Human resource management is both science and art
Talking about human resource management, perhaps we who major in English are not quite familiar with the topic.But it is really a hit in the college subjects or the occupations which are quite hot during the high unemployment nowadays.Firstly, let me tell you the definition of Human resource management.After that, I will show you my reason why human resource management is both science and art.Human resource management is a branch of management.And the human resource is one of the five basic resource including nature, capital, information, time and human.It aims to select, train, arrange,motivate the staff to make the most of the potential and ability of the human resource.It plays a more and more active part in the business.Especially in the 21rst century when people are more liberal and willing to achieve higher aims, the human resource management department is so crucial that it determines whether the company has a promising prospect because human resource is the
premier capital.OK, now let's come to the first main part.Human resource management is something about science.All the management subjects have a long history and both exist in the east and the west.From Adam Smith, Babbage and Oven who are the pioneers to the Father of scientific management Taylor, then to the modern theory of management.It is no doubt that this subject has suffered both the criticism and the revolution.And it has developed a quite mature system.And the human resource management is no exception.Since the first time in 1945 when Peter Drucker named the Human resource management, it has been researched and written into many books.And it is also divided into many specific portions such as how to recruit the most suitable employees, let the staff show his talent as well as find his potential and to motivate them by setting the performance criteria.Besides the human resource management is a scientific subject, it is also like the art.As I have mentioned before, it has a long history and many basic
ways to manipulate, but it is a more special branch because its top concern is human.Obviously, human means us, who are not just a program or a chart which can be restricted into one standard.We , the human is characteristic for we are flexible but also unexpectable.So the problems in this area can't be only solved by the regular form or the experience ways.Every staff is distinct.And where we need the employees and what we expect from them also decide how to do the human resource work.Let me show you one example that shows different companies need different strategies.It is known to all that the multinational company GE has a wide range of branches in the whole world and it has achieved the larges or the second largest sales for many years.If you have kept an eye on this giant, you perhaps also know that it also has suffered a hard time and a prominent CEO, Jack Welch let the company come to life.What he paid the most attention to is the human resource department.He ended the permanent employment system, set a rule that if the department couldn't be the top one the its industry,it would be dismissed.This was a bold revolution.Although the past regulations had a lot of
benefits and was still adopted by many companies, Jack realized it was not applicable to such a big company like GE.So he changed it and got great success.The reason why Jack winned is that he knows human resource is more like the art which is flexible and adjusts the method towards the situation.All in all, human resource is not only the science, but also the art.Just as the saying goes,' every coin has two sides.' We should refer to the experience as well as see the flexibility when dealing with the affairs related to human resource management.
HUMANRESOUCESRECRUITMENT...TRAINING...ORGANIZATIONALDEVELOPMENT...COUELING Twelveyearsofdomesticandinternationalexperienceinexecutiverecruitmentstafftraininganddevelopment,budgetadministration,andemployeeaistanceprograms.Strongrecordofaccomplishmentsworkingwithseniormanagerstorecruithighlyqualifiedworkteamsandpersoel.Particularlysuccefuldi
rectingoutreach,persoel,andmarketingprogramsforhumanresources.Graduatedegreeiychologyandtrainingasasenior-levelychologistintheoccupationalfieldCAREERHISTORY&amACCOMPLISHMENTSEXECUTIVERECRUITER/DRAKEINTERNATIONAL.1990-PresentPRODUCTIVITYMANAGEMENTCOULTANTSydney,AustraliaandSeattle,WAWithmorethan800employees,DrakeInternationalprovidesexecutiverecruitment,staffing,sales,training,managementcoulting,andemployeeaementservicesiinecountries.ReoibleforexecutiverecruitmentandmarketinginthegreaterSeattlearea.*Namedoneoftopfiveexecutiverecruitersforthecompanyoutof70totalrecruitersworldwide.Billedover$190,000duringa12-monthperiod.*Administeredexteiveychologicaltestingandscreeningtoproectiveemployeestoeureagoodmatchbetweenalicantsandtheemployer.