以前一直听传说中的四大家族,却不曾完全记住。这次借助《宋 美龄大传》才了解了,原来他们是蒋中正家族,宋耀如(子宋子文)家族,孔祥熙家族,陈立夫.陈果夫家族,其父陈英士(陈其美)。也 才知道宋氏三姐妹原来是:宋霭龄,宋庆龄,宋美龄。她们当时就读 于美国威斯里安女子学院,这是世界上最早的一所女子学院,这所学 校也因培养了宋氏三姐妹而名声大振。后来的美国国务卿希拉里也曾 就读于这所名校。以前看到的中国共产党正面书籍,上面写道,宋美玲与蒋介石的 婚姻是政治婚姻。而且当时的报纸很巧妙的利用了二人名字中的两个 字,蒋中正的中,宋美龄的美,将二人的结合定义为“中美之合”。所以,受了正面材料的诱导,长期以来,我认为他们之间是没有感情 的,或者说是少有感情的。了解到美人救英雄的故事,了解到了蒋介 石喜欢穿旗袍的女的,洋化的她脱下马靴长裤,终身穿起了旗袍,而 且因为旗袍对于身材的要求很高,所以宋美龄的卧房里一生都放着一 把台秤,她的体重也一直保持在五十公斤左右。真是减肥是女性毕生 的事业啊!这么优秀的女性都尚且如此。了解到经历了“跳舞门”风 波后,本来就不喜欢跳舞的蒋介石更是不喜欢宋美龄跳舞了,于是这 个热情,西化的新式女性为了蒋介石戒掉了,尽管割爱会很痛,但她 慢慢在做着。了解到了,多少次临危受命,明知结果如此这般,她还 是踏上了美国——这个她的第二故乡,纽约,这个她已是荣誉公民的 地方,还有与杜鲁门一家的情谊,为了达令,她甘愿让以前的荣誉优 越尽扫。尽管那是任何一个人,所看重的。但是她,一个女人看中的
是——蒋介石。了解到在蒋介石病重时,宋美龄寸步不离的守候。了 解到蒋介石走后,她近乎迷途的坚持着收复大陆的梦想。宋氏三姐妹的美貌自然不用多说,每个成功的女人自有她成功的 资本。令我佩服的是,宋美龄的英语水平,外交能力,书中说道,她 是民国外交官的考核官,只要她认为还凑合,那就可以用。在很多场 合下,她就是蒋介石的翻译,因为蒋介石的宁波口音,其他人不大听 得懂,而且蒋介石会经常引用古书,所以,宋美龄是蒋介石意旨的最 好诠释者。还有,就接触过宋美龄的人讲,相对于蒋介石的中国文人 的优柔,这个自小接触西方教育的女性,在很多方面表现的更为果断,干练。书中还有写道,“夫人也爱钱”这一节,我觉得可以理解,当 一个女人没有极大安全感的时候,钱,这个她们骨子里最不愿意让它 来承担的东西却要来承担,这不是很荒凉吗?所以,在最后,
蒋介石 走后,宋美龄踏上归美之旅时的 100 多箱,也就有了解释了。带上点 上海点心吧,带上点旗袍吧,带上点字画吧,带上能带的!因为回不 去了。1897——2003,这位世纪美人走完了她光辉的一生,最后于 2003 年 10 月 28 日安葬在美国纽约芬克里芙墓园,关于自己的归宿,宋美 龄生前还有自己的一个心愿:如果蒋介石能够归葬于奉化老家,那么 她百年以后,愿意和蒋介石遗骨一起葬在奉化溪口的祖墓。而且,她 的一生坚持信仰只有只有一个中国的政策,反对台独。姐姐宋庆龄与妹妹宋美龄因为跟随的不同,信仰的背离,最终都 没有再见到。她也一生都没有自己的子嗣,所以,信仰上帝的她应该
懂得了,上帝是公平的,在给了你一样东西以后,一定会拿走你另一 样东西。威斯里安学院 WESLEYAN COLLEGE 是全世界最早的一所女子
学院于 1836 年。威斯里安学院 WESLEYA 其他人 COLLEGE 是全世界最 早的一所女子学院,建于 1836 年。威斯里安学院 WESLEYAN COLLEGE 是全世界最早的一所女子学院,建于 1836 年。
蒋介石的父亲蒋肇聪生于浙江奉化溪口镇的一个盐商家庭。1901年,少不更事的他在父母的撮合下,和比他大四岁的 毛福梅结婚。后来,他受别人教导,最后决定出国学军事,从而走上了革命的途程,这对他具有决定性的影响。后由陈其美引荐,开始认识孙中山并成为孙中山所重视的一个青年革命党人。1924年,由蒋介石主持的黄埔军校开学。孙中山逝世后,蒋介石便把自己当成孙中山的当然继承人。一跃成为仅次于汪精卫的国民党二号人物。他集大权于一身,登上权力的顶峰,北伐军胜利进军,蒋介石却背叛革命,于1926年在南京成立南京国民政府。宋美龄小蒋介石10岁,于1897年出生于上海。宋嘉树和倪桂珍有三男三女,依次为宋霭龄,宋庆龄,宋子文,宋美龄,宋子良,宋子安。现有资料表明,宋霭龄是第一位正式到美国留学的中国女子。宋美龄留学美国10年,成为美国化的中国人。蒋介石先后与毛福梅,姚士,陈洁如结为夫妻,后来蒋介石为了和宋美龄结婚,把他们都休掉了。毛福梅后来在抗日战争中被炸死了。陈洁如在其回忆录中,婚后他才发现蒋介石婚前经常出入风月场所,生活荒唐,且得了性病。宋美龄曾对二姐说,非英雄不嫁。宋霭龄和山西富家子弟孔祥熙结婚,是父母一手包办。宋庆龄嫁给孙中山,一个快50,一个才20出头。然后父亲不同意,觉得大逆不道,可是,女儿竟偷跑出去,在日本与孙匆匆完婚。蒋介石与宋美龄的结合,宣告蒋,宋,孔,陈四大家族开始形成。
