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英语八年级(下)导学跟踪练习(Unit 1-A)Name_________


(提问)()3.Nobody ______ him ______ here.A.expect, stayingB.hopes, to stayC.wishes, stayingD.expects, to stay()4.He has no trouble ______ with foreigners.A.talkB.talksC.to talkD.talking()5.To be honest, I quite agree ______ you.But will

()14.---What’s wrong?---I have a sore leg.---You _____ see a doctor and get _____ X-ray.A.must, an B.should, an C.can, a D.should, a()15.Lee is new in Chongqing.Maybe he needs ____

a map for sightseeing.A.to buyB.buysC.buyingD.buyWhat’s __________________ you?2.She hurt herself on the playground.(改为否定句)She _______________ herself on the playground.3.Because of my good teacher, my dream came true at last.(同义句)

=_______________ my good teacher, my dream came true at last.= _____________________ of my good teacher, my dream came true at last.4.She has to lie down and rest.(一般疑问句)_______ she _______ to lie down and rest?(提问)_________________ she do?

6.你需要离开电视休息一下。(完成翻译)You need to ______________ away from TV.B、选择填空。

()1.I can’t do it ______ your great help.Thanks a lot.A.withB.withoutC.forD.to()2.Be quick.The bus is coming.We must ______ as

soon as possible.A.get into it B.get it on C.get on it D.get it into

he agree _____ early tomorrow.A.with, to startB.to, startingC.with, startD.on, to start

()6.When I got there, I saw a boy _____ on the desk.A.to lieB.lyingC.lieD.lay

()7.My son often went to work without ___ breakfast.A.to eatB.eatingC.eatD.ate()8.You’d better _____ some medicine _____ the cut.A.put, onB.put, in

C.get, onD.take, into

()9.To their _____, all the students liked the class.A.surprisesB.surprised


()10.I think a dog is a good pet for a _____ child.A.6 years oldB.6 year oldC.6-years-oldD.6-year-old()11.Don’t eat ______ for dinner next time.A.too many B.too much C.much too D.many too()12.Go to _____ if you don’t often feel well.A.see a dentistB.see a doctorC.have a feverD.have a look()13.Don’t give up ______ and you can succeed.A.tryingB.to tryC.tryD.tries


Mr Jone went to the sea for a holiday one summer.He in a cheap hotel he was not a rich man.At 7:00 am the first morning a woman came and said, “Please get up.” Mr Jone hated getting up “I’m still tired.”

The woman went away, but at 8:00 am one came and said to Mr.Jone, “Please get up.We need the sheets(床单)your bed,” Mr.Jone still wanted to sleep, so he answered “Why?” “Because breakfast is starting,” answered the woman, “and we need them on our tables.They are our tablecloth,.”


()6.A.sameB.differentC.anotherD.the other()7.A.inB.fromC.withD.up()8.A.angryB.angrylyC.angrily D.more angry()9.A.puttingB.puttedC.to putD.puts()10.A.tooB.alsoC.eitherD.as well




二、重温more, fewer, less以及should, could提出建议的用法

三、再讲讲What do you think he will be……?和There be 的一般将来时的用法。


五、运用一般将来时描述未来,运用could, should等提出合理的建议。






十、常见词语的区别。如get ,arrive, reach;be supposed to, should;ill, sick 等.十一、掌握英语信件的写法。







五、掌握重点句型,如I think I’m going to ……Ifyou go to the party, you’ll have

a great time.How long have you been collecting shells? I have been collecting

them since I was ten years old.六、用英语描述自己心中的理想职业并会写应聘信

七、关键词的区别,如spend,take,cost,pay 等;else的用法,如anyone else, what else。




三、复习重点句型,如Would you mind+(not)doing sth?Could you please+do sth

How about /what about doing sth?Why don’t you get her a camera?

What should I get my mom for her birthday?







