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letter of guarantee

(abridged translation)

guarantor’s name:(father of the guarantee)--------------------

guarantor’s name:(mother of the guarantee)---------------------

guarantee’ name:----------------------gender:-------------------dob:-----------------------

the guarantor(s), parents of an exchange student(namely, the guarantee), hereby signs this letter of guarantee and guarantees that the guarantee will leave the usa duly after the exchange program ends and if the guarantee does not leave the usa on schedule the guarantor will bear the resulting legal liabilities.the guarantor entrusts china international personnel consultant corporation to handle the relevant procedures of participating the exchange program for their child, and the guarantor shall submit all the application materials in accordance with the requirements of china international personnel consultant corporation and guarantee that all the submitted materials are true and legal.the guarantor shall urge the guarantee to leave the usa in accordance with the requirement of this letter of guarantee within two weeks after the exchange period is over, and if, for any reason, the guarantee fail to do so, the guarantor shall bear the following joint guarantee liabilities:

1.the guarantor shall bear the legal liability that the guarantee shall bear for failing to return china within two

weeks after the program’s termination.2.if the guarantee fails to return china within two weeks after the termination of the exchange program, china

international personnel consultant corporation will take reasonable and lawful measures to find and repatriate the guarantee, and the guarantor shall pay all the relevant costs that actually occur in this process plus punitive damages.3.the guarantor shall also compensate china international personnel consultant corporation rmb100, 000 if

the guarantee fail and return china within two weeks after the program termination.the guarantor agrees that china international personnel consultant corporation will exercise all the above rights for claiming compensation.guarantor:--------------------------------------------------

(father of the guarantee/print)(mother of the guarantee/print)


(father of the guarantee)(mother of the guarantee)



附件1:(Abridged Translation)

Guarantor’s Name:(father of the guarantee)--------------------

Guarantor’s Name:(mother of the guarantee)---------------------

Guarantee’ Name:-----------------------------Gender:-------------------------DOB:-----------------------------

The guarantor(s), parents of an exchange student(namely, the guarantee), hereby signs this Letter of Guarantee and guarantees that the guarantee will leave the USA duly after the exchange program ends and if the guarantee does not leave the USA on schedule the guarantor will bear the resulting legal liabilities.The guarantor entrusts China International Personnel Consultant Corporation to handle the relevant procedures of participating the exchange program for their child, and the guarantor shall submit all the application materials in accordance with the requirements of China International Personnel Consultant Corporation and guarantee that all the submitted materials are true and legal.The guarantor shall urge the guarantee to leave the USA in accordance with the requirement of this Letter of Guarantee within two weeks after the exchange period is over, and if, for any reason, the Guarantee fail to do so, the guarantor shall bear the following joint guarantee liabilities:

1.The guarantor shall bear the legal liability that the guarantee shall bear for failing to return China within two weeks after the program’s termination.2.If the guarantee fails to return China within two weeks after the termination of the exchange program, China International Personnel Consultant Corporation will take reasonable and lawful measures to find and repatriate the guarantee, and the guarantor shall pay all the relevant costs that actually occur in this process plus punitive damages.3.The guarantor shall also compensate China International Personnel Consultant Corporation RMB100, 000 if the guarantee fail and return china within two weeks after the program termination.The guarantor agrees that China International Personnel Consultant Corporation will exercise all the above rights for claiming compensation.Guarantor:

(Father of the guarantee/Print)(Mother of the guarantee/Print)

Signature:(Father of the guarantee)(Mother of the guarantee)


保证人1(被保证人的父亲): 张毅


被保证人姓名: 张雨田性别: 女出生年月: 1991年 11月11日



1. 被保证人无论以何种原因逾期滞留美国(指本项目结束两周内未归国),保证人均应承担被保证人逾期滞留美国的法律责任;

2. 被保证人无论以何种原因逾期滞留美国,中国对外人才开发咨询公司有权委托美国合法机构寻找并追回被保证人,保证人承担由此实际发生的合理费用及惩罚性赔偿;

3. 被保证人在项目结束两周内没有归国,保证人应当并行赔偿中国对外人才开发咨询公司人民币十万元整(即扣留保证金)。

保证人姓名: 张毅(父)雷晓衡(母)


日期: 2008年02月29日日期: 2008年02月29日


Letter of Guarantee

(Abridged Translation)

Guarantor’s Name:(father of the guarantee)--------------------

Guarantor’s Name:(mother of the guarantee)---------------------

Guarantee’ Name:----------------------Gender:-------------------DOB:-----------------------

The guarantor(s), parents of an exchange student(namely, the guarantee), hereby signs this Letter of Guarantee and guarantees that the guarantee will leave the USA duly after the exchange program ends and if the guarantee does not leave the USA on schedule the guarantor will bear the resulting legal liabilities.The guarantor entrusts China International personnel Consultant Corporation to handle the relevant procedures of participating the exchange program for their child, and the guarantor shall submit all the application materials in accordance with the requirements of China International personnel Consultant Corporation and guarantee that all the submitted materials are true and legal.The guarantor shall urge the guarantee to leave the USA in accordance with the requirement of this Letter of Guarantee within two weeks after the exchange period is over, and if, for any reason, the Guarantee fail to do so, the guarantor shall bear the following joint guarantee liabilities:

1.The guarantor shall bear the legal liability that the guarantee shall bear for failing to return China within two

weeks after the program’s termination.2.If the guarantee fails to return China within two weeks after the termination of the exchange program, China

International personnel Consultant Corporation will take reasonable and lawful measures to find and repatriate the guarantee, and the guarantor shall pay all the relevant costs that actually occur in this process plus punitive damages.3.The guarantor shall also compensate China International personnel Consultant Corporation RMB100, 000 if

the guarantee fail and return china within two weeks after the program termination.The guarantor agrees that China International personnel Consultant Corporation will exercise all the above rights for claiming compensation.Guarantor:--------------------------------------------------

(Father of the guarantee/print)(Mother of the guarantee/print)


(Father of the guarantee)(Mother of the guarantee)





被保证人姓名:性别:出生年月:年 月 日









日期: 年 月 日日期: 年 月 日


Quality Guarantee

ADS guarantees that all hardwave and frame component have been carefully manutactured are free from defects in workmanship.and material for a pericel of there(5)years date of purchase.If any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication.repiacement witlent cost The customer is totally rresponsible for any damage.Scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses.Megigence.abuse.Firedamage caused by building detects.Acts of God and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.The product quality complies to European standards ,BS EN653(1997),and EEA Health and Safety Standards.质量保证书




产品质量均符合欧洲标准BS EN653:1997之规定,满足EEA健康与安全标准。特此证明。








The product Quality Guarantee


The products we provided to the Shandong Rizhao Huagui Technology Limited Company are in accord with the country's related standards and the industry standards.We guarantee five years' free repair.We promise the color of the lacquer not fade away in five years, the lacquer not peel off in two years.Company Name:(Seal of the full name of material company)





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