
时间:2019-05-15 14:35:32下载本文作者:会员上传


Pursue Inner Peace

----Reaction to Kung Fu Panda2

Last week, I together with my classrooms saw a famous film----Kung Fu Panda 2, which is a film which is well-known worldwide.It refers to a story that Dragon Warrior, a panda, along with Monkey, Master Viper, Master Tigress, Master mantis, Master Crane, the Furious Five, protects their Kung Fu, which Lord Shen invents a weapon that can destroy it, and protects their Phoenix, which is invaded and occupied now by Lord Shen, who discoveries the darker power in the fireworks and invents the weapon.In Kung Fu Panda 2, Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, the Furious Five.But Po's new life of awesomeness is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu.Inner peace is a word that appears again and again in the film and also the connotation of the film.Po must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious origins;only then will he be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed.Master Po’s natural disposition is a little of flippancy and he is idle, but if he wants to defeat Lord Shen and his weapon, he must find inner peace and defeat the fear in his heart.In case of he could not find the inner

peace, he will be defeated by Lord Shen and his weapon.In face of the mystery of his life and Lord Shen’ menace, finally, he remembers his parents and the reason why they abandon him and how Mr.Ping becomes his father.In the end of the film, Po find inner peace, that is to say, he defeats Lord Shen and his weapon.In fact, if you use a calm state of mind to choose your own environment, you will release the pressure, you can be happy;no matter what your past, as long as you face the future using the attitude of calm, the miracle will happen, the scar will disappear, in the hearts of the pain will be cured.No matter how painful past, as long as you use a calm state of mind to deal with the future, the In fact, if you use a calm state of mind to choose your own environment, you will release the pressure, and can be happy, no matter what you past, as long as you calm attitude to face the future, the miracle will happen, the scar will disappear, in the hearts of the pain will be cured.No matter how painful past, as long as you use a calm state of mind to deal with the future, the pain will disappear.





《功夫熊猫2》虽然是一部在梦工厂出品的美国动画电影,但影片穿插了大量的中国元素。最主要的看点就是功夫。第二部中,“盖世五侠”继续给观众“表演”中国传统武术——虎拳、鹤拳、蛇拳、螳螂拳和猴拳,而娇虎的“铁砂掌”更是练到了最高层次,连阿宝都无法招架。除了旧角色“盖世五侠”和熊猫阿宝,全新反派角色“孔雀王”沈王爷的功夫也让我们找到了中国味。片中,沈王爷与阿宝交锋时,他身上的每根羽毛都能变幻为一把飞刀,这与中国武侠人物小李飞刀的绝技如出一辙,而他在施展功夫时翩翩起舞的场面,也让人联想到中国著名的孔雀舞。难怪,《功夫熊猫2》被称为是好莱坞中国味的动画片。《功夫熊猫1》刚上映的是时候,便惹来了各界不同的声音。其中最响的声音莫过于“熊猫是中国的,功夫是中国的,可是电影是美国的。”再我看来,这的确需要引起我们的思考。现在的中国功夫已经被称为武术,已经是一种术,一种表演的套路。清末动荡的年代,在无数次的火器与肉体的碰撞中消亡,中国男儿是热血的,在那个黑暗的年代,无数英雄好汉用自己的热血阻挡着入侵者的步伐,用肉体抵挡着坚船大炮,在硝烟弥漫的雾中,他们成批的倒下,但是精神长存,而现在 我们的脊梁骨哪去了?真正的武功精髓哪去了?













The outlet of the Chinese Cartoon industry

黄春艳 201130806023 文管1101班

Few weeks ago we enjoy the movie of the KungFu Panda in the ENGLISH class, the movie was made by DreamWorks Studios has obtained extensive attentions of people around the world since 2008.The story is very attractive and the frames in which are elegant.We don’t need to careful enough to find that the movie fulfilled with Chinese elements, the palace, the scenery, Kung Fu, Panda, Taoists and Wu Gum, all of those can be traced to the Chinese traditional culture.We can’t help thinking that why Chinese cartoon industry have lost the Chinese spirit and looking forward the outlet.If comes to this issue, some factors should be blame for.For a long time, China had to do its best to develop heavy industry and agriculture to drive the whole economic on the background of the backward national conditions.It was not until resent years that the culture industry began to acquire the support of government policy.And in which the cartoon industry as a most important one gradually find its way out.On the one hand, foreign movies like KungFu Panda and Mulan used Chinese traditional elements for reference and meet with success.But on the contrary, Chinese cartoon just copy the idea of the Japanese cartoon, and unfortunately, lost its indigenous characteristic.The cartoon industry has been slow to change partly because the lack of creative talents and partly because the lowly of the manufacture technology.The former can put the blame to the inflexible education system and the lack of innovation of whole society.At the same time, along with the remarkable advancement of the science and technology, in the contemporary society, we realize that the technology has not been used to improve the quality of the cartoon.Last but not least, as a result, the established of the cartoon brand still a long way to go.What is more, with no profitable prospect of the cartoon industry, much of the investor don’t want to run a risk of it, and followed with it was the low-cost made of movie and small area of publicity.As has discussed above, present here is the movie which low-cost, lack of innovation, good at copy and has lost its own style.From my personal perspective, it is significant to take some effective measures to change the situation.As we all know, the primary task is to cultivate more creative talents, and without doubt the education can play the key role to it.Moreover, as what our government is implementing, more policy should be open to relax the cartoon industry, and that will attract more investment to it so that the cartoon can get rid of current situation.Finally the most importantly, we must to make use of our excellent traditional culture to find its own characteristics and welcome the booming of the culture industry.2014/11/22



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