Climate plays a very important role in the genesis of a soil.On the global scale, there is an obvious correlation between major soil types and the Koppen climatic classification systems major climate types.At regional and local scales, climate becomes less important in soil formation.Instead, Pedogenesis is more influenced by factors like parent material, topography, vegetation, and time.The two most important climatic variables influencing soil formation are temperature arid moisture.Temperature has direct influence on the weathering of bedrock to produce mineral particles.Rates of bedrock weathering generally increase with higher temperatures.Temperature also influences the activity of soil microorganisms, the frequency and magnitude of soil chemical reactions, and the rate of plant growth, moisture levels in most soils are primarily controlled by the addition of water via precipitation minus the losses due to evapotranspiration.If additions of water from precipitation surpass losses from evapotranspiration, moisture levels in a soil tend to be high.If the water loss due to evapotranspiration exceeds inputs from precipitation, moisture levels in a soil tend to be low.High moisture availability in a soil promotes the weathering, of bedrock and sediments, chemical reactions, and plant growth.The availability of moisture also has an influence on soil pH and the decomposition of organic matter.气候在土壤形成过程中扮演了重要角色。从全球尺度来看,主要的土壤分类和科彭气候分类法确定的主要的气候类型有明星的联系。在区域和地方性的范围内,气候显得不是那么重要。取而代之的是母质,地形,植被和时间。温度和湿度是影响土壤形成的两个重要的变量。温度直接影响基岩风化产生矿物颗粒。温度越高,基岩转化为矿物颗粒的比例越大。温度同样影响土壤微生物的活跃度,土壤化学反应的频率和数量,植物生长的比例。大多数的土壤湿度是由降水减去蒸发作用控制的。如果降水超过蒸发作用消耗的水,土壤湿度就会很高。如果降水少于蒸发作用,土壤的湿度就会变低。土壤内大量的可用的水气会提升母岩温度和沉积,化学反应,还有植物生长。微生物也会影响土壤的PH和有机物的分解。
Living organisms have a role in a number of processes involved in pedogenesis including organic matter accumulation, profile mixing, and biogeochemical nutrient cycling.Under equilibrium conditions, vegetation and soil are closely linked with each other through nutrient cycling.The cycling of nitrogen and carbon in soils is almost completely controlled by the presence of animals and plants.Through litterfall and the process of decomposition, organisms add humus and nutrients to the soil which influences soil structure and fertility.Surface vegetation also protects the upper layers of a soil from erosion by way of binding the soils surface and reducing the speed of moving wind and water across the ground surface.成土作用过程中,生命体参与了其中的有机物积累,属性混合和生物化学养分的循环。在平衡条件下,植被和土壤通过彼此的养分循环紧密联系在一起。土壤中的碳氮循环几乎都需要动物和植物的参与控制。通过落叶和分解过程,微生物把腐殖质和营养成分带给土壤,也因此影响了土壤的结构和肥力。表层植物也可以固定表层土壤来保护上层的土壤不被途经的风和水带走。
Parent material refers to the rock and mineral materials from which the soils develop.These materials can be derived from residual sediment due to the weathering of bedrock or from sediment transported into an area by way of the erosive forces of wind, water, or ice.Pedogenesis is often faster on transported sediments because the weathering of parent material usually takes a long period of time.The influence of parent material on pedogenesis is usually related to soil texture, soil chemistry, and nutrient cycling.母质是指土壤形成所在的岩石和矿物质。岩床的风化或者由侵蚀力(比如风,水,冰)带来的沉积物都可以变为形成母质需要的物质。外来的沉积物形成的成土作用通常都比较快,因为风化母质需要很长一段时间。母质在成土过程中的影响就是它参与了土壤的质地,土壤化学和养分循环。
The distribution of precipitation on the Earth's surface is generally controlled by the absence or presence of mechanisms that lift air masses to cause saturation.It is also controlled by the amount of water vapor held in the air, which is a function of air temperature.A figure is presented that illustrates global precipitation patterns.气体上升聚集达到饱和,是否存在这种饱和基本上决定了地球表面降水的分布。同时,大气中包含水蒸气的含量也影响了降水,水蒸气的含量是由大气温度控制的。下面的一组数字将阐明全球降水模式。
Evaporation and transpiration are the two processes that move water from the Earth’s surface to its atmosphere.Evaporation is movement of free water to the atmosphere as a gas.It requires large amounts of energy.Transpiration is the movement of water through a plant to the atmosphere.Scientists use the term evapotranspiration to describe both processes.In general, the following four factors control the amount of water entering the atmosphere via these two processes: energy availability;the humidity gradient away from the evaporating surface;the wind speed immediately above the surface;and water availability.Agricultural scientists sometimes refer to two types of evapotranspiration: Actual Evapotranspiration and Potential Evapotranspiration.The growth of crops is a function of water supply.If crops experience drought, yields are reduced.Irrigation can supply crops with supplemental water.By determining both actual evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration a farmer can calculate the irrigation water needs of their crops.蒸发作用和蒸腾作用是把水从地表带到大气的最主要的两个过程。蒸发是空余的水变成蒸汽进入大气的移动过程。这个过程需要大量的能量。蒸腾作用是水通过植物进入大气。科学家用蒸散作用来统称这两个过程。通常情况下,下面四个因素影响了这两个过程:可利用的能量、蒸发表面的温度梯度、蒸发表面即时风速、可用的水。农业科学家认为蒸散作用有两种方式:实际的蒸散和潜在的蒸散。农作物生长是供水的过程。如果作物经历了干旱,就会导致减产。灌溉可以给作物提供附加的水。如果知道了实际蒸散和潜在蒸散的量,农民就可以计算作物灌溉需要的水量。
