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A.Overall, clear and understandable pronunciation is the main thing.针对发音,最主要的是,有一个清楚的易于理解的发音。毕竟英音或者美音的模仿比较难,对于一般考生而言,发音清楚是最主要的。

B.Secondly, the correct use of the following features will determine the pronunciation grade: Basic word pronunciation


Linked speech sounds


Correct and appropriate sentence stress


Appropriate use of intonation


C.Slightly inaccurate(= unclear)pronunciation is usually understandable if the correct words and grammar are used but slightly inaccurate pronunciation combined with other errors can result in language that is not understandable at all.细微的错误是可以接受的,但是前提条件是你的口语内容是可以理解的。


A.Basic grammar, especially the verb tenses.Know how to make the tenses and use them correctly.基本的语法,就是要注意动词时态,要知道在什么情况下使用哪一种时态,并且准确使用。

B.Complex sentences:Don't just use simple sentences all the time.Instead, often use sentences composed of parts that are joined together with conjunctions and other linking words.不要使用简单句,而是应该利用连词或者从句将简单句变成复杂句。想要雅思口语的、拿到6分以上的考生一定要注意这一点,多多使用复杂句。

C.Complex structures:Show that you have some knowledge of higher level grammar.结构复杂虽然容易得高分,但是考生们一定要注意前提条件是要准确,不能错误使用。


A.Show a wide range of vocabulary.词汇量一定要广,不能重复使用相同的词汇。

B.Use words suitably—don't try to impress with 'impressive' words you are not sure of.使用的词汇一定要准确,不要过度追求一些大词。

C.Make sure you correctly pronounce words – don't just learn the written form of new words.保证发音准确,而不是仅仅看到过或者写过。



雅思口语考试中考官使用的指令语言是比较固定的,一般都是按照下面列的这个流程来进行的。大家可以在跟朋友对练或模考时使用,增加练习的仿真度。Good morning.Come in and take a seat.Can you tell me your full name, please? What shall I call you?Can I see your identification please?

Can you tell me where you are from?


Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.1.Let’s talk about…

2.I’d like to move on now to talk about …

3.Let’s move on to the topic of …

4.Let’s move on to the topic of …


Now I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes.Before you talk, you’ll have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes if you wish.Do you understand?

Here’s some paper and a pencil, for making notes, and here’s your topic......All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you.I’ll tell you when the time is up.Can you start speaking now, please?......第三部分

We’ve been talking about …… and I’d like to discuss one or two more general

questions related to this.以上就是小编给大家整理的雅思口语考试考官常用套话,希望可以帮助到大家,更多雅思口语,雅思考试,雅思培训等相关信息尽在小马过河雅思频道,欢迎点击咨询。



Part 1 Topics and Questions [Updated Oct.23, 2006]

1.Your Work/Studies

Do you work or are you a student(You must choose one and then you will answer either 1a or 1b, below.)1a: Your Work

What work do you do

Why did you choose that job(that kind of work)* What are your responsibilities at work

What is the most interesting part of your work*

Is your job(your work)very important to you(Why?/Why not?)*

Would you like to change your job*(Why?/Why not?)

Tell me about your typical daily routine at work.*

How do you and your work colleagues help each other at work(Or: Do you and your colleagues help each other at workHow?)(Or: Who gives you the most help at work?)

Do you often get together with your colleagues(workmates)after work(What do you do?)1b: Your Studies

What subject are you studying(= 'What's your major?' in American English)

Why did you choose to study that Where do you study

Do you like your university/school(Why?/ Why not?)

Does your university specialize in any particular subject/area*

Is there anyone who helps(helped)you(with your studies)at university/school(WhoIn what way?)(Who give you the most help?)

Do you often get together with(= go out with = do things in your free time with)your classmates after classes(What do you do?)2.Your Hometown

Whereabouts(=where)did you grow up(Or, Where were you born?)

