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1.The puritanpietyAn American Tragedyproves to be his greatest 2.Anne BradstreetTenth MuseThe three dominant figuresWilliam Howells Henry 3.In American literature,RationalismAbout Dreiser's It traces the tragic and the matrial rise of4.At the reason and revolutionEnlightenment MovementAs a genre ,naturalismheredity and environment 5.Captain John Smithusually was regarded as the firstIt is not surprising to findDreiser's 6.From 1732 to 1758Poor Richard's AlmanacA big change which tookhe became bitterly sceptical 7.The AmericanPuritanismas a culturalThe most recognizable literary movementExpatriate th8.The romantic period of American literatureThe Sketch BookIn the first part of the 20the Austrian Sigmund Fre 9.In the middle of 19th century,the American RenaissanceAs to the descriptions ofLewis is a sociological writer 10.New England Transcendentalismis usually agreed to be theHemingway once saidiceberg 11.In the following works, The Sketch Booksigns the beginningYoknapatawphahas become an allegory or a parable 12.According toRalph Emerson,man's capacity is infiniteWhich from 1945 onwards?A group of new writers who13.As a philosophical and literaryEmerson and ThoreauThe followingmodern workIts perspective is shifted14.Which of the following poet isJames Russell LowellMost of O'NeillSuccess and failure in man's literary 15.The essayNature,written by Ralph Waldo EmersonWhich “Roaring 20s”Many of them portrayed the 16.In spite of strong foreign influences,American type of charaAbout the first few decadesThere was a decline in so 17.18.Which of the 19.Moby Dick, 20.Emily DickinsonRomantic period Melville's masterpiece,is regarded asMost heroes and heroinesis now recognized not only as a great21.Dickinson's poems are usually 22.The subjects of Emily Dickinson'sthe whole human beings,whicman and morality23.Which charact Emily 24.In American literature the firsther poems are usually rather long and25.Irving was best known forThe Legend of Sleepy Washington Irving26.Washington got his idea 27.Rip van winkle is foundGerman legend28.It is on his 29.In Rip Van Winkletales about AmericaThe Sketch Book, washington agrees with the protagonist onthat Washington30.F31.In the well-known story Rip.James Cooper is worth the honor of being “the American S”the War for Independence32.Washington Rip famous for 33.“strange names were over”Rip's 20-years sleepIrving:“Rip Van Winkle”34.in the following statements,Irving describes Rip;s response35.The famous 20 years in Rip 36.Which about Washington is notconcern with the passage of timeHe is preoccupied with the37.About Washingt , Father of American 38.New england Transcendentalism was 39.The publication ofNatureestablished Emerson as the mostHis writings preferred 1830s40.The main issues involved in 41.American Transcendentalists42.According to Emerson,both A and Bman is divine in namenature,man and the universe43.which by 44.About the basic principlesthe Transcendental 45.walt Whitman was Which ofthe poems in Whitman'sIntuition is less important thanNature is ennobling andThey sing of the“ en-”46.as a great innovator47.as a man of literary 48.“There is evil in every human heart”free verse poetry without a fixed beatexploring the complexity of human49.Hawthorne's unique gift 50.Pearl is the heroine About the novel The ScarletT he Scarlet Lettersymbolic storiesNathaniel HawthorneWhitman's poemsIn it the letter“A”takes the sameWhich of Whitman's poetic style?a strict poetic formHemingway once regarded theHis strong tendency to use ofWho is described by Mark TwainAdventures of Huckleberry FinnMark Twain, one of Winterbourne is used aslocal colorHuckleberry FinnWhich of the American naturalinarrator of the eventsWhich about Mark languageTheir characters were conceivedThe American realists approachedHis sentence structures are long By the turn of the centurya comprehensive picture ofThe Portrait of a Lady About the titled heroineis about a young American girl whoan optimist...an almost despairingWhich the novel Sister Carrie?She comes from the new world but As to the American realistsIts heroine is a country girlTheodore Dreiser was influencedThey aimed at the interpretationHenry James is generally regarded asRalph Waldo Emerson

