
时间:2019-05-15 15:41:36下载本文作者:会员上传



1.assist Mom with her chores 帮妈妈做家务

2.prepare dinner 准备晚餐

3.do the laundry 洗衣服

4.do yoga exercising 做瑜伽练习

5.iron clothes 熨衣服

6.wash the shirt by hand 用手洗这件衬衫

7.wash that dirt off your clothes 把你衣服上的脏东西洗掉

8.clean up the room清理房间

9.wipe the table 擦桌子

10.mop the floor 拖地

11.clean the bedding 清扫床铺

12.take out the trash 扔垃圾

13.get my bits and pieces together 收拾一下我的零散东西

14.spend all his spare time with his parents 他把所有闲暇的时间都用来陪父母

15.like to play with my pet 喜欢和我的宠物玩

16.switch on/off TV 打开、关上电视

17.watch a cartoon/ fashion show/ soap opera 看动画片、时尚表演、肥皂剧

18.go water skiing 去滑水

19.go outing 去郊游

20.go bike-riding 骑自行车远足

21.go backpacking in the mountains 去山里徒步旅行

22.go climbing 去爬山

23.go on a long hike 进行长途徒步旅行

24.go cycling in the field 到野外骑车

25.work out in the gym 在健身房锻炼身体

26.practice jogging 慢跑

27.wander through the streets 漫步街头

28.enjoy the sun and the sea 享受阳光和海景

29.get up early to sniff the fresh morning air.早起呼吸早晨的新鲜空气

30.take part in scheduled activities 参加计划好的活动

31.have fun with each other at his birthday party 在他的生日聚会上大家玩得很开心

32.play chess/ baseball/the piano

33.go to the library 去图书馆

34.go to concerts 听音乐会

35.visit museums/art galleries/ an exhibition of Chinese paintings 参观博物馆/美术馆/中国画画展

36.spend his free time learning to dance/sing 他用业余时间来学习跳舞、唱歌

37.join the club 加入俱乐部

38.crowd into the cinema 挤进电影院

39.attend the painting course 参加绘画班

40.be proud of its reputation 为它的声誉而自豪

41.afford tuition 负担学费

42.quit school 辍学

43.attend university 上大学

44.receive her graduation certificate 领取毕业证书

45.go to nursery school 上托儿所

46.receive a good education 接受良好的教育

47.a graduate in law 一名法律系大学毕业生

48.an enjoyable experience 一次愉快的经历

49.a particularly delightful event 一件特别让人高兴的事

50.a boarding school 一所寄宿学校

51.a private school 一所私立学校

52.an outstanding school 一所知名学校

53.dream school 理想的学校

54.I appreciate your help very much.感激你的帮助

55.I am grateful for your generosity.我很感激你的慷慨

56.apologize for being late/ the mistake 为迟到/错误道歉

57.forgive me for…

58.send messages of congratulations 发去贺信

59.congratulate him on passing the exam 祝贺他通过考试

60.break the rules违反规则

61.spit everywhere 随地吐痰

62.express in words 用言语表达

63.chat with my e=friend 与我的网友聊天

64.wave his hand 挥手

65.greet each other 相互问好

66.greet him with a smile 微笑着和他打招呼

67.shake hands with him 同他握手

68.nod with a smile 微笑着点头

69.bow to each other 互相鞠躬

70.discuss the matter reasonably 理性的讨论问题

71.quarrel with each other 互相争吵

72.I speak on behalf of Mary.我代表Mary发言

73.consult for their advice 征求他们的建议

74.put forward a solution 提出解决的办法

75.follow your parents’ advice 听出你父母的建议

76.sort the problem out 解决问题

77.reply to the letter 回信

78.look forward to your reply 期待着你的回复

79.lose touch with each other for ages 彼此好久没联系

80.keep in touch with her by e-mail 通过电子邮件同他保持联系

81.entertain the guests 招待客人

82.friendly atmosphere 友好的氛围

83.exchange presents 交换礼物

84.hold a house warming party 举办一个庆祝乔迁之喜的晚会

85.meet up with/ run into /come across sb.意外遇到某人

86.I happened to bump into her along the way 我只是碰巧遇到了她。

87.charity activities 慈善活动

88.a charity party 慈善义演

89.recruit volunteers 招募志愿者

90.provide financial help 提供经济帮助

91.welfare workers 慈善工作者

92.get involved with charity work 参与慈善活动

93.raise money for charity 为慈善事业募捐

94.call on more people to help the children 呼吁更多的人帮助孩子们

95.improve the quality of life 提高生活质量

96.It is my mission in life to help the patients.帮助病人是我一生的使命。

97.表示制定计划:make a plan, plan to do sth., think of doing sth.;decide to,intend to, make up one’s mind to

do,98.make arrangements for our vacation 为我们的假期做安排

99.make sure of the time and place 确认时间和地点

100.carry out the play 执行计划

101.go ahead with the plan 继续执行计划

102.cancel the appointment 取消约会

103.practical choices 实际的选择

104.on second thought 再仔细想一想

105.pay in cash/ pay off with cash 用现金结账

106.pay the expenses 支付费用

107.spend all your allowance 花光你的零用钱

108.click the mouse to choose 点击鼠标选择…

109.order…through online stores 在网店定购…

110.deliver goods to the customers 送货上门

111.not genuine, imitating something superior 不是真的,以次充好

112.shop around to get a good buy 货比三家

113.it’s easy to be cheated when doing shopping online.网上购物容易上当受骗

114.reserve a table 预定餐厅

115.be slightly injured 轻伤

116.have a broken arm 胳膊骨折

117.twist his ankle 扭伤他的脚踝

118.my nose is bleeding 鼻子在流血

119.fall sick with flu 患了流感

120.have a sore throat 嗓子疼

121.feel faint 觉得四肢无力

122.feel dizzy 感到头晕

123.have a toothache/ stomachache/ headache

124.an expert on losing weight 一位减肥专家

125.have to diet to lose weight 必须节食减肥

126.combine our diets with exercise 把饮食和锻炼结合起来

127.consult a doctor 咨询医生

128.go to see a surgeon 去看外科医生

129.wait in line 排队等待

130.It is impolite to cut in line.插队是不礼貌的。

131.Don’t drop litter everywhere.不要到处扔垃圾。

132.pick the waste paper up 将废纸捡起来

133.obey/break the traffic rules 遵守/违反交通规定

134.look out for the red light 当心红灯

135.pay attention to the traffic lights 注意交通灯

136.wait at the zebra crossing for the traffic lights to turn green 在人行横道上等交通灯变绿 137.choke on a fish bone 被鱼刺卡住

138.the train jumped the track.火车出轨了

139.one car crashed into another.一辆汽车撞上了另一辆

140.she slipped on the ice.她在冰上滑到了。

141.he was knocked over by a car.他被一辆车撞倒

142.the car broke down on the way to the seaside.在去海边的路上车子抛锚了。

143.The Nuclear Leak occurred from a nuclear power plant in Japan.日本核电站发生核泄漏。144.come to life 舒醒过来

