了不起的盖茨比 英文书评

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第一篇:了不起的盖茨比 英文书评

The whole story of The Great Gatsby is set on Long Island in New York City from spring to autumn in 1922.With the narration of Nick Carraway, the reader is taken into the extravagant and glittering life of American upper class and dizzying, narcissistic wealth,(Guy Reynolds, 1993: VI)to encounter some typical person of that age.Jay Gatsby, the hero of this novel, represents those dream-pursuing people only finds that it is all illusion.The tragedy of Gatsby is also the tragedy of Fitzgerald as well as American society.With the realistic and even sardonic description, the novel represents us the theme of the disillusion of American Dream.Just as the Great Depression in 1930s ended the prosperous and flashy “Roaring Twenties”, the failure of Gatsby at last represents us that the so-called American Dream is a pseudo image.Although Gatsby lived a seemingly luxurious life, he never

Gatsby is a victim of his era and society.The American Dream encourages people from generation to generation to pursue physical wealth and keep spiritual purity at the same time.They consider money as a simple method and tool in one‟s way to success.But the valuable things you lost during your money-accumulation progress can never be regained no matter how wealthy you are afterwards.The main contradiction of the American Dream is the difference between reality and ideality.People who want to pursue the dream must face the cruelty and ruthlessness of the society.Gatsby fails, so do most of other pursuers.Gatsby‟s whole life is originate in dream and ruined by dream, it is his American Dream that makes him succeed and destroyed, died pathetically in the end.This is the tragedy of Gatsby and tragedy of the American society.

第二篇:了不起的盖茨比 英文书评

The Great Gatsby

Reading experience:

I start to read the book about 3 weeks ago ,At first, I searched some information about the author from the Internet, then glanced the basic content of novel, When I read the several chapters ahead of the novel, I feel it was so boring , the complex relationship would kill me.When I nearly finished the novel, everything was suddenly enlightened.Information about this novel:

The novel is told us the story of Gatsby by Nick’s tone.Nick came to New York from his hometown the America Middle West, and he rent a small house nearby Gatsby’s luxurious mansion where hold a grand banquet every night.The story began with the meet between Nick and Gatsby.And Nick had an exploratory interest to Gatsby and understood that there was a lost love in Gatsby’s deep heart.Gatsby and Daisy loved each other when Gatsby was young, but because of Gatsby’s poor family they were broken up.Then G.joined the First World War.While Daisy was married to Tom who was a rich dandy, but her marriage was not happy because Tom had a mistress.Therefore, the material couldn’t satisfy her spiritual empty.Gatsby was very painful and he believed that Daisy betrayed the pure heart for the money, so he resolved to be a man of wealth and a few years later he managed it.What’s more, in the opposite direction of Daisy’s house Gatsby built a mansion.In order to attract Daisy and aroused the lost love, Gatsby spent money like water.Nick was moved by Gatsby’s passion of love, so he visited to his young female cousin Daisy and told her Gatsby’s mind.Then Gatsby made date with Daisy, often.Finally, Gatsby found Daisy’s vanity, vulgar and selfish.Gatsby’s pink dream finally broke up, but he still insisted it, still retained any illusion about Daisy, and even led to his tragedies.One day Daisy was in a drunken driving Gatsby’s car ran over and caused an accident that killed Tom’s mistress, and she planned a plot with Tom to put the crime to Gatsby.It led to the mistress’ husband shot Gatsby.Gatsby died, only his father and Nick attended the funeral.Nick witnessed the virtual mood of human reality.At the end, Nick backed to his hometown with a tragedy mood.Introduction of the author:

The Great Gatsby is written by F.Scott Fitzgerald, who was born in1896 and died in Hollywood in 1940, and grew up in St.Paul, Minnesota.He is the most important representative of the “Jazz Age”.He published the novel Tender is the Night, Paradise, the Last Tycoon and so on;and published over 160 short novels, for instance, Benjamin’s Fantasy Trip, Ice Palace, Winter Dream and so on.The twentieth century, the United States academic community selected 100 the best novels in the river of English literature.The Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night are the list.And The Great Gatsby is second.He first published The Great Gatsby on April 10, 1925, a story set in Island’s North Shore and New York City during the summer of 1922.Impression on the novel:

After reading the novel, I was deeply shocked by Gatsby’s persistence,dream, and his miserable ending,and impressed more about the “Jazz Age”.In American history, maybe“ it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way”.The Gates ratio is the 20's models American youth,he was young and full of passion to realize all his dreams ,which could have been a perfect character in any times.However, he was poor,and this,which made him become a tragic character, also was the focus in that age-“Jazz Age”.Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life.“There was a faint,barely perceptible movement of the water as the fresh flow from one end urged its way toward the drain at the other.With little ripples that was hardly the shadows ofwaves ,the laden mattress moved irregularly down the pool.”A hopeless ending indicates that the most beautiful dream in that age was eventually

destroyed by the reality,the social.We can clearly know that Daisy did not choose Gatsby although he had become much more affluent than Tom ,but choose her previous life-living with Tom,it may be a bad choise,but it was really the decision made by Daisy herself,a selfish, disingenuous and vain girl,the girl which Gastby always loved and was willing to pay everything he has for ,even she betrayed more than once,and this can be inferred when Gastby showed his love and she hesitated.Shutting the book,I am deep in thought.The author tries to describe the social,the so-called up class ,the so-called prosperous country,and certainly the shattered“the American dream”.In my opinion,the author not only wants to attack the luxury and hypocrisy of the classes,but also to appeal to people to pursue true love,not the greed of money and

hypocrisy,although this book has a desperate ending.









第四篇:了不起的盖茨 书评

《了不起的盖茨比》讲诉的是一个关于执着追求和梦想幻灭的故事。主人公詹姆斯卡兹本是北达科他州的一个贫穷的农家子, 自幼开始模仿富兰克林, 梦想日后做个出人头地的大人物。他经过一番自我努力, 终于步步高升, 成为一个有钱有势的人, 并更名为杰伊#盖茨比。他在肯塔基州一个军训营里任青年少尉时,第一次有机会步入美国的上流社会结识了南方的大家闺秀黛西费。自那时起, 他便梦想着娶她为妻, 却被派遣到法国, 他的黛西嫁给了来自芝加哥的大富翁汤姆#布坎楠。盖茨比退役归来, 依然热烈追求黛西,为了圆他多年的爱情梦, 在长岛西卵买下了一幢豪华宅第, 与住在东卵的布坎楠夫妇隔海湾相望,豪掷千金举办豪华气派的宴会, 以迎合黛西的物质要求。然而 , 盖茨比最终将自己葬送给了幻灭的梦想。

女主人公黛西, 人如其名,一面是个美丽魅惑如花朵般的女子,惹人怜爱;一面是个追求奢华生活的物质女郎,外表纯洁内心贪婪。(Daisy是“雏菊”的意思,雏菊花瓣洁白而花蕊是黄色的)“她的脸庞忧郁而美丽,脸上有明媚的神采,有两只明媚的眼睛,有一张明媚而热情的嘴,但是她声音甲有一种激动人心的特质,那是为她倾倒过的男人都觉得难以忘怀的:一种抑扬动听的魅力,一声喃喃的“听着”,一种暗示,说她片刻以前刚刚干完一些赏心乐事,而且下一个小时里还有赏心乐事。”小说中的出场展现出黛西作为大家闺秀的令人着迷的独特魅力。但随着情节发展,黛西逐渐显露了肤浅、庸俗的一面,深爱她的盖茨比看得最为清楚“Her voice full of money。”她那种对自己所拥有的一切物质财富理所当然的想法和物质的欲望使他在本质上和Tom并没有区别,自私、贪婪、扭曲。


小说中的尼克是个特殊的人物。书的首句就是他的独白“每当你想要批评别人的时候,要记住,这个世界上并不是所有人,都有你拥有的那些优势。我现在仍然唯恐错过什么东西,如果我忘记(如同我父亲带着优越感所暗示过的,我现在又带着优越感重复的)每个人的基本道德观生而不同,不可等量齐观。”在全书中,尼克像一只跷跷板的支点:社会地位上,他属于落没的上流社会;思想品德上,他拥有未被腐坏的善良;个人追求上,他有摇摆在利益与理想之间。他既置身其中, 又置身其外。但随着小说情发展 , 尼克最初的中立态度有所变化。尼克最后一次与盖茨比分别时, 他喊到 :“他们是一帮混蛋, 他们那一大帮子放在一起还比不上你。”他终于说出了对盖茨比说过的唯一一句好话。克最后总结了布坎南夫妇之流的本质 :“他们是粗心大意的人 ———他们砸碎了东西 ,毁灭了人, 然后就退缩到自己的金钱或者麻木不仁或者不管什么使他们留在一起的东西中,让别人去收拾他们的烂摊子。”虽然尼克后来逐渐倾向于盖茨比所代表的价值观, 但由于人生追求各不相同 ,他们之间也有天壤之别 ,他始终游离于主要人物的恩怨之外。

