My opinion of Diaoyu Islands 钓鱼岛英语作文(5篇可选)

时间:2019-05-15 14:13:56下载本文作者:会员上传
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第一篇:My opinion of Diaoyu Islands 钓鱼岛英语作文

My opinion of Diaoyu Islands

Yesterday, American government announced that Diaoyu Islands belong to Japan.This announcement shocked every Chinese.Diaoyu Island and the adjacent islets have been China's territory since ancient times and China has incontestable historical and legal evidence on this.Diaoyu Islands like a baby which is an

important part of the motherland.As a patriot, I deeply condemn the injustice of American government.And I believe there are

thousands of Chinese and even peace-loving people from all over the world will held the same opinion.I am sure that Victory belongs to the side of Justice.



CHINA discussed the sensationalized reports involving a Chinese vessel's scientific research in the Diaoyu Island sea area with Japan yesterday.A senior official with the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs met the officials from Japan's Embassy to China yesterday in Beijing, expressing China's concern over the reports.Diaoyu Island and the adjacent islets have been China's territory since ancient times and China has incontestable historical and legal evidence on this, the Chinese official said.“China's scientists have sovereignty to do maritime surveys on the islands and the neighboring sea zone,” the official added.


Now, Diaoyu island is the most popular topic.Diaoyudao island and waters near the island have been china's territory since ancient times and china has incontestable historical and legal evidence on this.Nevertheless Japan has different idea.So there have been many conflicts.In order to express their patriotism, people used the various way.For example, some people went to street to attend the protest activities.Someone smashed other chinese people's cars, because they were made by Japan.I didn't agree with those people.I want to tell those people that you should smash other people's cars.Although those cars were made by Japan, now those cars are geared us.What you did isn't related to Japan.Finally, many chinese people suffer losses.I'm very glad that many people care about our country.However, what I want to tell you is that we should study hard.Then our country will become more powerful.


Recently, news related to Diao Yu Dao has always been making the headlines.Beyond doubt, Diao Yu Dao has been China’s inherent territory since ancient times.However, Japan ignored historical truth, trying to occupy it illegally.We should be clearly aware of the gravity of the situation.In wrestling with the matter, people of the whole country have launched a campaign against Japanese goods in order to put pressure on Japan to give up.We firmly believe that justice lies in the hand of ourselves.




CHINA discussed the sensationalized reports involving a Chinese vessel's scientific research in the Diaoyu Island sea area with Japan yesterday.A senior official with the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs met the officials from Japan's Embassy to China yesterday in Beijing, expressing China's concern over the reports.Diaoyu Island and the adjacent islets have been China's territory since ancient times and China has incontestable historical and legal evidence on this, the Chinese official said.结尾:

“China's scientists have sovereignty to do maritime surveys on the islands and the neighboring sea zone,” the official added.

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