145.dial 120 拨打120急救电话

146.call an ambulance 叫一辆救护车

147.call for help in emergencies 在紧急情况下寻求帮助

148.arrive at the scene 到达现场

149.regardless of danger 不顾危险

150.wind a bandage 用绷带包扎

151.take the prompt action 采取及时措施

152.place an icepack on the wound 将冰袋放到伤口上。

153.save the boy from drowning 抢救溺水的男孩

154.hold the bandage in place 把绷带绑在适当的位置。

155.applaud wildly 拼命地鼓掌

156.touch the audience 打动观众

157.a refreshing world 令人耳目一新的世界

158.refresh my memory about…让我想起…

159.annual race 每年一次的比赛

160.track and field 田径运动

161.50 meters dash 50米短跑

162.run around the track 绕着跑道跑步

163.announce the winner 宣布获胜者

164.a tough event 一场艰难的比赛

165.a close game 一场势均力敌的比赛

166.win glory for himself 为他自己赢得荣耀

167.compete against each other 互相竞争

168.stand out in a competition 在比赛中脱引而出

169.organize a trip 组织旅行

170.at a travel agency 在旅行社

171.book a hotel 预定一家旅馆

172.pack a suitcase 收拾行李箱

173.pack up my stuff in the suitcase 把我的东西打包到行李箱

174.carry your luggage 携带行李

175.a tourist brochure 旅游手册

176.offer accommodation 提供住宿

177.register at a hotel 登记入住旅馆

178.make an arrangement 做出安排

179.change the timetable 更改时间表

180.queue for hours to buy a ticket 排几小时的队买票

181.leave for Paris 动身去巴黎

182.set off straight away 马上出发

183.get around the city by taxi 乘出租车逛这座城市

184.on our departure from New York 在我们离开纽约时

185.scenic spots 景区

186.a famous sightseeing spot 一处著名的旅游景点

187.beautiful scenes 美丽的风景

188.fantastic mountain scenery 迷人的山景

189.absolutely fantastic sights 绝对漂亮的景色

190.I was hooked on the beauty of the nature.我被大自然的美迷住了。

191.visit temples and caves 参观庙宇和山洞

192.the most unique theme park 最独特的主题公园

193.visit an awesome historical site 参观一处非常棒的历史名胜

194.The Great Wall is an instantly recognizable landmark.万里长城是一眼就可认出的地标 195.lose the luggage 弄丢了我的行李

196.stay in order 保持秩序

197.direct the traffic 指挥交通

198.traffic jam 交通堵塞

199.give me a lift to the church 顺便载我到教堂

200.pick me up at the train station 在火车站接我201.departure time of the flight 航班起飞的时间

202.follow the route 沿着路线走

203.post a letter 寄信

204.call him in advance 提前给打电话

205.group sending short messages 短信群发

206.scan the blog articles 浏览博客文章

207.chat on the microblog 在微博上聊天

208.communications online cost the least money.在线交流花费最少。

209.master a foreign language 掌握一门外语

210.the biggest barrier to success in learning a foreign language 外语学习成功的最大障碍 211.have a good command of English idioms 熟练掌握英语习语

212.make apparent progress in 在…取得明显进步

213.he has a good grasp of English language.他精通英语。

214.refer to the dictionary 参照词典

215.expand the vocabulary 扩展词汇

216.enrich/enlarge your vocabulary 丰富词汇量

217.set reasonable goals制订合理的目标

218.consult reference books 查阅参考书 219.sort the waste 垃圾分类 220.collect garbage 收集垃圾

221.recycle empty tins 回收空罐头盒



1.set down 记下;写下

2.in the first place 首先;第一;原先

3.burst into sth.突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物 4.centre on/upon 将某人(某事物)当作中心或重点 5.concentrate on 专心致志于 6.Tour de France 环法自行车赛

7.keep track of 记录;掌握……的线索;保持对……的联系 8.stand out 突出;出色

9.be diagnosed with...被确诊患有……(疾病)10.in a row 连续,一连串

11.lead sb.to do sth.致使某人做某事 12.apply for 提出申请(或要求等)

13.make for 走向;向……前进;有利于,有助于;倾向于 14.get a better understanding of...更充分地理解…… 15.head down to...向……进发,动身 16.hang ten(冲浪运动中)作十趾吊 17.in the name of 以……的名义;代表 18.push on(with sth.)毅然继续(做某事)19.run out of 耗尽;用光

20.apart from...除……外(尚有)21.set sail(to/from/for...)起航 22.compete for 为……而竞争 23.in search of 寻找

24.give birth to 生;产生

25.as long as(表示条件)只要……

26.at the height of 在……顶点;在(事业等)的高峰 27.for once and always 一劳永逸地 28.be made up of 由……构成;组成

29.as a consequence(of)作为(……的)结果 30.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦 31.go walkabout到灌木丛中闲逛

32.break out(指激烈事件)突然发生

33.feed...on给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养 34.round up使集合在一起

35.stand for代表,代替;象征,意味着

36.have a strong/great influence on...对……有重大影响 37.benefit from...从……受益 38.differ from...和……不同 39.be fond of喜欢

40.have fun with开玩笑 41.set foot on踏上

42.give birth to生;产生 43.in area在面积上 44.keep out(使)在外 45.all the year round终年

46.have access to接近(或进入)的方法(或权利、机会等)47.on a large scale大规模地;大范围地 48.pass away去世;逝世 49.belong to属于

50.base...on...把……基于…… 51.at first sight 乍一看(之下)52.be born into 出身于

53.have an appetite for 爱好…… 54.look out for 照料,照看……

55.put together 把……放在一起;把……加在一起 56.work out 做出;设计出;制订出;算出 57.make contributions to 对……作出贡献 58.adapt to 适应

59.take into consideration 考虑到,顾及

60.in charge(of)处于控制或支配地位;负责 61.hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的 62.get across 传播;为人理解

63.appeal to 有吸引力;呼吁;上诉

64.keep an eye out for sb./sth.留心或注意某人或某物 65.make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通 66.apply...to...运用;应用 67.lose heart 泄气;灰心

68.take it easy 别紧张;放松点

69.keep up 维持;保持;使某事物处于高水平70.common sense 常识;情理 71.leave behind 忘带;留下 72.lose one’s way 迷路

73.come to an end 结束;中止

74.live through sth.经历某事物而幸存 75.tie up 系;拴;捆 76.at stake 在危险中

77.go for 为……去努力获取 78.lose weight 减肥

79.be to blame 该受责备;应负责

80.be upset about...(对……感到)不安的;不快的;心烦意乱的

81.associate...with...使发生联系;使联合 82.protect...from...保护……免于……

83.be promoted with(用……手段来)宣传,推销

84.create/form a positive image of 塑造/形成一个正面的形

85.point out 指出

86.think twice 重新考虑 87.believe in 相信;信仰

88.set off for...出发,动身到…… 89.be accustomed to习惯于…… 90.on all fours 匍匐,趴着 91.come to a decision 决定下来

92.come to an agreement 达成一致;达成协议 93.come to a conclusion 告终;下结论

94.take up 拿起;着手处理;开始(从事于)95.care for 喜爱;照顾

96.leave alone 不管;随……去 97.in want of 需要

98.close up(尤指暂时)关闭;使靠近99.care about 介意……,在乎,关心 100.safety standards 安全标准 101.working conditions 工作条件 102.social conscience 社会道德 103..a poor excuse 一个差劲的借口 104.bring in 赚入……;获利 105.be badly-off 生活穷困 106.fall asleep 入睡