后来就是艰苦的抗日战争,宋美龄遇乱不惊,异常震静。相传她在日本飞机轰炸时,给客人倒茶而不溅出一滴,或者指引客人进入防空洞时,她的谈话声调还是平时那样从容不迫。1937年南京失守,迁都重庆。宋美龄面对抗日勇士们,说,慰劳就该到火线上,这是中华民族的生死存亡之战,我正该上火线。还建立儿童保育会。她告诉自己决不放弃反共,但现在时中华民族攸关时刻,抗日战争压倒一切,信仰之争必须暂时不管。自蒋介石叛变革命后,宋庆龄同宋氏家族一直联系不多,甚至到了断绝来往的程度。三姐妹同时登台向美演讲,显示了中国人民团结,誓死保卫领土完整和国家主权。宋美龄出访美国和加拿大,在美国掀起了“宋美龄旋风”。中国的抗日战争开始为越来越多的美国民众所关注。宋美龄很快赢得许多美国人的心,他们纷纷解囊,协助中国的战争。会见罗斯福总统,请求他的干预,说服了总统重视这个战争,援助 中国的抗日战争。宋美龄的名字频频见诸报端,美国各界报刊对宋美龄的演讲纷纷发表评论,一时之间,全美掀起了一场赞扬宋美龄的旋风。经过长达7个月的时候,宋美龄访美之行也圆满划上了句号。宋美龄回国时从美国带回了一大批奢侈品,这在中国抗日战争极度困哪,物资奇缺而运输又十分困难的情况下,实属不该。宋美龄的这些奢侈的行为暴露了其固有本性,但并不能因此否认其访美的功绩。
第二次世界大战后,召开开罗会议。罗斯福和丘吉尔决定把一个会分两次来举行。鉴于斯大林拒绝参加有蒋介石参加的国际会议。三巨头相见了,蒋介石56岁,罗斯福61岁,丘吉尔69岁。宋美龄在谈判期间展现的 风采,曾令丘吉尔折服。1943年开罗首脑会议是宋美龄政治生涯的顶点,也是蒋介石走向末路的开端。
解放战争期间,国民党退守台湾。美国政府反对继续援助腐败无能的国民党政权。宋美龄此次赴美遭遇到了灾难性的失败。1949年,蒋介石让蒋经国去上海,部署将中央银行的黄金,白银,外汇秘密运往台湾。南京,上海解放后,蒋氏父子飞往台湾,从此再未回大陆。在衰老的背后,伴随着台湾小朝廷遭到国际社会大家庭越来越严厉的打击。1971年,尼克松接受了访问中国大陆的邀请。蒋介石愤怒无比。1966年以后,蒋介石仍以派遣零星特务为主要方式,对大陆进行迫害,直到20世纪70年代,这些活动才停止。当李登辉就任中华民国总统和国民党主席时,台湾便进入了李登辉时代。宋美龄对台湾时局十分惆怅,越看越不顺眼,终于在1991年移居美国。从1938年初次从政到1978年当选总统。蒋经国奋斗了整整40年。蒋经国与蒋方良有三子一女,蒋孝文,蒋孝章,蒋孝武,蒋孝勇。蒋经国临终前,为使蒋三士接班,补习采取托孤的方式,开始重用那些既无个人班底又对蒋家绝对忠诚的第三代人物,如:陈履安,宋楚瑜,连战等。但是江南命案的冲击迫使蒋经国重新考虑新接班人问题。事件发生后美国及地方势力抓住蒋孝武为谋杀事件的主谋,给蒋经国施加压力,并以此反对他的传子部署。蒋经国在12月25日公开宣布,蒋家人 不能也不会竞选下届总统。大选中,与此同时,蒋经国还将蒋孝武外放新加坡,任台湾当局驻新加坡商务代表团副代表。1988.蒋经国去世。1990年,总统大选中,尽管宋美龄亲自在幕后策划,兴师动众,隆重推出蒋纬国竞选台湾第八届副总统,结果美梦难圆,蒋纬国败北,台湾彻底进入了李登辉时代。孔祥熙与宋霭龄有四子女:孔令侃,孔令杰,孔令仪,孔令俊(孔令伟)。孔家在台湾的最大的产业就是圆山饭店,董事长为孔大小姐孔令仪,但大部分 股权归孔二小姐。宋美龄的奢华蜚声海内外,宋美龄每年能固定从法国订购的化妆品就有400万,她使用的外国药物溶液处理的每张卫生纸就20元,她脚上的一双镶有钻石的鞋子80万,一件外衣50万。她的亲人都相继过世,她与2003年去世享年106岁。
Mr.President, Members of the Senate of the United States, ladies, and gentlemen, I am overwhelmed by the warmth and spontaneity of the welcome of the American people, of whom you are the representatives.I did not know that I was to speak to you today at the Senate except to say, “How do you do, I am so very glad to see you.” and to bring the greetings of my people to the people of America.However, just before coming here, the Vice President told me that he wouId li
ke to have me say a few words to you.议长先生,美国参议院各位议员,各位女士、先生,受到诸位所代表的美国人民热情与真诚的欢迎,令我感动莫名。我事先不知今天要在参议院发表演说,只以为要到此说声「大家好,很高兴见到各位」,并向贵国人民转达敝国百姓的问候之意。不过,在来到此地之前,贵国副总统告诉我,他希望我和各位说几句话。
