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1Collecting stamps is my hobby.教 学 设 计



二零一二年九月十三日 Unit作者



Unit1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.一、教案背景




4.学生课前准备: 预习课文

5.教学内容:外研版(三年级起)第六册 Module3unit1






What’s your hobby? Collecting stamps is my hobby.I’ve got lots of stamps.This stamp is from China.These are some stamps from Canada.3.复习名词的复数形式。












录音机磁带 邮票 图片 集邮册 课件




Ss:Good morning,teacher.T: Good morning,boys and girls.Hello, everyone!Are you happy today?

Ss:Yes,I’m very happy.T: Oh,Great!Let’s chant.If you’re happy,clap your hands.(拍拍手)

If you’re happy,stamp your feet.(跺跺脚)

If you’re happy,shave your hands.(摆摆手)




T:I like playing football.Playing football is my hobby.I like swimming.Swimming is my hobby.Do you know “ hobby” ?(板书hobby)



2Learn new words.)hobby-hobbies

a.教师领读“ hobby”



T: Playing football is my hobby.What’s your hobby?


b.Pair work.c.Do and guess.几个同学做动作,一个同学猜What’s his/her hobby?

T: Swimming is my hobby.Playing football is my hobby.I have got lots of hobbies.(学习单词hobby的复数形式,并说出hobby复数形式的变化规律))stamp-stamps


T:What’s this?

Ss: 邮票

T:It’s a stamp.(板书:This is a stamp.把图片贴在单词的上面)





T:It has got a panda on it.Where is the stamp from?

Ss: This stamp is from China.出示一张有许多邮票的图片

T:These are lots of stamps.(板书,把图片贴在单词上面)





T:There are lots of stamps in the album.I have got lots of stamps.Collecting stamps is my

hobby.Do you know “collect “?




T:Today we’re learning Module 3 Unite 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.板书课题:Module 3 Unite 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.T:Ok,now open your English book,turn page ten.1Listen to the tape and answer the question.(课件出示问题)

a.Does Simon collect stamps?

b.What’s Simon’s hobby?

c.Where are these stamps from?

d.What are they?

e.Has Simon got any stamps from China?

2Follow to the tape.3Actthe text.Step4Summary and Extension.1Talk about Simon’s hobby.T:Today we’re talking about hobby.Ok,let’s talk about Simon ‘s hobby.According to the

questions.Ss: Collecting stamps is Simon’s hobby.He has got lots of stamps.These are some stamps from

Canda.They are famous men and women.He has got some stamps from China.They are from Daming’s letter.2Talk about your hobby.According to the questions.a.b.c.d.e.What do you like? What’s your hobby? Have you got any ? Where are they from? How are they?


Talk about your hobby with friends.BlackboardDesign


Unit1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.hobby-hobbies



What’s your hobby? Playing football is my hobby.This is a stamp.This stamp is from China.These are some stamps from Canda.Collecting stamps is my hobby.





















五、主要措施: 1、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。



六、课时安排: 每个模块大约需要4课时的时间。Module 1 4课时 Module 2 4课时 Module 3 4课时 Module 4 4课时 Module 5 6课时 Module 6 4课时 Module 7 4课时 Module 8 4课时

Module 9 6课时 Module 10 6课时 Review Module 2课时

Module1 教学内容:Unit1 It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long.Unit2 It’s in the west.教学目标:


1.学会听、说句子 These postcards are great!It’s a picture of the Great Wall.2.了解关于数词的表达about eight million people ,about six thousand seven hundred kilometers 3.能用Where is it? It’s in the east/west/north/south of…来回答方位。教学时间:2课时

unit1 It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long.教学目标:

1.学会听、说句子 These postcards are great!It’s a picture of the Great Wall.2.运用Tell me more的操练来了解讲诉某个地方(事件)的情况。3.学习新单词: than, more, thousand, kilometers, million, something 4.学会听How long,How big开头的特殊疑问句。5.用一般过去式来描述自己曾经旅游过的地方。


1.学会听、说句子 These postcards are great!It’s a picture of the Great Wall.2.运用Tell me more的说话操练来了解The Great Wall , New York, Beijing 情况。教学难点:

1.流利说一些简单的表达It ’s very big.It’s got---.That is big。

That’s a lot.2.了解关于数词的表达about eight million people ,about six thousand seven hundred kilometers 教具:

Tape, card, photos, postcards

教学过程: Step1 Warming-up

1、T: Where have you been in the summer holiday? I have been to …(建议他们通过展图片和照片介绍相关的情况,并要求使用It’s a picture of----.It’s very---.)

T: “Do you know this place?”

S: Yes, It’s---

T: “Can you tell me something about it?