107.have no eye for 不关心;不在意 108.far from 远离;一点也不

109.comment on 评论,批评,解释

110.in face of 面对……,在……面前,不顾…… 111.in favor of 支持……,赞同……;为有利于…… 112.in praise of 称赞……

113.in hope of 抱着……的希望 114.in charge of 掌管,负责

115.in memory of 为了纪念;为追悼…… 116.in honor of 为了纪念 117.in search of 搜寻 118.in need of 需要 119.turn down 拒绝 120.as follows 如下

121.end up in 以……告终,以……为结局 122.one by one 一个接一个地;逐个地 123.date back to(时间)追溯到 124.get it wrong 误解 125.on the contrary 相反的是;反而 126.toast to 干杯;祝酒

127.make sense of 弄懂……的意思 128.in other words 换句话说;换言之 129.take risks 冒险

130.experiment with 进行试验;进行实验 131.piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大团 132.fall behind 落后于

133.come across(偶然)遇见 134.make progress 取得进步

135.adjust...to...调整……;调解…… 136.as a consequence 因此

137.regardless of 不顾,不管,不拘 138.take place 发生

139.thanks to 多亏了,由于 140.wake up 醒来;叫醒

141.stay up 挺住;坚持不睡觉

142.broaden one’s horizons 开阔眼界 143.in the beginning 开始;起初 144.lay off 解雇;不理会;使下岗

145.make matters worse 使情况更困难或更危险146.get rid of 摆脱

147.make ends meet 使收支相抵;量入为出 148.be devoted to 献身……的;专心于……的 149.play a role in 在……中起作用 150.medical treatment 医疗

151.reach a decision 决定下来;下结论 152.aim at 瞄准;针对;目的在于

153.take measures to...采取措施来(做)…… 154.make a living 谋生

155.depend on 依靠;取决于

156.live on 以……为主食;靠……生活

157.prevent...from...阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍 158.provide...for...为……提供…… 159.meet the needs of 满足……的需要 160.be burdened with...使负重担

161.put pressure on...给……施压,增添压力 162.state-owned companies 国有企业 163.lose weight 减肥

164.ready-made clothes 成衣 165.make fun of 取笑某人

166.attend to 处理;照顾;关照 167.take pride in 对……感到自豪 168.do up 打扮;梳妆

169.let down 不支持;使失望

170.at length 最后;终于;详细地 171.at a time 一次

a)go far(人)大有前途;成功 172.come into being 形成 173.as to 关于

174.be accused of 被控诉,控告;被指责,谴责 175.et free 使获得自由;释放

176.refer to 参考;涉及;谈到;指的是 177.turn to 转向,变成;求助于 178.adapt to 使适应,使适和

179.get accustomed to 变得习惯于 180.for a moment 片刻;暂时 181.live through 度过;经受住

182.break out in tears 突然大哭起来

183.cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切断;隔绝 184.tear at 撕,扯……

185.lay off 解雇;不理会;使下岗

186.make matters worse 使情况更困难或更危险 187.get rid of 摆脱

188.make ends meet 使收支相抵;量入为出 189.be devoted to 献身……的;专心于……的 190.play a role in 在……中起作用 191.medical treatment 医疗

192.reach a decision 决定下来;下结论 193.aim at 瞄准;针对;目的在于

194.take measures to...采取措施来(做)…… 195.make a living 谋生

196.depend on 依靠;取决于

197.live on 以……为主食;靠……生活

198.prevent...from...阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍 199.provide...for...为……提供…… 200.meet the needs of 满足……的需要 201.be burdened with...使负重担

202.put pressure on...给……施压,增添压力 203.state-owned companies 国有企业 204.lose weight 减肥

205.ready-made clothes 成衣 206.make fun of 取笑某人

207.attend to 处理;照顾;关照 208.take pride in 对……感到自豪 209.do up 打扮;梳妆 210.let down 不支持;使失望

211.at length 最后;终于;详细地 212.at a time 一次

213.go far(人)大有前途;成功 214.come into being 形成

a)as to 关于

b)be accused of 被控诉,控告;被指责,谴责 c)set free 使获得自由;释放

d)refer to 参考;涉及;谈到;指的是 e)turn to 转向,变成;求助于 f)adapt to 使适应,使适和

g)get accustomed to 变得习惯于 h)for a moment 片刻;暂时 i)live through 度过;经受住

j)break out in tears 突然大哭起来

k)cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切断;隔绝 l)tear at 撕,扯……

m)stick with继续支持;保持联系 n)through thick and thin 不顾艰难 o)pull out of从……中退出 p)cater to满足某种需要或要求

q)for the sake of由于;为了……的利益 r)in reality事实上;实际上 s)keep an eye on 照料;照管

t)take sth.into account考虑;体谅 u)as a whole 总的说来;作为整体 v)once again再一次

w)live up to依照……行事;做到;不辜负(期望)x)accept...as...认为……

y)on one’s own独自,靠自己,独立 z)the majority of大多数;大部分 aa).a pie chart饼状图 bb).a bar chart柱状图

cc).match...to...使……(和……)调和,相配 dd)be suspected of 被猜疑,被怀疑

ee).take measures to...采取措施(做……)ff).be familiar with 对……熟悉 gg).be made up of构成;组成 hh).count...as...把……认为…… ii)on the other hand 另一方面 jj).attach to 伴随……

kk).be aware of 察觉到,感觉到,获悉 ll)be suitable for适合做……

mm).guard...against...守护……(免于……),保护 nn)make the best use of充分利用 oo)on the surface 表面上的,外表上 pp)as a matter of fact 实际上 215.be satisfied with 对……满意 216.lose face 失面子

217.by means of以……,借着…… 218.put...to use使用,用,利用 219.in demand有需要的;吃香的 220.so as to为了,目的是 221.sit for参加(考试)

222.concentrate on 集中;专心;专注 223.to begin with首先;第一;起初 224.drop out(of)(从活动、竞赛等中)退出;辍学 225.result in产生某种作用或结果 226.be skeptical of怀疑

227.take in把(某人)带进;领入 228.rely on依赖;依靠

229.as far as(远)至(某处);到……程度 230.lifelong learning 终身学习

231.work out解决;计算出;详细拟订 232.have a lot in common有很多共同之处 233.be suited for适合做……,对……适宜 234.take place发生,产生;进行,举行 235.turn down拒绝,不接受 236.be set in以……为背景 237.pass on传递

238.go wrong不对头,出毛病;失败 239.except for除……之外;若无 240.be in love with爱上某人 241.learn about听到,获悉

242.take one’s revenge on sb.for sth.因某事向某人报仇 243.break into pieces(使)成为碎片 244.keep...out of使……置身于外 245.at the time of在……的时候 246.turn out 结果(是),证明(是),原来(是)247.as for关于,至于 248.at times有时,不时