在翻开书之前,我以为这是一个讲述主人公如何叱诧风云,如何情场得意。读完后却发现这种“伟大”并不是指做出的贡献和表现,而是灵魂的伟大。合上书本,最后一句话萦绕在我耳边。“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” 无论身处哪个时代,我们都要像被命运的潮涌不断向后推挤,偏离我们想要抓住的绿光,在梦想幻灭的社会,当美丽的理想被冷酷的现实所粉碎 , 天真的爱情被金钱所腐蚀,到底如何才能得到幸福的生活。“在甜蜜的梦乡里,人人都是平等的,但是当太阳升起,生存的斗争重新开始时,人与人之间又是多么的不平等。”(《总统先生》,人身而平等却又不平等,也许上帝对我们唯一公平的地方就在于让每个人都经历不平等。而盖茨比他是真正以梦为马一路披荆斩棘的人,他当然了不起。有时候,我们也只能成为索福克罗斯笔下的俄狄浦斯,经受命运的嘲弄,却还不断反抗者无法反抗的人生,也像海明威笔下的圣地亚哥,即使赌上一切奋力拼搏,也只能从**和鲨鱼的夹攻下带回一尾鱼骨头,但我们肯定能够得到别的一些什么,所以,尽情享受没有的答案的人生吧。

第五篇:The book report of The Great Gatsbay《了不起的盖茨比》英文书评

The book report of The Great Gatsbay

By F.Scott.Fizgerald

The novel takes place following the First World War.American society enjoyed prosperity during the “roaring” 1920s as the economy soared.At the same time, Prohibition, the ban on the sale and manufacture of alcohol as mandated by the Eighteenth Amendment, made millionaires out of bootleggers.After its republishing in 1945 and 1953, it quickly found a wide readership and is today widely regarded as a paragon of the Great American Novel, and a literary classic.The Grreat Gatsby is ranked second in the Modern Library's list of the 100 best novels of the 20th century.But everyone has the different criteria on good books.I think when you eat it the taste is what you need.The good books tell you clearly something that lurks in your brain dimly.So you will feel very good if you resonate with the character in books.Another point of good books is, after you have eaten it the taste isso good that you want to eat it again.The good book is amusing and thought inspiring.The Great Gatsby also has a lot of puns and symbolism.The book is a litter like what it say on the first stage.After reading the novel, I turned to search for more information about the author and the background of the story.It is said that, with The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald made a conscious departure from the writing process

of his previous novels.He started planning it in June 1922, after completing his play The Vegetable and began composing it in 1923.He ended up discarding most of it as a false start, some of which resurfaced in the story “Absolution”.Unlike his previous works, Fitzgerald intended to edit and reshape Gatsby thoroughly, believing that it held the potential to launch him toward literary acclaim.He told his editor Maxwell Perkins that the novel was a “consciously artistic achievement” and a “purely creative work — not trashy imaginings as in my stories but the sustained imagination of a sincere and yet radiant world”.He added later, during editing, that he felt “an enormous power in me now, more than I've ever had”.After the birth of their child, the Fitzgeralds moved to Great Neck, Long Island in October 1922, appropriating Great Neck as the setting for The Great Gatsby.Fitzgerald's neighbors included such newly wealthy New Yorkers as writer Ring Lardner, actor Lew Fields and comedian Ed Wynn.Great Neck, on the shores of Long Island Sound, sat across a bay from Manhasset Neck or Cow Neck Peninsula, which includes the communities of Port Washington, Manhasset, Port Washington North and Sands Point and was home to many of New York's wealthiest established families.In his novel, Great Neck became the new-money peninsula of “West Egg” and Manhasset Neck the old-money peninsula of “East Egg”.Progress on the novel was slow.In May 1923, the Fitzgeralds moved to the French Riviera, where the novel was finished.In November he sent the draft to his editor Maxwell Perkins and his agent Harold Ober.The Fitzgeralds moved to Rome for the winter.Fitzgerald made revisions through the winter after Perkins informed him that the novel was too vague and Gatsby's biographical section too long.Content after a few rounds of revision, Fitzgerald returned the final batch of revised galleys in the middle of February 1925.By contrast, now we are on he initial stage of the socialist

market economy.Our GDP and material living standard are higher than before.But our society is not in harmony.It is a litter like the American roaring jazz age.In this money crazy modern times, many people make money from fraud, bribery, exploitation and smuggling.Also in this material world, we are thirsty, worried and lost.Our goals swing to money and materialism too much.We should swing it back to true love, fraternity, righteousness, sincerity and art a litter.

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