Is that a city or is it in the countryside*

Do you still live there Does(do)your family still live there

What kind of place is your hometown(= Describe your hometown)*

How has your hometown changed in recent years(e.g., the past 20 years or since you were a child)

What part of your hometown do you like best(Why?)(= What's the best thing about your hometown= What do you find most attractive about your hometown?)What's the most famous(= well-known)place in your hometown Note: One of the two topics above is a compulsory topic.3.Secondary school Note 1: It seems that you could be asked about your secondary school studies even if you are working now or a university student now.However, if you are a university student(and especially if you are a secondary student now)and if you answered 1b, above, you probably will not get these questions.Everyone should prepare for this topic because if you get 'Hometown' as your first topic, 'Secondary School' is possible as one of your other topics.Note 2: 'Secondary school' means the same as 'high school'.Unlike China and the U.S.A., most students in Britain and Australia go to one school from the age of about 12 to 18, called 'secondary school'(= high school).However, there are also a small number of 'Junior High Schools' and 'Senior High Schools' in Britain and Australia.What subjects did you study in secondary school(= high school)*

What was your favourite subject(= class)in secondary school(= high school)

And which class(= subject)did you like the least(Why?)

Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life What part of your secondary school education did you enjoy most? 4.Leisure Time

When do you have free time How do you like to relax(What’s your favourite way to relax?)

How do Chinese people like to relax Do you think it's important to have leisure time How does that(the way Chinese people like to relax)compare with western countries Do your friends ever come to your home in their free time What do you usually do together?

How do you think people will relax in the future*

Compare the way people in China relax today and the way they used to relax years ago.In your leisure time, what do you usually do with friends or family(= Do you do things in your leisure time with friends or familyWhat?)

Do you have any hobbies or interests(= What are your hobbies or interests?)*

What do you do in your holidays(= vacations)(= How do you spend your holidays?)Or: How do people in China spend their holidays? Do you like to travel(in your holidays or free time)(Why?)5.Rain

Does it rain much in China(WhereWhen?)Is there any part of China where it doesn't rain much(Where?)(or: Is there an even distribution of rain throughout China?)When(in what month/season)does it rain most in your hometown What about the other parts of China(In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?)Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown(When?)

Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown(How?)

How does rain affect different people’s moods(Or: How does rain effect people's lives?)

Do you like rainy days(= How do you feel on rainy days= Do you feel sad on rainy days?)

What do you do on rainy day Do you think rain is good(Why?)

Do you think the seasons have changed in recent years, compared to the past 6.Restaurants

Do you usually go out to eat or do you usually eat at home

How often do you go to a restaurant(to eat)(Do you often go to restaurants(to eat)How often?)

Why do you(or, why do people)go to restaurants What kind of restaurants do you like(prefer)(Why?)(Or, How do you choose which restaurant to go to?)

What kind of restaurants do young people in China prefer(Why?)

What do you usually do there What kind of foods do you(or Chinese people)like to eat in restaurants How(do you think)restaurants have changed, over the past few years(=How are restaurants today different to those of before?)

How do you think they will(might)change in the future*

What skills do people need to work in a restaurant? 7.Letters

Do you often write letters(How often do you write letters?)

Who do you usually write to and what do you write about What(do you think)is the most difficult kind of letter(or email)to write(Why?)

Do you prefer to write letters or emails(Why?)

What role do emails(or letters)play in your life(= Why do you write these emails or letters?)How often do you write emails What kinds of emails(or letters)do you most like receiving(Why?)(= What kinds of emails/letters make you happy?)What are the differences between handwritten letters and emails Do you think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising*

8.Television and Radio

What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV or radio(Why?)

How are radio programs and television programs different What programs do you like to watch/listen to

When do you watch TV/listen to the radio

In China, has television/radio changed much in recent years

How do you think TV/radio broadcasts in China could be improved

Do you prefer TV news or news on the radio(Why?)* 9.Daily Routine

Tell me something about your daily routine.(If you do not work)For you, what's the best time of day for studying(If you work)For you, what's the best time of day(or, day of the week)for working? What part of the(= your)day do you like best(Why?)