249.get straight to the point直奔主题 250.varieties of各种各样的

251.to one’s surprise让某人吃惊的是 252.as soon as一……就……

253.one after another一个接一个地,连续不断地

254.come to light显露出来,暴露 255.over and over again

256.tell...apart一再;多次;反复 257.get hold of抓住;拿住;握住

258.make a beeline for径直朝……走去

259.as a matter of fact事实上;说真的;实际上 260.keep in touch保持联系

261.feast on大吃大喝;享受美食

262.make a distinction between...and...区分;区别 263.make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通 264.apply for申请;请求

265.straight away立刻地;毫不犹豫地

266.fit in(with)与……相适应;与……相协调 267.hold back退缩;踌躇

268.take a while用一些(一段)时间 269.approve of赞同;赞许

270.have sth.in common with sb.和某人有共同之处 271.take part in参与;参加

272.make contributions to为……作出贡献

273.Secretary General of the United Nations联合国秘书长274.make a difference有关系;有影响;有意义 275.be eager to do sth.渴望做……

276.open up打开,张开;开发;开辟;揭露;展现 277.at times有时,不时

278.as a consequence结果;后果 279.be due to 应归于

280.become involved in使卷入,使陷入;拖累 281.make the adjustment to适应于 282.take off脱下;(飞机)起飞 283.put on穿上,戴上

284.be popular with受(某人)欢迎 285.get in touch with和……取得联系 286.dream of梦想;向往 287.make use of利用

288.set up树立;开办;设立;创立;建立 289.as well as也,又

290.come true实现,达到 291.be up to胜任,适于





Para3: 结论(feeling)



Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate

 At 8 o’clock in the morning we set off …. Upon arrival / arriving there, we ….…. Two hours later…/ at noon…/ in the afternoon…

 After getting the work done, we…(分词作时间状语)

 Late in the afternoon we…/ We didn’t ….until…..分组活动/劳动场面:Some did sth….some did sth…and others did sth ….The first group did sth…The second group did sth…

One of the students did sth…The rest did sth…

罗列顺序:First …,Then / next / After that …

What’s more /Besides

Finally / Eventually


 一句话点题:

 Last Thursday , we had a heated discussion about where to go for our spring

outing/for a trip. Last Friday was unforgettable because our class had/ organized/held a meaningful

activity on how to protect our environment. Today my classmates and I went to the nearby community to do…/ to pay a visit

to…and we had a meaningful experience.出发

 Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate and went there on foot. The next day, we set off early in the morning with high spirits and went there by bus. All the students in our class got together in the morning and set out to the destination

by bike.到达

 Upon arrival, we were divided into two groups and began to work immediately/at

once. Upon arriving there, everybody set out to work immediately.劳动场面

Some did sth….some did sth…and others did sth ….The first group did sth…The second group did sth…One of the students did sth…The rest did sth…

 Some students dug holes, and some students planted young trees and other studentswatered them.  Although all of us were sweating, nobody wanted to have a rest. Time went by/ time flew!

 After getting the task completed, / After getting the work done ,we all had a sense of achievement. When the work was done , the room looked neat and tidy.劳动后的感受

1.Tired as we were, we felt happy because we did a good deed / because we made

contributions to the community / because all of our work paid off.It was such a meaningful activity / day that we would remember it forever.2.We feel it's our duty to protect and beautify our environment.It is our duty to save energy/ take care of the elderly.3.This activity definitely enriched my after-school life experience and broadened my horizons as well.It was such a meaningful activity / day that we would remember it forever.4.We are so proud of our great work and we have decided that we will carry out the activity every year.话题词汇

社区服务/创建和谐社会话题 1.pay a visit to…参观/拜访2.go to … for an outing出游

3.give sb.a warm welcome热烈欢迎 4.help sb do sth / with sth…帮助 5.social service社会服务6.do some cleaning清理环境 7.have a picnic / rest 野餐、休息 8.show sb.around…带领参观

9.put on / give performances演节目 10.have a good time / enjoy oneself开

11.be in order有序的12.live in harmony生活和谐,13.help each ether互助,14.care for each other互相关心,15.have deep love for 热爱16.be concerned with 关心

17.build up a harmonious society 创建


18.cherish the fruits of labor珍惜劳动


19.take an active part in积极参与20.no pains, no gains.不劳无获。

it is honorable to … …是光荣的 21.do a thorough cleaning 大扫除 22.sweep the floor 扫地 23.mop the floor 墩地

24.clean the windows 擦窗户

25.be divided into two groups被分成两组


1.protect the environment 保护环境2.plastic bags 塑料袋

3.environmentally friendly bags环保袋

4.throw rubbish here and there/scatter garbage乱丢垃圾 5.pick up the litter/ rubbish 捡垃圾 6.classify the rubbish 分类垃圾

7.put the rubbish into the(non-)recycling bin 把垃圾仍进垃圾箱 8.reduce pollution减少污染

9.beautify the environment 美化环境 10.do good to/ be good for对…有益 11.do harm to / be bad for对…有害

12.save water / electricity/energy节水,节电 /省能源 13.live a low carbon life 低碳生活 14.cut down trees砍伐树木15.waste resource浪费资源16.turn off/ switch off the lights关灯17.improve the environment改善环境

18.improve the qualities of life 提升生活质量

19.raise people’s environmental awareness提高人们的环保意识 20.be fully aware of the danger充分意识到危险

21.take active and effective measures to control pollution采取积极有效措施控污染 22.form good habits to protect the surroundings养成良好的习惯来保护环境 23.dig holes /plant trees/ water trees 挖坑/种树/


1.get on well with sb./sth.与某人相处的好、某事进展顺利 2.work hard at … 在…方面努力 ·to concentrate on… 专注于 3.be keen on /be fond of热衷于,非常喜爱 4.be willing to help others乐意帮助别人 5.get on well with sb与某人相处融洽 6.be good at / to do well in … 擅长7.be poor at / be weak in … 在…方面差 8.make progress in …在…方面取得进步

9.fail /pass the examination(没有)通过考试 10.succeed in… 取得成功11.hear from sb.收到某人来信

12.apologize to sb.for…因为…向某人道歉 13.explain sth.to sb.向某人解释14.be active in…在…方面积极

15.take an active part in … 积极参与 16.learn… by heart 记住,背下来 17.work out a problem 解出一道题

18.win the first prize / get the first place in the competition 在比赛中得一等奖 19.look up the dictionary查字典

20.have a good command of English英文很好

have a wide range of knowledge有广泛的知识 21.have a talent for有…才能22.be skilled in在…方面熟练

23.be strict with sb.对某人要求严格24.praise sb for sth … 因为…表扬某人 25.blame sb for sth..因为…责备某人 26.give advice on … 就…提出建议

27.devote one’s time to / spend time in doing sth /on sth在…上花时间 28.turn a deaf ear to对… 充耳不闻

29.have difficulty / trouble doing 做…有困难30.be prepared for / to do 准备好

31.set about doing / set out to do 开始着手做…

32.attend / take part in/ participate in an English Speech Contest 参加演讲比赛 33.listen to the teacher attentively 认真听讲 34.take notes carefully认真记笔记 35.a variety of activities 各种活动 36.take exercise / do sports 锻炼身体 37.be absorbed in 全神贯注于 38.be addicted to 沉溺于


