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一、问候:(1)辞旧迎新 +(2)通过媒体 +(3)向各界 +(4)祝福

二、过去一年:(5)国内大事 +(6)国际关系

三、新的一年:(7)国家建设 +(8)两岸三地

四、国际关系:(9)国际问题 +(10)中国外交 +(11)中国贡献



新年钟声即将敲响 The New Year's bell is about to ring / As the clock counts down the few remaining hours to the New Year / The bell sounding the New Year is ringing

人类就要进入20XX年20XX will soon begin

在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻 At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new / At this key moment poised between the new year and the old for people of all countries

通过 via;through

中国国际广播电台 China Radio International

中央人民广播电台 China National Radio

中央电视台 China Central Television

全国各族人民 Chinese people of all ethnic groups

香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞 compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan

海外侨胞 overseas Chinese

世界各国的朋友们 friends all over the world / friends of all countries in the world

致以新年的祝福 to extend New Year greetings

我谨代表中国政府和人民 on behalf of the Chinese government and people

向...表示衷心的感谢!to express the most sincere thanks to...二、过去一年

20XX年,对中国人民来说是很不平凡的一年。The year of 20XX has been a very unusual and uncommon one for the Chinese people.面对国际国内环境的复杂变化 Facing difficult domestic and international situations

中国人民团结一心 Chinese people of all ethnic groups united in one heart and one mind

成功抗击南方部分地区严重低温雨雪冰冻灾害和四川汶川特大地震灾害 successfully dealt with the disasters brought out by the winter storm in southern China and the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan Province

战胜青海玉树强烈地震、甘肃舟曲特大山洪泥石流等重大自然灾害 We successfully dealt with the disasters brought about by the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province and the Zhouqu mudslide in Gansu Province.成功举办上海世博会、广州亚运会 We successfully held Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games

成功举办北京奥运会、残奥会 We successfully held Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympics 成功完成神舟七号载人航天飞行任务 We successfully launched the manned spaceship Shenzhou VII

成功举办第七届亚欧首脑会议 We successfully held the 7th Asia-Europe Meeting

保持经济平稳较快发展 We maintained a stable and relatively fast economic growth

人民生活水平继续提高 The living standard of the Chinese people has been further improved.经济实力和综合国力进一步增强 The economic strength and the overall national strength have been further strengthened.胜利实现“十一五”规划确定的目标任务 successfully completed the goals set up in the 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development

中国加强同各国的友好合作 The Chinese people conducted friendly exchanges and pragmatic cooperation with the rest of the world

积极参与应对国际金融危机、气候变化、核安全等问题的国际合作 actively participated in efforts by the international community to deal with the global financial crisis, climate change, and nuclear safety

为促进世界和平与发展作出了新的贡献 made further contributions to world peace and development


在新的一年里 In the upcoming year

2006年,是中国实施“十一五”规划的开局之年。2006 is the starting year of China's 11th Five Year Program.2009年对中国人民来说是一个具有历史意义的年份。The year 2009 for the Chinese people is of historic significance.2011年是中国进入“十二五”时期的开局之年。The year 2011 marks the beginning of China's implementation of the 12th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development.高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 unswervingly uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics

以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导 under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents

深入贯彻落实科学发展观 deepen the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development

加快转变经济发展方式 accelerate the change of development mode and structural adjustment 实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策 maintain a proactive fiscal and stable monetary policy 深化改革开放deepen the reform and opening up

着力保障和改善民生 further improve people's welfare

社会和谐稳定 social harmony and stability

我们将坚持“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针 We will uphold the principles of “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” and “Macao people governing Macao” with a high degree of autonomy.我们将坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的方针 We will adhere to the Principles of “peaceful reunification and one country, two systems”

坚定地维护香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定 firmly safeguard the long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao SARS

维护台海和平稳定 safeguard cross-Straits peace and stability

推进两岸交流合作 strengthen the cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation

推进中国和平统一大业 gear up the cause of China's peaceful reunification


当前,国际形势继续深刻变化 At present, the world continues to undergo profound changes.世界多极化、经济全球化 multi-polarity and globalization

气候变化、能源资源安全、粮食安全、公共卫生安全等全球性问题 global issues such as climate change, energy, resources, food and public sanitary security

地区冲突、恐怖主义、南北差距、环境恶化、贸易壁垒等问题 regional conflict, terrorism, the gap between north and south, environmental degradation, and trade barriers

恐怖主义、跨国犯罪、环境污染、自然灾害、严重传染性疾病等全球性问题 global issues like terrorism, transnational crime, environmental protection, natural disasters and highly communicable diseases

国际和地区热点问题 international and regional hot spots

世界经济复苏 the recovery of world economy

科技进步日新月异 There are huge advances in science and technology.和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题 Peace and development is still the theme of the era

借此机会,我愿重申…I would like to avail myself of this occasion to reiterate…

中国将继续高举和平、发展、合作旗帜 China will uphold the banner of peace, development and cooperation

坚持独立自主的和平外交政策 adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy

在和平共处五项原则的基础上 on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界 strive to build a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity

中国外交政策的宗旨是维护世界和平、促进共同发展 China's diplomatic efforts are based on safeguarding world peace and promoting common development

此时此刻,世界上还有不少民众经受着战火、贫困、疾病、自然灾害等带来的苦难。At this moment on this planet we inhabit, there are still people who are suffering the effects of war, poverty, sickness and natural disasters.中国人民对他们的不幸遭遇抱着深深的同情 The Chinese people have great sympathy for their pain

中国人民将一如既往向他们提供力所能及的帮助 The Chinese people are always willing to do all we can to help them overcome the difficulties.五、结束


Finally, from here in Beijing, I would like to wish you all happiness, peace and health in the New Year!


中国国家主席胡锦涛2004年新年贺词 Hujingtao's NEW YEAR MESSAGE 2004 December 31,2003

Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends:


The 2004 New Year bell will be rung soon.At this key moment of ringing out the

2004年的新年钟声即将敲响。在old year and ringing in the new, I’m very happy to extend New Year greetings to 这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴通Chinese people of various ethnic groups, including our compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as all overseas Chinese people, and friends from various countries in a message broadcast by China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television.过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞和澳门特别行政区同胞,向台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国的朋友们,致以新年的祝The year 2003 was an unusual one for the Chinese people.This year, Chinese


people of all nationalities, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents”, worked hard, being of one heart and

2003年,对中国人民来说是很不one mind, and overcame numerous hardships and challenges such as the SARS 寻常的一年。这一年,中国各族人民epidemic and many natural disasters, like earthquakes, floods and drought.在邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想Meanwhile, the Chinese people also made concerted efforts to continue to push 的指引下,万众一心、团结奋斗,战forward the reform and opening up process, to coordinate the development of

胜突如其来的非典疫情和地震、洪涝、socialist material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization and to 干旱等多种自然灾害带来的困难和挑maintain relatively speedy economic growth and overall development in all social 战,继续推进改革开放,促进社会主undertakings.China successfully launched its first manned spacecraft.At the Third Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a comprehensive planning for perfecting the socialist market economic system was begun.In today’s China, enthusiasm for reform and construction abounds everywhere and people of all nationalities have high aspirations for creating a bright future.义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明协调发展,保持了国民经济较快增长和各项社会事业全面发展的良好势头。中国首次载人航天飞行取得圆满成功。中国共产党十六届三中全会,对完善社会主义市场经济体制作出了全面部署。放眼今日之中国,九州大地In the past year, China adhered to its independent foreign policy of peace,涌动着改革和建设的澎湃热潮,各族holding high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, and supported

人民焕发出创造美好未来的壮志豪the principle of building friendly relationships and partnerships with its neighbors.情。

Under its all-directional foreign policy, China further developed friendships with all countries, particularly neighboring countries and a host of developing