Another fact that made About Naturalismstream of consciousness ChicagoThe term“The Gilded Age”is the scene of Dreiser'sAmerican Naturalism is a reaction against Twain

Henry James's emphasis on

Henry JamesGenerally speaking,all thoseis considered the founder of Psychologicalthe characters' psychology and thethe Realistic Period

Dreiser's naturalism and hispessimists

Which of writing style Mark Twainis considered“the true father of American”

all of themStephen Grane

In his novels ,Faulkner Which Imagist Movement?the decline of the Southern Which Hemingway's heroes?The treatment of the medium In his poetry,Robert Frost Which of to Arms?He can be physically destro Despite all its apparentNew England

About the major plotIt tells a story about the tragic men standing alone in the bleakAs to Hemingway's writingThe hero became a victim of the In the following Fitzgerald summarizedThe Crash marked the beginning ofThe use of short, simpleWhich The leading playwrightrefined languageThe Great Gatsby

“The Apparition of these”Which of William Faulkner?His poems are mostly conEugene O'Neill After the First World War, As a poet inImagismHe often depicts slumThe publication of The Waste Land20th ,Robertrejected the...way to be new The Lost Generation Early in the 1920s,WhichEugene O'Neill T.S.EliotFaulkner of literary modernism?A Farewell to Arms “For i have too much”wrote about the society Which about Hemingway'sis tired of the work of apple-picChinese poetry an philosophyMan can be physically In American literatureEzra Pound

One of the major subjectsWhich in O'Neill'sthe expatriate movement John Steinbeck is Which..features ofHe looked upon...symblosThey are always seeking meaning The American social upheavalst he Great Depressionthe dislocation of narrative time Ezra Pound is a leadingWorld War2In the 1960s and 1970s,Imagist In the 1920s,O'Neill establishedboth B and CIn 1954,Typical of the “iceberg”Ernest HemingwayThe Hairy Ape O'Neillwas awarded Allen Ginsburg's Howlwon the Pulitzer Prize four Ernest Hemingway's Chinesethe Beat Generation Hemingway's first truepoetry and philosophy have In William Faulkner's The SoundThe Sun Also Risesstream of conscious

第二篇:美国文学 期末考试 总结一

1.The Minister’s Black Veil--Hawthorne, 人物:Hooper

总结:A universally beloved minister appears in church one Sunday wearing a small black

veil which hides his face from the forehead to the mouth.Everyone is made uneasy by this.After he has worn it for several Sundays a delegation from the congregation go to his home

to ask him to remove it, or at least explain why he is wearing it.But intimidated胁迫 by the veil,they are afraid to raise the subject.His bride-to-be then declares she will speak to him about it.When he will not discuss the

matter with her she says she is afraid to marry him unless he lifts the veil at least once, or tells her

why he must refuses.He will not but begs her to marry him anyway, instead of condemning them

each to a lonely life.He continues to wear the veil throughout a lonely life.Everyone avoids him

but his sermons布道 become even more impressive and many people are brought to a state of

grace by them.“black veil”symbolizes the cover used to keep one’s guilt as a secret.2.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—Mark Twain 人物:Huck, Jim 1.Huck’s quest for freedom and Jim’s quest for anti-slavery

2.Society vs.individual

3.Huck’ birth and rebirth

4.Huck’s loneliness and isolation 人物性格分析:Huck is always practical and natural, exhibiting good common sense.Huck is

extremely adaptable.Huck is also very shrewd and possesses a good inventive ability.His

sympathy for other human beings, his shrewdness and ingenuity, his basic intelligence, his good

common sense and his basic practicality.3.An American Tragedy--Theodore Dreiser 人物:Clyde Griffths