1.go for an outing / a picnic 去郊游/野餐2.go sightseeing 观光

3.enjoy/ appreciate the scenery/ view of nature欣赏大自然的风景 4.keep healthy / fit保持健康5.relax oneself放松身心6.reduce pressure 缓解压力

7.strengthen/build up the body锻炼身体8.meet the demand / need符合需要 9.break the ice打破沉默

10.take measures/action采取措施(行动)11.develop / get into the habit of… 养成…习惯 12.raise the standard of living提升生活水平13.have a deep understanding of有很深的了解 14.follow the fashion/trend跟随潮流15.have a chat with聊天

16.have a great influence on有很大的影响17.have a good/bad effect on 对。。产生好的/坏的影响 18.make a deep impression on予人很深的印象 19.make a fool of sb.愚弄20.make an excuse找借口

21.get into trouble 陷入困境22.help sb out 帮某人摆脱困境 23.do some good deeds 做好事24.offer help 提供帮助

25.insist on doing sth.坚持要做某事26.regret doing sth.后悔做过某事

27.keep / prevent / stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事 28.give one a lift给人搭便车 29.kill time消磨时间

30.keep in / to lose touch with保持/失去联络

31.be caught / to get stuck in a traffic jam遇到交通阻塞 32.take the place of取代

33.spare no effort to do / to make every effort to do不遗余力 34.take the pains to do不辞辛劳35.live in harmony 生活和谐

36.take regular exercise 有规律的运动37.have proper diet 合理的饮食 38.have a sleepless night 彻夜未眠

感观与思维活动常见表达方式1.catch sight of … 看见

2.see / hear sb do(doing)看到 / 听到某人(正在)做… 3.take notice of … 注意到

4.take…into consideration / account考虑到 5.have a good understanding of … 对…很了解 6.consider / regard … to be … 认为7.come to know…开始了解到 8.realize that … 意识到9.be filled with joy充满喜悦10.tired of 厌烦

11.be delighted / to take delight / to take a pleasure in doing… 以…为乐12.be worried / upset / concerned about…对…担忧 13.feel excited about…对…感到兴奋

14.feel surprised /shocked / astonished at …对…感到吃惊/震惊15.be sorry / regretful for …对…感到遗憾

16.pleased / satisfied / content with …对…感到满意 17.look forward to doing… / to long for… 期待…

18.be eager to do / to have a strong desire to do …渴望做… 19.make up one’s mind / to be determined to do … 决定做… 20.feel refreshed精神抖擞

21.relieve the tension and anxiety解除紧张和焦虑 22.energetic精力充沛的23.be bored感到无聊

24.be encouraged / inspired感到振奋、受到鼓舞

25.be discouraged / frustrated感到气馁26.be tired out感到十分疲倦

27.be disturbed / bothered感到烦恼28.lose patience失去耐心29.lose heart失去信心


1.speak / think highly of… 对…评价高 2.broaden the horizon开拓视野 3.broaden the mind开拓心胸 4.realize one's ambition实现抱负 5.keep one's promise守信用

6.keep up with the times跟上时代

7.be concerned about the society关心社会8.fulfill one's duty尽到责任

9.faced/confronted with the difficulty面临困难

10.get through the difficulties / to weather the storm渡过困境 11.stick to the principle坚守原则12.escape the reality逃避现实

13.pull oneself together / to take heart振作 14.take / shoulder the responsibility承担责任 15.take / seize the opportunity把握机会 16.set a good example to sb树立楷模

17.be independent / to stand on one's own自立 18.achieve one’s goal达到目标19.realize one’s dream 实现梦想


Senior One高一词组 Unit 1---4 1.be into 对……极感兴趣 2.surf the Internet 网上冲浪 3.be fond of 喜欢

4.a deserted island 一个荒岛 5.hunt for 搜索, 寻找

9.care about 关心, 关爱, 担心

11.drop sb.a line 给某人写信(指短信)13.make oneself at home 别客气

14.in total 总共

17.international organization 国际组织 18.the number of ……的数量

19.come about 发生

20.end up with 以……告终

21.written(spoken)English 书面(口头)

22.more or less 或多或少

23.have difficulty in(doing sth.)在……方面有困难24.bring in 带来, 引进

25.a great many 很多, 许许多多

26.except for 除……外 27.stay up 熬夜, 不睡

28.get away from 远离 30.on the beach 在海滩上

31.get close to nature 接近自然 32.watch out 小心, 注意

34.life jacket 救生衣

35.see sb.off 到火车站、飞机场等为某人送行

36.combine…with 把……结合起来

42.sweep down 席卷, 掠过

43.pull sb.up 把某人曳起来

44.get on one’s feet 站立起来

46.with a look of fright 面显惧色

47.travel agent 旅行社

48.a two--day trip 一个两天的旅行

50.in a second 很快

51.go through 通过, 经受, 仔细检查 52.all the time 一直

53.be on a flight 飞行

54.all alone 独自

55.develop a friendship 增进友谊

56.share happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦 57.make friends with 交朋友

58.on board 上飞机(船)


59.fly all the way directly to 直飞

60.the majority of 大多数

61.a knowledge of English 英语知识 62.go on separate holidays 独自旅行

63.take exercise 进行体育锻炼 64.experience life 体验生活

65.host the 2008 Olympics 主办2008年奥运会

Unit 5---8 1.play a role 扮演角色

3.be afraid to 害怕做……

5.go wrong 做错路, 误入歧途;出毛病 6.can’t help doing 忍不住, 情不自禁

8.primary school 小学

9.take one’s place 代替某人的位置

10.lock up 锁起来

11.run after 追赶

12.appear live on the air 出现在电视上

13.make comments on 在…方面做评论

14.think highly of 对……高度评价

15.win Oscar for the Best Actress 获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖

16.take off 脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞;成功, 成名

17.win sb.a job as a director 获得一份导演的工作

18.owe success to sb.把成功归功于某人 20.in one’s own words 用某人自己的语言

21.make a good impression on 留下好印象

23.a little bit 稍微, 有点儿

24.keep silent 保持沉默

25.take a sip 喝一小口

26.follow the fashion 赶时髦

27.leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑

28.stare at 盯着

29.make jokes about disabled people 嘲笑残疾人

30.a thank-you letter 一封感谢信

31.introduce…to… 把……介绍给……

32.apologise to sb.for… 因为……向某人道歉

33.drink to one’s health 为某人的健康干杯

34.the custom of toasting 敬酒的习惯 35.have good manners 有礼貌

36.serve sb.with a meal 招待某人吃饭 37.be based on 以……为基础

39.look like something out of fairy tale 看起来像童话里的东西

40.under attack 受到攻击

41.in ruins 变成废墟 42.in pieces 破碎了 43.bring…back to life 恢复生机

44.come true 实现

45.make one’s voice heard 使人听见自己的声音 47.the number of the visitors 旅客的数量 48.give in 投降

49.give up 放弃

50.pull down 拆毁

51.every four years 每四年

53.track and field 田径

54.have effects on 对……有影响 55.facial expressions 面部表情

56.stand for 代表, 象征

57.the host city 主办城市

58.compete for medals 角逐奖牌 59.in modern times 在现代

60.rank the third 位居第三

61.the best ever games最好的运动会 62.in preparation for 为……做准备 Unit 9---12 1.add to 增加