S: Yes, It’s---Step2 Lead-in

1、“look,a beautiful postcards” 板书跟读几遍。师出示一些名信片说“在名信片的一面printed a lot of beautiful pictures ,such as, the Great Wall, The Huangshan Mountain, 师说“It’s a picture about the Great Wall.跟读板书,学生看图片练习说It’s a picture---句子。

2.学生跟读后(长城)学生将课前准备收集好关于的资料用汉语进行讨论,当两三个学生说一部分时师:“刚才讲得很好,Tell me more(板书)两三个学生再介绍长城时师又说Tell me more这时Do you know”师英语再Do you know the Chinese meaning “Tell me more”.Yes(再告诉我一些)师解释说也可以说Tell me more about The Great Wall 板书并解释汉语意思。

3.学习单词hundred、thousand、million、kilometers、people卡片跟读 师问“Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it? 学生用汉语回答后,师出示It’s about 6,700米

再跟读thousand seven hundred kilometers师问“Tell me something about New York.How big is it? 学生用汉语回答后,师出示It’s got 8,000,000人再跟读eight million people师问“Tell me something about Beijing.How big is it? 学生用汉语回答后,师出示It’s got 14,000,000人再跟fourteen million people Step3 Practice 学习常用口语That is big.That’s a lot!It’s very big.跟师朗读。Listen and say: Who is Simon? Who is Daming? Where are they? What are they doing?(再听录音,要求学生勾画出文中的重要的信息?关于长城,纽约,北京他们都谈了什么?情学生模仿跟读,并注意人物所使用的语言。把全班分成两组,一组扮演Simon一组扮演Daming,表演对话)Step4 Consolidation 师拿出一张图,学生猜一猜物品是什么?当学生无法猜一猜物品是什么时,使用Tell me more,请求获取更多的信息。T: It’s an animal.S: Tell me more

T: It’s very big.S: Tell me more.Is it long?

T: It’s long.S: Tell me more.Is it tall?

T: It’s tall S: :t’s …

T: You’ re right.(各分配说话的任务,小组共同展开这个游戏搜集一个大城市的图片并

对基本情况和人口进行调查,然后请他们拿着图片向其他同学介绍。)Step5 Homework

1、recite the text.2、Remember the words.3、Write a city about its population and sizes.Unit2 It's in the West 教学目标:

1.能用It’s in the north of…描述方位;

2.能用Where is it? It’s in the east/west/north/south of…来回答方位。3.能跟唱课文歌曲。教学重点:

1.Key Words: map ,country, right 2.能用Where is it? It’s in the east/west/north/south of…来回答方位。教学难点:

能用Where is it? It’s in the east/west/north/south of…来回答方位。教学方法:

Task-based Method,情景教学 教具:

Tape, card, pictures

教学过程: Step1 Warming-up

1. Draw a map on the board.Mark north at the top, south at the bottom, west on the left and east on the right.North



South 2.Tell the Ss some places: Beijing is in the north.Hainan is in the south.Shanghai is in the east.Xinjiang is in the west.Step2 Lead-in 1.Listen and say.A.Listen to the tape and the teacher explains the text.B.Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.a)Where is New York?

b)Where is San Francisco?

c)Where is Houston? Step3 Practice 1.Listen and learn to say.2.Listen and chant.Step4 Consolidation Talk about your favorite thing:

Is it in our town?

Yes, it is.Where is it?

It is in the north.Can you see a lot of animals the re? Yes,I can.Is it the zoo?

Yes, it is.Step5 Summary Look at the blackboard, what have you learnt in the class? Let ss sum up according to the blackboard.Step6 Homework Listen to the tape twice and read after it

Module 2 教学内容:

Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing

Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.教学目标:

1.There be句型描述事物

2.Key words: dancing, Chinatown, sometimes, shop, then 3.Target language: a.Can you tell me more about Chinatown?

There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants

there.b.There’s Chinese dancing.Let’s go to Chinatown now!教学重点:

用“There is/There are”介绍事物 教学难点:

用“There is/There are”介绍事物


Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing


1.There be句型描述事物

2.Key words: dancing, Chinatown, sometimes, shop, then 3.Target language: a.Can you tell me more about Chinatown?

There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants

there.b.There’s Chinese dancing.Let’s go to Chinatown now!教学重点:

1、用There be句型描述事物

2、a.Can you tell me more about Chinatown?

There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.b.There’s Chinese dancing.Let’s go to Chinatown now!教学难点: 用There be句型描述事物 教学方法:


教具:postcards record 教学过程: Step1 Warming-up

T: Please read this song quickly: There is,There are,表示“有”时就用它。一般疑问句子中,IS和ARE来当家。表示“没有”怎么办,有个not别忘加。要是问我加哪里,就在is和are后面啊。some、any是兄弟,两人脾气各不同,疑问否定用any,肯定句中SOME。只要我们用心记,学好英语so easy。Step2 Lead-in T: Look,listen and say T: How about Chinatown? Simon and Daming are talking about it.Let’s Listen, read and act out.Step3 Practice(1)Listen to the tape and answer the question: Can you tell me more about Chinatown?(2)Read this dialogue with desk mate.Act out: Have a reading show.Step4 Consolidation Step3:Have a test 短语:

1.an email.一封电子邮件

2.send an email


3.miss china 想念中国

4.Chinatown 唐人街

5.want to do 想要干

6.Chinese restaurants 中餐馆

7.chinese dancing


8.go to Chinatown


9.lots of

许多、大量的 句型

1.可数名词单数 There is + 表示有……


例: There is an apple.有一个苹果。

There is some water.有一些水 Step5 Homework Make some sentences, use “there is /there are”

Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.教学目标:

1、key words: dancing, Chinatown, sometimes, shop, then,strong

2、用“There is/There are”介绍事物。教学重点:

用“There is/There are”介绍事物 教学难点:

用“There is/There are”介绍事物 教学方法:


教具:Tape, cards, pictures Teaching procedures: Step1 Warming-up

Look at the picture and have a chant: The Huangshan Mountain is high.The Changjiang River is long.The West Lake is beautiful.The Great Wall is strong.Step2 Lead-in(1)Have a look, answer the question: What’s this ? It’s......(2)Listen to the tape and Read with desk mate.(3)Act out: Have a reading show.(4)Ask some questions : How is the Huangshan Mountain? How long is the Changjiang River? How is the West Lake ? How long is the Great Wall ? Step3 Practice Listen and sing: There’s a Great Wall in China Step4 Consolidation 短语:

1、the Changjiang river


2、riding bicycles to work


3、.the West Lake 西湖

4、the Huangshan Mountain 黄山 句型

1.可数名词单数 There is + 表示有……


例: There is an apple.有一个苹果。

There is some water.有一些水。

2.There are +可数名词复数,表示有……

例:There are three apples.有三个苹果。Step5 Summary

Today we learn the usage of there be, we know how to describe things.Step6 Homework Look and complete the postcard.Module 3 教学内容:Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.Unit 2 What’s your hobby ?


1.全体学生能听懂会说句子:collecting stamps is my hobby.They have got famous people on them.What’s your hobby? 2.知识与技能:Have you got any my dolls from Japan? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.教学重难点:

1.掌握本模块的单词。2.谈论自己的爱好。教学时间:2课时 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

I’ve got lots of stamps.These are some stamps from Canada.This stamp is from China.过程与方法:自主式,互助式,启发式,任务型教学 情感、态度和价值观:谈论和介绍个人的爱好。【重点】:本模块的单词

【难点】:动名词的用法,如:Collecting stamps 【教学用具】:Tape, card, pictures 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


1)有节奏的颂唱上一单元的歌曲。2)听写上一单元的单词。3)通过谈论学生喜欢的东西渐人今天关于“hobby”的主题,例如: T: What’s your favoutite sport/games/food„? Ss:My favourite sport/games/food„ is„ T: Do you like„? Ss:Yes I do/No, I don’t.I like„

(二)探究新知: 对话之后,老师拿出一本集邮册给学生们看。老师问学生:“What’s this?”然后回答„It s a stamp album.”引导学生通过实物理解“stamp”和“album”的意思。老师一边向学生们展示集邮册里的邮票一边讲述:“I like stamps very much.I collect them.Look, this is a Chinese stamp.It’s very beautiful.Do you like these stamps? These stamps are from Canada.I like them very much.Collecting stamps is my hobby.”


将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放录音呈SB 活动1,请学生们仔细听一听Darning和Simon之问的对话。听完以后向学生提问“:What’s Simon’s hobby?”老师放第二遍录音,学生边听边看书,同时用笔勾出课文中的生词,根据上下文猜猜每个生词的意思。学习新单词,老师领读,再请学生跟读。可以采用全班齐读、分组读、分男女生读,集体读和个别读等方式。注意纠正学生语音和语调的错误。采用个别读的方式,了解学生掌握单词的情况。当学生出现读音问题时,应及时纠正。

请学生试着回答老师刚才提出的问题:“What’s Simon’s hobby?”学生此时应该能够回答出: “Simon’s hobby is collecting stamps.”可以再分段放录音,向学生提出一些更加具体的问题,帮助他们理解课文内容,例如:

Where are the stamps from? Has Simon got any stamps from China? 讲解过后,老师再放录音,每句后停顿,请学生模仿录音的语音和语调跟读。请学生仔细看SB活动2中的图.两人一组试着针对图片展开对话,对图片中的内容进行问答。然后放录音,请学生重复句子。鼓励学生运用第一段对话中的问题向其他同学或老师提问,请他们回答,以此进行简单的替换练习。继续使用第二段对话的句式进行练习。

(三)巩固新知: 1.活动一:


出示一位名人的几本书,让学生知道我的爱好是收集***的书。以谈心的方式引导学生说出自己的兴趣爱好。e.g:My hobby is collecting stamps from America.My hobby is collecting Jay’s CD.3.活动三:





Unit 1

I’ve got lots of stamps.These are some stamps from Canana.This stamp is from China.Unit 2 What’s your hobby ? 【教学目标】:

知识与技能:Have you got any my dolls from Japan? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.过程与方法: 1.Game method 2.The task-based method.3.Cooperative learning.情感、态度和价值观:自由地谈论自己的爱好或询问他人的爱好 【重点】:Have you got any„Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.【难点】:Flying kites is my hobby 【教学用具】:tape cards pictures 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


1.老师拿出一本集邮册,问学生:What’s this ? It’s a stamp album.引导学生通过实物理解“ stamp , album”的意思。2.把学生的注意力引向课文。说明:今天学习的课文中,Daming 和Simon 谈论起了Simon的一项兴趣爱好。Simon会向Daming 和我们介绍自己的爱好,听过他的介绍后,大家也要试着介绍自己的爱好。

(二)探究新知:1.将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音呈现SB第二单元活动1。让学生看图仔细听对话,听完之后,让学生说一说,对话中的学生在作什么?他们都提到了哪些兴趣爱好? Girl 1:I collect dolls.Teacher: Oh, Have you got any dolls from Japan ? Girl 1: No ,I haven’t.but I’ve got some dolls from china.Teacher :Oh ,they’re beautiful.Boy 1: Reading is my hobby.I’ve got lots of story books.Teacher :Have you got any picture books.Boy 1: No ,I haven’t

Boy 2 :Flying kites is my hobby.Look.I have got some Chinese kites.Teacher :Have you got any dragon kites? Boy 2 : Yes ,this is a dragon kite.Girl 2: I like riding my bicycle.that’s my hobby.Teacher :Have you got any photos of your bike ? Girl2: Yes ,these are some photos of my new bike.2.老师教授新单词。

3.讲解对话内容。重点练习句型:┅is my hobby.让学生说出他们学习过的与爱好有关的单词或词组,引导学生用这些单词或词组进行替换练习。例如:fishing , skiing ,skating ,shopping ,reading books ,dancing ,singing , wimming , riding bikes /horses ,drawing ,flying kites , playing basketball /the guitar / the piano.(三)巩固新知: 1.活动一:

学生回答自己的爱好后,根据学生的爱好,老师向学生提 问.S: My hobby is play football.T: Have you got a football? S: My hobby is collecting books.T: Have you got any books? 老师将学生回答的爱好及拥有的开展此爱好的物品写在黑板上。共以后开展编对话活动用。

2.出示幻灯片,帮助学生区分单复数的概念.分清何时用 “a”,何时用“any”.以及为什么不用 “some”。3.活动二:


A: What’s your hobby? B: My hobby is „.A: Have you got a / any „ ? B: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.A: Do you „ ? B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t like it.4.活动三:学生四人为一组,两人编写对话并书写在卡纸上,两人上台演示他们自己编写的对话。(注意纪律的控制)展示学生的成果,并给予评价。




Unit 2 I’ve got a hobby.Collecting stamping is my hobby.Have you got any stamps from China ? Yes ,I have./No ,I haven’t.There is /are Is /Are there ?


Module 4 教学内容:Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.Unit 2 Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival.教学目标:

1.学生能听懂会说:Thanksgiving is my favorite festival.We always have a special meal.We say “thank—you” for our food, family and friends.2.能谈论自己喜爱的中外节日。教学重点: 本模块的单词及重点句型。教学难点: 美国感恩节的来历及习俗。教学课时:2课时Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

Thanksgiving is my favorite festival.We always have a special meal.We say “thank—you” for our food, family and friends.过程与方法:运用探究合作的学习方法,激发学生兴趣 情感、态度和价值观:谈论和描述感恩节等西方节日

【重点】: 本模块的单词及重点句型 【难点】: 美国感恩节的来历及习俗 【教学用具】:cards tape pictures 【课时安排】:1课时



1.老师向学生出示与圣诞节相关的图片,让学生回答问题:When is the Christmas Day? Do you like it ? What do people do on Christmas ? 2.用同样的方式谈论万圣节。



1.把本课的教学挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音呈现SB活动1的内容。让学生看图认真听,要求学生:了解故事大意,弄懂比较容易理解和 掌握的句子。


Festival 节日 special 特别的 meal 一顿饭 sound 听起来 lantern 灯笼 Flag Day 国旗节 thanksgiving 感恩节 3.放录音,思考下列问题:

What are the two American festivals in the story ? What do people do on Flag Day ? What do people do on Thanksgiving Day? 4.讲解课文。


(三)巩固新知: 1.活动一:




第三遍:尝试理解较难的句子.结台上下文和插图理解句意,逐渐把握全文。再放两遍录音,请学生在跟读的同时思考一些具体问题,例如:文中Daming和Simon谈到了哪几个美国节日?它们分别是什么?人们以什么方式庆祝这些节日? 1.What are the two American festivals in the story? 2 What do people do on Flag Day? 3 What do people do on Thanksgiving Day? 听过录音后,请一些学生回答上述问题,问题答案大致如下: 1.They are Flag Day and Thanksgiving Day.2.They carry flags and they sing songs.3.They always have a special meal on Thanksgiving Day.Before the big family dinner, they say “thank you” for their food, family, and friends.After Thanksgiving dinner, they watch a big football game on TV.小结之后再放录音,让学生们跟读课文中的句子。每句之后停顿,要求学生重点模仿句子的语音语调。老师可以根据学生的具体掌握情况决定跟读录音的次数。可以请学生逐个跟读句子,重纠正发音。老师要注意让尽可能多的学生起立跟读。







Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favorite festival.We always have a special meal.We say “thank—you” for our food, family and friends


Unit 2 Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival.【教学目标】:


What’s your favourite festival? My favourite festival is Lantern Festival.过程与方法:积极主动接受学习,对话法,游戏法

情感、态度和价值观:介绍中国主要节日。比较中西方节日的差异。交流自己对节日的喜好。【重点】: 句型My favourite festival is 【难点】: 各种节日英语名称 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: 一.复习


What do people do on Thanksgiving Day ? What do people do on Flag Day ? 引导学生根据上节课所学内容做出相应的回答。二.任务呈现与课文导入:


2.师:我们已经了解了很多西方节日的传统,如Christmas Day ,Thanksgiving Day ,Halloween ,如果有外国朋友想了解我们中国的传统节日,我们怎样介绍呢?

3.让学生用英语简单介绍关于春节的情况。如:Spring Festival is Chinese New Year ,we have a big family dinner at Spring Festival.We have peanuts and sweets.(二)探究新知: 1.将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音呈现SB第二单元活动1。让学生对照着书听录音,熟悉故事内容和情节。

Girl1: I love this festival.we all go to see the Dragon Boat race ,We eat zongzi.It’s very delicious.Boy 1: My mother loves this festival.She makes mooncakes.Her cakes are delicious , my father likes this festival , too.He sings moon songs.His songs are very good.Girl 2: This is my family.Our favourite festival is the Spring Festival , we have a special family dinner.and we eat jiaozi.Boy 2: My favourite festival is after spring festival.It’s at night.there are lots of lanterns and there’s a dragon dance.2.听过第一遍录音后,让学生看书上的图,说出每幅图表现的是什么。让学生说出对应的中国传统节日的名称。把Lantern Festival , Spring Festival , Mid-Autumn Festival , Dragon Boat festival 写在黑板上,进行单词教学。



听过第一遍录音后,请学生仔细看书上的图,说出每幅图表现的是什么。学生应该能够说出对应的中国传统节日名称。把“Lantern Festival,Spring Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival , Dragon Boat festival 写在黑板 上,进行单词教学。



听过第一遍录音后,请学生仔细看书上的图,说出每幅图表现的是什么。学生应该能够说出对应的中国传统节日名称。老师把 “Lantern Festival,Spring Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival”写在黑板上,进行单词教学。带领学生多重复几遍,并采用多种形式进行操练。


老师可以在学习过课文后让学生看着书SB Unit2活动3的录音.体会句子中的语调和重音。鼓励学生大声模仿跟读。地道的语音和语调是需要通过这样的不断练习而逐渐形成的。2.活动一:



(五)小结:介绍中国主要节日。比较中西方节日的差异。交流自 己对节日的喜好。


Unit 2 What’s your favourite festival ?

What’s your favourite festival? My favourite festival is Lantern Festival.(七)课后反思:

Module 5 教学内容:Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend ? Unit 2 I can speak French.教学目标:

1.知识与技能:Can you speak English? Can I write to your friend?

2.掌握句型:Can you be my Chinese pen friend? I can speak French.3.本模块的单词.教学重难点:

1.掌握句子Can you be my Chinese pen friend? I can speak French.2.能表达能力、请求、意愿和喜好。


Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend ? 【教学目标】:

知识与技能:Can you speak English? Can I write to your friend? 过程与方法:运用探究合作的学习方法,激发学生兴趣 情感、态度和价值观:讲述自己的能力,通过介绍自己的情况结识笔友或网友 【重点】: 本模块的单词及重点句型

【难点】:Can you speak English? Can I write to your friend? 【教学用具】:tape record cards 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


Can you speak Chinese? Can you speak English? Can you write Chinese? Can you write English? 向学生们说明:大家结交新朋友时,通常都要了解对方和自己是否有相同的兴趣爱好,如果遇到外国小朋友,还要了解他们使用哪种语言,能不能和自己交流。那么如果遇到外国小朋友.我们应当如何与他们交流、如何问对方以上问题、又如何向对方介绍我们自己的相关情况呢?让我们来看一看Daming与新朋友的交谈吧。以后,大家碰到外国小朋友就可以积极主动地和他们交流了。当然,大家也可以到网上去结交外国朋友,使用英语与他们交流。