I am not a very good extemporaneous speaker;in fact, I am no speaker at all;but I am not so very much discouraged, because a few days ago I was at Hyde Park, and went to the President’s library.Something I saw there encouraged me , and made me feel that perhaps you will not expect overmuch of me in speaking to you extemporaneously.What do you think I saw there I saw there many things, but the one thing which interested me most of all was that in a glass case there was the first draft of one of the President’s speeches, a second draft, and on and on up to the sixth draft.Yesterday I happened to the mention this fact to the President, and told him that I was extremely glad that he had to write so many drafts when he is such a well-known and acknowledgedly fine speaker.His reply to me was that sometimes he writes 12 drafts of a speech.So, my remarks here today, being extemporaneous, I am sure you will make allowances for me.我并不擅于即席演说,事实上根本称不上是演说家,但我不会因此怯场,因为前几天我在海德公园参观过总统图书馆,在那里看见的一些东西鼓励了我,让我感觉各位或许不会对我的即席演说要求太多。各位知道我在那里见到什么吗?我看到了许多,但最让我感兴趣的,莫过于一个放着总统先生(译按,即罗斯福总统)演说草稿的玻璃箱,里头从第一份草稿、第二份草稿,一直到第六份草稿。昨天,我碰巧向总统先生提及此事,我说我很高兴知道,以他如此知名又公认一流的演说家,还必须写这么多份草稿。他回答说,有时他一次演说得写12份草稿。因此,今天本人在此发表的即席演说,我确信各位一定会包容。
The traditional friendship between your country and mine has a history of 160 years.I feel--and I believe that I am not the only one who feels this way--that there are a great many similarities between your people and mine, and that these similarlties are the basis of our friendship.贵国和敝国之间有着160年悠久历史的情谊,我觉得贵国人民和敝国百姓有许许多多的相似点,而这些相似点正是两国情谊的基础,我也相信不是只有我有这样的感觉。
I should like to tell you a little story which will illustrate this belief.When General Doolittle and his men went to bomb Tokyo, on their return some of your boys had to bail out in the interior of China.One of them later told me that he had to bail out of his ship.and that when he landed on Chinese soil and saw the populace running toward him, he just waved his arm and shouted the only Chinese word he knew, ”Mei-kuo, Mei-kuo,”which means“ America.”Literally translated fr
om the Chinese it means ”Beautiful country.”
