I want to be a manager.I want to have much money.It can help my
dream come true fast.Though I like accounting and management
too.I like this job very much
OCTOBER 2009-presentTaiyuan institute of technolnology-Associate Degree in Accounting
July 2011-September 2011,Accounting、Shanxi province linen city Huizhou power、Taiyuan January 2011-February 2011Accounting、Shanxi province linen city Huizhou inland revenue department、Taiyuan
· Mandarin Chinese(native)
· English(native)
· Football
· Watching movies
· Treasurer October 2009-October 201
Teacher Li
Is my teacher
Taiyuan Institute of TechnologyYingxin ST
Taiyuan、Shanxi、030008 PRC
Tel:*** October 13,2011
HR Director Apple Inc 15 Main ST
Chicago, IL 606011 USA
Dear Sir :
With reference to advertisement in the China Daily newspaper of 12 October.I write to apply for accountant in your company.I am twenty years old.I was educated in senior school in 2009.Now I study in a university.I have never had a part time job.This is my first job,I want to do my best in it.Maybe it is difficult for me first to do something.but I have been responsible and hardworking.I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my detailed information and your needs.Thank you for giving me your time.I have nclosed documents for your review.I hope I can work in your company,because I like this job very much.Thank you.Your faithfully,Lucifer
第二篇:英文求职信写个苹果公司的求职信写给外国公司的求职信 求职信英文版 求职信 英文求职信
3Huangjiahu West Rd.Hongshan District, Wuhan city, Hubei Province, China
E-commerce Wuhan Yangtze Business University
Cel:*** QQ:464247138
CookInfinite Loop,Cupertino, California, USA
Apple Inc.November 5, 2013
Dear Mr.Cook
With reference to advertisement in the China Daily newspaper of 1 November.I respectfully offer my services for the position of sealer personal.I am twenty years old.I have never had a part time job.This is my first job, I want to do my best in it.Maybe it is difficult for me first to do something.but I have been responsible and hardworking.As a scholarship-wining student of marketing major and computer major.On the other hand, Chairperson of the society caption of the basketball team and class monitor has helped me to develop my leadership and communication skill.I believe my skill as public relation practitioner would be a useful attribute in your public offers department.I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my detailed information and your needs.Thank you for giving me your time.I have enclosed documents for your review.I hope I can work in your company, because I like this job very much.Thank you.Yours sincerely
Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s that bucked the traditional notions of what a corporate culture should look like in organizational hierarchy.Steve Jobs often walked around the office barefoot even after Apple was a Fortune 500 company.By the time of the “1984” TV ad, this trait had become a key way the company attempted to differentiate itself from its competitors.According to a 2011 report in Fortune, this has resulted in a corporate culture more akin to a startup rather than a multinational corporation.As the company has grown and been led by a series of chief executives, each with his own idea of what Apple should be, some of its original character has arguably been lost, but Apple still has a reputation for fostering individuality and excellence that reliably draws talented people into its employ.This was especially after Jobs' return.To recognize the best of its employees, Apple created the Apple Fellows program, awarding individuals who made extraordinary technical or
leadership contributions to personal computing while at the company.The Apple Fellowship has so far been awarded to a few individuals.Apple is also known for strictly enforcing accountability.Each project has a “directly responsible individual,” or “DRI” in Apple jargon.As an example, when iOS senior vice president Scott Forstall refused to sign Apple's official apology for numerous errors in the redesigned Maps app, he was forced to resign.Numerous employees of Apple have cited that projects without Jobs' involvement often took longer than projects with his involvement.At Apple, employees are specialists who are not exposed to functions outside their area of expertise.Jobs saw this as a means of having best-in-class employees in every role.For instance, Ron Johnson who was Senior Vice President of Retail Operations until November 1, 2011, was responsible for site selection, in-store service, and store layout, yet he had no control of the inventory in his stores(which is done company wide by then-COO and now CEO Tim Cook who has a background in supply-chain management).This is the opposite of General Electric's corporate culture which has created well-rounded managers.[236][236]
Under the leadership of Tim Cook who joined the company in 1998 and ascended to his present position as CEO, Apple has developed an extremely efficient and effective supply chain which has been ranked as the world's best for the four years 2007–2010.[citation needed] The company's manufacturing, procurement and logistics enables it to execute massive product launches without having to maintain large, profit-sapping inventories;Apple's profit margins have been 40 percent compared with 10–20 percent for most
other hardware companies in 2011.Cook's catchphrase to describe his focus on the company's operational edge is “Nobody wants to buy sour milk”.The company previously advertised its products as being made in America up to the late 1990s, however as a result of outsourcing initiatives in the 2000s almost all of its manufacturing is now done abroad.According to a report by the New York Times, Apple insiders “believe the vast scale of overseas factories as well as the flexibility, diligence and industrial skills of foreign workers have so outpaced their American counterparts that “Made in the U.S.A.” is no longer a viable option for most Apple products”.Unlike other major US companies, Apple has a relatively simple
compensation policy for executives, which does not include perks that other CEOs enjoy such as country club fees and private use of company aircraft.The company usually grants stock options to executives every other year.