1.使用教学挂图和录音整体呈现SB活动1。老师根据课文内容提出简单的问题,让学生从整体上了解故事大意。如:Who’s Laura? Where is Laura from? How many English friends has Daming got ? Can Laura write Chinese ? Can Daming write English? Can they be pen friends ? 2.让学生带着问题完整地再听一遍录音,并帮助学生回答上面的问题,加深对课文内容的整体印象和初步理解。对每幅图片及对应的对话进行学习。3.讲解课文语言点。


(三)巩固新知:老师可以出示自己的信件和电子邮件地址,以此向学生解释“address”,例如:“My address is Flat No.415,Building 113,Nanhu Garden,Chaoyang District.”还可以举例说:“My email address is wsm@sohu.com”学生可以模仿老师的示范向全班说一说自己的住址和邮件地址。



如: I can wash the clothes by myself.然后与同桌交流,使用句型:

Can you „? 2.活动二:

做几个动画明星的面具,让学生对着带着面具的我发问,还可让部分学生也带上自己喜欢的明星的面具,让其他学生想他们发问。可以很好的操练句型:Can you„?



(六)板书设计: Unit 1 pleased to meet you!Can you speak English? Can I write to your friend ?


Module 5 Unit 2 I can speak French.【教学目标】:

知识与技能:Who can be your pen friend ? He can speak French.过程与方法:直观教学法,表演法,对话法


【重点】:能看懂四个人的表述并选自己的笔友,英语进行对话。【难点】:那四个人的自我介绍 【教学用具】:tape cards record

【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


A: This is my pen friend.His name is Hao Xin.He studies in a middle school.He can speak English very well and hes learning French.He likes playing football and swimming B:Can I write to your friend? We can play football together.A:Yes, of course.This is his address.(二)探究新知: 1.讲解生词:

address , Sydney , Australia , Hong Kong , painting , pet , French.2.将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音呈现SB第二单元活动1。让学生看书听录音,弄清课文大体意思。3.录音原文:

Mike :hi ,I’m Mike.i’m eleven and I’m from Sydney.I like football and swimming.Yao Tingting : My name is Yao Tingting.I’m form Hong Kong.i can write emails and stories in English.I like drawing and playing computer games.Jim: hello, I’m Jim from London.I’m twelve.I can speak French and En

’glish , of course!I like music and collecting stamps.Linda: Hi ,I’m from san Francisco and my name’s Linda.I can speak English and Chinese.I like dancing.painting and I love my pet dog, Alex.3.放录音,让学生完整地听两遍。问学生:Who can be your pen friend ? Why ? 让学生读一读书上的文字,说一说这几个人的基本情况。


5.两人一组互相问答,运用以下语言: Who can be your pen friend ? Linda can.Why ? Linda loves her pet dog, and I love my dog , too.Linda is American and I want to learn English from her.(三)巩固新知: Listen, and say, then sing..For example, ‘speak’ can be a face with a bubble saying ‘How do you do’‘write’ can be a picture of a pen and some words in English and ‘sing’ can be a face with a musical note in a bubble Activity book Answer a question Invite the students to come up the front of the class and encourage the students to ask them questions.Example A: Can you play volleyball? B: No, I can't.36 T:(write on board: ' I can't play volleyball.')A: Can you play football? B: Yes, I can.T:(write on board: ' I can play football.')




Who can be your pen friend ? He can speak French.Module 6 教学内容:Unit 1 You’re got a letter from New York.Unit 2 I’ve got some stamps from China.教学目标:

1.知识与技能:Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park I’ve got some chopsticks , but they are difficult.2、学生能谈论自己和他人拥有的物品。教学重难点:


2、能听懂会说:You’ve got a letter from New York, but it’s not from Daming.Daming has got a Chinese dragon kite and we often fly it

in the park.Have you got a book about the US? I’ve got a stamp from china.教学时间:2课时

Unit 1 You’re got a letter from New York.【教学目标】:

知识与技能:Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.I’ve got some chopsticks , but they are difficult.过程与方法:讲授、游戏


【重点】:通过信件看出外国人对中国的印象,如chopsticks, Chinese kite等等。

【难点】:复合句子用法:用and和but连接, 复习have got 的用法。【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: 一.复习:

1.带领学生演唱 第五模块中的歌曲I can speak English.2.Do you remember Laura ? Can Laura speak Chinese ? Can Daming speak English ? Are Daming and Laura pen friends now ? Does laura want to write to Sam and Amy?


1.向学生展示一些精美的明信片,引出本课内容,复习单词postcard。提问:Are the beautiful ? Do you like them ? Then , what are they ? 2.Sam 和Amy收到了一张来自美国的明信片,它是Laura寄来的。我们看一看Laura 在明信片上写了什么?



