旅游英语视听说之 柬埔寨 演讲稿

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第一篇:旅游英语视听说之 柬埔寨 演讲稿

Today, I will introduce you something about Cambodia.The content include About Cambodia, Sihanoukville, KohRongSamloem Island,Siem Reap

Cambodia might be one of South East Asia’s smallest countries, but it is one of the most popular destination for all kinds of travellers.Though the nation was suffered a lot in the 1970s, it has recovered to become more and more prosperous.It’s a beloved spot for backpackers, because they can enjoy 50-cent beers.the striking magnificentAngkor

Templesattracts lots of travers all over the world.And the country’s ancient Khmer heritage, wild jungles, steamy cities is also impressive.Approximately 2 million tourists visit the country each year.bars and hotels have set up in Cambodia’s main cities Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.thebeach town

Sihanoukvillehasmany laid back Asian beach.Cambodia has numbers of local food, which are extremely popular among tourists.In the cities of Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, the majority of the restaurants also serve excellent Vietnamese and Chinese dishes..Yet the Khmer people, impress visitors as the friendliest, 'happiest'and most

welcoming people they have ever met.The Khmer smile is the spirit of Khmer.Attraction places to see while visiting Cambodia

Sihanoukville is one of the most popular touristplace in Cambodia.It is a perfect place to spend the holiday in complete peace.Visitors can sail to nearby islands by water taxis to enjoy themselves, such asfishing, diving and snorkeling.This beautiful town

Sihanoukville is extremely popular among both local people and foreign tourists.It is bordered by small tropical islands and scenic beaches on all sides.There are countless beaches ,good bars and restaurants, excellent food, Buddhist temples and plush hotels.The best time to visit Sihanoukville is between November and February.The weather is sunny and cool.It’s better to avoid travelling there between August and October, During this time of year, the town received heavy rainfall.So if you have a chance to visit Cambodia, you need to travel to Sihanoukville too.The next popular tourist destination to travel to Cambodia is KohRongSamloem Island.This island is around 40 kilometers away from S, the pristine beaches, the sparkling white sands and the turquoise blue water of ocean makestis island a perfect holiday destination for travelers.If anyone is in search of someplace untouched, unspoiled, deserted to spend holiday, the K island will be the best choice.This island’s waterfall Bay is believed to be a paradise owing to its charming bay.And the bay stretches for may kilometers.Another extremely popular and beautiful beach in K is the North West Bay.This particular beach is believed to be the most beautiful beach in C.Another famous tourist destination when visiting C is siem.Thanks to a Hollywood movie, called Lara croft, this place received a instant fame all over the world.Even though the small town of Siem Reap is undergoing rapid development, but it still manages to hold on to its colonial charm and beauty.The place is known for its shady boulevards, magnificent French, and Chinese architecture.There is a quite river running right through the town.Currently a lot of plush resorts and hotels have cropped up to provide luxurious accommodations to international travelers.The town is known for organizing traditional dance shows especially for tourists.It is also famous for its silk farms, craft shops, nearby fishing villages and local markets selling various things.After my introduction , I think,you must become interesting in Cambodia.So if you get a choice to go to Cambodia, don’t forget to take a photo of the Khmer smile as a souviner.


Early Bird Gets the First Worm

Good morning everyone,today I’m here to give a speech about early bird gets the first worm,as we can see from the literal sense, it shows that we will be rewarded if we work early and hard,and we shouldn’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.For example, English learning is a long-term process, if you deny it for several days, it’s OK,but if you always deny several days,you will deny much than you expect if we don’t work hard at usual,when the final exam is coming,we need much more time to study than others,and we can’t get a good grade even if we work so hard.However,such a phenomenon exists around us generally, personally,I’d like to be a early bird too,to be a early bird,I should have a plan about what to do,after all,you won’t be happy even you are entertaining with a lot of things undone.In addition,we need to learn how to resist temptation,that’s important.