四 重点短语辨析:have/has been to+地点have/has been in+ 地点have/has gone to+地点



一、单词听写(27分)1.娱乐;游戏n_________ 2.游乐场__________

3.在某处;到某处adv___________ 4.照相机;摄影机;摄像机n___________ 5.发明;发明物n_____________ 6.发明;创造v___________

7.难以置信的;不真实的adj___________ 8.进步;进展v n_____________ 9.迅速的;快速的adj____________ 10.特别的;不寻常的adj____________ 11.坐便器;厕所; n______________ 12.鼓励v_______________ 13.社会的adj_______________ 14.和平的;安宁的adj_____________ 15.茶艺_______________ 16.表演;演出n_______________ 17.完美的;完全的____________ 18.茶具_____________ 19.它自己pron______________ 20.收集;采集v_____________ 21.两个;一对;几个_____________


1.amusement park_________________ 2.make rapid progress_________________ 3.tea art_________________ 4.tea set_________________ 5.a couple of_________________ 6.thousands of_________________ 7.on the one hand_________________ 8.on the other hand_________________ 9.all year round_________________ 10.have been to_________________ 11.have gone to_________________ 12.history museum_________________ 13.How about you? _________________

22.德国的德语的;德国人的adj德语;德国人n___ 23.主题n______________

24.供乘骑的娱乐设施;短途旅程n______________ 25.省份n______________ 26.一千num______________

27.数以千计的;许许多多的______________ 28.一方面。另一方面。。________________ 29.安全的;无危险的adj_______________ 30.仅仅;只不过adv_________________ 31.害怕;惧怕vn_________________

32.不管。还是 或者。或者;是否conj__________ 33.印度的;adj印度人n________________ 34.日本的;日本人的;日语的adj日本人;日语n_____ 35.狐狸n_____________ 36.全年________________ 37.赤道n______________

38.在任何。时候;无论何时conj____________ 39.春天n________________

40.主要地;通常adv________________ 41.地点;位置n_______________

14.have a great time_________________ 15.water park_________________

16.It’s a great way to do sth._______________ 17.put up a tent_________________ 18.in the future_________________

19.a relaxing and peaceful place_________________ 20.make something better_________________ 21.me neither_________________

22.three quarters of the population______________ 23.have problem doing something_______________ 24.hear of_________________

25.How many times_________________


()1.Have you ever ___________ to a museum?A.goneB.wentC.beenD.go()2.He has never cooked and me ___________.A.toB.eitherC.alsoD.neither()3.In our class ______ of the students ______ girls.A.three fifths, areB.three fifth, areC.three fifths, isD.three fifth, is()4.I _____________ there last night.A.have goneB.wentC.have beenD.went to

()5.It’s unbelievable that technology has progressed in ______________ way!A.such a rapidB.so a rapidC.a such rapidD.a so rapid()6.Computer can ______________ even better than humans.A.play chessB.play footballC.play pianoD.play guitar

()7._________________ the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.A.PrepareB.To prepareC.PreparesD.Preparing()8.Most of us __________ Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck before.A.sawB.have seenC.will seeD.see()9.When he ___________, we’ll start to work together.A.arrivedB.have arrivedC.arrivesD.arrive()10.More than three quarters of the population _________ Chinese.A.isB.areC.wasD.to be

()11.The bikes all take different routes.But they all ____ in the same place.A.comeB.getC.end upD.go()12.It _____ a lot since I left the city.A.is changingB.changesC.changedD.has changed()13.-Will your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday?-If I don’t go, _________.A.so does heB.so he willC.neither will heD.neither does he()14.I enjoy _____ my bike on the mountains.It’s not always easy, but exciting.A.rideB.rodeC.to rideD.riding()15.-Have you sent your parents an e-mail telling them you arrived safely?-No, ____ of them can use a computer.A.noneB.bothC.neitherD.all


16.Singapore is an ____________________(极好的)place to try new food.17.I like Beijing, ______________________(尤其)in autumn.18.Look, the baby is ________________________(醒着的).19.What’s the _______________________(人口)of Shanghai?

20.-Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?