Where is the postcard from ? Is the postcard from Daming ? What has Daming got ? What has Laura got ? Can Laura use chopsticks ? 放录音,帮助学生找到这些问题的答案。2.讲解课文中的重点句子:

针对“Daming has got a Chinese kite.”中的have /has got 进行讲解。

如:I have got a kite.Have you got a kite ? Yes ,I have./ No ,I haven’t.She has got a skirt.Has she got a skirt ? Yes , she has./No ,she hasn’t.I’ve got some chopsticks , but they are difficult.我有一些筷子,但很难用。

Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.大明有一只中国风筝,我们在公园里放风筝。3.让学生跟着录音读课文。



用录音呈现SB活动1的内容。老师根据课文内容提出简单的理解性 问题例如:“Where is the postcard from? Is the postcard from Daming? What has Daming got? What has Laura got? Can Laura use chopsticks?”等。在放录音,帮助学生找到这些问题的答案。

老师可以针对“Daming has got a Chinese kite”中的“Chinese”和 “have got”两项内容进行重点教学。老师可以出示中国传统物 品,以此解释 “Chinese”, 例如:中国风筝、国结、中国旗袍、中国明信片等。老师一边展示—也向学生解释:“We are from China.We are Chinese? This kite is from China.It

’’s a Chinese knot.Oh, thats a Chinese dress.And these are Chinese postcard.”

老师讲解句子“Darning has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.”因为句子较长,学生读起来可能不是很顺利。师生可以一起做“clearer and fasted” 游戏。这个游戏的设计是为了帮助学生流利地说出句子.同时还要避免因为机械操练而使学生感到枯燥乏味。学生可以通过一遍遍的朗读理解句子间的关系。具体操作如下:老师将句子写在黑板上。全班学生听到老师说: “ One, two, go!”后开始齐声朗读句子。老师随着学生朗读的节奏匀速在黑板上画直线,每朗读一



“Daming has got to a Chinese kite and(→)we fly it in the park.” 老师讲解句子“I’ve got some chopsticks, but they are difficult.” 可以通过实物演示或是出示单词卡的方式复习单词


老师可以同时出示刀叉和筷子。向学生介绍说:“ I’ve got some chopsticks and I use them everyday.I’ve got a knife and fork but I can’tuse them well.”

接着问学生: “Can you use knife and fork well?” 最后,引导学生说出“I've got a knife and fork but I can’t use them well”或是“I haven’t got a knife and fork and I cant use them well.”以此引导学生理解句子之间的关系。使用简单的符号来表示两个句子之间的转折关系。“I’ve got some chopsticks,but they are difficult.” 1.活动一:

让每个学生带一件物品到学校来,以句型“I have got„.”来描述自己拥有的东西。还可以将句型进行扩展。

如:I have a bird.She can sing very well.I have a violin, but I can’t play.2.活动二:




(五)小结:通过不同国家的人们使用的物品进行文化对比; 复习“have got”的用祛


Unit 1 Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.Ive got some chopsticks , but they are difficult.’

Unit 2 I’ve got some stamps from China.【教学目标】: 知识与技能: I’ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.I’ve got some stamps from China but I haven’t got any stamps from Canada.过程与方法:

1.Teach the text with the task based method.2.Do a survey by cooperative learning.3.chant the chant part.情感、态度和价值观:谈论个人所拥有的物品等

【重点】:I’ve got 句型

【难点】:复合句的表述(用and和but)【教学用具】:cards tape 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: 1.热身复习


请一名学生提前做好准备,扮成一位魔术师,从各个地方变出不同的东西。要求这名学生一边变魔术—边说:“I have got a„?”然后老师向几位学生提问:“What has he got?”要求学生如实回答。3.活动一:


如: 邮票,餐具 ,书籍 ,玩具 ,宠物 ,颜色 两人一组开展活动。让生通过提问的方式去猜测别人所拥有的物品有哪些。并完成下表。

画出或写出你同桌拥有的物品: 运用句型:

Have you got a knife and fork? Have you got a knife or a fork? „


1.用挂图和录音呈现SB第二单元活动1的内容。老师提出问题: Has the girl got a knife and fork or chopsticks ? Has the boy got a Chinese kite or a Japanese kite ? Has the girl got a book about America or a book about China ?

Has the boy got stamps from China or stamps from Canada ? How do you know ? 2.录音原文:

Boy : Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks ? Girl : I’ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.Girl : Have you got a Chinese or a Japanese kite ? Boy : I’ve got a Chinese kite and a Japanese kite.Boy : Have you got a book about America or a book about China ? Girl : I’ve got a book about America and I’ve got a book about China.Girl : have you got stamps from China or stamps from Canada ? Boy : I’ve got some stamps from China but I haven’t got any stamps from Canada.3.再放录音,让学生看图听。跟录音朗读。练习几遍后,两人一组展开对话。


学习SB Unit2活动4的韵诗。先放录音,让学生听韵诗,从整体上把握韵诗的大意和节奏。然后请学生一句一句地跟读,老师一行一行





(五)小结:本单元巩固了I’ve got 句型 及复合句的表述(用and和but)。


Unit 2 I’ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.I’ve got some stamps from China but I haven’t got any stamps from Canada.(七)课后反思:


Module8 一.重点短语:

1.long ago 很久之前2.playing with...和...一起玩 play with dolls 玩玩具娃娃 3.not really.不全是4.read books读书5.of course.当然 6.read stories读故事 7.clean room打扫房间 8.not very often 不经常

9.take photos 照片 10.watch films 看电影 11.speak English 说英语 12.help your mom 帮助你妈妈 13.eat fast food 吃快餐

14.a knife and a fork一副刀叉 15.read English books 读英语书 16.write stories 写故事 17.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

18.clean the blackboard 擦黑板 19.play football踢足球

20.make a list 列清单 21.Fly a kite 放风筝 22.have a picnic 进行野餐 23.climb a tree 爬树 24.watch TV看电视25.eat bananas 吃香蕉 26.go swimming去游泳 27.visit your grandma 看望你的外祖母

28.play chess 下国际象棋 29.Clean the classroom 打扫教室

30.go to the supermarket 去超市 31.clean my bedroom 打扫我的卧室 32.do my homework 做我的作业 33.cook dinner 做晚餐 二.重点句子:

1.You’re playing with dolls.2.Do you often play with dolls? 3.I stopped a long time ago.4.Do you like reading books now? 5.You’re cleaning your room.6.Do you often clean your room? 7.Daming has got a good camera.8.He often takes photos of me.9.Did he show you his photos in China? 10.There’s a picture book in this photo.11.Look at this photo.12.I always ride my bike to school.13.I never go by bus.14.I often eat with a knife and fork.15.I often go swimming.16.I like swimming in the sea.17.I often read English books.18.Sometimes I write stories in English.19.I sometimes clean the blackboard for my teacher.20.I never play football.21.I never play with dolls.频率副词:always



usually 通常


often 经常


sometimes 有时候


never 从不

0 注意:当 often , always , sometimes , never 出现时,如果主语是第三人称单数,这些词之后的动词要加-或-es或特殊变。1.I often watch TV.__________ 2.She often watches TV.s









(一)能够区分相近句型之间的区别,例如:there is ,there are.have got,has got.(二)能够用常用句型造句。









B 按词汇表复习单词。要求学生前一天晚上在家长的协助下进行单词听写(每次听写一个单元,共6单元)并纠错,目的是查漏补缺,争取能够把教材后面所附词汇表上的单词全部达到听、说、认读、写四会要求(部分孩子可适当放宽要求,只要能记住课标上所要求的四会单词即可)。











第一句指明自己的爱好是什么?例如:Collecting dolls,Reading books,Flying kites等,第二句说它们来自哪里。第三句可以说下为什么喜欢,例如:They are very interesting.第四句说我有许多---的照片。第五句说我喜欢我的爱好。

My hobby Collecting stamps is my hobby.I have got stamps from China, Canada and the US.They have got famous people on them.I have got many photos of them.I like my hobby.话题二:给笔友写信,介绍自己 Dear Jim,My name is XXX I’m 13.I’m from Weifang ,China.I can speak Chinese, English and French.Can you speak Chinese? I like reading books, watching films.What do you like? Can you be my pen friend? Best, XXX 话题三:你想去哪旅游?

I want to go to Shanghai There are lots of beautiful places to go in China.I want to go to Shanghai.It’s in the east of China.Shanghai is very big and very famous.I can go shopping here.I like Shanghai.话题四:我最喜欢的节日(中国的春节和美国的圣诞节)

the Spring Festival My favourite festival is the Spring Festival.At the Spring Festival, we have a

big family dinner.We wear new clothes.And we eat dumplings.I like the Spring Festival.Christmas Day

My favourite festival is the Christmas Day.At Christmas we sing songs.We have a Christmas tree.We give presents to each other.We have a big family meal.I like Christmas Day.话题五:用There be 句型 介绍自己的房间

My room

I have a very beautiful room.There are two windows in my room.Beside the window, there is a desk.There is also a light in my room.My room is very clean(干净的).I like my room.话题六:用

I can和I like写自己会做的事,喜欢的事,5句话。

I can speak English.I can write emails in English.I can play chess.I can dance.I can do many things.I like music.I like swimming.I like riding my bicycles and collecting stamps.I like dancing.I like playing basketball.话题七:你有自己的习惯吗?写一下自己的习惯。用上 always never

sometimes often,不少于50字

I always ride my bike to school.I never go by bus.I often go swimming in the sea.I often fly kites in the park.I sometimes clean the blackboard for my English teacher.I sometimes write stories in English.I never play with dolls.I don’t like them.



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    外研版小学六年级英语(上册)教学计划 一、英语学科教学指导思想 《英语新课程标准》明确指出:提倡任务型教学模式,把综合语言运用能力的培养落实在教学过程中,倡导体验、实践、......


    Module 4 第一课时 教学内容: Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. 学习任务: Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. We always have a special meal .......


    一、教学目标: 1、知识目标1).能听、说、认读单词:pen 、 pencil 、 book 、 schoolbag。2).能利用“What’s this? It’s a „”What’s that? It’s a „”询问别人物品名称并......