总结:Clyde thinks money and success will bring him happiness.When a pregnant girlfriend

threatens to destroy this dream, he plans to kill her.At the last moment, he changes his mind, but

the girl dies accidentally anyway.Since Clyde has decided not to kill her, is he really responsible

for her death? This becomes the main question during the trial审判.The trial itself is not really

fair.The newspapers stir up public anger against him.In the end, Clyde is executed.Clearly,Dreiser believes that Clyde is not really guilty.Dreiser calls his novel a tragedy, and in certain

ways it is similar to classical Greek tragedy.It concentrates on a single individual, who gives it

unity;and his individual is eventually destroyed by forces which he cannot control.4.The Hairy Ape—Eugene O’Neill人物:Yank

全文总结:Yank, the ape-like seaman, attempts to rise to a higher level.Yank’s initial crisis is

seeing himself unfavorably in the mirror of the society girl when she calls him a filthy beast.After

this incident, and throughout the play, he struggles to find out exactly who and what he is.Ultimately he tries to find meaning and purpose in the animal world by freeing a caged gorilla, but

this final effort fails also.In the end, Yank dies, without ever finding his place of belonging.The

general feeling is one of despair: Man is rootless in an indifferent and impersonal universe.The next day Yank goes to the monkey house at the zoo.The gorilla’s brute

strength impresses him and he speaks to the animal as a friend.He describes the feelings he had in

the park, watching the sun rise on the sea.At last he understood Paddy’s nostalgia for the old life,but he knew he could never belong to it.This realization led him to seek out the gorilla.Yank says

the gorilla is lucky to belong to one world while he belongs to neither heaven nor earth.Identifying himself with the animal, Yank frees him to get even with the men who have put him in the cage.The gorilla picks him up, crushes him and throws him into the open cage.When the door has slammed shut on him and the gorilla has gone the dying Yank calls out mockingly to imaginary spectators to step right up and have a look at the one and only---Hairy Ape.He dies, having pronounced this final judgment on himself.In a stage note the playwright suggests that perhaps Yank at last belongs.5.A Farewell to Arms—Ernest Hemingway 人物:Henry, Catherine Barkley, Emilio


Interior monologue// stream of consciousness

Understatement The Grim Reality of War

The Relationship between Love and Pain

Feelings of lossThe novel tells about the war experience and the love story of an American lieutenant, Henry, during the World War I.Henry serves in the Italian ambulance crops, and fall in love with an English nurse, Catherine.Although in civilian clothes, he is suspected, and forced to flee with Cat to Switzerland.They go to Lausanne for the birth of their child, but the baby is stillborn and Cat dies in childbirth.Henry is left alone in a strange land;his dream of leading a decent life broke into smithereens.So the novel is both farewell to war, and a farewell to love.6.Autobiography--Benjamin FranklinIt is probably the first autobiography in American literature.It is an interesting record of a man rising to wealth and fame from a state of poverty and obscurity.It’s a record of self-examination and self-improvement.He wrote it at 65.


1.The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ____

A Jack London

B Charles Dickens

C Samuel Coleridge

D Ernest Hemingway

2.In which novel can “Yahoo” be found?

A John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress

B Edmund Spencer's The Faerie Queen

C Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels

D Henry Fielding's Tom Jones

3.The Catcher in the Rye is written by ____

A J.D.Salinger

B Jack London

C Flannery O'Connor

D Saul Bellow

4.The image of the famous “henpecked husband” is created by____

A Washington Irving

B Fennimore Cooper

C Edith Wharton

D William Dean Howells

5.The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to be ____

A O'Neil

B Pound

C Robert Frost

D Scott Fitzgerald

6.____ is the most important person of the transcendental club.A Hawthorn

B Whitman

C Emerson

D Hemingway

7.The main theme of Emily Dickinson is the following except____

A fridendship

B love and marriage

C life and death

D war and peace

8.Robert Frost is a famous ____

A novelist

B playwright

C poet

D literary critic

9.Dover Beach is written by ____

A Robert Browning

B Alfred Tennyson

C Mathew Arnold

D Dylan Thomas

10.The period from 1865-1914 has been referred to as the ____ in the literary history of the United States.A Age of Realism