2.stay in touch with 保持联系 3.call for help 呼救

4.in case of emergency 在紧急情况下

6.take over 接管, 接收 7.break down 毁掉, 坏掉 9.on the go 忙碌,(整天)奔忙

10.remind sb.of / about sth.使某人想起… 11.have fun 取乐

12.come up with a peaceful solution 提出和平解决的办法 14.in danger 处于危险中 15.make sure 保证, 弄清楚

16.die out 灭绝

17.the solution to the problem 问题的解决办法 18.take turns doing sth.轮流做某事 19.keep sb.from doing sth.止某人做某事

20.do as what sb.says 按某人说的去做

21.take measures 采取措施

22.be used to the environment习惯与四 周的环境 23.adapt to the change 适应变化

24.devote oneself to 献身于, 专注于 26.lead to 导致

27.make a great difference 很大的影响

28.at present 目前 29.set free 释放 30.live in the wild 野生

31.during festivals 在节日期间

33.have much in common 有很多共同之处 35.be known throughout the world 闻名于世 36.open one’s ears to … 专心听

37.a two-room house 两居室的房子

38.make the first record 出第一张唱片

41.satisfy one’s inner desire 满足内心的欲望 42.express true feelings 表达真实的情感 43.feel easy 感到舒

44.a variety of 多种多样, 各种各样

45.as if/though 好像

46.if only 要是……就好了 7.a series of 一系列

48.a boy with a scar on his forehead 前额有疤的男孩

49.learn about 了解, 知道

51.come across 偶然遇见, 碰上

52.fight against 同……做斗争

53.believe in 信任, 信仰

54.share the same goals 有共同的目标

55.compare…with… 和……作比较


5.keep up with 赶上

8.make choices about 在…方面做出选择

9.be good for 对……有好处

10.offer advice about 在…方面提供建议

11.keep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食

12.lose weight 减肥

13.keep fit 保持健康

15.gain weight 增肥

16.now and then 不时, 时而

17.cut…into pieces 把…切成一片片

18.roll up 卷起来

19.make a list 列一个清单

20.have a fever 发烧

21.become part of 成为……的部分

22.dress up 打扮, 盛装

23.make a decision 做决定

24.a seven-day festival 一个七天的节日

25.get together 聚在一起

27.play a trick on 捉弄某人

30.take in 欺骗

31.solve the mystery 揭开迷团

33.accept the invitation 接受邀请 34.after all 毕竟

35.call on 拜访(某人)36.try on 试穿

37.day and night 日日夜夜

38.pay off 还清

41.earn a lot of money 赚很多钱

42.act out 表演出来

43.come up with 想出, 找到

44.advantages and disadvantages 利弊

45.conduct a number of experiment 做了很多实验 46.get charged 充电

48.fix…to… 把……固定在……

49.conduct the electricity 导电

50.sense of smell 嗅觉

51.end in a tie 以平手结束, 打平

52.in tears 泪流满面

53.test on 在……身上做试验

56.there is no doubt 毫无疑问

57.be about to…when 即将, 将要

58.around the corner 即将来临

59.increase to 增加到

60.threaten to do 预示着要,威胁说要……

61.blow away 吹走

62.die down 变弱, 消失,平息

63.at the top of one’s voice 高声, 放声

64.drop out 掉出, 退出;辍学 65.self rescue 自救

66.be thankful for 感激……

67.struggle to one’s knees 挣扎着站起来

68.on hands and knees 爬着,匍匐着, 伏在地上

69.come to terms with(甘心)忍受

70.hold no promise 没有前途 Unit18---22 1.in relation to 同……有关

4.be surrounded by 被……包围

5.the same size as 同……一样大

6.lie on 位于(接壤);位于…的河畔

7.a mild sea climate 温和的海洋性气候 9.make electricity 发电

10.take possession of 夺取, 占领

11.sign an agreement with 同…达成协议 13.refer to 关于;提到,涉及;查阅

14.be marked with标记,标号 16.go sailing 去航海 17.go camping 去野营

18.on the coast 在海岸线上

19.make use of 利用, 使用

21.bring in 带来, 引进

22.in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代

23.international exchange 国际交流

24.be harmful to 对……有害

25.be friendly to 对……友好

26.depend on 依靠, 依赖

27.the shortage of

30.get ripe 成熟

31.a variety of 各种各样, 多种多样 32.in poor soil 在贫瘠的土壤中

33.at the right time 在合适的时间

34.sow seeds 播种

35.go against 违反, 反对

37.remove weeds 除草

39.tongue twister 绕口令

40.intend to 打算做……

43.make fun of 取笑

44.an amusing story令人发笑的故事

45.roar with laughter 大笑

46.even if 即使, 尽管

47.entertain the audience with 用……逗乐观众 48.a flow of fun 延续不断的乐趣 50.quarrel over small matters 争论小事

51.be on good terms with 同某人关系好 52.in the other direction 在另一个方向 53.drive off 把车开走;赶走

54.shout at sb.冲某人大喊

55.for a moment 一会儿

56.in surprise 惊奇地

57.look on…as 把……看作

58.be angry with sb.for sth.因某事生某人的气

59.get confused 搞糊涂

60.communicate with 与某人联系, 通信

61.vary from culture to culture 因文化的不同而不同

62.look directly into someone’s eyes 直视

63.rest one’s head on the back of one’s hand 把头靠在手上

64.get through difficult situations 摆脱困境 65.tear down 拆毁, 推翻

66.feel down 闷闷不乐

67.nothing better tha没有比……更好

68.hold up 抬起, 举起 69.make a face 做鬼脸 70.in order 按顺序

72.combine…with…把…同…结合起来 73.be divided into 被分成

74.take off in a rocket 坐火箭起飞 76.alien creatures 外星人

77.outer space 太空 Unit1 Making a difference 1.热衷于

be on fire for


be similar to 3.从事于…

work on


be engaged to


dream of


give lectures

8.在二十世纪七十年代早 in the early1970’s 9.结果是,证明是,原来是 turn out(to be)… 10.对…感到满意

be satisfied with


make a difference 12.相信 ,坚信

believe in

13.颠倒,相反,反过 the other way around 14.(时间)消逝,过去

go by


best seller

Unit 2 News media 1.与……有联系或关系

relate to


on all sides

3.使报纸保持均衡 keep the newspaper balanced


in an organized way 5.适应新生活

adapt to a new life 6.对…表示注意 draw(one’s)attention to


look up to

8.时事,当前发生的大事 current affairs 10.倘使…将会怎样

what if 11.面对困难

face difficulties 12.对…有隐

be addicted to 14.让他们的心声被听到 make their voices heard 15.用…武装

be armed with

Unit 3 Art and architecture 1.一些家具

some furniture

2.现代的公寓房 a modern flat


a block of apartments


personal style

5.借鉴了自然界的例子take examples from nature

7.根据不同的风格建 in different styles

8.违背了人们的审美标go against the people’s feeling of beauty 11.更接近自stand much closer to nature