-_______________(两者都不), I’d like a bottle of orange juice.21.People like to have ______________________(面条)on their birthdays in China.22.One ______________(四分之一)of the students in our class have visited the museum.23.Her English isn’t good, she needs to ______________________(提高)her listening skills.24.I know that place well, so let me be your ____________________(向导).25.Hainan______________________(岛)is in the south of China.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

26.Of all the countries she has _____________________(travel)to, she likes Canada best.27.At first she _____________________(think)about going camping, but later she changed her mind.28.They are from __________________________(foreigner)countries.29.Who ____________________________(discover)America in 1492? 30.There are four______________(season)in a year.31.Two_______________(India)came to our school last week.32.How many ______________(fox)can you see in the picture? 33.-Have you _____________(see)the film Hero?-Yes.I saw it last year.34.It seems strange______________(visit)a city at night.35.How long have you been_____________(wait)here?


Mr.brown, a teacher in a school, often fell asleep in class, but he didn’ did you fall asleep in class just now, dear sir?”

Mr.Brown’s face turned.“ I …I … The Sun-god asked me to visit him in my dream.“ he said.When the teacher saw him, he woke Tom up and asked him: “ Why did you fall asleep in class and not me, Tom?”

Tom answered with a smile on his face.”him, too.” The teacher became when he heard this and asked: “”

“He told me he didn’t see you yesterday.”

()1 A teachersB studentsC parentsD friends()2 A bedBhospitalCclassDoffice()3A come upBstood upCset upDwoke up()4 AWhyBWhenCWhoDWhere()5 AblueBredC yellowD white()6 AsatBstoodCsleptD dreamed()7 A hear ofBlisten toClook atDlook up()8 AhelpBkillCteachDvisit

()9 A angryBhappyCpleasedDinterested()10 A speakBtalkCsayDtell


The people in the United States speak the same language as the people in Great Britain(英国).However, American English is different from British(英国的)English in many ways.There are a few differences in grammar(语法).For example, speakers of British English say “ in hospital” and “Have you a pen?” Americans say “in the hospital” and “Do you have a pen?” Pronunciation(发音)is sometimes different, Americans usually sounds the “r” in the words.Some spelling are different.People in Britain write “color” and “center”, but people in the United States write “color” and “center”.Some words are different.People in the United States use “gasoline(汽油)” but people in Britain use “petrol”.()1.American English and British English are different in __________

A.spellingB.pronunciationC.grammarD.all of the above()2”gasoline”and “petrol” are ____________.A, the same thingB.different in colorC.different kinds of carsD.different things

()3.Here are four words:(1)honor,(2)petrol,(3)theatre,(4)center, ____are American English.A.(1)(2)(3)B.(2)(3)(4)C.(1)(4)D.(1)(3)()4.Which of the following sentences is true?

A.All the people in the United States pronouncethe “r” in bird.B.Not all the people in the United States pronounce the “r” in the bird.C.None all the British people pronounce the “r” in bird.D.If a man pronounce the “r” in “bird”, he must be an American.()5.Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

A.Words are shorter in American English than in British English.B.American and Great Britain

C.Pronunciation is more difficult in American English than in British English.D.There are some differences between American English and British English.八、根据中文完成句子:你曾去过那里吗? _________ you ________ __________ there? 2 让我们去一些有趣的地方。Let’s go ________ ______________!它是一个度过周末的好方式。It’s a good way to __________ our ____________.4 我已去那里几次了。I’ve _________ there ________ _______ ________times.5 看他们用精美茶具与喝茶本身一样享受。

Watching them prepare the tea with the nice tea sets is _______ _______ ________ drinking tea _______.句型转换:

He has already watched the movie.(改为一般疑问句)________ he ________ the movie __________? 2 Mary has ever been to another province in China.(改为否定句)Mary has _______ ________ to another province in China.对划线提问)___________________ he ______ three years ago? 4对划线提问)_________ _________ he ______ the bike? 对划线提问)_________________ the bike three years ago? 6 Let’s go to some interesting places.(同义句)Let’s_________________________________.答案:


1.娱乐;游戏n________ amusement2.游乐场_______ amusement park

3.在某处;到某处adv_______ somewhere 4.照相机;摄影机;摄像机n______ camera 5.发明;发明物n_______ invention 6.发明;创造v______ invent

7.难以置信的;不真实的adj___ unbelievable8.进步;进展v n________ progress 9.迅速的;快速的adj______ rapid