B Age of Clasicalism

C Age of Romanticism

D Age of Renaissance


1.D 《老人与海》是海明威的作品。

2.C Jonathan Swift的Gulliver's Travels(《格列弗游记》)中yahoo暗指人类,集人类丑陋面于一身,服务于动物的一类生物。

3.A The Catcher in the Rye(《麦田里的守望者》)是J.D.Salinger(J.D.赛琳格)的名著。

4.A henpecked husband 是指“怕老婆的男人”,改典型形象出自Washington Irving 的Rip Van Winkle。

5.D 二十世纪出现Jazz Age,这一代的年轻人物欲膨胀,沉迷酒色。Scott Fitzgerald的 Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》根据时代特征,对深深讽刺了所谓的美国梦。

6.C Emerson是超验主义的重要代表,所著Nature《论自然》代表了他的哲学观。

7.D Emily Dickinson(1709-1784),美国女诗人,终生未嫁。主要诗歌包括:I Could Not Sto for Death还有,I'm Nobody.Who Are You?


8.C Robert Frost是十九世纪的美国诗人,后因父亲过世已经英国,在新英格兰享有很高名望。主要作品有:The Road Not Taken,Mending Wall。

9.C Dover Beach(《多弗的海滩》)是Mathew Arnold 的作品。

10.A 1865-1914,也就是美国内战结束之后,第一次世界大战爆发之前。这个时候涌现的作家,比如Mark Twain刻画出美国经济政治发展引发的社会现实问题,包括“Gold Rush”。


大四美国文学期末考试题型及例题 大四美国文学期末考试题型及例题:

1.选择/对错 60分(40道选择,20个对错)

2.名词解释 10分(5个)

3.选段配对 10分(5个)


1.历史:Father / poetess…

2.名作家:Hemingway, Faulkner, Poe, Hawthorne, Emerson

3.作品:The Wasteland/Moby Dick/Scarlet Letter

1.At the age of reason and revolution, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________.A.Chartist MovementB.Romanticist Movement

C.Enlightenment MovementD.Modernist Movement

2.Which is NOT connected to Benjamin Franklin? ________

A.He was born in a poor family.B.He was a pious puritan.C.He was phrased as “Jack of all trades”.D.He was a master of diplomacy.3.Ernest Hemingway is noted for the following EXCEPT ________.A.Lost Generation

B.Iceberg theory

C.American Dream

D.Code Heroes

4.Which character is NOT from The Scarlet Letter? ________

A.Hester Prynne

B.Roger Chillingworth

C.Captain Ahab


5.Jack London’s semi-biographical novel ________ well presents the disillusionment of American Dream.A.The American Tragedy

B.The Call of the Wild

C.Martin Eden

D.The Grapes of Wrath

1.Poe’s masterpiece “To Helen” is written to memorize his deceased wife.(F)

2.The tone of “Annabel Lee” is optimistic and hopeful.(F)

3.Mark Twain's novel Jumping Frog was an artistic failure, but it gave its name to the America of the postbellum period which it attempts to satirize.(F)

4.Sister Carrie ended up in tragedy because she could not control her fate.(F)

1.It refers to the religious beliefs held by the Puritans, who had intended to “purify” or simplify the religious ritual of the Church of England.They believed in the original sin and the harsh Day of Doom, although some good people---the chosen people or “the Elect”---may be saved.(2.A literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth” in the depiction of ordinary life.It had originated in France and was very popular in 19th century.(1.Fair flower, that dost so comely grow,Hid in this silent, dull retreat,Untouched thy honeyed blossoms blow,Unseen thy little branches greet:

No roving foot shall crush thee here,No busy hand provoke a tear.2.During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the cloud hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country;and at length found myself, as the shades of evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher.I know not how it was—but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit.1.Transcendentalism