Infiltration is the movement of water from precipitation into the soil layer.Infiltration varies both spatially and temporally due to a number of environmental factors.After a rain, infiltration can create a condition where the soil is completely full of water.This condition is, however, only short-lived as a portion of this water quickly drains(gravitational water)via the force exerted on the water by gravity.The portion that remains is called the field capacity.In the soil, field capacity represents a film of water coating all individual soil particles to a thickness of 0.06 mm.The soil water from 0.0002 to 0.06 mm(known as capillary water)can be removed from the soil through the processes of evaporation and transpiration.Both of these processes operate at the surface.Capillary action moves water from one area in the soil to replace losses in another area(biggest losses tend to be at the surface because of plant consumption and evaporation).This movement of water by capillary action generally creates a homogeneous concentration of water throughout the soil profile.Losses of water stop when the film of water around soil particles reaches 0.0002 mm.Water held from the surface of the soil particles to 0.0002 mm is essentially immobile and can only be completely removed with high temperatures(greater than 100 degrees Celsius).Within the soil system, several different forces influence the storage of water.渗透是水从降水进入土壤层的过程。渗透由于一些自然的因素会发生空间的和暂时的变化。下完雨之后,渗透会形成一个土壤完全充满水的情况。但是这种情况只是暂时的,一部分雨水会由于重力作用排出。留下的那一部分雨水被称为土地含水能力。土地含水能力展示给我们一个水薄膜,在这个薄膜里,所有相互独立的土壤粒子被厚度仅仅为0.06毫米的水包裹着。土壤中0.0002到0.06毫米的水都可以通过蒸散作用排出。所以这些过程都发生在表面。毛细作用把水从一个地方搬运到另一个流失水的地方(最大的水流失应该就是植物表面的蒸腾和蒸发)。这种毛细作用可以报证土壤内的水的浓度是均匀的。土壤粒子包被的水薄膜到0.0002毫米时,水就停止流失。这时的水本质上除了超过100摄氏度的情况是不可移动的。在土壤系统内部,这几种力量影响了水的短缺度。
Population Structure / Population Pyramids
The population structure for an area shows the number of males and females within different age groups in the population.This information is displayed as an age-sex or population pyramid.Population pyramids of LEDCs typically have a wide base and a narrow top.This represents a high birth rate and high death rate.Population pyramids of MEDCs typically have a roughly equal distribution of population throughout the age groups.The top obviously gets narrower as a result of deaths.Population pyramids for every country in the world can be found here.Population pyramids are used to show the structure of the population according to age and sex.一个地方的人口结构告诉我们该地不同年龄段男性和女性的人口数量。这些信息展示出了一个年龄-性别或者人口数量的金字塔。发展中国家的人口金字塔通常有很大的根基和很窄的塔尖。这体现了这些国家的高出生率和高死亡率。发达国家的人口金字塔在不同年龄段大概是均匀分布的。塔尖由于死亡的原因会稍微窄一些。世界上所有国家的人口金字塔在这里都可以找到。人口金字塔通常用来展示人口在年龄和性别上的结构。
The increase of greenhouse gases are the primary causes of the human-induced component of warming.Because of burning of fossil fuels, land clearing and agriculture, the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased by more than a third.Changes this large have historically taken thousands of years, but are now happening over the course of decades.温室气体增加的主要原因是人类-诱导气温的上升。因为化石燃料的燃烧,大地没有植被以及农业,大气中二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放量已经上升了1/3。经历这么大的变化曾经需要数千年,但是现在只在近十年内就完成了。
Sea Level Rising.With the melt of ice cap and glaciers, sea level has rised 0.8 to 3.0 millimeter.With large numbers of cities located in coastal areas, this causes serious problems.Beach erosion takes place, particularly on steep banks.Wetlands are lost.This is a picture of Shanghai at present, while this may be the picture of Shanghai several years later.Another serious problem is the threat of salt water intruding into underground fresh water in coastal areas.Millions of people will be forced to leave their homes and homelands.海平面上升。随着冰盖和冰川的融化,海平面已经上升了0.8到3.0毫米。由于很多城市坐落在沿海地区,这就可能带来灾难性的问题。海岸侵蚀开始出现,尤其是在陡峭的海岸。湿地逐渐消失。这正是上海现在发生的,也可能是几年以后上海出现的景象。另一个严重的问题是盐水侵入沿海地区的底下淡水。数以万计的人民不得不背井离乡。
They dominate the country in influence and are the national focal-point.Their sheer size and activity becomes a strong pull factor, bringing additional residents to the city and causing the primate city to become even larger and more disproportional to smaller cities in the country.However, not every country has a primate city, as you'll see from the list below.他们通过影响力支配这个国家,是整个国家的焦点。他们的规模大小和活动变成一股强大的推动力,带来额外的居民,让这些首位城市变得更大,以至于跟国内的其他小城市相比有些不协调。但是,并不是所有国家都有这样一个首位城市,你可以从下面的表里看出来。
Some scholars define a primate city as one that is larger than the combined populations of the second and third ranked cities in a country.This definition does not represent true primacy, however, as the size of the first ranked city is not disproportionate to the second.一些学者定义首位城市就是比排名第二和第三位城市人口总和还要多的城市。但是这个定义没有体现从城市规模的角度分析,排名前两位的城市也是不成比例的,所以并不被认可。
The law can be applied to smaller regions as well.For example, California's primate city is Los Angeles, with a metropolitan area population of 16 million, which is more than double the San Francisco metropolitan area of 7 million.Even counties can be examined with regard to the Law of the Primate City.这个法则可以用到小的区域。举个例子,加州的首位城市是洛杉矶,城市人口达到1600万,比旧金山的700高出甚多。甚至村庄也可以用首位城市法则来分析。