10.特别的;不寻常的adj______ unusual 11.坐便器;厕所; n_______ toilet 12.鼓励v_____ encourage

13.社会的adj_________ social

14.和平的;安宁的adj_________ peaceful 15.茶艺__________ teaart

16.表演;演出n________ performance 17.完美的;完全的_________ perfect 18.茶具________ tea set

19.它自己pron________ itself20.收集;采集v_______collect

21.两个;一对;几个_______ a couple of



26.amusement park 娱乐公园 27.make rapid progress 取得很快进步 28.tea art茶艺 29.tea set 茶具

30.a couple of 两个; 一对;几个 31.thousands of 成千上万 32.on the one hand 一方面 33.on the other hand 在另一方面 34.all year round 全年 35.have been to 去过 36.have gone to去了

37.history museum历史博物馆 38.How about you?你哪?

三、选择填空1-5 CDABA6-10 ADBCB11-15 CDCDC


23.主题n__________ theme

24.供乘骑的娱乐设施;短途旅程n ride 25.省份n_____ province

26.一千num_______ thousand

27.数以千计的;许许多多的____ thousands of 28.一方面。另一方面。。_ on the one hand29.安全的;无危险的adj________safe30.仅仅;只不过adv_______simply 31.害怕;惧怕vn_______ fear 32.不管。还是 或者。或者;是否conjwhether 33.印度的;adj印度人n________ Indian




36.全年________all year round 37.赤道n______equator 38.在任何。时候;无论何时conj___whenever 39.春天n_______spring

40.主要地;通常adv_______mostly 41.地点;位置n______ location

39.have a great time 过得愉快 40.water park 水上公园

41.It’s a great way to do sth.这是做某事的好办法 42.put up a tent 搭帐篷 43.in the future在未来

44.a relaxing and peaceful place 放松和平和的地方 45.make something better 是某事变好 46.me neither 我也不

47.three quarters of the population 四分之三的人口 48.have problem doing something 做某事有麻烦 49.hear of 听说

50.How many times 多少次




31.Indians32.foxes33.seen34.to visit35.waiting

六、完形填空1.been 2.flight 3.years4.travelled5.been6.ever7.visiting8.English9.if10.for


八、补全对话1 – 5 B E D A C

第四篇:八年级下英语unit7 Whats the highest导学案

English Guiding Plan


课题:unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?Period6Page56(Self Check)课型:新授课执笔审核:2015届八年级备课组班级:学生姓名:家长签字:时间:




9.fall over




1.Miss Chen is __________ _________than Mr.Wang.(popular)

2.Question A _______ ________ _________ ________ Question B.(important)

3.Toronto is _______city in Canada.(large)

4.Playing computer games is___________of all the activities.(interesting).5.The Nile(尼罗河)is ______ ________river in the world.(long)

than all the other students.(young)

7.The boy is ________ ________ of the three.(tall)8.Where is the ________bus-stop?(near)

9.He is one of ________ ________ _______actors.(famous)

10.Tom drives much ________。

than Jim.(hungry)

12.Kate’s mooncakes are _______ of all.(nice)

of the three.(heavy)

14.I think English is as _________ as Chinese.(important)than Lily.(bad)


1.My brother is _____ more outgoing than me.A.manyB.littleC.much

2.October 12th was one of ______ days in 2005.Shenzhou-VI was launched(发射)successfully.A.excitingB.more excitingC.the most exciting

3.Which city is _____, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou?

A.beautifulB.the most beautifulC.more beautiful

4._____ children there are in a family, _____ their life will be.A.The less, the betterB.Fewer, richerC.The fewer, the better

5.We can do the work better with ____ money and ______ people.A.little, fewB.less, fewerC.fewer, less

6.Jim is the tallest student in our class and Tom is the second ______ one.A.tallB.tallerC.tallest




1.She likes reading in the park.She __________ __________ in the park.2.When do you get to the zoo?When do you __________ __________ the zoo?3.Do the children have a good time in the party?Do the children __________ __________ in the party?


4.我想在家里享用晚餐。I want to __________ my __________ at home.5.欢迎到中国来。

__________ __________ China.参考答案:

新词达标练 1.enjoys reading 2.arrive at 3.enjoy themselves

4.enjoy, dinner 5.Welcome to



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