*SelectedbyseniormanagementtomarketandprovidetechnicaltrainingonabrandnewychologicalaementproductcalledTriage.LedmarketingefforttointroducetheproducttomajorcompaniesinthePacificNorthwestmarket.REHABILITATIONCOULTNT/ANDERS0NREHABILITATIONGROUP.1989~1990YCHOLOGISTMelbourne,Australia Andersorovidesworkrehabilitation,stremanagement,andotherhumanresourcesandychologicalservicestoindividualswhohavesufferedsomeworkinjury.Reoibleforychologicaltesting,couelingandtherapy,medicalandlegalreportwriting,businelaing,andliaisonwithcorporateemployers.*Succefullynegotiatedasignificantnumberofreturntoworkcontractswithcorporateemployers.*Namedactingmanagerforsixmonths.Duringthatperioddirectedday-to-daybusinefunctiowithnoproblemsorinterruptioiusineactivity.*Establishedanetworkofclientsanddevelopedstrongbusinerelatioforrepeatreferralbusine.Previousexperience(1986-1988)asClientServiceupervisorwithCommunityServicesVictoria,astategovernmentdepartment.Conductedtrainingprogramsandprovidedinformationonlegislationandpolicydevelopment.StartedcareerasYouthProjectsCoordinator(1983
第四篇:SAP HR人力资源管理系统[范文]
SAP HR人力资源管理系统
人力资源管理系统(Human Resources Management System,HRMS)包括人事日常事务、薪酬、招聘、企业内训、考核以及人力资源的管理也指组织或社会团体运用系统学理论方法,对企业的人力资源管理 方方面面进行分析、规划、实施、调整,提高企业人力资源管理水平,使人力资源更有效的服务于组织或团体目标。
农村人力资源信息管理系统是以现有的公安户籍管理系统为基础,汇集医疗、社保、教 育、计生、管理信息,进行一次基于农村对象的普查,采集农民的信息,为农民建立的电子化、网络化的档案共享系统。有了这个系统,农民只需带上一张卡(账 号),就能走遍全国,享受各地的相应待遇。用人单位也可以凭此了解农民工的档案资料和就业意向,实现“阳光就业”。乡镇、村以及行业主管部门,也能通过此 系统实现政务公开、事务处理、公文流转,提高涉农部门的办事效率。
战略目标是由人来实现的,人力资源在宏观层次的贡献就是确定企业员工共同持有或认 同的核心价值观,引导和塑造员工的行为,最终指向业绩目标。价值观是企业家、创业者作出的对人和组织的基本假设;而传递给公司员工进而影响员工行为的过 程,就是企业文化的建设。文化是核心价值观的扩展和具体化阐释,它使核心价值观贯彻到员工的行为中,并由此产生或影响公司的管理理念、原则及人力资源指导 思想。文化的价值在于融合硬的组织结构与软的人力资源,整合组织资源,使之成为一个整体服务于企业战略目标。
实现战略目标,必须明确企业的关键成功因素。它回答的是:为达到战略目标,企业必 须聚焦于哪些方面?这应该是我们评价企业现有活动是否有价值的根本标准。但更重要的是这些因素怎么衡量,也就是以什么标准评价绩效的问题,这是绩效管理体 系的关键。关键绩效指标(KPI)体系是已为许多著名的成功企业实践证明为行之有效的途径,是具体的人力资源操作系统与企业战略相衔接的桥梁。
我们认为,成功的企业是那些有着明确的战略目标,而又能稳步推动战略实现,在过程 中业绩不断提升的企业。全面的人力资源策略对这样的企业之所以重要,是因为它把模糊、抽象的战略、使命(通过绩效管理体系)分解、实化到当前的工作中,使 现在的行为指向现在及将来的业绩,使企业的各项活动不会因为一时的眼前利益而偏离或损害长期的关键成功因素。
譬如,在某些行业,短期销售额并不是市场地位的决定因素,长期来看,更重要的或许 是良好的信誉和品牌价值。那么,一个达到了优秀的销售业绩,但却没有努力培养客户关系的销售经理在绩效考核中应该获得很高的评价吗?短期内只关注表面结果 可能没有大的影响,但若全体员工都一直朝这个方向走,很快公司就会发现原先设定的战略目标(比如市场领先)流于形式。因此,现在的绩效管理体系就必须包括 那些与短期业绩没有直接联系,但对长期成功至关重要的评价因素,这正是我们强调的大人力资源系统区别于“小”人力资源的关键所在。
分析的结果--职位族平台体系,是建立招聘、企业内训、考核、报酬等人力资源操作 系统的共同依据。之所以称之为平台,是因为其分析结果是基本稳定的,各操作系统可以根据组织变动进行调整,但所依托的基本平台却不会轻易改变。我们认为,人力资源系统支持战略,应该是相对稳定的。如果某个企业的人力资源工作(如职位说明)经常需要进行大规模调整,那么症结一定出在缺乏平台思想上。
以上这几个层次体现了建立完整的人力资源系统的工作流程。公司远景、战略是输入 端,各操作系统是输出端,操作系统的执行保证流程的实现。这一流程对企业的意义在于,一是推动企业长期战略实现,二是促进企业近期经营业绩提升,而业绩提 升又是以推动战略实现为方向的。这也是大人力资源系统为企业贡献的价值所在。正因为每个公司都有自己的战略、文化、价值观,所以人力资源系统是个性化的。
First of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信down, when you open the自荐信personally, I will be reviewing the past efforts;when you finally close the自荐信, and perhaps will The new decision of my life journey.My name is ***, a ** to be graduated from the Baoji College of Arts and Science in Human Resource Management students.To take this career, I with a sincere heart and pursuit of the cause, in good faith, recommend their own.I know only a few sentences outlining a complete itself is not easy.I really just want to use the language of the most pure, introduced themselves as comprehensively as possible to your organization's job to express the most sincere desire.Sincere desire to be able to join your organization, a building block for your organization tomorrow, but your organization is willing to contribute their youth and wisdom.While studying at the school system to study the human resources management professional theoretical knowledge, but also a positive constant, based on solid, professional for the breadth and depth.The use of Baoji College of Arts and Science of the advantages of integrated institutions, usually outside of professional books to read to improve the individual's self-cultivation, to make their own talents to the complex direction.After school hours, to strengthen the physical training, so they have a healthy physical learning and working.I know very well that in today's society, apart from the empty theory is not enough, the need to apply the theory to practice, during the school has been actively participating in various activities to improve their ability to work with a strong sense of responsibility, able to bear hardships and stand hard, honest, confident, dedicated.And down-to-earth every effort to do one thing.professional military industrial complex in Shaanxi Shaanxi Electric open practice their theoretical knowledge to learn and practice.The past does not mean that the future is the true meaning of hard work, practical work for I believe that I was able to quickly adapt to working environment, familiar with the business, and in practical work, keep on learning and improving themselves, do their jobs.“逸兴think HUAI fighting fear, want to get sun on the sky.”