
时间:2019-05-15 14:46:20下载本文作者:会员上传



What makes a difference of one’s success?

—My feelings after seeing Front of the class

The film Front of the class gives me deep impression which describes an American boy who was born with an illness called Toilette Syndrome.With this disease, he experiences discrimination for years.But finally, he becomes a teacher and lives happily since he never gives up his hopes and dreams.When he was a little child, Brad Cohen was regarded a bad boy because he always makes wield noises in class which makes the other students hard to concentrate on the class.Teachers can’t understand him and thinks that what he does is on purpose, while other students also make fun of him.What’s worse, his father also disbelieves him and there is a gap between the father and the son from that on.In that condition, how does the boy grow up positively and happily just like the normal kids?

As far as I concerned, his mother and a great headmaster he met when he was a child really have influenced him a lot.The most important person in Cohen’s life is undoubtedly his mother, without whom the little Cohen may not find the courage to live and achieve his dream.She could have taken the little Cohen back home and find a tutor for him and limited him in the little space just like other parents who also have a child with Toilette Syndrome.But she didn’t do that and instead, she still regarded her child as a normal one and always encourage him never compromise to his illness.In that way, Brad Cohen is able to keep an optimistic spirit though experiencing such an unfair destiny.The other person that is of great importance to Cohen is his headmaster in middle school.One day, he was criticized and laughed at again by his teacher and classmates again for he couldn’t stop making such noise when having class.After his headmaster knows that, he invited him to take part in a music concert.After the concert, he invited the little Cohen to go up onto the platform and express his feelings and tell about the illness to the whole school’s teachers and students.After that, he became

more confident than before.After graduating from college, he was strongly convinced that every student was worth being giving guidance by teachers and developed a dream to become a teacher.Through his efforts, he tells everyone he could do that by his actions.Finally, he gets popular with his students and wins other’s respect and understanding.From the film, I really understand that home and school educating are really indispensible in our lives.Not only can we gain knowledge from that, but also we could develop the positive view to the world.For me, the latter is more important.What’s more, I also realize that childhood is a very important period of one’s life in which we may meet many people who would have different impact on us to some degree.As a result, educating in childhood should be paid much attention.




作为一名妥瑞症患者,科恩果然能够如他所言,胜任为人师表的教师角色吗? 可以!








