
时间:2019-05-15 14:37:36下载本文作者:会员上传


Hello, everyone!Thank you very much for allowing me to have this great opportunity to welcome the students from the United States who are going to study in our class for the next whole semester.As the monitor of the class, I represent all the students in our class to welcome you to join this party.I hope that you can enjoy yourselves during the time you staying in china, and I hope that you would have a wonderful time here with the whole class.You know that you are all welcomed here with opened arms and what we want to say to you is that: Welcome to your new family!Finally, I wish you all have a good memory in this school and enjoy your study and stay here and have a lot of fun tonight!Thank you very much!


today i will read a love letter.it's written to a boy.there's so much i want to say to you , but i'm not sure where i should begin.may be you don't remember me , no matter.i could say all those things and all would be true ,but as i reread them , holding your hand and watching for your elusive smile.do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? your smiling eyes are just like the sparking stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.meeting you was fate , and falling in love with you was out of my control.you are everything to me , and i was so blessed when god sent you here for me.coffee is lonely without cups , i am lonely without you.every day without you is like a book without pages.i'll think of you every step of the way.it's you that led me out of the loneliness when i was lost in my mind.if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other , when i wish we had never encountered.love is the greatest refreshment in life.you make my heart smile.i hope everyone can understand this love letter.because when love is not madness , it is not love.finally , this love letter , i want to give present a boy , tell him , i like him.thank you.今天,我将要念一封写给一位男生的情书。










1.1.)In your opinion, what is a materialist? What is an idealist? Which one do you think you are and why?

Materialist usually shows great interest in material possessions such as money and wealth than in spiritual matters such as art and knowledge.Idealism refers to the quality or habit of living according to one’s ideals, high principles and perfect standards.They sometimes live in a way that is impractical or show a lack of the real world.As far as I am concern, I am a materialist.As we live in a materialistic society, we are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive.Our possessions are clearly labeled from our childhood.It does not surprise when we grow up, the money you earn is the sign of success.People around us keep telling us, try your best to study hard, go to a good colleague, so that you can find a good job and get a high salary.I follow what they said.So I am a materialist now.We can’t enjoy our life by dreaming all day.If we want to gain sth, we must try to do sth.I still remember when I was a child, I want to earn a lot of money, so that I can travel around the world, enjoy the good food and beautiful scenery and fashionable cloth, now I am trying my best to achieve it, with all my efforts.You see, I won’t sitting all day and dreaming about my future, I take some actions.Actions speak louder than words, nothing will change without taking actions.As the says going, if we want to make our dreams cometrue, the first thing you should do is wake up.2.)How do you think society looks at the roles between men and women? Do you think each gender has specific roles? Or do you believe that men and women are equal?

Men and women are created to be equal, and thus they should be treated equally In many countries in the world, women are being looked down upon.It is more difficult for them to get work than men.In order to get a job, they sometimes have to tell a lie.That's unfair.In fact, women can work no worse even better than men.Women should not be treated different from men,according to statistics, there is no basic difference between the standard and quality of work performed by men and women who do the same work.This is an unfair fact: most of the top position in society, like company directors, judges, university professors, etc.are occupied by men.Women should no longer be treated as the inferior sex.They should stand side by side with men and define their roles in society, in which they can choose to work outside or stay at home and in which they will have more time to develop their own interests.Women should be given an equal chance of education in order to compete with men.Men should also take an equal share in housework so as to liberate women from kitchen.It is unreasonable for authorities to refuse to promote capable women to important position, just because they have children to bring up.In a word.Men and women shouldn’t be treated differently as they are born to be equal.3.)What do you think is the most important thing in a job interview? How should you appear and act when in an interview?

interview provides employers opportunities to look for the proper persons to be competent to the positions.It plays an important role in the process of hiring.Although that is a challenge for everyone, we still can find out the rules partly.The most important thing in the interview are appearance and confidence.In a certain degree, appearance gives the interviewers the first impressions and, essentially, it influences the upcoming process.The way you behave and talk also affect the proceedings of interview.It will partly unveil your education level and the rough understanding of your personality.The job positions are provided for those people who can afford them, and that is why you need to perform that you have the ability to handle the job.Sometimes, we will face some special situations which needs specific resolutions.Your professional knowledge will be one of the hiring standards.Don't be afraid to be asked or answer the questions in the interview.You need to be self-confident in order to leave the better impression to the interviewers.Confidence is the key to success, confidence is powerful and convincing.If you can not be qualified for those standards, just admit that you can't do it.It's much better than be disclosed when you are working.4.)What is your opinion on honesty? Do you believe that you should be honest

all of the time, or is it ok to lie sometimes? Why?