Scope of land consolidation schemes(本段蓝字为不确定部分)
Land consolidation has always been regarded as an instrument or entry point for rural development.Early concepts of rural development were virtually the same as agricultural development because of the predominant role of agriculture in rural areas at the time.Improving the agrarian structure was viewed as being identical to maintaining the social viability in rural areas;what was good for the farmers was good for rural areas.An overall objective of early projects was thus to increase the net income from land holdings by increasing the volume of production and decreasing its costs.With this focus on agricultural development, these projects served to consolidate parcels and enlarge holdings and included provisions such as irrigation and drainage infrastructure to improve water management, construction of rural roads, land levelling, soil improvement measures and changes to land use such as converting agriculturally inferior land into forest land or wetlands.土地合并经常被认为是发展农村的一个手段或者切入点。早期的农村发展概念基本上和农业发展一样的,因为那时候的农业生产占据了农村的主导地位。改进农业结构看起来是和保留农村地区社会生存能力一样的事情。对农民好也就是对农村地区好。因此早期项目的总体目标是通过增加产量和减少成本,以此增加从土地获得的净收益。随着注意力转移到农业发展上,这些项目服务于巩固捆绑,增大资产,还这些规定:修建灌溉和排水基础设施来提升用水管理能力,修建农村公路,土地平整,土壤改良措施以及改变土地用途比如说把贫瘠的土地转变为森林或者湿地。
Such agricultural improvements are still essential but rural space is now no longer regarded as one of agricultural production alone.Concepts of rural development have become much broader and have expanded to include increased environmental awareness and a wide range of nonagricultural applications.The emphasis of land consolidation projects has shifted from a focus on restructuring agriculture to one of achieving more efficient multiple use of rural space by balancing the interests of agriculture, landscape, nature conservation, recreation and transportation, especially when land is required for the construction of major roads.这些农业进步仍然是必不可少的,但是现在农村地区不再仅仅是农业生产的区域了。农村发展的概念已经变得更加广阔,已经拓展到包含环境意识和非农业应用的领域。土地合并的项目的重点已经不再只关注农业重组,它上升到通过平衡农业利益,地形,自然保护,娱乐和运输(尤其是需要修建主要干道的时候)来获取最大的利益。
Environmental conditions are being given increasing priority.Roads are being constructed to suit the landscape.Water bodies are being restored, often with buffer zones.Land consolidation projects are also used for the protection of wetlands and to change land use patterns especially in areas endangered by frequent floods or soil erosion.人们把环境情况作为优先考虑。修路需要符合地形。水体被修复,一般都还有缓冲区。土地合并项目经常用于保护湿地,还有改变土地利用模式,特别是在因为频发的洪水和水土流失致使土地濒临消失的地方。
The direct income for an area is the amount of tourist expenditure that remains locally after taxes, profits, and wages are paid outside the area and after imports are purchased;these subtracted amounts are called leakage.In most all-inclusive package tours, about 80% of travelers' expenditures go to the airlines, hotels and other international companies(who often have their headquarters in the travelers' home countries), and not to local businesses or workers.In addition, significant amounts of income actually retained at destination level can leave again through leakage.消费者的支出除去税费,利润,支出的工资以及进口所需剩下的一部分,就是旅游目的地的直接收入,也叫做渗漏。在大部分全包价旅游中,旅游者支出的80%付给了航空公司,酒店和其他国际公司(通常在旅游者来源国有分支部门),并不是当地的商店或者工人。此外,大量的达到目标水平的收入一般会经过渗漏再次离开当地。101页
Tourism development and the related rise in real estate demand may dramatically increase building costs and land values.Not only does this make it more difficult for local people, especially in developing countries, to meet their basic daily needs, it can also result in a dominance by outsiders in land markets and in-migration that erodes economic opportunities for the locals, eventually disempowering residents.In Costa Rica, close to 65% of the hotels belong to foreigners.Long-term tourists living in second homes, and the so-called amenity migrants(wealthy or retired people and liberal professionals moving to attractive destinations in order to enjoy the atmosphere and peaceful rhythms of life)cause price hikes in their new homes if their numbers attain a certain critical mass.旅游业的发展和相关切实需要的房地产需求可能戏剧性的促进了建筑造假和土地价值。不止是这些造成了当地居民-特别是在发展中国家-难以得到基本日常所需,还会导致外来者在土地市场和迁移这些对当地人属于经济侵略的领域处于支配地位。在哥斯达黎加,近60%的酒店属于外国人,长期的游客住在第二个家,这些所谓的美化城市的居民(富人或者退休的人,还有那些想要享受平静生活和优美环境的自由主义者)的数量如果达到一个临界值,就会引起他们新家附近的价格飞涨。
Storm structure
The process by which a disturbance forms and subsequently strengthens into a hurricane depends on at least three conditions.Warm waters and moisture are mentioned above.The third condition is a wind pattern near the ocean surface that spirals air inward.Bands of thunderstorms form, allowing the air to warm further and rise higher into the atmosphere.If the winds at these higher levels are relatively light, this structure can remain intact and allow for additional strengthening.一股躁动气流随后加强成为飓风的过程需要至少3个条件。温水和降水是必不可少的,第三个条件是在海洋表面有内螺旋的空气所形成的风。雷电风暴的形成,让空气温度升高,然后上升到大气。如果在这个更高高度的风是相对轻的,这个结构还会保持完整然后继续加强。
Lesson 1 importance of water 水的重要性
