暮光之城观后感 英文版(5篇)

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第一篇:暮光之城观后感 英文版

My Sentiment About Twilight

Twilight is a grossing movie.It skillfully incorporates vampire, love and science fiction.New York Times review this movie as “Full of love the futhure of tension, but elegant refined as Jane Austen ,reached the a kind of acme of romance novel.”

It tells a heartbreaking love story between a high school student Bella and a handsome vampire Edward.They are from strangers to be acquainted with each other then finally be loved.They went through the pain which ordinary peoplecan't imagine.This full of science fiction color's love film interpret us the great power of through the view that distinguished from humans, which is also the writer want to show us “Love is the best part of a story”.Let me talk about the scene when I was watching it.The open piece is an animal in the running of the lens, and it doesn't matter about the vampire in the introduction.I was confused about all sorts of strange behavior as the heroine.Why did it happen? So I continued watching with a security.Foreigners face are white so everyone looks like a

vampire.Incomparable contours of the face, eyes like a mirror in which has the magic of free from vulgarity.Constantly insight of people, like a magnet for all people are unable to resist the beauty.I was shocked by their beauty.Overall, I enjoyed Twilight for what it was-a romance that probed

the timeless dilemma of wanting what you can't have.It makes for an interesting, compelling story, and I expect more from the sequels, because the potential is certainly there.





















也不知道为什么一直有股强烈的欲望想要看,现在仔细想想原因还是知道的,看过介绍,有几点值得吸引。一,吸血鬼的爱情电影。我一向喜欢看魔幻类的影片,充满了现实中无法实现的所有,做梦一般。何况还是一直钟爱的爱情类。据说里面的爱情很感人,是真爱。二,帅哥美女。我是绝对的视觉动物,所有美的东西都好爱好爱,所以,大街上我经常盯着帅哥美女看。看着看着,心情也不禁阳光灿烂起来的。男主角罗伯特·帕丁森和女主角克里斯汀•斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart)真是好看,绝对金童玉女型。嗯,差不多就是以上这些原因了。于是,津津有味的享受起来。






Between humans and vampires can love how deep?

Between humans and vampires can love how deep? Is it enough to beyond the time?

Well, when I read the “Twilight”, I always feel the love between man and vampire is vulnerable, and it‟s not true.Because I think that, humans and vampires belonged to two different worlds originally.When they love each other more deeply, they also can not exceed the limit of the time.Time is a long river before the love.Due to its presence, I feel that our love is tiny and powerless.Bella, the pretty girl, leaved the heat from the sunlight, far away from her mother‟s smile, came to this perennial rainy town which is called Fox.Initially, I thought Bella‟s love to Edward is shallow love and fills an obsession.However, when I read this novel in the end, I find that I am wrong.Bella came with a heavy sense and met Edward Cullen and she fell in love with him without any regrets.In her heart, Edward was her all.Edward said: “I do not want my presence take away any of your things, if I can do that.I hope you do a normal person, I hope your life according to its original look to continue on, when I have died in 1918 when the damned.”

But, it has met and how to live according to its original look to

continue? If it was said that met Edwards was a doom in Bella‟s life, then she would rather doomed.After read this novel, I think that, time is a great thing and it is walk along with its trajectory.But in “Twilight”, Edwards and Bella stand with their own love and life, and they don‟t care what the limits of time at all.Edward asked her: “How do you can easily believe me? After I said „I love you‟ to you for a thousand times, why you can use only one word to destroy my faith?” And Bella replied: “I do not believe that I was worthy enough to have you.I don‟t have anything to keep you.”

Bella‟s heart of exile and loneliness made her humble.She loves Edward at the time.However, when he left, she wanted to bury all the things desperately, she maked her own tears hidden in the darkness.In order to hear the voices of those which are familiar and unreal, she once again risk her life, no, may not be called it life-threatening, and she do not care about death.Because, when Edward was gone, she's happy and future was gone together.He loves Bella too much, and he treasured her soul, so he must be chose to leave.Bella and Jacob will be friends.Bella loves Edward, so she has no power to pay another love.Jacob is a very friendly, sincere friend.In her heart, she hoped that Jacob is like her brother.I think that it is very cruel for Jacob.But many things are not too fussy, isn‟t it? We don‟t know whether our life will change in the future at all.Well, Edward determined not to let Bella become a vampire.I understand one reason of it.To be a vampire, we must watching the numerous day and night, and we can‟t see the end of that long lonely life.I think that even if we have a person who loved us and live with us forever, the loneliness is like a devil.It‟s too terrible.But regardless of whether Bella will become a vampire, as a reader, I hope that Bella and Edward can love each other forever.Because I think that Love is a sweet thing in the world at all.

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