在过去的一年里,中国坚持奉行countries.China actively participated in global and regional cooperation, played a 独立自主的和平外交政策,高举和平、constructive role in solving a series of major international issues concerning regional security and development and made a contribution to safeguarding world peace and securing common development.发展、合作的旗帜,坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的方针,开展全方位的外交,进一步发展了同各国特别是周边国家及广大发展中国家的友好关系,积极Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends:

参与全球和区域合作,在一系列重大The year 2004 is the key time for Chinese people to continue to carry out the

国际问题及地区安全和发展问题上发spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and realize 挥了建设性作用,为维护世界和平促the tenth Five-year Plan.We shall continue to make economic construction the 进共同发展作出了贡献。

central task and stick to the pursuit of comprehensive, coordinated and

女士们,先生们,同志们,朋友sustainable development.We will continue to deepen reforms;open wider to the


outside world;and maintain steady, rapid, coordinated and healthy development of the national economy.We shall improve our social undertakings in a

2004年是中国人民继续贯彻中共comprehensive manner and continue making efforts to push forward the building 十六大精神、实现第十个五年计划的of a well-off society in an all-round way and to open a new chapter for a socialist 关键一年。我们将坚持以经济建设为cause with Chinese characteristics.中心,坚持全面、协调、可持续的发展观,深化改革、扩大开放,保持国We shall continue to steadfastly implement the policy of “one country, two

民经济持续快速协调健康发展,全面systems”, Hong Kong People governing Hong Kong, Macao People governing

推进各项社会事业,继续推进全面建Macao and a high degree of autonomy.We shall handle things in strict

设小康社会的进程,努力开创中国特conformity with the Basic Law of Hong Kong and the Basic Law of Macao and


support the governments of Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions to govern according to law.The Chinese mainland shall strengthen

我们将继续坚定不移地贯彻“一国economic and trade ties with Hong Kong and Macao to help maintain long-term 两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度prosperity and stability there.自治的方针,严格按照香港特别行政区基本法和澳门特别行政区基本法办Twenty-three million Taiwan compatriots are our brothers and sisters linked by

事,支持香港、澳门特别行政区政府flesh and blood, so we are very much concerned about their interests and

依法施政,加强内地同香港和澳门的happiness.Chinese people will continue to make efforts towards the country's

经济贸易关系,保持香港和澳门的长reunification by adhering to the basic principle of “peaceful reunification, one


country, two systems” and the eight-point proposals for promoting exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and the peaceful reunification.We

2300万台湾同胞是我们的骨肉兄shall strengthen exchanges between both sides of the Taiwan Straits as well as 弟,我们十分关心他们的利益和福祉。exchanges in the fields of economics and culture.We shall try our best in all

我们将继续坚持“和平统一、一国两制”sincerity to realize the peaceful reunification of our motherland.We firmly oppose 的基本方针和现阶段发展两岸关系、Taiwan's separatist activities in any form.Any attempts by anyone to separate Taiwan from the motherland will not be tolerated.We firmly believe that with

推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张,加强两岸人员往来和经济文化等领域common efforts made by all Chinese people, including our Taiwan compatriots, 的交流,以最大的诚意、尽最大的努the complete reunification of our motherland can be achieved at an early date.力实现祖国和平统一。我们坚决反对

任何形式的“台独”分裂活动,绝不允许In the present world, the appearance of political trends toward multi-polarity and

任何人以任何方式把台湾从中国分割economic globalization, and scientific and technological progress have brought

出去。我们坚信,只要包括台湾同胞people of all countries new opportunities for development.However,在内的全体中华儿女共同努力,祖国unilateralism has shown up;regional conflicts rise one after another;the danger 的完全统一就一定能够早日实现。

of terrorism is escalating;the world economy is growing slowly;the gap between the development in the South and North becomes wider and wider.All these things pose strong challenges to people in every nation.Chinese people have