This boy said that our people laughed and almost hugged him, and greeted him like a long lost brother.He further told me that he thought that he had come home when he saw our people;and that was the first time he had ever been to China.(Applause.)
I came to your country as a little girl.I know your people.I have lived with them.I spent the formative years of my life amongst your people.I speak your language, not only the language of you hearts, but also your tongue.So coming here today I feel that I am also coming home.(Applause)
I believe, however, that it is not only I who am coming home, I feel that if the Chinese people could speak to you in your own tongue, or if you could understand our tongue, they would tell you that basically and fundamentally we are fighting for the same cause(great applause);
that we have identity of ideals;that the “four freedoms,,which your President proclaimed to the world, resound throughout our vast land as the gong of freedom, the gong of freedom of the United Nations, and the death kn
ell of the aggressors.(Applause.)
I assure you that our people are willing and eager to cooperate with you in the realization of these ideals, because we went to see to it that they do not echo as empty phrases, but become realities for ourselves, foe children , for our children’s children, and for all mankind.(Applause.)
How are we going to realize these ideals I think 1 shall tell you a little story which just came to my mind.As you know.China is a very old nation.We have a history of 5,000 years.When we were obliged to evacuate Hankow and go into the hinterland to carry on and continue our resistance against aggression, the Generalissimo and I passed one of our fronts, the he Changsha front.One day we went into the Heng-yang Mountains, where there are traces of a famous pavilion called“Rub-the-mirror”pavilion, which was built over 2,000 years ago.It will perhaps interest you to hear the story of that pavilion.我们要如何实现这些理想,我想,我可以告诉各位一个我刚想到的小故事。各位知道,中国是一个非常古老的国家。我们有五千年历史。我们被迫从汉口撤退,转入大后方继续抵抗侵略的时候,蒋委员长和我经过一处前线,就在长沙。有一天,我们上衡山,山上有一处有名的遗迹,叫[磨镜台],是两千多年前的古迹。诸位或许有兴趣听听这古迹的故事。
Two thousand years ago near that spot was an old Buddhist temple.One of the young monks went there, and all day long he sat crosslegged, with his hands clasped before him in an attitude of prayer, and murmured ”Amita-Buddha!Amita-Buddha!Amita-Buddha!”He murmured and chanted day after day, because he hoped that he would acquire grace.两千年前,台址近旁有一座古老的佛寺。一名年轻和尚来此修行,他整天盘腿坐禅,双手合十,口中喃喃念着「阿弥陀佛!阿弥陀佛!阿弥陀佛!」他唱念佛号,日复一日,因
The Father Prior of that temple took a piece of brick and rubbed it against a stone hour after hour, day after day, and week after week.The little acolyte, being very young, sometimes cast his eyes around to see what the old Father Prior was doing.The old Father Prior just kept on his work of rubbing the brick against the stone.So one day the young acolyte said to him.“Father Prior, what are you doing day after day rubbing this brick on the stone” The Father Prior replied,“I am trying to make a mirror out of this brick.”The young acolyte said, “But it is impossible to make a mirror out of a brick, Father Prior.”Yes” said the Father Prior, “and it is just as impossible for you yo acquire grace by doing nothing except murmur' ' Amita-Buddha' ' all day long, day in and day out.”(Applause.)
So, my friends, I feel that it is necessary for us not only to have ideals and to proclaim that we have them ,it is necessary that we act to implement them.And so to you, gentlemen of the Senate, and to you ladies and gentlemen in the galleries, I say that without the active help of all of us our leader cannot implement these ideals.It is up to you and to me to take to heart the lesson of ”
Rub-the-mirror“ pavilion.因此,朋友们,我觉得,我们不但必须有理想,不但要昭告我们有理想,我们还必须以行动来落实理想。(掌声)所以,我要对诸位参议员先生,以及旁听席上的女士、先生说,没有我们大家的积极协助,我们的领袖无法落实这些理想。诸位和我都必须谨记「磨镜
I thank you.(Great applause, Senators and their guests arising.)
