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How Television Is a Learning Tool


1.Television plays an important role in our daily life.2.There are many advantages in watching TV, we can benefit from TV programes.3.There exist many disadvantages in watching TV.4.We can get a lot and improve our abilities from TV programes.How Television Is a Learning Tool

Nowadays, with the development of technology and science, television plays an important role in our daily life.Some of TV programs are funny, some of them are educational, television becomes an important tool to broadcast cultures and information to us, we can learn about the world from television at homes.There are many advantages in watching TV, we can benefit from TV programes.First, it broadens our horizon.Television as an important tool to spread information, we can know about a lot of things at home and abroad, such as, current events, different cultures and customs between nations, advanced science and technology studies.Second, we could promote our abilities of writing and listening by watching TV, especially some foreign TV programes or movies can help us learning foreign languages and cultures, knowing more about anecdotes and seeing more beautiful scene all over the word, and then it make the foundation for traveling or learning to abroad.Third, we can improve the sense of humor, imagination and the ability of expression, and learn some skills of communication from TV programes.Fourth, some TV programes can increase our sense of responsibility and the patriotic spirit, sometimes they even will excite our inspiration.For example, some history documentaries could make us know more about the progress of origin and evolution of humans, some food programes not only introduce a variety of delicious food to us but also some of them will teach us some cooking skills.Fifth, as for some people who are often on a business trip, the accurate weather broadcast is so important, by the way, we can know about the air quality is mild contamination or serious contamination and so on.In addition, when we are in bad mood, we could watch comedy to relax ourselves and they will make us happy.Above of all, there is no doubt that television is a good learning tool for us.Every coin has tow sides.But there exist many disadvantages in watching TV.On the one hand, some children who are addicted in TV programes become lazy, and even get tired of going to school, their eyesight will go down if people watch TV keep a long time.On the other hand, because of a majority of children are fond of imitation and are curious about everything, some TV programes are so dangerous that don’t fit children, such as parts of kung-fu movies and fighting films.What’s more, some TV programes are just for adults, they are maybe bad for children’s growth and mental health.So, parents should choose some advantageous TV programes for children, such as cartoons, common sense of life, documentaries about history and science.In a word, nowadays every TV station releases all kinds of wonderful TV programes to increase audience rating, sometimes we don’t know how to choose.In my opinion, we should make reasonable of time to watch television and make full use of television, so we can get a lot and improve our abilities.



在看元宵节作文范文前,我们先了解一下关于元宵节的介绍:农历正月十五元宵节,又称为“上元节”(the Lantern Festival),春灯节,是中国民俗传统节日。正月是农历的元月,古人称其为“宵”,而十五日又是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为元宵节。又称为小正月、元夕或灯节,是春节之后的第一个重要节日。中国幅员辽阔,历史悠久,所以关于元宵节的习俗在全国各地也不尽相同,其中吃元宵、赏花灯、舞龙、舞狮子等是元宵节几项重要民间习俗。The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, usually in February or March in the Gregorian calendar.As early as the Western Han Dynasty(206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance.This day's important activity is watching lanterns.Throughout the Han Dynasty(206 BC-AD 220),佛

教Buddhism flourished in China.One emperor heard that Buddhist monks would watch sarira, or remains from the

cremation of Buddha's body, and light lanterns to worship Buddha on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, so he ordered to light lanterns in the imperial palace and temples to show respect to Buddha on this day.Later, the Buddhist rite developed into a grand festival among common people and its influence expanded from the Central Plains to the whole of China.Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country.Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors.Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets, extremely excited.“Guessing lantern riddles”is an essential part of the Festival.Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns.If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer.If they are right, they will get a little gift.The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty(960-1279).As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.People will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings, on this day, so it is also called the “Yuanxiao Festival.”Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan.It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, bean paste, jujube paste, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar and edible oil as filling.Tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed.It tastes sweet and delicious.What’s more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan”, meaning reunion.So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.joozone.com

In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged.On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene.Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival.Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party.On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.元宵节英文介绍译文: 元宵节







The Festival of Lanterns takes place at the end of the Chinese New Year Celebration, on the fifteenth day of the first moon.Lanterns have been part of Chinese life for centuries so it's not surprising to see a festival of lanterns.People usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats.These lanterns are signposts to guide guests and spirits of ancestors to the =lunar celebration.After a sumptuous fifteen-day feast, these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond.Silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored.Some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and boats.Other are shaped like dragon, fruit and animal symbols of that year.The most popular type of lantern is the “horse-racing” one, in which figures or animals rotate around the vertical axis of the lantern.The special food for the Lantern Festival is Yuen Sin or Tong Yuen.These are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour.They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp.The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.The Lantern Festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone--young, old, rich and poor to have fun.来源于


第四篇:英语学习计划作文-英语学习计划作文 英语学习计划500字

英语学习计划作文-英语学习计划作文 英语学习计划500字


得也快;而脱口而出仅是朗读,只有把材料读烂了才能实现嘴比脑快,英语只有实现嘴比脑快才能算是真正的掌握。这个我自己也过做实验:选一篇课文《A PUMA AT LARGE》反复读,什么也不想地只管读,大概读了5、6百遍,读得非常顺溜,记得也特别牢,每回再次重读时都能非常流畅地顺下来,感觉很愉快;另再选一篇《THIRTEEN EQUALS ONE》,边读边背,背了10几遍,居然也背下来了,可第二、三天再复习时老忘记或混淆一些小词如介词和代词,而且有的句子并没有真正记牢,只是靠自己的英语基础硬说出来的。注意一点,选背的材料不要太长,新概念英语其实就非常不错,1---4册适合不同年龄和程度的人使用,即使是小孩子也可以背它那些短短的有趣的小故事,不要求完全懂得它的意思,积累多了,时间长了,就能理解了,语感和记忆将得到极大的提高。另外,根据人的记忆特点来背。人的记忆周期分为短期记忆和长期记忆两