Water is best known and most abundant of all chemical compounds occurring in relatively pure form on the earth’s surface.Oxygen, the most abundant chemical element, is present in combination with hydrogen to the extent of 89 percent in water.Water covers about three fourths of the earth's surface and permeates cracks of much solid land.The polar regions are overlaid with vast quantities of ice, and the atmosphere of the earth carries water vapor in quantities from 0.1 percent to 2 percent by weight.It has been estimated that the amount of water in the atmosphere above a square mile of land on a mild summer day is of the order of 50,000 tons.在地球表面以相对纯的形式存在的一切化合物中,水是人们最熟悉的、最丰富的一种化合物。在水中,氧这种最丰富的化学元素与氢结合,其含量多达89%。水覆盖了地球表面的大约3/4的面积,并充满了陆地上的许多裂缝。地球的两极被大量的冰所覆盖,同时大气也挟带有占其重量0.1%~2%的水蒸气。据估计,在温暖的夏日,每平方英里陆地上空大气中的水量约为5万吨。
All life on earth depends upon water, the principal ingredient of living cells.The use of water by man, plants, and animals is universal.Without it there can be no life.Every living thing requires water.Man can go nearly two months without food, but can live only three or four days without water.地球上所有的生命都有赖于水而存在,水是活细胞的基本组分(要素)。人类、植物和动物都得用水。没有水就没有生命。每一种生物都需要水。人可以接近两个月不吃食物而仍能活着,但不喝水则只能活三四天。
In our homes, whether in the city or in the country, water is essential for cleanliness and health.The average American family uses from 65,000 to 75,000 gallons of water per year for various household purposes.在我们的家庭中,无论是在城市还是农村,水对于卫生和健康来说都是必不可少的。美国家庭的年平均用水量达6.5~7.5万加仑。
Water can be considered as the principal raw material and the lowest cost raw material from which most of our farm produces is made.It is essential for the growth of crops and animals and is a very important factor in the production of milk and eggs.Animals and poultry, if constantly supplied with running water, will produce more meat, more milk, and more eggs per pound of food and per hour of labor.水可以被认为是最基本的和最廉价的原料。我们的农产品,大部分都是由它构成的。水是农作物和动物生长的要素,也是奶类和蛋类生产的一个很重要的因素。动物和家禽,如果用流动的水来喂养,那么每磅饲料和每个劳动小时会生产出更多的肉、奶和蛋。
For example, apples are 87% water.The trees on which they grow must have watered many times the weight of the fruit.Potatoes are 75% water.To grow an acre of potatoes tons of water is required.Fish are 80% water.They not only consume water but also must have large volumes of water in which to live.Milk is 88% water.To produce one quart of milk a cow requires from 3.5 to
5.5 quarts of water.Beef is 77% water.To produce a pound of beef an animal must drink many times that much water.If there is a shortage of water, there will be a decline in farm production, just as a shortage of steel will cause a decrease in the production of automobiles.例如,苹果含87%的水分,苹果树就必须吸收比苹果多许多倍的水分;土豆含75%的水分,那么种植每英亩土豆就需要若干吨水;牛奶含水量为88%,为了生产每夸脱牛奶,母
牛需要3.5~5.5 夸脱的水;牛肉含77%的水,为生产1磅牛肉牛必须饮用许多磅水。如果缺水,就会使农产品减产,就像缺乏钢会引起汽车产量下降一样。
In addition to the direct use of water in our homes and on the farm, there are many indirect ways in which water affects our lives.In manufacturing, generation of electric power, transportation, recreation, and in many other ways, water plays a very important role.水除了直接为我们的家庭和农场利用外,它还以许多间接的方式对我们的生活产生影响。在制造、发电、运输、娱乐以及其他许多行业,水都起着很重要的作用。
Our use of water is increasing rapidly with our growing population.Already there are acute shortages of both surface and underground waters in many locations.Careless pollution and contamination of our streams, lakes, and underground sources has greatly impaired the quality of the water which we do have available.It is therefore of utmost importance for our future that good conservation and sanitary measures be practiced by everyone.我们对水的利用随人口的增长而迅速增加。在许多地方,无论地面水或地下水都已经严重短缺了。由于任意污染河流、湖泊和地下水源,已经大大地损害了人们能够利用的水的水质。因此,人人有责对水采取保护措施和卫生措施,这对于我们人类的未来是极端重要的。
Lesson 18 evapotranspiration 腾发量
Evaporation is the transfer of water from the liquid to the vapor state.Transpiration is the process by which plants remove moisture from the soil and release it to the air as vapor.More than half of the precipitation which reaches the land surfaces of the earth is returned to the atmosphere by the combined processes, evapotranspiration.In arid regions evaporation may consume a large portion of the water stored in reservoir.蒸发是水从液态变成气态的过程。蒸腾是植物将从土壤中吸收的水分以汽体的形式释放到大气中去的过程。到达地面的降雨有一半以上以蒸发与蒸腾相结合的形式─腾发,回到大气中去。在干旱地区,蒸发可以消耗掉大量的水库存水。
The rate of evaporation from a water surface is proportional to the difference between the vapor pressure at the surface and vapor pressure in the overlying air(Dalton ’s law).In still air, the vapor-pressure difference soon becomes small, and evaporation is limited by the rate of diffusion of vapor away from the surface.Turbulence caused by wind and thermal convection transports the vapor from the surface layer and permits evaporation to continue.水面蒸发率与水表面水气压与上层空气大气压的差成比例(道尔顿定律)。在静止的空气中,气压差不久就变得较小,蒸发受水面水汽弥散速率的限制。由风引起的扰动和热对流将表层的水变为水汽,(从而)使蒸发得以持续下去。
Transpiration is essentially the evaporation of water from the leaves of plants.Rates of transpiration will, therefore, be about the same as rates of evaporation from a free water surface if the supply of water to the plant is not limited.Estimated free water evaporation may, therefore, be assumed to indicate the potential evapotranspiration from a vegetated soil surface.蒸腾从本质上是指水分从植物的叶表面的蒸发,因此,如果植物供水不受限制,蒸腾速率大约等于自由水面的蒸发率。因此,估计的自由水面蒸发量可以假定代表有植物的土壤表面的潜在腾发量。