当今世界,政治多极化和经济全球化趋势深入发展,科技进步日新月always been concerned about and have a lot of sympathy for those people, who 异,给各国人民带来了新的发展机遇。are living in the flames of war, and suffering from hunger and poverty.Chinese

但是,单边主义倾向抬头,地区冲突people wish wholeheartedly they would live happy and peaceful lives at an early 此起彼伏,恐怖主义危害上升,世界date and China is willing to offer aid within our capabilities.经济增长缓慢,南北发展差距进一步拉大,也给各国人民提出了严峻挑战。The world needs peace;people need cooperation;countries need development

中国人民始终关心和同情世界上一切and societies need progress.This is the irreversible trend in time.We firmly believe the human race will enjoy a bright future of development.Whatever 仍在忍受战火、饥饿、贫困煎熬的人changes there are in the international arena, China will persistently stand by the 民,衷心希望他们能够早日过上幸福just cause of mankind, work with people of other nations to promote the glorious 安宁的生活,并愿为他们提供力所能cause of peace and development and create a shining future for world peace and 及的帮助。

prosperity.Finally, I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.世界要和平,人民要合作,国家













Hu: Nation seeks peace, prosperity(2003-12-31 22:57)(China Daily)

China will continue to work with other nations to push forward world peace and development, President Hu Jintao said in his New Year's speech to the nation yesterday.He also expressed sincere hope that a peaceful reunification of the country can be achieved.“It is an irreversible trend that the world wants peace, people want co-operation, nations want development, and society wants advancement,'' Hu said in the speech broadcast throughout the nation on television and radio.The Chinese Government believes the future of humans is bright and no matter how international situations change, China will always take the side of justice, the president said.Last year meant much to the Chinese people, Hu said, referring to issues like the nationwide fight against the outbreak of SARS(severe acute respiratory syndrome)and the successful launch of the country's first manned-space flight.Today's China is full of enthusiasm for reform and development, and people of all ethnic groups in the country are confident of building a prosperous future, Hu said.Last year the Chinese Government further developed its friendships with other nations, especially with neighbouring countries and developing ones and actively took part in global and regional co-operation, according to Hu.The government played constructive roles in addressing key international issues, regional security and development issues, and contributed to maintaining world peace and pushing forward common development, he added.The coming year will be a crucial one for China to achieve its 10th Five-Year Plan(2001-05), Hu said.China will continue to focus on its economic future,adopt the idea of comprehensive and sustainable development, deepen reforms and opening up and propel the process toward a well-off society.The country will stick to ”one country, two systems'' and its highly autonomic principles that let “Hong Kong people to govern Hong Kong'' and ”Macao people to govern Macao.''

The mainland will enhance its economic and trade ties with Hong Kong and Macao and maintainlong-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao.Hu said the Chinese mainland cares deeply for the interests of its 23 million Taiwan compatriots.Cross-Straits economic and cultural interchanges will be strengthened and the mainland will try its sincere best to achieve the reunification of the entire country, he said.“We firmly oppose all kinds of separatist activities aiming at the independence of Taiwan and will not allow anybody to separate Taiwan from China by any means,'' said Hu.”We believe the reunification of the motherland will be achieved at an early date as long as all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, make joint efforts.''

As multipolariziation in world politics and economic globalization deepens and science and technology are developed at an ever-faster pace, people from all over the world will have new development opportunities, Hu said.However, great challenges also exist as regional conflicts appear now and then, the harm of terrorism accelerates, the world economy grows slowly, and the gap between the South and the North expands.Hu said China cares for and sympathizes with all people in the world who are suffering from war, hunger and poverty, and the Chinese people hope all can lead happy lives as soon as possible, and noted China is willing to offer help.



2015-12-31 19:10:31 | 来源:新华网 | 编辑:靳松 |

新年前夕,国家主席习近平通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台、中央电视台发表二〇一六年新年贺词。新华社记者 兰红光 摄

新华网北京12月31日电 新年前夕,国家主席习近平通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台、中央电视台,发表了二○一六年新年贺词。全文如下:
























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