The Impression of Front of the Class

Recently, I have seen a film named Front of the Class.The film touches my heart deeply and makes me think a lot in many aspects including the differences of the way of thinking between China and the West.The film adapted from the true story of the Brad Cohen.So it makes the film more convincing and impressing.The protagonist of the film was a child named Brad Cohen who always made terrible noises no matter where he was and no matter when.At first, everyone thought Brad did this deliberately including his parents.But Brad said he couldn’t stop this.His mother began to look up some medical books in library and found that Brad got the Tourette syndrome and it can’t be cured.Because of this Brad suffered a lot of unfair treatment and prejudice from his teachers and classmates.The most disappointed was that his father couldn’t understand him and this frustrated Brad a lot.The turning point of Brad’s life occurred when the headmaster Meier explained the disease of little Brad in front of all the students.And since then Brad made a decision to be a teacher.Brad tried very hard for this dream and he never gave up even when he suffered a lot and was turned down by many schools.Finally he succeeded in becoming a teacher in his insistence.Also he did very well in this position and students all liked him very much.Moreover he got the title of Outstanding Teacher and also he found his beloved girlfriend.They lived happily ever after.In this film, we can learn a lot about life such as we should carry on our dreams no matter how worse the condition is and we should never give up to the difficulties we come across and so on.Besides this we can also treat this in another view, for example there are many differences between China and the West.So next I will talk about the differences of the way of thinking between China and the West from several aspects: education ideas、the attitude towards love and independence of the children.We all know that in the West there are many famous universities such as: Oxford、Harvard University、Stanford University and so on.This was a sign that the education in the West is very successful.The reason why the education is so successful can’t be separated with their excellent education ideas.In this film, one scene that impressed me deeply was that in the school concert the headmaster Meier asked Brad to stand in front of the classroom to explain his disease to the students.Mr.Meier didn’t tell the students about Brad’s Tourette syndrome directly.On the contrary, he asked Brad a few questions about his disease and let him answer the questions by himself.By this way all the students understood the condition of Brad and the reason why he behaved so different.The most important is that the headmaster didn’t help Brad to explain but let Brad himself to deal with the things that belonged to him.In China, the condition is totally different.Sometimes the teachers help students do a lot of things and they may neglect the autonomous of students.Try to think this: if a student like Brad were in the school of China, what the condition would be? Maybe we just think he is very poor and tell the students not to bully and make fun of him.Most of us will not do that like the headmaster Meier do: let him to make it clear by his own work.And most of the time we help the students do their own business and ignore they should be independent.All we should do is just give him a stage to show and encourage him.When Brad becomes a teacher, the way he teaches the students gets me thinking about how to educate students correctly.In China the standard we judge whether a student is excellent mostly is that his grade and his behavior.And when we still are young children, we are regarded as smart if we can recite enough Chinese ancient poems.After we enter school and become a student, we begin to receive the so-called Chinese Education.Teachers stuff our brains with abundance knowledge and sometimes tell us all the right answers just for saving time.They neglect students’ autonomy and don’t let students explore by themselves.But in this movie, Brad’s teaching method is quite open.He doesn’t force students to remember something but lead them by the way they are interested in.For example, when Brad taught students geographical knowledge, he used the route of Messi’s truck to make them remember the name of places.And even he invited Messi to come to school in order to make students see the truck he referred to in the class.By this we can find that in China the students usually receive the knowledge passively but in West they receive the knowledge actively.Also the teaching techniques are totally different.The attitude towards love between China and the West is also different.In the film, Nancy and Brad knew each other by the Internet.When Nancy truly met Brad, she didn’t scared by Brad and decide never meet him again.She didn’t treat Brad as a freak or something else.Diversely, she chose to know of him and made friends with him.Finally, they became happy lovers.When Brad asked Nancy why she finally chose him, Nancy’s respond was quite simple and it’s that Brad could make her laugh and feel truly happy.Sure it is, the reason of choosing a lover needn’t to be very complex.In China, as the economic flies faster and people’s life levels improve the conditions of choosing a lover attached to many other things such as money、house and so on.Nowadays, the premise of two people’s contact mostly base on the other side has lots of money and house.Sometimes we may love a person very much but we finally give up our love only because the other side can’t afford to buy a house.In our traditional concept, we can marry only if you have enough money.And we add too many conditions to our love.But in the West, they don’t care too much about the irreverent things and if they decide to be together, they will not care too much about the house and money.Try to think this, if a girl chose a boyfriend just like Brad, what would the girl’s parents’ react towards this.They will be totally opposed.Your surround friends will think you are silly and try to persuade you to break up with him.If you are not, then everybody will let you to get ready to suffer.They think it’s a process of suffering.And this is decided by our traditional concept.We all know that in the West the children are all very independent and when they reach a certain age they will not accept any financial help from the parents.In this film, when Brad couldn’t find a job and didn’t have any income, he didn’t choose to ask his mother for help but worked in his father’s company to make money by himself.And all this is based on the condition that Brad was a disabled person though we know that he can’t be called a disabled person because there are not any differences between us and even he did better than us.Also his mother hoped he can be independent and make his dream come true.The disease or the difficulty you are meeting can’t be the excuses of you aren’t independent.In China, we often announce how much we love our children and we put them under our wings to protect them from getting hurt.We all think it’s our duty to look care of them all the time even when they become adults.And at the same time we neglect the independence of them.If we have a child like Brad, we are sure not to let him leave us for we are afraid that he may be bullied by others and we would rather take care of him all lives.There also a phenomenon that many adults can’t find a job so they stay at home and spend their parents’ money.This cannot be separated with the parents’ indulge and spoil.In our Chinese people’s consciousness we should take care of our children and help them all the time.And they are still too young, when they grow up everything will be all right.But they neglect that if they always be so their children cannot truly grow up.In the sense of Western people, they think the children should struggle by themselves when they become adults and they shouldn’t ask for parents’ money.So we can realize that in the West they pay much more attention to the children’s independence than China.By seeing this film, I learn a lot of things and also get much energy about pursuing my dream.I also learn the differences about the ways of thinking between the West and China.I think we can borrow the good aspects of the West and rethink our ways of dealing with things.By this way we can improve ourselves better.


I am so happy to watch such a wonderful movie.It’s the best inspirational movie I have ever seen.Brad Cohen is the held who was born with a disease called “Tourette syndrome”.The film is original from a real story of Brad Cohen.Almost everyone can’t put up with his bad disease for he is just always making terrible noises wherever he is, even his father.However, his mother never gives him up.She tells him not to be sad and concentrate on his study, eventually he made it, and he successfully graduated from a famous college.Although he graduated from a famous college, everyhead teacher said the same word “We will concern your matter, we will reply you soon”.His illness has been a trouble again in front of his development.During this moment, he may think he can’t be a successful man or he will give up to be a teacher, butfinally, he chooses fighting.Eventually, he got the job teaching primary school.He was full of passion and taught students by heart.All the people around him were proud of him.At the same time, he fell in love with a good girl who understood and accepted him.The film tells us never give up whatever you have met.Trust your life is the most important thing, your lift will never fade if you keep on trying.Life is like a box of chocolate, you will never know what you take next.There are some classic lines that I want to share with you:

1.I will never forget it.These people were Tourette syndrome defeated, I never do this。

2.Haven't found the school before, I won't give up, really, I never give up.3.Father will never understand my optimism.4.If I give up, is to the wrong people look at me.5.I'm on my illness very calm.6.I accepted it, don't let it dominate my life.7.I will not abandon you, I will not let you give up on yourself.8.Tourette syndrome taught me the most is the never let anything stops you from pursuing your dreams.9.Children see the world look and adults are not the same, they will say “I do“ instead of ”I can't do anything", so I also like this.10.Don't let anything stop you from chasing dreams, stop your work or play or fall in love.