If you could make one change to your daily routine, what would it be? If you had more free time, what would you do Do you get together with your fellow students/work colleagues(=classmates/workmates)after classes/work(What do you do?)[This questions possibly in Work/Studies topic.] 10.Travel

Do you like to travel(in your holidays or free time)(Why?)Do you think it's important to travel during your holidays(Why?/Why not?)Do you think it's necessary to travel in order to enjoy your holidays(Why?/Why not?)Where do you like to go(If you say you like to travel or do, in fact travel in your holidays.)Are holidays important(to people/to you)(Why?)Or: Do you think holidays are necessary(Why?)Or: Why do we need to have holidays?








How has your hometown changed in recent years?


Well,my hometown was dirty before.But it is clean now and there are many tall buildings(4分)













My hometown has experienced rapid growth in recent years.The streets are wider and the buildings are cleaner.In the past,the streets in my hometown were very narrow and the buildings were old and dirty.However,because of the economic development due to tourism,the streets are now much wider and cleaner and the building are more modern.Overall,I think this is a good development for my hometown.以上即是雅思口语考试中考官常问问题案例分析及思路讲解,大家在备考雅思口语考试时可以借鉴以上所提到的几项技巧,以便更好的应对。


雅思口语备考方法:修辞的运用 下面是小编为大家搜索整理的有关雅思口语修辞手法的运用备考策略,如果能熟练地将修辞方式适当地运用到雅思口语中,考生就可以很明显的展现自己的个人特色,给考官留下好的印象,所以口语的备考在复习过程中也是非常重要的。

在雅思口语考试的第二部分讲述个人经验,描述日常活动或具体细节的时候,如果能熟练地将修辞方式适当地运用到口语中,考生就可以很明显的展现自己的个人特色,给考官留下好的印象。这里雅思老师向各位考生推荐两种最常用的修辞方法:比喻法和比较法。这两种方法无论在口语的描述中,还是在论 证说明中都可以使自己的表达变得更加生动和形象,从而更有说服力。


Example: Describe a person who gives you a deep impression

比如说Part2要求描述一个给人印象深刻的人,考生可以讲述为什么那个人给自己留下了深刻的印象。要举例来说明,比说自己学习英语遇到困难的 时候这个人是怎么帮助自己的。可以说:“I was really like a cat on hot bricks at the moment.”“like”就是用于表示比喻关系的词,把自己比作“爬在热砖上的猫”,表达更加形象,易于理解,也多了几分轻松调侃的意味。使紧张的考 场气氛有所缓解。其实在日常生活中有很多地道的英文短语和谚语都可以用来作比喻的表达。考生一定要善于观察,多多练习和使用。有些英文的表达和汉语的表达 往往是不一样的,平时要多积累地道的表达方式,真正到考试的时候加

以运用才能取得好的成绩。但是考生要注意的是用来打比方的事物一定要常见,如果本来就不 是大家熟悉的事物,比喻的目的也达不到。其实就是比喻一定要贴切,如果比较的事物不合适,还不如自己解释清楚更好。所以平时练习多去运用才能为考试打下良 好的基础。

比如说同样一道题目,让你讲述一个人,这个人为什么给自己留下深刻的印象,这次我教大家用比较的方法说明这个题目。雅思Part2讲人的很多,其实讲述人无外乎是说事情,刚刚开始说的时候可以先用一两句话说明下他的外貌,但是切记描述男性不要用handsome,描述女性不要用 beautiful,这两个词太常用了。你用的话老师会觉得太普通和不真实的。因此而导致的分数不高。确保你描述的人物和其他人有区别就可以了。例如澳际 雅思班Alex老师,你可以说他不高,但是说起话来总是面带微笑,他总是喜欢穿黑色的西装等等。还有就是说人千万一点不要忘记的就是说到他的性格,可以说 他是遇事乐观的,开朗的,幽默的,乐于助人的。先总说两到三个性格特点,然后再用具体事情说明一个,这时比较的修辞就很有用了。学生可以把描述这个人的某 项个性和自己做比较,说明自己哪些方面受到影响,从而表明这个人对自己印象深刻。