What is honesty? Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act..“Honesty is important because people have to trust you to be a friend,” “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches”.Your name and reputation are all you have.Once they're gone, you're broke.honesty pays big dividends in the long run.However, over-zealous devotion to speaking one’s mind has more often led to hurt feelings and ruin relationships than to get joy and fulfillment.Sometimes it's best to keep your opinions to yourself.There are other situations that call for a candid response.People, as a rule, expect honesty out of others.Finding balance is key.We should learn how to be honest.1.Think before you speak.If what you are about to say will do more damage than good and could hurt someone's feelings, it might be best to remain silent.Ask yourself how you would feel if someone said it to you.2.Return extra change to clerks.Give back to people what you’ve owe them, and take care of your commitments.it is an important step in developing an honest character.3.Talk about yourself as much as you are willing to share with other people.An honest person does not make up stories about herself.Instead, she tells the truth.4.Tell yourself the truth.Always be honest with yourself.If you keep lying to yourself, your lies will catch up to you, and you will see the unwillingness and to face reality.5.Choose the people that you can trust to be totally honest with.Hopefully, you can tell anything to your spouse or partner.Trust is earned and it is OK to keep friendships superficial as long as you are honest with yourself.5.)What are the most important things a parent can teach a child? How can the parents have a negative and positive influence on their children?

Parents are our first teacher.We learn almost everything from them in our childhood.We follow what they’ve said and done.It’s no doubt that parents have great influence on us.However, parents, especially those of teenagers, care about their children's education more than anything else.They could do everything for their children.Many of them spend most of their spare time coaching their children in studies;those who have no time or cannot do it have hired tutors.Some also send their children to after-class schools.Some even have tried to improve their home environment.It seems as if a better education is all that parents expect for children.Certainly, it is good to see much of parents' attention is paid to children's education.However, in my opinion, emphasis should also be laid on fostering their other abilities and personal qualities.Of course, it is important to learn to succeed, but the first thing to learn is how to survive and how to be a qualified citizen.If this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured not only a bright future but also a sound intellectual and mental foundation, hence a healthy life.


Boys and girls, good afternoon, I’m very happy to stand here and make a speech.Theme of the speech is about art and entertainment, so I want to talk about Beijing opera and scissor-cut.Now let’s appreciate a length of opera.中间停顿二十秒放京剧.How graceful it is.We remove the sound(我们除去声音不说),the type of facial makeup in opera has connotation.Types of facial makeup in opera are sorted several kinds, one kind stands for special meaning.In addition, the dress also is artful.Opera is admitted by not only Chinese people but also all the people in the world that it is a palace of art.In the past, when the wealthy had activities, opera was the essential recreational program.Next, let’s talk about scissor-cut.As we all know, scissor-cut has a history about 3000 years.With the deep history, it develops better and better.Though opera and scissor-cut are artistic culture, they can be accepted by the common people.People look them as hobbies and interests, so they can achieve the recreational aim, and this is why they can be hand down and they are stronger and stronger.


Years later

1.I think everyone had thought about what will become in the future.With the development of science and technology and the progress of the times, our lives will change a lot.2.Everyone’ qq grade will become very high.Not sun but imperial crown.Obviously, now the iphone5 is very popular.But what the iphone will become in 30 or even more years later.Perhaps it will become so long that can be used as a weapon.3.What about ourselves? We will become very old.Guangzai stole a rapid that can make people growth potion.He getting older every day of the 10-year-old, finally he became a 83-year-old grandfather in just one week.We face the mirror eand look at ourselves, touch our face by right hand, the whelk had disappeared, Our hair will turn white, and our face will have wrinkles.4.We will gradually learned to forget.When we opene the diary,we will found it is difficult to remember a lot of things in the past.5.Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.如果我们能在80岁的时候出生,然后慢慢走向18岁,那生活将会幸福无比。

Many years from now we will be more disappointed by the things that we didn’t do than by the ones we did do.So throw off the bowlines.Sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sails.Explore.Dream.Discover.20年后,让你觉得更失望的不是你做过的事情,而是你没有做过的事情。所以,解开帆索,从安全的港湾里扬帆出行吧。乘着信风,去探索,去梦想,去发现!

6.So Cherish the time, Do not always thinking about tomorrow.Just do it, if we work harder, we can also dry much more.



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