Steven Jobs Apple Computer 3-year return: 26% AGE: 42 CEO since: 1997 史蒂文o乔伯斯 APPLE电脑
三年的投资回报率:26% 年龄:42岁
Here's a guy with enough savvy and brainpower to effectively hold down two CEO jobs at once--and do a pretty amazing job at both.We've listed him for his post at Apple, but of course Steve Jobs also runs Pixar, the animation company.Jobs arrested Apple's slow death spiral and even put some oomph back into the pioneering computer firm he helped found.Coming in after a $1 billion loss in fiscal 1997, Jobs turned a $106 million profit--38 percent above Wall Street's consensus target.A lot of credit goes to a very simple idea: Make computers in different colors.Jobs was the only one who thought to make it happen.The colorful mid-priced iMac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility conundrum.Apple positioned it as the machine for the Internet, where compatibility questions are no big deal.Behind the scenes, Jobs also streamlined the product line, reduced the head count, consolidated distribution, and slimmed inventory.Meanwhile, over at Pixar, A Bug's Life nabbed a total $159 million in domestic box office, the highest domestic animated take since Toy Story and third highest ever, after Toy Story and the leader, The Lion King.这儿我们要给您介绍的是一位能够同时兼做两份CEO工作的才华出能人。我们将他的任职公司写为苹果公司,而实际上史蒂文o乔伯斯同时还是另一家蓬勃发展的公司PIXAR的员工。乔伯斯被APPLE公司慢耗损的螺线所吸引,他甚至为这家他帮助创立的电脑公付出了较大的努力。1997年,在这家公司亏损达到10亿美元的时候,乔伯斯加入了APPLE公司,之后他为公司赚取了1.06亿美元的利润--有38%以上的产品销往美国华尔街。许多成功的实践均来自于一个很简单的创意:例如让电脑换一种颜色。乔伯斯是唯一的一个创意者和实践者。多色泽、中等价位的iMac的成功还在于它解决了计算机兼容性的难题。APPLE电脑定位于因特网,因为在因特网上兼容性并不是一个较大的难题。乔伯斯新改进了生产线,减少了磁头数,稳定了分布率,并且还减少了库存。同时,PIXAR公司在国内市场中占有总计1.59亿美元的收入,位居第三位,仅次于Toy Story 和领头羊Lion King。而另一方面乔伯斯在PIXAR也有着出色的表现。
Business philosophy: “The technology isn't the hard part.The hard part is, Who's going to buy it? How are they going to buy it? How do you tell them about it?”
Headaches: Multifold.Apple is still a pip-squeak to the Wintel Goliath.With less than 10 percent of the computer market, Apple needs to lure more software makers into producing programs for the Mac.The company has cut about as much as it can.Now it has a tougher job: Make sales grow.And what's the follow-up? Jobs probably also hasn't been spending as much as he should on research and development.Finally, where is his successor? Pixar, a collegial place, can run without him--but what about Apple? Not a good place for a boss who refuses to remove the “interim” prefix from his CEO title.最头痛的事:多方面的。APPLE公司仍然只是Wintel Goliath方面(意指微机的体系结构由MS-Windows操作系统和的Intel的CPU组成)的小人物。其电脑市场的占有率还不到10%。APPLE公司需要吸引更多的软件制造商投入到多存取计算机的电脑编程方面的生产中。该公司已经在这方面做了许多力所能及的工作。现在,他们又面临着一个新的难题:使销售业绩更上一个台阶以及接下来应该开发什么样的新产品?在研究和开发新产品上,乔伯斯很可能还没有投入更多的精力。最后一个问题是,乔伯斯的继任者应该是谁呢?PIXAR公司是一个大学云集的地方,它的操作和运营可以没有乔伯斯--可是APPLE公司呢?
