英语作文范例 我喜爱的书籍 My favorite book

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第一篇:英语作文范例 我喜爱的书籍 My favorite book

My favorite book

Among all those books that I have been fascinated by, the Hunger Games series are the ones that would definitely stay in my mind for a lifetime.I still remember the very first time that I got to know this was from its movie version, by which I was totally astonished and captured after watching.Then came the 2013 Hong Kong Book Fair where I bought the whole printed copies of its series.Three in total, they are called, the Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay.Written by Suzanne Collins, an American Female writer, the science fiction novel is about a 16-year-old girl, Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem in North America.To conrol its twelve districts, the capital of this nation develops an annual event named the Hunger Games, and demand every districts to contribute their teenager residents to fight to death for an only winner.Katniss, who is not only brave but also knowledgeable, selflessly replaced her little sister to be the tribute and finally won the tough game.Although she then enraged the capital, praised and called “ the girl on fire” by the people, Katniss became the symbol of a rebellion for the twelve districts against the Capitol's oppression.When reading the Hunger Games series, all I can feel are the power and drive, filled with the hope for freedom, justice and love.How I wish I could be a girl like Katniss, and be brave enough to fight like a fearless phoenix, strong, healthy and determined.I have got to say that the book really inspired me a lot, not just in those tough periods, but also in most of my confused times.It always lights up my heart and dream for the unknown roads ahead.So with my humble appreciation and sincere fondness, I highly recommend this series of books to you, my dear friends, and may the odds be ever in your favor.


















I enjoy many kinds of sports.I think taking part in different sports can make our life more colourful and healthy.I like sports, for example, I like swimming in summer and running in winter.But my favourite sport is playing table tennis, I often play it at the weekend and I also like watching table tennis, because I can relax myself.Sports can make people strong and healthy ,so I like

playing table tennis.


My Favorite Book Hello, everyone , my name is Gu Qianchen, and I’m from Class 3,Grade 6,Suyuan Experimental Primary School.I have a lot of hobbies(I have a wide range of hobbies), for example ,I like drawing, I like sports ,I like playing piano, especially I love reading, and my favorite book is .It describes the miserable but brave lifetime of Helen Keller.When Helen was 1 year old, the high fever damaged her sight and listening, but Helen was so optimistic, and she loved the life so deeply, she enjoyed swimming, riding horse and playing chess, and with the help of Ms.Salivine, she learned the words, Braille, even talking, Later, Helen graduated from Harvard University, and became writer and charitable person.In my opinion, the persistence and bravery of Helen led to her success.When she was faced with difficulties, she accepted the challenges bravely, and embraced the word with love, that was the key point she succeed and impressed me the most.Let’s learn from her and be a strong person during our lifetime.

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