种。第一个记忆周期是5分钟。第二个记忆周期是30分钟 第三个记忆周期是12个小时 这三个记忆周期属于短期记忆的范畴。然后 第四个记忆周期是1 天 第五个记忆周期是2 天 第六个记忆周期是4 天 第七个记忆周期是7 天 第八个记忆周期是15天 以上的8个周期被应用于背词法,作为一个大的背词的循环的8个复习点,可以最大程度的提高背单词的效率,做到长久不忘。就是背完单词5分钟后就要复习第一遍,然后是30分钟。。这样去复习和记忆。效果非常好。答案补充



3回答2016-07-27 更多英语学习计划相关知识>>



词汇量是关键,从今天开始就记单词吧!听力也不能放松,每天坚持听一小时,2个月下来会觉得自己进步很大!关于作文,现在就背一些四级的范文!总之,要有恒心!【听见沉默】 回答采纳率:% xx-10-26 15:49 因为英语和汉语太大不同,让很多人看着一个个字母太有距离感,总觉得自己一辈子也学不好,说不顺。其实生活中鬼佬用的句型只有2到3个而已。掌握了规律。可以不变应万变。句型主要是: be doing have done 美国人每句话都是这2个句型,可以表达各种情况各个时间的事情。只要你掌握它们的用法。万事OK--关于背单词。有人说不会背单词,背了也记不住。

我要告诉你千万别背单词。不要C-U-T-I-E cutie这样的背。单词不是背出来的,而是用出来的。毕业后我没背过一个单词,你只有运用才能记住!背是记不住的--怎么学好英语 首先,有的人觉得自己学了N多年也没有长进,很打击,我告诉你英语水平的增长不是像上台阶一个,一层一曾的上。而是先像挣扎在泥潭中不得脱身,而突然就超脱了掌握了。所以现在如果你还在泥潭里不要着急。因为你花在英语学习上的每一分钟都没有浪费,大脑这个精密的仪器忠实的记录了你看到听到的每一点点。


剧很容易找到,一开始你会觉得太快太不清楚听不懂,别着急,就让它们响着。你不需要太专注的听,不要听到一个词就去想怎么拼是什么意思,甚至可以去做别的事,比如看书上网,就让英语在响着。很短时间后的一天你会突然发现,本来根本没注意,却听懂了,是那么自然。然后你会发现,无意中一张嘴英语就冒出来了!如果你生活中没有外国朋友陪你天天说。那么上面说的是你唯一的方法,如果做不到就彻底放弃英语吧。因为这是唯一的道路。我常看的是成长的烦恼英文原声这样有趣,又生活化口语化的碟,很好买到。最后说一点---心态 如果你认为难的,它就会变的很难,如果你把它想的简单,它就是简单,要相信心态对你学习的影响是巨大的。既然学英语是必然的,逃不了的。为什么还要给自己增加难度呢?在打开书的时候,就告诉自己英语太简单了看着那些字母小蝌蚪越看越亲切。



Concern with grades,and then better grades,in order to have a better life in the future,everyone studies hard.I want to be a teacher after my graduation.As a student,I should try my best to work as busy as bee.More people are working ever than before in china.In the cities the traditional leisurely.In the cities,the traditional leisurely midday meals is disappearing.Officers,shops,and factories are discovering the greater efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms.In almost all lines of work emphasis now falls on ever-increasing out put.Thus now the graduated students need produce more,earn more and buy more vconsumer goods than our counterpart of only generation ago.So our students should work hard in shool and learn as much as we can.I want to be a teacher ,then own a shop for flower.There are many reasons.Mr.Li ,my teacher,he had a great influence on me.He is a funny looking man with a cheerful face,good-natured and a great talker.As one of his student,I think he is the best and most just and wisest man.I have learned a lot from him.For example,He taught us students how to deal with the relationship with others.He once said,”To err is human.”Everyone may make a lot of mistakes,we should learn how to get experiences from the errors and correct the mistakes.He said it is not frightfully if you donnot have a great dream now.Our life consists of

many stages.We met different people and things in every stage,we should try to do as more as we can so that we would not be repentful of our life in our future.I remembered that in my childhood,I want to be a scientist.Why?Because many of my classmates want to do so,now I think it is funny.After my elementary school,I went high school,then met Mr.li.At that time,I want to be a teacher.In my view,it is almost because of Mr.Li’s work.I think it’s a worthy thing to teach a student how to learn and witness their growing.Now in the university,I want to be a teacher because I’m an English major.I learned how to teach a studenta.Also I think university is an important stage in my life.I meet many people here,every kind;and make a lot of friends.We help from each other and learn from each other.The teachers here are knowledgeable.As a concequence of a good teacher,we should enrich ourselves.After my graduation,I will try to be a teacher and then run a greenhouse.Because I like flowers and like planting flowers.I think flowers are great.They are elegant、silent、graceful.Dreams are beautiful and shadowy.When we are looking at beautiful things,we will in a good mood.The flowers are always seem to smile to you whoever you are and whatever you do.So I like flowers.In my opinion,they can give people happiness.Different flowers have different meanongs,When Mother’s Day comes,we childen give them camations;when Valentine’s Day comes,we

give our lovers roses.Everyone can feel happiness when they receive flowers.In a word,my greatest dream is running a greenhouse and being a teacher.I hope the dream will ccome true one day.



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