Management Style: At Apple, Jobs is a mercurial micromanager--some say nanomanager.Virtually every decision goes by him.“At any time, 10,000 employees are wondering, 'What would Steve say?,' not 'What is the right thing to do?'” said a former Apple exec.At Pixar, realizing that he isn't a film visionary, he leaves the experts to their knitting.管理风格:在APPLE公司,乔伯斯是一位机智善变的微软经理--也有人说他是非线性方面的经理。事实上,每一项决策都是由他来制定的。“在任何时候,一万名员工都会在考虑:史蒂文会怎么看呢?而不是:正确的做法应该是怎么样的?”APPLE公司的前任CEO如此评价说。而在PIXAR公司,他则会放手让他的专家们自己潜心研究。
Habits: Known for casual dress, he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt--but don't mistake him for laid-back.Snacks on granola doused with apple juice.习惯:乔伯斯是一个以便装形象出名的人。在办公室里,他从不穿鞋,并且总是穿着一件运动衫--但是,请不要误解为他是一个松懈懒散的人。他喜欢将格兰诺拉麦片蘸上苹果汁来吃。
How he got the job: The Apple board begged him to return.工作背景:APPLE董事会邀请乔伯斯重新走马上任。
True story: Former Newton palmtop chief Sandy Benett told his underlings that the subsidiary would be folded back into Apple--before Jobs had made an official announcement.After the news leaked, Jobs fired Benett.真实故事:前任牛顿(Newton)掌上电脑的负责人莎迪o伯耐特(Sandy Benett)曾告诉他的手下人说,其子公司将被并入APPLE公司--此事发生在乔伯斯尚未就此发表正式声明之前。该消息被泄露之后,乔伯斯便开除了伯耐特。
Financial reward: His Apple rewards are minimal--a salary of one dollar a year so that his family is eligible for the health plan.But his 69 percent share of Pixar is worth about $1.3 billion.财务奖赏:乔伯斯在APPLE公司的报酬非常少--他的年薪只有一美元,这就足够使他的家人参加健康计划。但是乔伯斯占有PIXAR公司69%的股份,价值约为13亿元。
看《苹果这么红背后奥秘多》有感 iPhone,手机商业的老大,确实是非同凡响。手机发行量仅占6%的市场份额,然而销售额就已经达到手机行业市场份额的43%,利润更是惊人的高,达到77%!不得不说这是21世纪的一个新奇迹。发行量几乎是占品牌手机的最少却赚最多的钱。苹果巨人的成功背后到底有什么奥秘呢?到底是何种手段使得其独自一方称霸,站在世界的巅峰呢?从苹果成功的光辉之下我们又到底可以得到些什么启示呢?
据郎咸平教授所言,苹果的“三大板斧”是其精华之所在。(1)大规模标准化。苹果手机同一系列的尺寸一样大小,不管是零部件亦或是屏幕。由此,苹果手机的标准制造降低了生产成本从而提高了利润。严格控制生产量,为达到预期效果,苹果会与代工工厂签订协议,在新的苹果手机上市的6到36个月之内其工厂不可自行制造这些零配件为其他品牌服务。因此,零配件协议垄断充分体现了苹果护城河的足够宽长,以此来压低价格成本,获取更多利润。再者,苹果的存货管理是全世界第一的。一般存货时间为5天左右,而三星为21天,大大地减少了仓储成本,可谓是登峰造极,把利润最大化。(2)适当地延迟升级。苹果一年出一款新手机,而技术的开发是环环相扣的。iPhone的研发技术来自itouch,itouch的技术来自iPad。等到iPad的开发技术成熟后在进行itouch和iPhone,通过分摊技术开发成本和延缓升级的独特战术来获取最多的利润。还记得乔布斯逝世之后发行的iPhone 4S。世人皆为这部手机的发行感动落泪,怀着无限深情去买这部手机,最终都是同样的感受--为缅怀乔布斯推行的最后一款手机。当时我看了也觉得似乎就是这么回事。殊不知看了《苹果这么红背后奥秘多》这个视频后才后知后觉地发现,这何尝不是苹果在做文章从而为其推行苹果手机呢?打着缅怀的牌子,利用客户彼时的感性情感,催促他们用实际行动来缅怀。