14.鸟巢对于鸟就象房子对于人 A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man

16.用…做装饰… decorate… with…

Unit 4 A garden of poems 1.把…结合成一整体,汇总

bring together

2.玩耍,灵活地运用 play with… 3.突出,超出…

stand out


absence of rhyme


die at an early age


in comparison with

7.形成come into being


send for 9.渡过,通过(考试)

get through

10.查找单词的含义 look up the meaning of… 11.借着蜡烛的光 by the light of a candle 12.分辨,区别

tell apart


go insane 14.投稿,奉献给,对…有助 contribute to

Unit 5 The British Isles 1.组成,构成consist of


make the most of 4.联合起来,组织起来

hold together

5.位于欧洲西海岸沿岸lie off the west coast of Europe

7.在某一处 at one point 8.一般来讲,大体地

in general


a European country


consider… to

13.凭借第一印象来判断 judge a person on the basis of first impression 14.科学依据

scientific proof

Unit 6 Life in the future

1.对… 作出预测

make forecasts about 2.瞥见

catch a glimpse of 3.确保安全

ensure safety 4.先进的电脑系统

an advanced system 5.与…保持联系

keep in touch with 6.智能卡

smart cards 7.注意

pay attention to(doing)8.处理;对付

deal with 9.(梦想)变成现实

Dreams)come true 10.为…作好充分的准备 be well prepared for 11.储备着;就要到来

in store 12.时尚潮流

the trend of fashion 13.在当代社会

in contemporary society 14.陪伴某人

keep sb.company 15.远程教育

distance education 16.终生学习者

lifelong learners 17.不只是

more than just 18.以 …惊人的速度 at an amazing speed 19.编制程序去做 be programmed to do…

Unit 7 Living with disease 1.感染上…

become/ be / get infected with 3.通过下列途径

via the following routes 5.疾病监测员

a disease detective


be born dying 8让某人活下去

keep sb alive


spread through blood

11.缺少适当的医疗保健 a lack of proper health care 13.冒险一试,碰运气 take a/ every chance

take chances 14.不受…的影响;没有…的 be free from 15.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do


cheer sb up


give sb a hug


meet with difficulty

19.与疾病作斗争 struggle with the disease

20.在贫困地区in poor areas


take samples of my blood


on the contrary

24.患了重病 suffer from a serious disease

Unit 8 First aid 1.进行急救

give first aid 2.紧急时分分秒秒都很重要 Seconds counts in an emergency 3.记住

keep in mind 4.保持镇静

stay / keep calm 5.在路上;即将到来

on the way 7.着火;开始燃烧

catch fire 8.翻转;倒转

roll over 9.为向…表示敬意;为…纪念 in honor of 10.假使;以防

in case of 12.止血

stop the bleeding 13.阻止…干某事

revent… from doing sth.14.吐出

spit out 16.上下颠倒

upside down 17.对…有很大益处 do a lot of good to 18.陷入恐慌

get in / into a panic 19.察觉;意识到

be conscious of sth.Unit 9 Saving the earth 1.参加会议

attend a meeting 3.对…感到满意的 be content with 4.愿意去做…

be content to do… 5…的指南/介绍

an introduction to…


gain/have access to… 7.强调.的重要性 stress the importance of 8.与…协调;与…一致 in harmony with… 9.结束;制止

put an end to… 10.擦洗…的内部;去除;消灭

wipe out 11.保护某人免遭…

defend sb from… 12.保卫某人抵御...defend sb against 13.建议(某人)去做某事 advise doing/sb to do/that sb do… 14.清洁的饮用水

clean drinking water 15.在农村地区

in rural areas 16.保暖;取暖

stay warm 17.对…的需求

the need for…

18.采取行动take action/steps/measures 19.对…有害

be bad for/do harm to… 20.有很大影响

make a big difference 21.传遍世界

spread across the world 22.做记录

take notes of

Unit 10 Frightening nature


spot a mistake 4.近在手边;在附近;即将到来的at hand 5.从…逃出来

flee from 7.催促/力求/强烈要求某人做某事 urge sb to do 8.与…的同时

in the meanwhile 9.接连打击;冲击;漫游;闲逛 knock about/around 10.突然地;冷不防

all of a sudden/at once 11.使他毛骨悚然

make her hair stand on end 12.一连几个小时

for hours on end 15.低声地;悄声地 in whisper 16.需要勇气

call for courage 18.注意到

draw one’s attention to 19.平静下来

calm down 20.…被吓得要死 be scared to death 21.惊慌地

in a panic Unit 1.有…共同之处

have…in common 2.有…要发生,即将到来

have…in store 3.是……的所在地

be home to 4.开始创建

get started 6.进入,踏进

set foot in 7.开公司

run a company 8.对……有影响

have(an)effect on 9.依赖,依靠

rely on

10.恢复生气,活跃起来 come to life 11.提出(主意、计划等)put forward 12.目的是做某事 aim at doing sth.Unit 2.使某人记起某事 remind sb.of sth.3.打下……基础lay the foundation of… 4.着手做某事

set out to do sth.5.努力做某事 in one’s efforts to do sth.7.带某人上船

take sb.on board 9.囚禁某人 keep sb.as a prisoner 11.阐明…使……显得清楚throw light on 12.引起某人的注意 attract one’s attention


eight feet in height

Unit 13 1.翻转,倒过来turn…upside down 2.提出,想出come up with 4.召来,请来call in 5.范围从……一直到……range from…all the way to… 7.毁坏,出毛病,受挫break down 8.对…有效,对…有become available to… 9.利用take advantage of 11.对……反应敏感be sensitive to…

13.对……有贡献,有助于contribute to… Unit 14 1.把某人关进监狱put sb.in prison 2.发表演说give a speech 4.被法律所禁止be forbidden by law 6.为……树立榜样set an example to sb 9.诺贝尔和平奖the Nobel Prize for Peace 12.以……开始start with 13.表明,吐露give a voice to Unit 1.不时地,时不时地

every now and then 2.渴望

get the itch for 3.让某人看一眼……give sb.a glimpse of 6.厌烦……,不喜欢…… get tired of 7.四天的节日 a four-day festival 8.坐落在…… be located in 9.去游泳,去洗澡

take a dip 10.进行锻炼,训练 work out 11.复印……make photocopies of 13.轻装旅行

travel light Unit 16 2.带起,剥夺走

take away 3.一系列的 a series of 4.打死

shoot…to death 6.徒然,枉然 in vain 9.与……达成协议 make agreements with 13.轮流,反过来

in turn 14.对……有影响

have an effect on 15.出售;减价

on sale Unit 17 2.为……做出贡献 make a contribution to 4.达到目标

reach one’s goal 6.适应,调整

adjust to 10.参与

participate in 11.参加……的比赛

compete in 12.角逐,竞争

compete for Unit 18 2.顾虑到,顾及,为…做准备allow for 3.被困住,被陷住

get stuck 4.冲破,脱离,与…断绝关 break away from 5.与……有联系

be connected to 6.把……限制在……范围内limit…to… 7.意识到,认识到 be aware of 8.与……相似 be similar to 111.以这么快的速度

at such a high pace Unit 19 3.在……看来

in the eyes of…

4.可怜;怜have mercy on/show mercy to… 5.向某人宣判 pass judgment on sb.6.还是做某事的好,不如做某事 may/might as 6.还是做某事的好,不如做某事 may/might as

well do sth.11.任…摆布,由…掌握at the mercy of 12.跪下 go down on one’s knees Unit 20 1.追溯到 date back to 2.侧卧 lie on one’s side