{1}As a moral philosophy, it exalted feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom.& believed in the transcendence of the“oversoul” {2}A literary movement flourishing in New England from the 1830s to the Civil war.It stresses intuitive understanding of God, without the help of the church and advocated independence of the mind.The representative writers are Emerson and Thoreau.{b}Transcendentalism exerted a dominating notion onto the major wirers of the Romantic period and its essence has been permanently absorbed into the main stream of American thought.As a moral philosophy, Transcendentalists took their ideas from the romantic literature of Europe, from neo-Platonism, from German idealistic philosophy and from the revelations of Oriental mysticism.They spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society.They believed in the transcendence of the “Oversoul”, an all-pervading power for goodness from which all things come and of which all things are a part.As a philosophical and literary

movement, Transcendentalism flourished in New England from the 1830’s to the Civil War.Its doctrines found their greatest literary advocated in Emerson, who believed that man was a part of absolute good, and in Thoreau who beheld divinity in the “unspotted innocence” of nature.It was a powerful expression of the intellectual mood of the age, and the ideas it represented have remained a strong influence on great American writers from the days of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Walt Whitman to the present.2.“The Road Not Taken”

In this poem, the author uses two roads in the woods to symbolize the choices in the real life.The author suggests us not being afraid to take a chance, not following the crowd and trying new things.Individualism is highlighted in the poem because the speaker chooses to go his own way, taking the “road less traveled”.Caution is also taken before deciding to take the “road less traveled”, for the speaker takes time to consider the other road.Commitment is symbolized in the poem because the speaker does not have second thoughts after making his decision.The last symbolized theme is accepting a challenge.It may be that the road the

speaker chooses is less traveled because it represents trials or perils.Such challengesseem to appeal to the speaker.The Road Not Taken

This poem, as many of Frost’s poems, begins with the observation of nature, as if the poet is a traveler sightseeing in nature.By the end, all the simple words condense into a serious proposition: When anyone in life is confronted with making a choice, in order to possess something worthwhile, he has to give up something which seems as lovely and valuable as the chosen one.Then, whatever follows, he must accept the consequence of his choice for it is not possible for him to return to the beginning and have another chance to choose differently.Frost is asserting that nature is fair and honest to everyone.Thus all the varieties of human destiny result from each person’s spontaneous capability of making choices.Form: The poem is very regularly structured with 4 classic 5-line stanzas, with the rhyme scheme “abaab” and in conversational rhythm.3.The Great Gatsby

Thematically,the novel is a parody of the American dream as represented by Gatsby’s pursuit for wealth and love.

(1)American Dream(derived the Puritanism)is a popular belief that people can achieve success,whether it is wealth,fame or love through honest hard working in a new world of liberty,equality,chances and promises.(e.g.Franklin, Obama)

(2)It is true that Gatsby had a huge wealth,but it was built up through illegal means—bootlegging.Daisy was the embodiment of love for Gatsby,but the Daisy in Gatsby’s illusion was not the Daisy in reality——a mindless and spiritless woman only with a beautiful appearance,who retreated to her boring but secure way of life rather than accept the responsibility at the moment of crisis.

(3)Like Franklin,Gatsby also made a time table and a list of “do’s and don'ts”.But unfortunately he did not know that the time had changed.

(4)Therefore, G’s dream is tarnished by his material possessions, much like America is now with the obsession with wealth.In any case, Gatsby would have failed to his idealistic dream inevitably, namely disillusion of American dream.Together with Martin Eden, it well presents the disillusionment of American Dream.Main ideas:

Nick Caraway, the narrator decided to leave his family in the Midwest to study bond business in New York.He took a small house at West Egg of Long Island and became a neighbor of Jay Gatsby,a mysterious man of great wealth.He resumed acquaintance with Tom Buchanan and his wife Daisy at a dinner party in their home.There he also met Jordan Baker,an attractive but arrogant young lady.He soon learned that their marriage was not happy and Tom has a mistress,Myrtle,wife of George Wilson,a garage owner in the Valley of Ashes.A few days later he was invited to Gatsby’s party.From Gatsby and later from Jordan, Nick learned of the love affair between Daisy and Gatsby before she married Tom.Gatsby then made a request of Nick:to bring Daisy to tea and meet Gatsby.At the reunion Gatsby changed from nervousness to excitement and from excitement to a remote fantasy.At a party Gatsby gave to the Buchanans,Nick and Jordan,Gatsby and Tom had a fierce quarrel over Daisy and Daisy sided with both men in turns.Then Daisy and Gatsby left in Gatsby’s car while the others followed in Tom’s.On the way Gatsby’s car knocked Myrtle dead and ran away,but he later told Nick that Daisy was driving at the time of the accident.Myrtle,thinking Tom was in the car,ran toward it and was hit.Meanwhile Mr.Wilson traced Gatsby’s car and found Gatsby's house.A few hours later both of them were found dead.Apparently Wilson shot Gatsby and then himself.Although Nick tried to make Gatsby’s funeral respectable,none of his friends came.Only Gatsby’s father appeared,still thinking that his son was a great man.On another occasion Nick met Tom and Daisy and was reluctant to shake hands with them.He already knew that it was Tom who made Wilson believe that Myrtle was Gatsby’s lover and was run over by Gatsby.Soon Nick went back to his people in the Middle West.