高明的做法。修建栈道,暗渡陈仓。更厉害的却还在后头。iPhone 4到iPhone 5之间发行iPhone 4S还有一个目的就是趁着这缓冲的档口延缓升级来修理对手,从而推高利润。因此,iPhone 4S应运而生并成功地完成了使命。谈到此处忽地想起有些人的见解:苹果妹推出一款新手机其实也只是改动了一点外观,有时甚至外观都没改,而软件则是一点一点地升级,并没有大规模地改变。说不定苹果这些策略早就在十年就已经定制好了,如今只是在按部就班一步一步地进行着。回想到这些话时才猛然发现,苹果,从生来之时就已经为争霸地位而做好准备了。除此之外,苹果的技术创新更是技高一筹。Apple Store。苹果商城成功解决了相关产品的使用,bug收集,创意及意见。同时,苹果的软件工程师也在忙于开发新的软件,新的插件,让用户下载使用。Apple Store同时会发布一些有趣的新闻,不管是原创还是搜集的,都能快速分享给用户。不过,苹果也会采取适时地停止开放策略,目的还是延缓升级速度,降低成本。(3)苹果内部还构建了强大的应用系统,以此来满足客户的需求。
当然,如何巩固与老顾客的长期关系和吸引更多的新顾客也是一个重要的成功环节。苹果更是不会放过这个机会。苹果公司始终如一愉悦客户。苹果的任何设计都是经过精心考虑的,甚至连包装都会让人觉得它物超所值。从包装整齐的电源线到光滑的内层摆设,打开包装的每一布都是让人愉悦的。苹果在每一个客户触点上都是始终如一,从Steve Jobs的新产品发布演示会,到苹果公司的网站,以及其产品本身。这一品牌给人以整洁和组织有序的感觉。在高科技行业,这是一种愉悦,是一种感受创新带来的体验。
另外,苹果与非苹果存在的差异化。即使苹果公司利用传统的渠道和媒体进行促销,也会以与众不同的方式,在出人意料的地方进行宣传。前苹果高级营销管理人员Steve Chazin透露,苹果iPhone附带的那些小小的白色耳机之所以采用白色也非偶然。Chazin在其电子书《MarketingApple》中写道:“这些白色的iPhone耳机不是由工程师设计的,这纯粹是苹果的营销伎俩。因为人们在用iPhone听音乐时,唯一能看得见的部分就是那个白色耳机,这就使得戴白色耳机成为一种新潮时髦的象征。只有戴白色耳机,你才是酷派一族。苹果并不是简单地将产品包装设计得狠漂亮,给每一个产品加盖一个很好看的Logo。其独特之处在于它令人意想不到的地方,以不同寻常的方式将自己与他人区别开来,而且不会影响客户的体验享受。”处处充满商机,每个细节都是苹果公司精心打造的结晶,让客户充分地享受这种体验的快乐。不难看出,苹果的设计旨在倾力打造用户体验,有效地吸引目标用户。
另外,苹果公司还采用了用户为中心的“数字生活(中枢)”战略。数码生活的核心是使个人能通过一个终端设备,比如电脑、手机甚至是一个遥控器,便利地获取和管理被联网的、个性化的资源。iTune 音乐商店是第一个将版权音乐集成联网的商业平台。客户可以个性化管理,同时与便携设备“即插即用”,操作简单,奠定了“数码生活”用户体验的基础。而iPod 加iTune 虽然仅仅是对数码音乐生的个性化实现,但是奠定了苹果公司在数码生态圈中的特殊优势,同时积累了了解数码中枢使用模式的消费规模。
记得2007年时,全球的手机市场中最受关注的事件莫过于苹果iPhone的上市了!因为这是IT行业实力派、印象派巨头——苹果,在电脑行业、数码播放器行业取得空前成功后,首次涉足手机行业的处女作。但令人多少感到有些意外的是,自开始上市销售(确切的说,应该是早在iPhone上市之前),iPhone就频遭质疑。对于苹果来说,眼下最为棘手的是因为iPhone电池的内置设计,用户不能自行更换,而受到众多用户的控告;由于产品设计的原因,iPhone使用的安全性也受到质疑;近日,又有一家名为SP Technologies的公司(以下简称“SP”)指控苹果iPhone的触摸屏设计侵犯了该公司的专利,分别受到对电池设计、使用安全性及设计专利侵权等的三个质疑。
“触摸屏专利侵权”危机是由一家名为SP Technologies的公司(以下简称“SP”)指控苹果iPhone的触摸屏设计侵犯了该公司的专利。SP称,该公司持有触摸屏的设计专利,而苹果iPhone的触摸屏设计与之雷同,侵犯了该公司的专利。而苹果自身倒是没有狗急跳墙,在危机发生后,一方面积极寻找有利的证据,以用来推翻对方的质疑;另一方面,在没有找到绝对有利证据之前,先保持对外表面的沉默。
但2013年的苹果公关危机处理得并不是非常妥当。今年央视315晚会曝光了苹果、大众汽车在内的多家厂商存在质量或售后问题,被曝光的企业基本上都在第一时间对央视曝光的问题作出了诚恳的回应,苹果虽然也对央视提出的问题作出了回应,但是两次回应都没有提到如何解决央视曝光的问题。从3月15号到今天在央视、人民日报等多家媒体的集中连续报道之下,苹果CEO开始出面发道歉信,并承诺改善iPhone 4/4S的售后政策加大监管力度,至此苹果售后服务问题才终于告一段落。无论是iPhone 4还是iPhone 5每一次产品出现问题,苹果几乎都是以不变应万变的方式应对。或许这是苹果故意而为的方法,但是,若要长期地在中国市场得到追捧,稳定民心的话,苹果确实要好好地加以自我反省,应始终做到让民众满意的服务态度。