我要给各位讲一个小故事,将说明这一信念。当General Doolittle 和他的部下前往东京作战时,在他们返航的途中,一些战士逃往到我国的土地上避难。后来,其中的一个人告诉我,在向本国船只求就无效后,他来到了我国的土地上。我国人民见到了他,跑了过来。他挥舞着手臂,口里喊着他唯一知晓的两个中国汉字“美国,美国”,指的就是“America”(掌声)。在我国,这两个字的字面意思是“美丽的地方”。这个孩子说,我的国民听到他那有趣的发音后大笑了起来,并拥抱着欢迎他,好似找到了失去已久的兄弟。后来,他又告诉我,见到了我国热情的人民,他好似回到了家一样安心和温暖。但是,这却是他第一次踏上中国的土地。(掌声)
Mr.President, members of the Senate of the United States, ladies and gentlemen, I am
overwhelmed by the warmth and spontaneity of the welcome of the American people, of whom you are the representatives.I did not know that I was to speak to you today at the Senate except to say, “How do you? I am so very gald to see you,” and to bring the greetings of my people to the people of America.However, just before coming here, the Vice President told me that he would like to have me say a few words to you.(译文)议长先生,美国参议院各位议员,各位女士、先生,受到诸位所代表的美国人民热情与真诚的欢迎,令我感动莫名。我事先不知今天要在参议员发表演说,只以为要到此说声“大家好,很高兴见到各位”,并向贵国人民转达敝国百姓的问候之意。不过,在来到此地之前,贵国副总统告诉我,他希望我和各位说几句话。
I am not a very good extemporaneous speaker;in fact I am no speaker at all;but I am not so very much discouraged, because a few days ago I was at Hyde Park, and went to the President’’s library.Something I saw there encouraged me , and made me feel that perhaps you will not expect overmuch of me in speaking to you extemporaneously.What do you think I saw there? I saw many things, but the one thing which interested me most of all was that in a glass case there was the first draft of one of the President’’s speeches, a second draft, and on and on up to the sixth draft.Yesterday I happened to mention this to the President, and told him that I am extremely glas that he he had to write so many drafts when he is such a well-known and acknowledgely fine speaker.His reply to me was that sometimes he writes 12 drafts of a speech.So my remarks here today, being extemporaneous, I am sure you will make allowances for me.(译文)我并不善于即席演说,事实上根本称不上是演说家,但我不会因此怯场,因为前几天我在海德公园参观过总统图书馆,在那里看见一些东西鼓动了我,让我感觉各位或许不会对我的即席演说要求太多。各位知道我在那里见到什么吗?我看到了许多,但最让我感兴趣的,莫过于一个放着总统先生(译注:即罗斯福总统)演说草稿的玻璃箱,里头从第一份草稿,第二份草稿,一直到第六份草稿。昨天,我碰巧向总统先生提及此事,我说我很高兴知道,以他如此知名又公认的演说家,还必须写这么多份草稿。他回答说,有时他一次演说得写12份草稿。因此,今天本人在此发表的即席演说,我确信各位一定会包容。The traditional friendship between your country and mine has a history of 160 years.I feel--and I believe that I am not the only one who feels this way--that there are a great many
similarities between your people and mine, and that these similaries are the basis of our friendship.(译文)贵国和敝国之间有着160年悠久历史的情谊,我觉得贵国人民和敝国百姓有许许多多的相似点,而这些相似点正是两国情谊的基础,我也相信并非只有我有这样的感觉
I should like to tell you a little story which will illustrate this belief.When General Doolittle and his men went ot boom Tokyo, on their return some of your boys had to bail out in the interior of China.One of them later told me that he had to bail out out of his ship, and that when he landed on Chinese soil and saw the populace running towards him, he just waved his arm and shouted the
only Chinese word he knew, “Mei-kuo, Mei-kuo,” which means “America.”(Applause.)Literally translated from the Chinese it means “Beautiful countries.” This boy said our people laughed and almost hugged him, and greeted him like a long long lost brother.He further told me that he had come home when he saw our people;and that was the first time he had ever been to China.(Applause.)
