A Beautiful Mind, Feedback《美丽心灵》英文观后感

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第一篇:A Beautiful Mind, Feedback《美丽心灵》英文观后感

“A Beautiful Mind,” Feedback

“A Beautiful Mind” John Nash-Professor biography of his life, or that the story of a true genius.It show us the great of Love, Trust, Friendship.John Nash is a 100% genius.He get the Ph.D.at 27-year-old and become a mathematics professor at Princeton University.Nash is not many words and refuse sociality.He is very different..His mind was far more than emotion.At the same time, he is loneliness ,fear of failure and want to get people's approval.So the fantasy figure——Charles appear.It showthe Nash subconsciously want to have friends, to be recognized.When Nash's schizophrenia another attack, his wife Alicia is also resolutely stand by his side, help him and give him time.He ask help to his friend Martin Hansen because of the love and trust come from his wife Alicia.In the case of his wife and friends Martin Hansen's encouragement, he relies on his will to go on.It could have been an unbelievable story that Nash succeed,but it is ture.Although fantasy Charles, and William Macy in Nash's life has always existed, they are no longer an idea to Nash.on their own willpower, the love of wife and friends to help and care, Nash cure his schizophrenia in a certain extent.Nash, Alicia and Hansen have a beautiful mind.They set up a bridge leading to a beautiful soul.

第二篇:A Beautiful Mind, Feedback《美丽心灵》英文观后感

“A Beautiful Mind,” Feedback

“A Beautiful Mind” John Nash-Professor biography of his life, or that the story of a true genius.It show us the great of Love, Trust, Friendship.John Nash is a 100% genius.He get the Ph.D.at 27-year-old and become a mathematics professor at Princeton University.Nash is not many words and refuse sociality.He is very different..His mind was far more than emotion.At the same time, he is loneliness ,fear of failure and want to get people's approval.So the fantasy figure——Charles appear.It showthe Nash subconsciously want to have friends, to be recognized.When Nash's schizophrenia another attack, his wife Alicia is also resolutely stand by his side, help him and give him time.He ask help to his friend Martin Hansen because of the love and trust come from his wife Alicia.In the case of his wife and friends Martin Hansen's encouragement, he relies on his will to go on.It could have been an unbelievable story that Nash succeed,but it is ture.Although fantasy Charles, and William Macy in Nash's life has always existed, they are no longer an idea to Nash.on their own willpower, the love of wife and friends to help and care, Nash cure his schizophrenia in a certain extent.Nash, Alicia and Hansen have a beautiful mind.They set up a bridge leading to a beautiful soul.




Life Is Beautiful

One day someone walk into your life, and then you will realize that love is always worth waiting for.In 1939 , Italy a Jewish guy Guido who is funny and imaginative fall in love with a beautiful and elegant school teacher Dora.Because of the girl’s mother they can’t get together.But in Dora‘s engagement party.Guido wins her heart completely.They get married and have a lovely boy Giosué Orefice

Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the world can explain.Their love is so quickly but deeply and strong.Maybe they will have a beautiful life in the century we are living ,but that timeThe World War II broken out.Nazis come and take them away.Nightmare begins.The happy family gets swept off to a concentration camp.The father in order to make his son believe that the predicament is just a game his family is participating in, uses very imagination and makes his son believe that it is just a game they are playing and the first prize is a tank.Various levels of creativity are used by to protect his son in the camp, where the old and the children are killed because they are not strong enough to work.Guido has faced a lot of troubles, but he still be optimistic about life.At the end of the war , Guido want to help his wife out , unfortunately ,he got a shooting.Then American soldiers save the little boy.Giosué Orefice reunion with his mother.I think many years later, the boy would know that was his father use the life for his beautiful life.Life is not always what we want it to be.We fight.We cry.And sometimes, we give up.But in our hearts, we know it's still full of love.So always remember,life is beautiful.



Hello, everyone!

I'm glad to share my favorite's film with you.The film is original from a true story, the mathematician John Forbes Nash who suffered from Schizophrenia when he was at college and he lived the virtual world which he built all the time.Finally, his sickness was becoming more and more serious, and even one time, he hardly killed his son.So a lot of people thought he is horrible and incurable and fear to

come into contact with him.However, his wife didn't think so, she loved Nash and believed him could overcome the disease, so she encouraged him to go out from the virtual world.With his wife's

encouragement, Nash tried all his best to study math to avoid falling into his virtual world.Though his disease was incurable, he learnt to control

himself and spend all of his energy to teaching and study.At last he did well in math and put forward a famous theory named equilibrium which benefit economy a lot.Because of the great contribution to

the economy, he won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1994.What impressed me most is love after watching the film, what is love? I think when the entire world abandons you, but your family will never abandon you.Instead, they encourage you and give you strength to walk out from the trouble.So, that's love!

The film is very nice, so I hope you can spend time watching it.OK!

That's what I want to share with you!Thank you!






Life Is Beautiful One day someone walk into your life, and then you will realize that love is always worth waiting for.In 1939 , Italy a Jewish guy Guido who is funny and imaginative fall in love with a beautiful and elegant school teacher Dora.Because of the girl’s mother they can’t get together.But in Dora‘s engagement party.Guido wins her heart completely.They get married and have a lovely boy Giosué Orefice Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the world can explain.Their love is so quickly but deeply and strong.Maybe they will have a beautiful life in the century we are living ,but that timeThe World War II broken out.Nazis come and take them away.Nightmare begins.The happy family gets swept off to a concentration camp.The father in order to make his son believe that the predicament is just a game his family is participating in, uses very imagination and makes his son believe that it is just a game they are playing and the first prize is a tank.Various levels of creativity are used by to protect his son in the camp, where the old and the children are killed because they are not strong enough to work.At the end of the war , Guido want to help his wife out , unfortunately ,he got a shooting.Then American soldiers save the little boy.Giosué Orefice reunion with his mother.I think many years later, the boy would know that was his father use the life for his beautiful life.Life is not always what we want it to be.We fight.We cry.And sometimes, we give up.But in our hearts, we know it's still full of love.So always remember,life is beautiful.

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