3.一件衣服 a piece of clothing 7.竖起;使(车、马)停止 pull up 8.用……的话,以……的观in terms of 9.有名望,威望高

of high status 10.充当,担任

serve as 12.属于……,是……的belong to 13.挖出

dig up


http://www.xiexiebang.comic 40.死于突发性心脏病

die of a sudden heart attack 41.煤气中毒

be gas-poisoned


get too close to the lake 43.他根本就没经验

he has no experience at all

44.关掉所有的电源 turn off all power 45.某事发生在某人身上 sth happen to sb 46.用来纪念这位伟人

in honor of this great man

47.阻止事情发生 prevent bad things from happening

48.处理常见伤 deal with common injuries 49.用流水冲洗伤口

wash the wound with cold running water



cool the area of skin at once 51.搜索房间寻找药物

search the room for any pills 52.把你所找到的一切送到医院

send whatever you find to the hospital 53.腿上有一把刀 with a knife in his leg 54.被狗咬

be bitten by dog 55.事故现场是安全的 the scene of the accident is safe 56.急救箱

a first-aid kit 57.以防紧急情况 in case of an emergency 58.紧急电话号码清单

a list of emergency phone number 59.如果一个人失1/3血,就会死if a person loses one third of his blood, he may die 60.把报纸拿颠倒

hold a newspaper upside down Unit 9 Phrases 1.解决问题难者 solve the problem 2.生产能量 produce energy 3.出席会议

attend the meeting 4.地球峰会 the Earth summit 5.欢迎参加地球峰会 welcome to the earth summit 6.联合国

the United Nations 7.南非 South Africa 8.这次峰会的主题 the main themes of the summit 9.可持续发展 sustainable development 10.关于不同题目发表演讲

speak about different topics 11.三大公害 the big three 12.饮水污染

contaminated drinking water 13.卫生状况恶劣

poor sanitation 14.世界卫生组织

the World Health Organization 15.地球上的人们 the people on earth 16.喝到洁净的水

have access to clean drinking water 17.在农村地区

in rural areas 18.贫困、战争与暴力 poverty, war and violence


take part in the new world we create 20.强调世界范围的平等与公正

stress the need for equality and direness in the world

21.对…负有责任 have a responsibility towards


international cooperation

23.存在严重的问题 there exist serious problems

24.来得及采取措施 there is still time to take action

25.对环境不利 be bad for the environment 26.空调 air conditioners


if all of us make small changes, we could make a big difference

28.在全世界传播 spread across the world 29.行动的愿望 the willingness to act 30.寻找解决未来问题的方法

find solutions for the future

31.未来的关键 the key to the future

32.与大自然协调 in harmony with nature 33.结束死亡和痛苦

put an end to the death and suffering 34.有可能会 there is good chance that 35.保护水资源 protect the water resources 36.消除贫困

wipe out the poverty 37.与男子有同等的机会

have true equality of opportunity with men 38.售货员的工作职责

the job responsibilities as a shop assistant 39.中国代表

Chinese representatives 40.得出结论

draw a conclusion 41.采取行动拯救地球


take action to save the earth 42.表示愿意来帮忙

show great willingness to come and help 43.对于全球变暖了解不多

not know much about global warming 44.学会与大自然和平共处

learn to live in harmony with nature 45.做重要的讲话

make a very important speech 46.住院

be in hospital 47.当地政府决定迁移工厂 the local government decided to move the factories 48.来自发展中国家的人

people from developing countries 49.限制汽车的数量

limit the number of cars 50.利用可选择性的交通

make use of alternative transportation 51.我们要行动 we need action 52.步行骑自行车和合伙用车

walking, biking and car-pooling 53.挣钱 make money 54.准备好回答问题

be ready to answer questions 55.为你的论点辩护 defend your argument 56.发表你的观点 give your opinion 57.尽可能多地列出理由

list as many reasons as possible 58.建议某人不要做某事advise sb not to do 59.完成关于环保的报告finish writing his report on environmental protection

60.不要砍伐树木stop cutting down trees Unit 10 Phrases 1.大自然对人构成危险

nature form a danger to people 2.科学帮助减小威胁 science help reduce that threat 3.对…很重要

be important to 4.飓风袭击海岸

a hurricane hits the coast 5.一点也不/很,非常 not a bit/ not a little 6.被吓死

be scared to death 7.陷入惊慌

get into a total panic 8.汽车飞到空中

cars go up in the air


make my hair stand on end


die in an unforgettable disaster


draw my uncle’s attention


at such a distance


see it from closer at hand

14.它唤醒我叔叔身上的科学意识 it awake the scientist in my uncle 15.她家位于维苏威火山脚下

her house lay at the foot of Vesuvius 16.请求他救她

beg him to save her 17.初衷为寻求知识的旅行

start out as a trip for knowledge 18.需要勇气

call for courage 19.从…逃走

flee from 20.直奔危险地带

hold his course directly into danger 21.我认为不是这样的 I don’t think so 22.停顿了一会儿

pause for moment 23.营救他的朋友

rescue his friend 24.我叔叔一到,就拥抱了庞皮

upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy 25.帮助别人镇静 help the other calm down 26.给大家留下印象 give everyone the impression

27.惊慌地离开 leave in a panic


a rain of burning rocks 29.随后闻到了硫磺味

then came a smell of sulphur


Helped by two slaves he stood up


31.立即倒地死去了 immediately fall down dead 32.与其说他看起来死了,不如说睡着了

he looked more sleep than dead 33.记忆犹新

memories are still fresh 34.择要摘取

pick out the important bits 35.活火山

the active volcano 36.被灰尘覆盖

be covered with dirt and ashes 37.复活

come to life 38.埋藏了岛国的首都

bury the capital of the island nation 39.清理的费用

costs for cleaning up 40.催促别国来帮忙

urge other countries to help 41.答应援助100万英镑

promise to offer 1 million pounds in aid 42.热烈欢迎他的到来

be warmly welcomed on his arrival 43.是否

whether … or not


don’t look very much like a teacher 45.返回到故乡 return to their home village 46.天气闷热

the heat is close 47.坏天气就要来临 dirty weather knocking about 48.抬头看天

lift his eyes to the sky 49.突如其来

all of a sudden 50.强劲的飓风

the full force of the hurricane 51.驾驶船驶向大海

move the ship over the high sea 52.风暴中心

the very eye of the wind 53.白色的泡沫水柱 a white tower of water 54.它奔腾着冲向轮船

it raced to meet the ship 55.没有风,纹丝不动

there was no wind, not a breath 56.风一下子小了下去 wind fell all at once 57.把火焰凑近气压表 hold out the little flame

towards to the barometer 58.风呼啸着靠近了

the roar of the winds drew near fast 59.国内外的天气

the weather at home and abroad 60.天气状况 the weather conditions



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