The total quantity of transpiration by plants over a long period of time is limited primarily by the availability of water.In areas of abundant rainfall well distributed through the year, all plants will transpire at about the same rates and the differences in total will result from the differences in
the length of the growing seasons for the various species.Where water supply is limited and seasonal, depth of roots becomes very important.Here, shallow-rooted grasses wilt and die when the surface soil becomes dry while deep-rooted trees and plants will continue to withdraw water from lower soil layers.The deeper-rooted vegetation will transpire a greater amount of water in the course of a year.The rate of transpiration is not materially reduced by decreases in soil moisture until the wilting point of the soil is reached.整个长时期的植物蒸腾总量主要受水的可获得量限制。在雨量充足且年内分布均匀的地区,所有植物都将以大致相同的速度蒸腾,蒸腾总量的不同是由于各种植物生育期长短不同而引起的。对于供水受限制和季节性(降雨)的地方,植物根系的深度是很重要的。在这样的地区,当表土变干时,浅根系的草凋萎后便死亡,而根深的树木和作物将继续从深层土壤中吸取水分。深根植物在一年蒸腾过程中将蒸腾掉大量的水分。在土壤含水量达到凋萎点之前,植物的蒸腾速度实质上不会因土壤水分的减少而减少。
Evapotranspiration, sometimes called consumptive use or total evaporation describes the total water removed from an area by transpiration and by evaporation from soil, snow, and water surfaces.An estimate of the actual evapotranspiration from an area can be made by subtracting measured outflow from the area(surface and subsurface)from the total water supply(precipitation, surface and subsurface inflow, and imported water).Change in surface and underground storage must be included when significant.腾发量有时被称为耗水量或总蒸腾量,表示某一区域植物蒸腾、土壤蒸发、雪蒸发和自由水面蒸发的总水量。某一区域上的实际腾发量可以从本区总的供水量(包括降雨、地面和地下流入量以及引入的水量)减去从本区实测流出量(地表和地下流出量)来进行估算。当地表和地下储存量的变化显著时必须包括在腾发量之内。
Several attempts have been made to relate evapotranspiration to climatological data through simple equations such as用最简单的方程表示腾发量与气象数据之间的关系,人们已经进行了许多尝试,如:
Where: is the consumptive use in feet and is the sum of the growing season maximum temperatures less 32ºF.With in centimeters and temperatures in degrees Celsius, Eq.(18.1)becomes式中: 表示耗水量,单位是英尺; 代表植物生长季节最高温度减去32ºF的累计值。当 以厘米为单位,温度由ºC表示时,方程(18.1)变为
Such formulas agree fairly well with average values of annual evapotranspiration over a period of years, but it clear that the evaporative process is too complex to be well defined by a simple temperature function.这些公式与多年某一阶段的年平均腾发量吻合良好。但由于蒸发过程的复杂性,很显然,我们不可能用简单的温度函数去很好的定义腾发量。
As indicated before, the potential evapotranspiration from an area can be estimated from the free water evaporation.Actual evapotranspiration equals the potential value as limited by the available moisture.On a natural watershed with many vegetal species, it is reasonable to assume that evapotranspiration rates do vary with soil moisture since shallow-rooted species will cease to transpire before deeper-rooted species.A moisture-accounting procedure can be established using the continuity equation
如前所述,某一区域的潜在腾发量可以用自由水面腾发量来估算。实际腾发量等于有效水量受限时的潜在腾发量。对于一个有多种植物的自然流域,假设腾发速率确实随土壤水分的变化而变化是合理的。这是因为浅根植物将在深根植物前停止蒸腾。我们可以用连续方程建立水量平衡方程:Where: is precipitation;is surface runoff;is subsurface outflow;is actural
evapotranspiration;is the change in moisture storage.式中: 表示降雨量; 表示地表径流量; 表示地下流出量; 表示实际腾发量; 表示水分储存的变化。is estimated as(可用下式估算:)
Where: is the computed soil moisture storage on any data and is an assumed maximum soil moisture content.A moisture-accounting procedure of this type may be used to calculate runoff as well as estimate evapotranspiration.式中: 表示任何计算的土壤水分储存量; 表示一假定的最大土壤含水量。这个典型的水量平衡方程可用于计算径流量和估算腾发量。
在变形奥氏体在热加工温度和恒应变速率,观察应力应变曲线的特点形式如图所示。3。1。这些曲线是低合金钢,扭转测试,但类似的其它钢得到扭转,紧张,或压缩测试奥氏体条件。经过初期快速加工硬化曲线通过动态再结晶的发生相关的一个最大。在流动应力峰值出现一些低分数的再结晶后已经发生这样的峰值应变(εp)总是大于临界应变动态recystallization(εc)。两个菌株之间的关系是复杂的,但它已建议thatεc=αεp(其中α是一个常数)是一个合理的近似变形热工权益的条件下。然而,α的建议值不同,0.83,0.86,和0.67。它从图3.1可以看出,εp增加系统与ZenerMn钢,但较低的值的270和286 kJ / mol的范围,也被观察到。Asεc标志着亚颗粒有点不发达,加工硬化和动态恢复行动,其中也包含了再结晶核的变化,在微观结构,它也是一个静态后发生的结构性变化的临界应变变形。低合金钢和在图CMn钢等。巴勒克拉夫,和摩利臣是指,在较低温度下进行比加热温度和测试温度0Nεp没有影响这些显示的测试。较高的温度加热/测试结果前一组,将给予更大的初始晶粒尺寸。显示蛛网膜下腔出血等,Sakui等,以及罗伯茨等。增加,晶粒尺寸(D0),导致增加inεp,他们的数据表明αD0 ^ 1 / 2的词语和术语的形式εp关系 应力F)。对于曲线图,K = 2,这是与其他钢变形株<εc观察值相一致。这种关系t0.05 = 0。27t0.5和t0.95 = 2.08 T0.5,即重结晶所得超过为了在时间的幅度。特征时间T0.5要么金相或恢复方法测量,应变的依赖,是几个钢图所示。3.4。所有的曲线显示为菌株陡峭的应变依存度高达〜0。8εp,适合关系t0.5αε-M,m的平均值= 4。这个值也是由铁素体金属上的意见。这种关系是适用的应变下限是不确定的静态再结晶临界应变没有接受过系统的研究。这是<低碳950钢0.05℃,而Djaic和Jonas观测表明一个值> 0.055为高碳钢在780 Norrison数据表明,钢℃。很明显的,这种差异是否产生差异ž建议由简单依赖温度或组成的折线图。3.2可能是不现实的。这值得进一步研究低毒株可应用于轧板的最终通过,如前所示,这些可能最终晶粒尺寸上有显著的影响,如果他们超过静态再结晶临界应变。T0.5陡峭的依赖ε应变范围,莫里森指出,有研究两个数量级的订单,没有应变率的影响。这是多少有些令人吃惊的,有趣的应变率(或Z)在任何特定的应变增加的流动应力。预计将增加流动应力增加随机的位错密度,减少亚晶尺寸,从而增加储存的能量,亚晶界提供了最大的贡献的储存的能量和应变的取向差增加,再结晶的驱动力将增加。然而,这将增加预计将应变,线性的,所以更大的应变依赖的T0.5也必须出现从核点密度和核率的增加。因此,缺乏应变率的影响可能反映储存的能量和下部结构的发展在任何应变补偿效果。这与不锈钢应变率观察到的效果。
“metadynamic”,以区别于“古典”的再结晶后的低时变形后形成的原子核必须的压力。恢复测量结果表明,再结晶动力学可能有污渍后,顺利进入稳定的状态显示后株betweenεc和稳定状态的发病的复杂的形式,直接金相观察和静态再结晶,Avrami方程的指数k的价值下降到〜1。这意味着,t0.05 = 0.074 T0.5和t0.95 = 4.33 T0..5岛E.静态再结晶所得超过两个数量级,在时间,使变形过程中动态再结晶的结构后,株。