1、Some claim that people travel just for leisure.However,I don't agree with this point.To tell the truth,we can catch much leisure through traveling,but it isn't all.We can also learn a lot and get a lot when traveling.For one thing,travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective.It makes you come into contact with different colors and go through peculiarities and ceremonies.Traveling much,you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences,but also be aware of the vastness of nature.For another,travel can refresh you.You can go to Desneyland and experience what it's like to be “A child again!”You can visit the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature!You can taste the “magical”ice water on a glacier,which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer.The origin of the word “travel”is most likely lost to history.The term“travel”may originate from the Old French word travail.According to the Merriam Webster dictionary,the first known use if the word travel was in the 14th century.Reasons for traceling include recreation,tourism or vacationing,research travel for the gathering of information,for holiday to visit people,volunteer travel for chaity,migration to begin life somewhere else.Motives to travel include pleasure,relaxation,discovery and exploration,getting to know other cultures and taking personal time for building interpersonal relationships.Travel may be local,regional,domestic or international.As we can see,Travel was produced by human nature acticities.Experience is a type of living knowleg.You'll be sure to experience many new things when traceling.You don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom.Just don't forget to bring your backpack!

2、Many people prefer to travel by air.This is because air travel has some advantages.In the fist place,airplane,the miracle created by man,is the fasted means of transport.It takes the least time for one to travel by air from one place to another.Secondly,traveling by air is convenient and comfortable.Friendly air hostesses are affectionate and considerate.They look after passengers all the way to their destinations.Moreover,on long distance flights there are films and music for people to entertain themselves.As a popular saying goes,“Every coin has two sides.”The same is true of air travel.It has some disadvantages,too.For one thing,air travel costs a great deal.The average Chinese are not rich enough to afford expensive air fares.So they prefer to take trains,which save a lot of money.For another,although passengers are assured of their safety,they are still worried about it during the journey because flying always involves more or less risk.As far as I'm concerned,the advantages mentioned above exceed the disadvantages.If I were given choice between traveling by air and train,I would certainly prefer the former.For me,time is money and it is the most important thing I have to tale into consideration whatever I do.3、When I was a child,I liked Venice,a place where many people think it is romatic.I always feel that Venice is a city full of mystery,which has been known as “city of water”.While in China,there is also a city of water,Wuzhen,which is located in the center of the six ancient towns south of Yangze River.Wuzhen displays its history through its ancient stone bridges,stone pathways and delicate wood carvings.The town also has a rich cultural background.Both Venice and Wuzhen have many bridges.They not only make life convenient but also beautify the environment.However,the architectural styles of the bridge is different.Venice has a rich and diverse architectural style,the most famous of which is the Gothic style.It is the same used in bridges.The most famous bridge in Venice is the Bridge of Sighs.Indeed,the Bridge of Sighs is a beautiful sight,strcetching high above the canal.Italian Renaissance in style,the 11 meters wide bridge is made of white limestone and two windows with stone bars sit at the summit of the enclosed bridge.And it is decorated with sculptures depicting sad or angry faces.In Wuzhen,the traditional buildings are still preserved after passing so many years.In this town,with a dense network of rivers,people build their house along the river.Bridge is an indispensable factor in Jiangnan water village.It is said that in Wuzhen's history the amount of bridges has topped to more than 120,a truly“hundred paces a bridge”.The “Bridge within a Bridge”is a scenic attraction created by two ancient bridges,the Tongji Bridge which crosses the river from east to west and the Renji Bridge running from south to north that jions the former at one end.Either of two bridges can be seen through the arch of the other,hence the name.The bridge in Venice reflects the western gopmetrical beauty while the bridge of Wuzhen reflects the characteristics of China Garden.This reflects the different thoughts of people and differen culture.Both Venice and Wuzhen are beautiful towns.If we say that Wuzhen is a ink wash painting,then Venice is a rich and gaudy colorwater painting.4、Tourism in China has greatly expanded over the last few decades since the beginning of reform and opening.According to the WTO,in 2020,China will become the largest tourist country and among the largest for overseas travel.However,China's tourism is facing a lot of problems.It is still in a low level stage.For eaxanple,tourism in China is largely driven by ticket sales and “pushed shopping”.What's worse,problems are more than these.Many people just go to the tourist attractions and don't for enjoyment,but just for photographing.In addition,all kinds of service is not comprehensive,various laws and regulations is not sound.The neglecting of environment pollution and damage of cutural heritage is another problem.Nevertheless our tourist services are not as developed as what they should have been.In keeping with international practice,our tourism should be improved in the following ways:

First,the query of service should be improved.The guides should be not only fluent in speaking a foreign language but also knowledgeable enough to provide ready information on whatever is being visited.Secondlly,the standard of food should be properly regulatated ill order to attact more tourists.Finally,transportation should be made more convenient so that tourists have easier access to some famous but remote spots.In shot,I believe if the above are perfectly done,tourism in China will see an immediate rise.5、It is reported that tourism is considered the most suitable one mode of e-business field.With the explosion of the Internet,e-business has contributed a lot to tourism in China.Tourism in developing e-business can not only reduce the cost,generate new profit growth point,but also can enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.Firstly,China's travel service sector has encountered revolutionary changes due to the e-business.Business from IT industry take advantage of e-business,and become on-line agencies,such as the tourism division of 163.com,Byecity.com,Ctrip.com and eLong.com.These new entrants are often backed by advanced technology companies and competitive tourism organisations with funds from Chinese and foreign conglomerates.In China's marketpace,around 17.5% of Internet users search travel information on line.These individuals are actually lookers.During 2013,16.6% of Chinese eCustomers purchased tickits and 13.4%booked hotel rooms.Secondly,as for me,e-business has brought great convenience to my travel.Through e-business ,I have a wider range of options.I can search the Internet to find the cheapest ticket and in this way I can save a considerable of money.It is really suitable for a student like me who don't have much money.What's more,I can order the hotel on the Internet saving lots of time.Be in China at present,tourism e-business is not perfect,but also in the process of implementation also apeared many problems,but tourism e-business is inevitable trend,its development will replace traditional tourism mode of operation.


Self-descipline: a Basic Quality of College Students

Several days ago, SDU had passed a administrative project which spread rapidly in the Internet: students who have little self-descipline resulting in playing the computer games all days and failing a great many exams are advised to drop out from school.As far as it goes, it is a superb policy that can promote the development of the university and the quality of the students.The objective of this policy is to encourage the students establish their self-descipline.To my way of thinking, self-descipline is an absolutely necessary of quality in students’ life.When we go to university, we have to leave from our family, which results that no one can directly care for us.We must adapt the new environment.We are adapt to the life that are forced to study by our teachers, our parents, and the drastic competition between our classmates and the nationwide students who are eager to attend to the world-known universities.But after joining in the university, we have little presure, for few people can stop us from playing endless computer games and staying in KTV all night.It’s easy to fall behind.Chinese education is awful.Student in senior high school only know how to solve maths problems, how to remember English worlds, how to cope with exams, but expect how to built the self-descipline.Nevertheless, self-descipline is proved to be important for a college student, not only for his study, but also for his quality, his self-descipline and development.A person only knows theory but can’t practize is useless in this society, after all.So how to possess self-descipline? The most important thing we should do is to make a plan about what goals we should or would like to realize.Then put them into practice.What is necessary is that you can divide the goals into several small and workable everyday-goals.When at night, ask yourself whether you have finish your plan.What’s more, searching a person that is more excellent to try your best to exceed him is also a good way you can attempt.


Good afternoon everyone, I want to share with you about some Japanese etiquettes.In the first place, I want to tell you about the meeting etiquette.First meeting attaches a great importance in many occations.When you meet a Japanese who is vital for you, bowing for the cerenomy is a essential manner.It is generally between 30 degrees and 45 degrees in bowing.Man bows while hanging down the hands on both sides of underwear.However, in order to show great respect, woman should make her left hand rest on her right hand in the front.While bowing, you should say “Ohayou” in the morning, “Connichiwa” in the afternoon, or “Conbawa” at night.What’s more, exchanging the cards is also important in first meeting.Japanese think that card is a represent in business.You have to receive everyone’s card, not missing anyone, and read them carefully.Also you should hand out you card to everyone, although it takes a long time.Japanese, both in formal occations or in informal settings, are focusing on their clothes.Men usually wear a suit and a tie.But do not wear black suit, white shirt and black tie because they are suitable in funerals.Women should only wear low-heeled shoes, in order to avoid towering over men.Calling Japanese must say their last name and follow “San”.For example, if I were a Japanese, you should call me “SenSon”.Communiting with Japanese, you should aviod the topic of age, marriage, income and the World War II.Japanese seldom express what they think directly.They often say “と思います” which means “I’m afraid that……”.Any criticism should be delivered privately, discreetly and tactfully, or else, just opposite to what you wish.To sum up, do in Rome as Rome does, but you need not worry about these cultural barriers since most Chinese are hospitable and amiable and will not mind your nonproficiency.

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