I came to your country as a little girl.I know your people.I have lived with them.I spent the formative years of my life amongst your people.I speak your language, not only the language, not only the language of your hearts, but also your tongue.So coming here today I feel that I am also coming home.(Applause.)
I believe, however, that it is not only I who am coming home;I feel that if the Chinese people could speak to you in your own tongue, or if you could understand our tongue, they would tell you that basically and fundamentally we are fighting for the same cause(great applause);that we have identity of ideals;that the “four freedoms,” which your President proclaimed to thw world, resound throughout our vast land as the gong of freedom, the gong of freedom of the United Nations, and the death knell of the aggressions.(Applause.)
I assure you that our people are willing and eager to cooperate with you in the realization of these ideals, because we want to see it that they do not echo as empty phrases, but became relities for ourselves, for our children, for our children’’s children, and for all mankind.(Applause.)
How are we going to realize these ideals? I think I shall tell you a little story which just came to my mind.as you know, China is a very old nation.we have a history of 5,000 years.When we were obliged to evacuate Hankow and go into the hinterland to carry on and continue our
resistance against aggression, the Generalissimo and I passed one of our fronts, the Changsha front.One day we went into the Heng-yang Mountains, where there are traces of a pavillion called
“Rub-the-mirror” pavillion, which was built over 2,000 years ago.It will perhaps interest you to hear the story of that pavillion.(译文)我们要如何实现这些理想?我想,我可以告诉各位一个我刚想到的小故事。各位知道,中国是一个非常古老的国家。我们有五千年历史。我们被迫从汉口撤退,转入大后方继续抵抗侵略的时候,蒋委员长和我经过一处前线,就在长沙。有一天,我们上衡山,山上有一处有名的遗迹,叫“磨镜台”,是两千多年前的古迹。诸位或许有兴趣听听这古迹的故事。
Two thousand years ago near that spot was an old Buddhist temple.One of the young monks went there, and all day along he sat cross-legged, with his hands clasped before him in an attitude of prayer, and murmured “Amita-Buddha!Amita-Buddha!Amita-Buddha!” He murmured and chanted day after day, because he hoped that he would acquire grace.(译文)两千年前,台址近旁有一座古老的佛寺。一名年轻和尚来此修行,他整天盘腿坐禅,双手合一,口中喃喃念着“阿弥陀佛!阿弥陀佛!阿弥陀佛!”他唱念佛号,日复一日,因为他希望成佛。
The Father Prior of that temple took a piece of brick and rubbed it against a stone hour after hour, day after day, week after week.The little acolyte, being very young, sometimes cast his eyes around to see what the old father Prior was doing.The old Father Prior just kept on his work of rubbing the brick against the stone.So one day the young acolyte said to him, “Father Prior, what are you doing day after day rubbing this brick on the stone?” The Father Prior replied, “I am trying to make a mirror out of the brick.” The young acolyte said, “But it is impossible to make a mirror out of a brick, Father Prior.” “Yes,” said the Father Prior, “and it is just as impossible for you to acquire grace by doing nothing except murmur ’’Amita-Buddha’’ all day long, day in and day out.”(Applause.)
So, my friends, I feel that it is necessay for us not only to have ideals and to proclaim that we have them, it is necessay that we act to implement them.(Applause.)And so to you, gentlemen of the Senate, and to you ladies and gentlemen in the galleries, I say that without the active help of all of us our leaders cannot implement these ideals.It is up to you and to me to take to heart the lesson of “Rub-the-mirror” pavillion.I thank you.(Great applause, Senators and their guests rising.)
I should like to tell you a little story which will illustrate this belief.When General Doolittle and his men went ot boom Tokyo, on their return some of your boys had to bail out in the interior of China.One of them later told me that he had to bail out out of his ship, and that when he landed on Chinese soil and saw the populace running towards him, he just waved his arm and shouted the only Chinese word he knew, “Mei-kuo, Mei-kuo,” which means “America.”(Applause.)Literally translated from the Chinese it means “Beautiful countries.” This boy said our people laughed and almost hugged him, and greeted him like a long long lost brother.He further told me that he had come home when he saw our people;and that was the first time he had ever been to China.(Applause.)
I came to your country as a little girl.I know your people.I have lived with them.I spent the formative years of my life amongst your people.I speak your language, not only the language of your hearts, but also your tongue.So coming here today I feel that I am also coming home.(Applause.)...