G5 广州版小学五年级英语作文

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第一篇:G5 广州版小学五年级英语作文



校园内的:Don’t walk on the grass.Don’t sleep on the bench.Don’t pick the flowers.Don’t’ leave litter.Don’t run in the class.公园内的:Don’t walk on the grass.Don’t sleep on the bench.Don’t pick the flowers.Don’t’ leave litter.Don’t take photos here.动物园内的: Don’t walk on the grass.Don’t sleep on the bench.Don’t pick the flowers.Don’t’ leave litter.Don’t take photos here.Don’t feed the animals.二、寒假旅行计划

I am going to Guangzhou Zoo.I’m going by bus.I am going with my father and mother.I like pandas very much.They are lovely.三、描述一种你喜欢的动物/我的宠物My Pet

My favourite animal is elephant.It’s strong.It has long nose.It

has small eyes.It has big ears.(I have a pet.It is a rabbit.)I like rabbit.It has red eyes.It’s white.It has long ears and short tail.It’s lovely.四、介绍你的日常作息

I get up at seven o’clock.I go to school at half past seven.I have lunch at school.I go back home at five o’clock.I go to bed at ten o’clock.

第二篇:广州版小学五年级英语 module4练习题



How _____ we _____ _____ Guangzhou ______ _______?You can get there ______ ______.2.你爸爸周五准备去做什么呢?他准备去爬山。

What ______ your _______ going to do on _________?

______ is going to _______________on ________.3.我怎样才能去到番禺香江野生动物园呢?可以坐地铁或


_______ can ______ going to the _________ _______ in


You can ______ ______ by _______ or by ________.4.你妈妈经常怎样去上班呢?她经常骑自行车去。

How ______ your ______ ________ ______to work?

_______ ________ _______ to work by ________.二、写出下列短语





9.She often ____(have)lunch at 12.10.You'd better ____(stay)in bed.一、选择题

三、根据句意,用shouldshouldn't 填空

1.You ______ take exercise every day.1、Who is the boy ____blue sweater?

A onB inC atD with2.You______ hand in your homework on time.2He is older ______ I.3.You ______ watch TV too much.A.ThanB.AndC.orD.But 4.You______ sleep in class.3.She practises _____ piano for half ___5.You ______ study hard at school.五年级下册英语M1M2试题

hour after dinner,A./aB./anC.the aD.Thean 4.Is the young man ______about his son?A.WorriesB.worryC.worriedD.worring 5.We should hand ___our homework ____time.A.OnonB.inonC.Onin 6.I'm sure she can catch up ___ his classmates.A.ofB.WithC.To7.It's time ______.A.Get upB.Getting upC.Toget up 8.What's ____with you, Janet?A.The wrongB.The matterC.Matter 9.Don't eat _____ sweets.A.Too manyB.Too muchC.Many too 10.Wake up and get ______ quickly.A.DressB.To dressC.Dressed 11.She ______ feel well today.She _____ill.A.Isn'tisB.Doesn'tisC.Don'tfeels 12.You should drink ___ of water every day.A.ManyB.LotC.Plenty


1.She _______(look)very pale today.2.She _________(not feel)hungry, She _______(not want)_________(eat)anything.3.It's late.Let's ______(run)to school ______(quickly)

4.______ she _____(have)lunch at school?

Yes.She _______(have)lunch at the school canteen.5.His hair is _____(long)than ____(I)

6.Kate often ____(practise)the piano.She is good at _____(play)the piano.7._____ your father often ____(watch)____TV in the evening.8.Look at the children.They ____(swim)in the river.四、同义转换句 1.It's time for school.It's time ____ _____ ____ school.2.He feels bad today.He _____ _____ well today.3.Get up and put on your clothers,quicky.Get up and ____ ____ ,quickly.4.He often walks to school.He often ____ to school ____ _____.5.Why doesn't Janet come to school today?Why____ Janet ____school today?

五、补全对话 A.Hello!Could I ____ to Ann, please? B.This is Ann ____.A.Hello,Ann.This is Kate.Would you ____ to play basketball _____ us? B.I'd ___ to, thanks.A.Can you come now? B.I'm ____.I'm ____ my mother clean the house ____.A.Can you come this afternoon? B.When ? A.___ half past three?

B.OK._____ you then.A.See you.

第四篇:广州版 小学英语五年级上册 M1练习题

M1习题-广州版小学英语五年级上册 请选择括号中的介词进行填空,把句子补充完整。

1)I get up at 7:30 _______(at, in, on)the morning.2)We never go shopping ______(at, in, on)the evening.3)My father usually goes to work ________(at, in, on)8:00.4)The party will begin ______(at, in, on)2:00pm.5)My birthday is _________(at, in, on)January.读一读,选择合适的词完成句子


1.--there ____a ruler in the pencil-box?--Yes, there ______

2.There_____ an elephant in the zoo.3.--_____there_____books under the desk?--Yes, there_____.4.There are______trees in the park


()1.Let_______ have a look.A.weB.meC.I

()2.---Is there a dog near the tree?---______.A.I’m not sureB.No, there’sC.OK

()3.There ______ some water in the glass.A.isB.areC.aren’t

()4.It is ______ day of the year.A.firstB.the firstC.a first

()5.Li Li and Hong Hong are happy _______each other.A.seeB.seeingC.to see

()6.There are _______ trees near the house.A.lot ofB.a lotC.lots of

()7.This pen is long, _____ that one is ______.A.and, longB.but, shortC., too

()8.--_______is in the classroom?--Helen is in the classroom.A.WhatB.WhoWhat’s


I have 3 new teachers.They are my English teacher, my P.E teacher and my Chinese teacher.Miss zhao is pretty and active.She's a university student.She's our English teacher.My P.E teacher is Mr.Chen.He's tall and strong, and he's strict, too.Miss Sun is my Chinese teacher.She's quiet.She has long hair and big eyes.(new teachers.A.twoB.threeC.four


()3.Mr.Chen is A.tallB.strongC.tall and strong

()4.Is my P.E teacher strict? A.Yes, she isB.Yes, he isC.No, he isn't

()5.Miss Sun is A.quietB.activeC.strict


小学五年级英语作文:My Hobby

My hobby is collecting stamps(集邮).There are many stamps in my room.I like stamps very much.There are many things on the stamps.They are colorful and beautiful.After school I usually go to the post office and there are many people there.I learn a lot from collecting stamps.I like collecting stamps very much.My favourite Food

Ilikesweet food.So,I like chocolate cake the best.Chocolate cake issweetanddelicious.I also like apples, bananas and watermeals.They are all my favouritefood。

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