考试第一部分叫做“简介以及问答”。内容涉及生活中的方方面面。其中,hometown,study/work以及accommodation是必考题,并加入其他生活中常见的小话题,比如,birds,meals,language和driving.虽然考题的话题范围非常的宽泛,可以说是日常生活中的各种可发展对话的话题,可是,任其话题宽泛,却并没有任何会让考生感到陌生的内容。就出题设计而言,是为了考生到国外生活的日常交往能力,可成为'small talk'。Small talk的中文翻译是“小对话”或者“小谈”,其实也真真切切地发生在我们每天的生活中。就其功能而言,small talk的主要目的是语言功能中的“人际功能”,并带有一定的“信息功能”,而不强调其“感情功能”或者“施为功能”等。在英语国家中,人们常用“small talk”来破冰,维持对话,减少期间尴尬的沉默,来保持人与人之间的礼貌关系。所以,对话的内容深度不不做过多的要求,而是更要求谈话者讲话有一定的长度,从而发展对话,保持对话关系。这也就要求在考试中,能够回答有一定长度的内容。而不是简短的回答问题的信息核心部分。


第三部分考试为“双向讨论,考生将与考生就第二部分中出现的话题较为抽象的部分进行双向讨论”。可以看出,考试形式又变为了互动式,并且在内容上从较为常见、易懂的生活化的话题,变成了难寻规律的、较深奥的话题讨论。这种要求说话者思维敏捷,知识渊博的讨论(Discussion),也会成为国外生活与学习的重要组成部分。生活中,涉及的上午会谈;学校学习中,常常要参加小组讨论(Group work)。这都要求说话者用词要精准,说话要有严密的逻辑性,才能说服听众。其实在实际雅思考试中,这部分考题体面本身也会较难。所以,考生的回答要基于对考官提问的精准理解上。这部分的考试,又对考生的词汇应用有了进一步的要求。考生要掌握的是在讨论不熟悉的话题时,怎样用自己够宽泛,够变化的词汇去参加讨论。并且在过程中,能够辩论得有理有据,有说服力。讲话要前后照应,有很好的连贯度。即使因为话题的不熟悉,出现一些流利度上面的问题,也尽量是对话题的思考,而不是语言上的缺失。




I am a huge fan of a Chinese TV show named Happy Camp, in Chinese KLDBY, which is an entertaining program.There are a lot of stars showing up in the program.It is on 8 every Saturday night so I feel very relaxed every weekend.The show is very funny in that the five hosts are gifted in amusing people.I especially enjoy watching them chat with guests and play jokes on them.They are so intelligent and humorous that I am always amused by their words.In addition, they also play some games with stars in the show which can present another aspect of these stars.Sometimes I laughed so hard that my mom thought I was crazy, and then she became curious and ended up as a huge fan of the show herself.Yes.I think there are too much advertising on TV which always spoils my mood of appreciating TV programs or dramas.I do not like it at all.I know it is unlikely that there is no ad on TV at all.But I hope the ads can be put after the broadcasting of a TV program not in the middle of it.I think the difference between today’s TV channels and pastis huge.We have more channels today than in the pst.So we can appreciate a variety of TV programs which enrich our leisure time.But there are also more advertisements on TV today than in the past, which makes audience annoyed.I think Peking University Hall is very interesting.It is on the campus of PKU.When I first entered PKU, I went there to listen to the lecture of freshmen’s mental health.So it was one of my first impressions about PKU.Peking University Hall is a building that mixes the arts of traditional and modern architecture.It looks like a castle.At night, all the lights, movement and excitement of a busy theatre can be seen from the street outside.All the performances there are very wonderful.Besides, many famous people visit there and give a lecture to students of our university.I’ve watched a lot of performances and even met my idol Jay Chou in the hall.So the hall is very interesting to me



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