从规模的角度来看,例如,锻件的范围可能从微小的收银部分每盎司加权分数,以大规模的结构组件加权数吨。同样,锻件覆盖几乎每一个有用的人的基本配置的形状。他们可在操作温度范围从低温的水平,超过3 000 ° F和在腐蚀性,环境,自然可以想出。锻件经济竞争力与其他类型的相应的材料生产的零部件。
注塑模具基本上由两个halfs.One模具的一半包含浇道衬套和热流道系统,喷射系统。成型部分是设在分界线另一半的房子(ref.To Ø DIN)
韧性断裂准则一般可以代表一个功能的形式: J F(变形历史)DF = C其中F是有效的应变和C的伤害值。韧性断裂的共同假设,由式为代表。(1),韧性断裂时,会发生在一个工件的最大伤害值超过临界值或“临界伤害值”。对于均质材料中,这个关键的伤害值可以被视为一个材料常数,类似的屈服应力或拉伸强度。由于不同的韧性断裂准则导致不同的伤害值,临界伤害值对应不同的韧性断裂准则,对于一个给定的材料不同。许多实验研究已进行了建立测试方法来确定成形性和/或断裂极限图,并已提出了几种韧性断裂准则。数学上派生的韧性断裂准则已经提出基于实验观察。扩展的研究一直侧重于测试使用的有限元分析套件的变形和实验测试7韧性断裂准则。这项研究得出的结论是Cockroft和莱瑟姆的标准可能是实际应用的最佳。Cockroft和莱瑟姆的标准如下:(2)其中,FF是有效的断裂应变,A *最大主应力和F的有效应力。关键的伤害值,C需要实验验证。C使用获得的剪切荷载,本文提出,关键值分别为0.5,0.25和0。1。这些值尚未得到实验验证,但有适当说明可能断裂行为的位置和路径。
(4)此外,模具寿命主要是由塑性变形的影响,如壳式时,油基润滑剂是比水更有害。特别是,以石油为主的无治疗的情况下,延长模具寿命不利。第8章的CAD / CAM
由于计算机技术的出现,制造的专业人士都希望自动化设计流程,并使用自动化制造工艺所开发的数据库。计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM),成功地实施时,应删除“墙”的设计和制造组件之间历来存在。的CAD / CAM是指在设计和制造工艺中使用的计算机。其他条款的CAD / CAM的问世以来,已开发:
这些剥离的所有条款是指具体方面的CAD / CAM的概念。CAD / CAM本身是一个更广泛的,更具包容性。这是在自动化和集成制造的心脏。的CAD / CAM的一个主要目标是生产可用于制造产品,而产品设计开发的数据库的数据。当成功实施CAD / CAM涉及的一家公司的设计和制造元件之间的共同数据库共享。
交互式计算机图形(ICG)在CAD / CAM的重要作用。通过使用全球导航卫星系统国际委员会,设计人员开发出的产品而存储数据的电子图形图像设计的图形图像。图形图像可以在二维(2D),或固体格式。ICG的图像,使用等基本点,线,圆和曲线的几何特征。一旦创建,这些图像可以很容易地编辑和操纵各种方式,包括放大,裁减,旋转和运动。ICG系统有三个主要部分组成:1)硬件,包括计算机和各种外围设备;2)软件,包括计算机程序和系统技术手册(目前流行的全球导航卫星系统国际委员会在CAD / CAM软件使用包括的AutoCAD,CADKEY,Pro / E的,UG,1GYZ轴定义,在指定的立方测量面积。来衡量的部分是固定的花岗岩板面,准备探头方向。当探头接触点上的部分,点是指通过轴的关系。读者对每个轴头旅游点读数的继承与传输点的位置数据通讯接口。计算机,然后计算出精确的几何形状和尺寸的部分信息。这些机器功能的速度,缓解和准确性,以及检查的时间也相应减少。CMM可用于锻件,铸件,冲压件,加工件的过程和最终检验。
第二个定义认为更具全球性的措施,公司的整体素质。这是有关组织的质量或全面质量管理(TQM)。美国的工程师,特别是我们戴明,全面质量管理,但日本企业如丰田,早期的倡导者们热情申请。幸运的是,到1982年,图书,如汤姆彼得斯在让美国制造商意识到什么,他们已经做恢复美国制造业竞争力的卓越搜索的:(一个)在工厂质量保证,(二)全面质量管理在整个完整的组织,和(C)精简管理层次。加尔文(1987)描述了八个方面的全面质量管理,他们也波多里奇奖和ISO 9000的系统评价。
二是机不准确。轴的直径有一个更大的传播,高达500微米(0.02英寸)直径25毫米(微米+ I-250)。与前两镖玩家,机两机一台不到准确。也许机两可用于一些圆柱形零件的粗加工,精度并不重要。或者,更重要的的是,SQC质量保证部可以推荐机器维修,提高了机器。
补全句子: 1.(应该适合人类,并有助于人机合一)Should serve man and contribute to cybernetics 2.(不断发新产品,并具备以前计算机所不具备的功能)design new machines continuously, which are capable of doing work that earlier computers could not;(在平常活动中肩负起更多的责任)take over more functions in daily life.3.(预测产品和服务的市场可接受度)predict which products and services the market will bear;(评估产品生命力的宝贵工具)an invaluable tools for assessing the viability of a product 4.(每当DOS执行一个程序)each time DOS executes a program;(当你正在通过Microsoft Windowws执行多个程序时)when executing multiple programs via Microsoft Windows 5.(当工作难找的时候)When jobs are scarce;(常常被有经验的工人排挤)tend to be pushed out in favor of experienced workers 6.(在这些更强大的目标导向的工具方面进行投资是有意义的)it is a good time to invest in these more powerful , goal-directed tools 7.(为用户进行内容定制)it executes the user’s custom contest;(将处理后的内容转换到所用的特定设备)it then loads the content onto the designated device in use 8.(不懂得与时俱进)do not keep up with regulations;(只会束缚人们的手脚)haue their hand tied 9.1.(是一个富于变化的领域,包括许多相互作用的组成部分)a diverse field with many interacting components;(赋予信息,激发对话)imparts information, stimulates dialogue 10.(从食品,动物到植物健康部门的各种专家)a diverse range of experts from the food, animal and plant health sectors 11.(从某种程度上)to a certain extent;(我国土地资源的后续利用,食品安全和生态环境)follow-up utilizing of land resource, food security and ecological environment of our country 12.(细菌太小,肉眼看不见).Bacteria are too
small to see with the naked the eye;(以避免细菌污染)avoid contamination with bacteria 13.(常被用作奶油的代用品)often used as a
substitute for butter
14.(转基因食品)genetically modified food;(转
基因食品优点)the merit of GM food 15.(加强食品监督与管理)strengthen the
supervision and administration of food safety;(维护好食品市场的秩序)maintain a good order of the food market
品上做标注)introduced a labeling scheme for their products in the British market
17.(停止进口诸如火腿,肉制品等)suspend the
import of meats such as ham, pork products and others
18.(没能说服数百人改掉这一恶习)has failed to
convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the bad habit 19.(令人质疑)raise eyebrows
20.(延伸覆盖大范围的市场)stretches across a
wide range of markets
21.(擦亮品牌)burnished the brand name 22.(为总裁们完成了一项最大的采购)have
made the ultimate acquisition for chief executives;(大手笔的花掉220亿美元财富的一部分)splashed some of the $22bn fortune 23.(使谷歌在未来几年里成为不可忽视的力量)
keep Google the force to be reckoned with for years to come
恤衫)snap up your latest favorite T-shirt on sale for $13.99
you will be faced with a huge number of offers, to varying degrees
26.(使你在行业中处于更有利的地位)give you
a competitive advantage in your industry 27.(占谷歌所有搜索查询的四分之一)accounts
for a quarter of all Google search queries 28.(尝试区分人类访客和自动化访问者或机器
人)try to distinguish human visitors from automated visitors or robots
29.(富于创新精神的搜索引擎)innovative search engines 30.(提出设计)come up with a design 31.(坚守社会责任和保护自然环境的承诺)commitment to social responsibility and protecting the environment 32.(为订立国际条约和行动纲领建立共识)builds consensus towards international treaties and programmes of action 33.(在我们的短暂一生中,最好贡献莫过于此了)I don’t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world 34.(我们要竭尽全力确保《京都议定书》生效)We should make every effort to ensure the Kyoto Protocol to come into force 35.(对生态环境影响相对较小)relatively little effect on the ecological environment;(一项重要政策)an important policy 36.活着的树木可以吸收碳)Living trees absorb carbon;(大气中碳的释放)the release of carbon into the atmosphere 37.(受由污染引起的酸雨影响)is affected by the acid rain caused by pollution 38.(尽管氮无毒且很大程度上不活泼)Although nitrogen is nontoxic and largely inert 39.(由清水状态转变为藻类过量繁殖状态)from a clear –water state to an algal bloom 40.(毁灭一个地理上孤立的小族群)wipe out a geographically isolated group 整句翻译:
41.为实现这些目标,在1997年签署了《京都议定书》,并于2005年开始强制生效。The Kyoto Protocol, which set about realizing those aims, was signed in 1997 and came into force in 2005.42.如果不能重新拟定新的国际公约,人类将没有任何机会来防治严重的气候突变问题。Without a new global agreement , there is not much chance of averting serious climate change.43.人们担忧的是对碳排放征税将使商业和经济受到创伤。What is worrying is that carbon taxes will hurt business and the economy.44.请你举一个具体的例子,说明你是怎样对你所处的环境进行评估并找到重点,以获得你所期望的结果的。Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the
most important priorities.45.我们决心将每一个项目的成本降到最低,尽量提高效益。We are determined to minimise the cost of each and every project and to maximize
者是文化传播的特质,该特质受家长和社会经济地位的影响。无论是哪一种,测试智商都不能影响社会的流动性).IQ measures a genetic, and therefore heritable, traits or a culturally transmitted trait, influenced by parents and socio-economic status.Either way, testing IQ could not influence social mobility.42.(数据已经添加或更新在数据库中,但由于没
有达到从属记录源中的标准而将无法显示)43.The data was added or updated in the database,but will not be displayed because it does not satisfy the criteria in the subordinate record source.44.(没有一种学科方法证明,暴露于10ppm某
种污染达24小时是“安全的”,而暴露在超过那个污染程度便是“危险的”)There no scientific way to demonstrate that exposure to a pollutant in a concentration of one hundred parts per million for twenty-four hours is “safe”, while
究生院协调各学院的研究教学工作,确保研究教育的质量)With much emphasis on research activities, Hong Kong university has established a Graduate School to co-ordinate research among faculty members and to ensure quality research and education.46.(传统的看法人为错误消息框的作用是在用
户错了时通知他们。实际上,大多数错误公告的作用是在计算机对指令感到不明时向用户报告)Conventional wisdom has held that error messages tell users when they have made a mistake.Actually, must error bulletins report when the computer gets confused.47.(由于某种原因,越来越多的人逐渐重视饮食
问题。无论因为情绪上的压力或是身体上的意外创伤,还是由于自信心的缘故,人们似乎都从饮食上寻求慰藉,而不是去寻求专业帮助)More and more people are developing eating issues for many different reasons.Whether it is because of emotional stress, traumatic incidents, or self-confidence issues ,people seem to run to food for comfort instead of seeking professional help
48.(其他人争论说,粮食匮乏不是粮食产量的问题,而是政府忽视了农业发展,未能有效利用粮食援救。而且保护性的贸易壁垒使消除饥饿更加困难)Others argue that food insecurity is not an issue of a shortfull in food production but rather that governments have neglected agricultural development ,made ineffective use of food aid ,and ,through protective trade barriers, made hunger alleviation more difficult to attain.49.你是否想过为什么快餐连锁店能够立刻做好你所点的菜,而在家里妈妈总是要花费几个小时的时间做饭?答案很简单。快餐连锁店使用了能够加快烹饪过程的物质,而科学证明,这些物质有害人体健康,如果长期食用,会产生严重的危害。Have you ever wondered as to why the fast food joint are able to provide you with your order in no time whereas mom at home takes hours to cook? The answer lies in the simple fact that in fast food joints substances that enhance the cooking process are used.It has been scientifically proved that these substances are very harmful to health and pose serious threats on continuous consumption.50.这看上去好像是科幻小说中的情节:政府已经宣称克隆动物所产的肉和奶是安全的,而今,克隆食品赫然出现在了全国的食品供应链中。It sounds like a scenario from a science-fiction novel: The government has declared that meat and dairy from cloned animals is safe.and now cloned products can show up in the nation’s food supply.53 51..如今,食品和药物管理局(FDA)将要求进口商能够证实他们外国的供应商正在采取必要的安全防范措施。换句话说,他们应该能够确定来自智利的黑鲈与来自缅因州的龙虾符合同样的安全标准。Now, the FDA will
require importers to be able to verify that their foreign suppliers are taking the necessary safety precautions.In other words ,they’ll be able to make sure that sea bass from Chile meets the same safety standards as lobster from Maine.整句翻译:
和极端期限的挑战,它不仅能提高自身作为行业翘楚的声誉,而且还会打开其他机会之门。If this company can meet the challenge of the complex, high-precision production and the tight deadline, it will not only burnish its reputation as industry leader but open up other opportunities.53.BP(英国石油)令人吃惊的谈到其在中国扩
张的雄心。不多,分析师们警告称,中国炼油行业盈利能力不佳意味着在该行业的任何投资到头来都可能是不具吸引力的。BP has raised eyebrows by talking about its ambitions for expansion in China.However, analysts warned that the poor profitability of China’s refining industry meant that taking a stake in the sector might prove unattractive.54.即使经过几年温和增长,股票期权也能使投资
者获得可观收益。Even after a few years of moderate growth, stock options can produce a handsome return for investors.55.空中客车公司(Airbus)与波音公司一直就世
界军事飞机合同进行一场长期的殊死战斗。就在一个月前在美国,EADS,空中客车的母公司,拿走了波音公司一个将近四百亿美元的空中加油机合同。Airbus have been fighting a long and bruising battle with Boeing for military aircraft contracts around the world.Just a month ago in the U.S., EADS, the parent company of Airbus , snatched away a nearly 40 billion air tanker contract from Boeing.56.在现在所有语言中没有一个词可以准确地描
述信息技术对人类生活的巨大影响。No word in all languages exists to describe the great impact of information technology on human life.
