our teachers’ effort.And sometimes we may have some trouble, I think we ought to seek our teachers for help to make them aware that you consider them as a friend, after all they know us the best because we meet them everyday.So maybe next time we become homesick or helpless, we can go to our teachers to talk with them heart to heart instead of going home directly and even miss our classes.I think a good student must have known that their teachers do many things for the sake for their goodness.So we shall de grateful for our teachers and devote ourselves to study and achieve greatly.As a result we may keep a good relationship with our teachers and spent a happy four-year college life.












想想我在学校也生活了近两年了。对学校已有很深的感情,在今后学校的我,会已新的面貌出现在学校,不在给 学校和年级还有我的班主任摸黑。无论在学习还是在别的方面我都会用校规来严格要求自己,我会把握这次机会。将它当成我人生的转折点,老师都希望我们成为社会的栋梁,所以我在今后学校的学习生活中更加的努力,不仅把老师教我们的知识学好,更要学好如何做人,犯了这样的错误,对于家长对于我的期望也是一种巨大的打击,家长辛辛苦苦挣钱,让我们可以生活的比别人优越一些,好一些,让我们可以全身心的投入到学习中去。但是,我犯的错误却违背了家长的心愿,也是对家长心血的一种否定。






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