第五篇:英文电影观后感 -叫我第一名

The Review of Front of the Class

The film “Front of the class” is a great inspirational, and rearranged from a person’s experience in reality, which described a man suffer from an illness called Toilette syndrome, but he made great efforts to be a teacher and try to overcome disease.Brad Cohen, the leading role.Can’t help himself making the strange sound.Therefore, he was considered as a bad, mutinous child.The teacher didn’t understand him, the classmates often make fun of his behavior, even Brad’s father also didn’t understand him, and there is a deep gap between Brad and his father.When he attended middle school, fortunately, he met a great headmaster.Accidentally, the headmaster invited him to express his feeling and his illness to the whole school’s students and teachers, though which everybody knew that his strange sound wasn’t on purpose.Afterwards, he became more confident than before.After graduated from college, Brad convinced that every student in worth to be given guidance by teacher, being a teacher kept in his mind, who interviewed to school separately.Unfortunately, he was rejected by lots of school’s leaders due to his illness, which really frustrated him seriously.However, Brad’s mother always encouraged him to face life bravely and overcame any difficult.At last, almost was interviewed by 25 schools, a primary school intended to employ him.He really worked hard and got well along with his students, who elected as the Annual Excellent Teacher.During this period, Brad

also gained his love for his optimistic and kind heart.Although Brad can’t behave like a normal people , his dream came true at last, whose success unable to leave efforts and willpower.Naturally, other’s help should be ignored.The first importing person in his life undoubtedly is his mother, without whom we are not sure whether Brad can own courage to overcome problem and achieve his dream.All mothers in world are great and never give up their children, even if their children are unmoral or physical disability, who will always understand children’s weakness.They also don’t look forward how big achievement children get, only hope children safety and happiness.Their love are unself, when you face difficult, who are willing to pay anything for you and don’t require you any repay.Brad’s mother always stays with and inspires him;encourage him never to compromise with Toilette syndrome.Hence Brad still keep an optimistic mentality after experiencing such suffering and unfair treatment.Still face attract from cruel reality with a positive attitude.So his success unable to leave his mother’s helping.Moreover, the headmaster has a great influence on Brad’s life.Before into middle school, he often laugh at by people surrounded and misunderstood, including his own father.Without headmaster, maybe Brad continue to be made fun of by other people, who have no opportunity to spend student’s time smoothly, also he would become a self-abased and timid child.The classmates and teachers would not understand his experience.The

headmaster found his difference with other, however he didn’t see him as a troublesome, bad boy as others.On the contrary, he gave Brad a chance to explain reason to public loudly.Finally, all people knew his strange sound not because of troublesome, but for illness.From those, we can find what a significant function a wise guidance or pedagogue in people’s life.As a wise pedagogue, firstly, they need understand students fully and are responsible for them, who should not criticize students when they a mistake.maybe student’s behavior from some special reasons, who should find the really reason.The children don’t own too much experience in the world, who need parents and teachers’ advises and guidance.Finding the reason on time and eerily, the children can get the better guidance.And teacher.as a person who stay most of time a day with children, who is natural that care for them more.The headmaster had a positive influence on Brad’ life, Brad was lucky.we hope every student can meet such wise headmaster during in difficult or getting lost.The very important thing lead to Brad’s success I think should be his own efforts and carrying through firmly to end.Think about around us there are lots of who are defeated by reality, including those who are healthy, don’t mention that disabled men.The most of people choose to face cruel reality with shrinking.Yet Brad hasn’t been defeated by difficult, facing ridicule with optimistic, dealing with defeat by willpower.Finally, he won the favor of God, got other people’s respect, became

popular among students.Therefore, as a health people, we shouldn’t co0mplaint about the unfair of the world, for at last we are healthy.Never give up when meeting some trouble;once we give up, we have no any chance to success.Brad’s experience let us know we will get respect and understand of others, if we can persist.Even though we may lose heart sometimes, we can feel sad or sorrow, but never give up.With encourage from people we love, success will fall into us.Meanwhile, optimistic attitude also is a sprit we should learn from Brad.Although he had some flaws, but he succeed, became person with confident and dream.Furthermore, we should treat other people friendly, don’t to laugh at other’s flaws, because of nobody is perfect.Anyway, form film I was touched by Brad’s effort and envy his attachment.We all know that disabled isn’t terrible, the terrible thing is we have courage to face it.



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