二:关于社会主义本质内容,科学内涵。社会主义的本质是解放生产力,发展生产了,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。科学内涵:(1)把发展社会主义生产力纳入社会主义的本质。1.从我国社会主义建设的历史经验来看,过去对什么是社会主义的问题之所以没有搞清楚,一个重要原因就是离开生产力抽象谈社会主义,误以为只要不断改变生产关系,提高共有程度就能推动生产力的发展,甚至以季节斗争为刚取代生产力发展,更没认识到社会主义还有解放生产力的问题。2.从中国具体国情看,我过还处于社会主义初级阶段,社会主义主要矛盾更加突出,解放发展生产力问题就更重要。3.从时代特征看,和平发展是当今时代的主题,新的科技革命迅速发展的条件下,世界各国都在抓住时机,加快发展,只有突出发展生产力发展在社会主义本质中作用,才能自觉的以经济建设为中心,抓住机遇不断发展,不断推进社会主义建设,并证明社会主义优越性。(2)突出情调消灭剥削消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。社会主义本质的意义:1社会主义理论把我们对社会主义的认识提高到了一个新的科技水平2 社会主义本质轮对探索怎样建设社会主义具有重要实践意义。



一:社会主义初级阶段的科学含义。1.我国社会已经是社会主义社会,我们必须坚持而不能离开社会主义。2.我国的社会主义还处在初级阶段。3.我国的社会主义初级阶段具有长期性 二:社会主义初级阶段基本路线的主要内容。1.建设“富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家”。2.一个中心,两个基本点。3.领导和团结全国各族人民。4.自力更生,艰苦创业 三:社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领。1.建设中国特色社会主义经济,就是在社会主义条件下发展市场经济,不断解放和发展生产力。实现国民经济又好又快发展,保证人民共享改革和发展成果。2.建设中国特色的社会主义政治,就是在中国共产党的领导下,在人民当家作主的基础上,依法治国,发展社会主义民主政治。实现社会安定、政府廉洁高效、全国各民族团结和睦生动活泼的政治局面。3.建设中国特色的社会主义文化,就是以马克思主义为知道,以培育有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民为目标,发展面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的、科学的、大众的社会主义文化。建设社会主义核心价值体系,推动社会主 1














































29.“和平统一、一国两制”构想的基本内容和重要意义:基本内容:1.一国两制的基础是一个中国。2.实行两种制度3.保障台港澳高度自治繁荣稳定。4.实行一国两制长期不变。5.尽最大努力争取和平统一,但不承诺放弃武力。重要意义:1.“和平统一、一国两制”构想创造性的把和平共处原则用之于解决一个国家的统一问题 2.“和平统一、一国两制”构想创造性的发展了马克思主义的国家学说。3.“和平统一、一国两制”构想体现了既坚持祖国统一、维护国家主权的原则坚定性,也体现了照顾历史实际和现实可能的策略灵活性,可以避免武力统一会造成的不良后果。4.“和平统一、一国两制”构想有利于争取社会主义现代化建设事业所需要的和平的国际环境与国内环境。5.“和平统一、一国两制”构想为解决国际争端和历史遗留问题提供了新的思路。





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