Freeways,especially those built to Interstate standardsare the safest of the various classes of highways.高速公路,尤其是那些按照州际公路标准建造的是各种公路里面最安全的.While control of access, which limits vehicle conflicts(车辆冲突), isa primary factor in relatively low accident, injury,and fatality rates(事故,死亡率), other design features, such as wide medians and shoulders roadsides clear of obstructions, and the extensive use of protective barriers(护栏), are key factors as well.出入口控制减少车辆冲突,是获得较低的交通事故率和伤亡率的一个主 要因素。另外,其他的设计特性,如较宽的中央分隔带和较宽的路肩、路边无障碍物、大量采用防护栏等也是关键要素。
The higher design speeds(设计速度)used for freeways result in long sight distances(视距)due to long radiushorizontal curves and long vertical curves, and otherdesirable design features that create a safe drivingenvironment.高速公路采用较高的设计速度导致的长视距是由于大半径水平曲线和长的竖曲线,以及其他创造安全的驾驶环境的适宜的设计特性.Although most of the nation’s freeways enjoy this
relatively high level of design and safety, there are many opportunities for further enhancements.尽管全国绝大部分高速公路最喜欢这样的设计和安全性比较高的水平,但还是有很多地方需要进一步增强。
Safety improvements on freeways can also result in substantial savings in life and property(生命和财产)because freeways carry 25 percent of the nation’s total traffic.高速公路安全方面的改善,还会节约大量的生命财产资源,因为高速公路流量占了全国的总流量的25﹪。
Selecting the design speed for a freeway is an important safety element because most geometric criteria(准则,标准)related to or depend on it.选择高速公路的设计速度是一件重要的安全因素因为大部分的几何设计标准都是与它相关或者取决于它
In general, 110 kilometers per hour(km/h)should be the design speed for the mainline of a freeway , but it may need to be lower in areas of severe terrain or heavy development.一般来说,110千米每小时应该作为高速公路主干道的设计速度,但是在崎岖的地区或者施工难度大的地区可能需要降低。
For reconstruction, rehabilitation, and resurfacing(3R)
projects, the design speed should not be less than the original design speed or the current legal speed limit of that highway section.对于重建,恢复铺新路面工程,设计速度不应该低于平时设计速度或者那块交通干线区域的目前规定的速度限制。Design speeds for interchange ramps(立交匝道)depend on the type of ramp selected, for example , loop,diamond, or direct, and the low-volume(低交通量), running speed(行驶速度)of the intersecting highway.立交匝道的设计速度取决于砸到的选择类型,例如,环形、菱形、直线型以及低交通量,相交交通干线的运行速度。Usually, the design speed is established by the most restrictive element of the ramp, typically, the sharpest curve(小半径曲线).通常,这个设计速度被匝道的最限制的范围,典型的是小半径曲线。
Whatever design speed is selected, adequate transitions(转变、过渡)from the freeway proper and at the ramp terminal(末端、末尾)or merge point(合流点)should be developed.无论选择多大的设计速度,都应该发展来自高速公路本身的和在匝道末尾或者合流点的合适的过渡。
Safe and efficient traffic operations depend on adequate lane
and shoulder widths as outlined in A Police on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.安全及高效的交通运作取决于按照《道路的几何尺寸的规定》设计的适当的行车线和路肩宽度。
The need to accommodate more traffic within existing or limited additional right-of-way on high-volume urban freeway has led some agencies to increase capacity by exchange full-lane or shoulder widths for additional travel lanes with reduced widths.在高交通量的城市高速公路上,在已有的或者额外有限的公路用地条件下,容纳更多的交通的需求,导致许多机构通过减小车道宽度或者路肩宽度来腾出额外的车道来提高通行能力。
Any proposed use of less-than-full-standard cross-section must be analyzed carefully on a site-by-site basis.Experience indicates that 3.3-m lane can operate safely if there are no other less-than-standard features;however, combined with shoulder-width reductions, substandard sight distance, and other features, 3.3-m lanes may not provide the same safe operation.任何少于全标准道路横截面的提议都必须建立在充分论证的基础上。经验表明,不考虑其他低于标准的因素,3.3
米得行车道宽足够保证安全。但是结合路肩宽度的减少,视距不足及其他因素,3.3米得行车道宽不能提供足够的安全度。Converting shoulder to travel lanes for additional capacity through a short bottleneck section has been shown to significantly reduce congestion-related accidents on some projects.Removing shoulders for several kilometers, however, has not had the same result.在某些项目中,在短程的瓶颈路段为了额外的通行能力,将路肩转变成行车道能显著减少由道路拥挤导致的交通事故。然而减少几公里长的路肩宽度,得不到同样的的结果。
Pavement marking, such as lane lines, edge lines, channelizing lines at interchanges and ramps, and word symbol markings, provide important information to the drivers.路面标记,像在立体交道和斜坡处的车道线,边缘线,通道线以及文字和符号标记,为驾驶员提供重要信息
Pavement markings define separate lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction, inform drivers of lane restrictions, and convey certain regulation and warnings that would not otherwise be clearly understand.路面标记定义了单独的车道交通朝同一方向行驶,告诉驾驶员该车道限速,以及传达某些规则和警告,否则,它们不会被驾驶员清楚的明白。
Pavement markings are particularly important at night and during inclement weather, and,therefore, must be retroreflective.While well-maintained painted pavement markings are acceptable, thicker, long-life markings ,such as thermoplastic or performed tapes ,may perform better in wet weather and heavy traffic.同时保养好的涂有油漆的路面标志是可以采用的,厚的,长寿命的标记,像热塑性塑料或预成行的条带,可以在潮湿的空气和交通繁忙时表现得更出色。
Some studies have been made regarding the benefits of wider edge line markings(150 to 200 mm versus the standard 100 mm width).The wider markings may particularly benefit older drivers.一些研究已经取得了有关更宽边缘线方面的好处(150到200毫米相对于100毫米的标准宽度)。更宽的标记对老司机尤为有利。