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Wuthering Heights

The old strange man, the hero of this book as well, drives my attention first, by showing his indifference and science.Then I guess something must happened to him and the curiosity urged me went through the book to found the answer.Mr.Lock wood invited his landlord, Mr.Heathcliff.Because of the bad weather, he had to stay here that night.And this is how the story really began.In the room he was arranged to sleep, he found a dairy written by a Catherine Earnshaw.That is not strange.What frightened me was that he heard someone knock on the window, and when he stretched out my hand towards the branch outside, his fingers closed around a small,ice-cold hand!When I read those lines, I was nerves, guessing what would happen later.Then it continued, “It held my hand tightly, and a voice cried sadly, „Let me in!Let me in!‟ ” Wasn‟t it terrifying? I thought so.And also, it succeeded to get all my attention.I almost thought it was truly happened, but later it was proved a dream, a horrible dream.Anyway, the story was to display.Heathcliff was adopted by Mr.Earnshaw when he was a little boy, abandoned by his parents.Gradually, Catherine and He became great friends, but Hindley hated him.He would not miss any chance to tease him.Heathciff and Catherine always played together and behaved wildly.The book didn‟t say that they fell in love with each other, but from many respects, we can sense their special relationship.Although they were often scolded by her brother after her father died, they felt happy.However, everything changed after Catherine was accidentally bit by Mr.Linton‟s dog.Edgar Linton is the master of Thrushcross Grange.Then Catherine stayed with Linton‟s family for five weeks, after which she began to change.When she returned home, instead of a wild, hatless girl, they saw a beautiful, carefully dressed young lady.That should not have had to be a problem, but it really was.Catherine began to feel Heathcliff was so dirty, cross and black that she worried if she would get dirty by touching him, which made Heathcliff upset and hurt.From then on, their relationship began to change.What really changed their relationship was Catherine‟s marriage with Edgar Linton.Till now, I haven‟t understood why Catherine at one hand behaved as Heathcliff was the

person really in her heart, and at other hand accepted Linton‟s proposal to her.Yes, there must be something related to money.Catherine once said, “in my heart and soul I know I‟m wrong!I can‟t live apart from Heathcliff!He is more myself than I am.Our souls are the same!I have nothing in common with Edgar.But I can‟t marry Heathcliff now!Hindley has made him become a poor, dull farm worker.He‟ll never know I love him.” Maybe this is the portrayal of her real thoughts.But I don‟t think Heathcliff was so important to her as she said and she didn‟t really love him, otherwise, how could she described him as a poor, dull farm worker? As a matter of fact, she only loved herself.Still, there is something right.Catherine and Heathcliff were the same kind of person----they were both selfish.Later I‟ll talk about this.Heathcliff accidently heard Catherine‟ words, and disappeared from then on.It has been five years before they met again.Heathcliif‟ disappearance had no influence on Catherine‟ marriage, though Catherine was anxious about his whereabouts at first.Catherine lived a abundant life as she thought after marriage, and Linton care much about her.All seemed so fine.Unfortunately, this happiness didn‟t last long.It was ruined by Heathcliff‟s coming.Catherine was very exciting to see Heathciff, talking about him so much that made her husband angry.Reading about those, I doubted what the real thought she had, and what the position Heathciff took in her heart.She said Heathciff was her friend.What kind of friend? Just friend, close friend or special friend? The answer is not difficult to figure out.To Catherine, Heathcliff was special, she wanted an abundant life, an exalted status, as well as, Heathcliff‟s company.Yes, she desired so much.Yet, Heathcliff was not back only for her.He was to take revenge on Catherine‟s brother, who leaded to his separate with Catherine to a degree.And he made it, without striking a blowing.He won almost all the property originally belonging to Hindley.But, this was not enough to him.When he found Linton‟s sister Isabella was in love with him, he took advantage of it, which also made Catherine annoying.Things went as Heathciff‟s plan, except that Catherine got sick and died after a period of time.The conversation between Catherine and Heathcliff gave me a strange feeling that I couldn‟t exactly figure out.It might be sadness, pity or something just touching me.“I won't lie there alone,Heathcilff!I won't rest until you're in the grave with me!”“Will you forget me,and be happy with others,when I'm in my grave?” If we couldn‟t see how she loved him before, we shouldn‟t ignore it this time.Although I thought of her love, or should say their love, as selfish and unreliable.After Catherine‟s death, I had thought all those would come to an end, no matter Heathcliff‟s hate or the love between him and Catherine.On the contrary, they kept company with Heathcliff all his remaining years, resulting in the tragedy between Cathy and little Linton.From Heathcliff‟s attitude to his son, I had a deeper understanding of his cruel, indifferent and selfish.It seems that on one was important to him.I even doubt if he cared about himself.His heart was full of hate and memory of Catherine.But how selfish he was!At one hand he loved Catherine so much, at

another hand he treated her daughter Cathy extraordinary bad;he even hit her!Is the way he loved Catherine? How could he be so selfish to think only about himself!

After all, all those complicated things came to an end with Heathcliff‟s death.He finally realized what he did was wrong.And he died smiling.I recalled that Catherine looked more beautiful that in life in death.They were similar.All that they once tangled with went away with their death.Death might be a solution to free them from miserable fate.It should be a comfort that Cathy and Hareton, Hindley‟s son, got married, of course, not concerning about their blood relationship.Story has all ended up there.Now seeing from the whole plot, the fate of its characters has so much in common.Cathy and Hareton just like Catherine and Heathcliff.They met similar difficulties, and they once had been the same proud.It seemed that all came back to the very beginning.But their ends were completely different;Cathy and Hareton got a happy ending, also giving the story a happy ending.The story showed us humans‟ selfish, weakness and some other dirty points, making me feel disappoint.I don‟t know if it was because the author had something bad in her memory.No matter how, finally the two youth had overcame them and lived happily.It‟s enough…










THE Reading Report ofWuthering Heights

I.Introduction Emily Bronte(30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848), was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, in the north of England。She was the second eldest of the three surviving Bronte sisters, between Charlotte and Anne.Her father was the rector of Hawort from 1820.After their mother died in 1821, the children spent most of their time in reading and composition.She was living in bad boarding school, also has with the elder sister went to Belgium to learn French, German and French literature.They prepared for future schools, but failed.In 1835, Emily went to the Roe Head School where Charlotte was then teaching.Emily managed to stay only three months before her nerve became too frazzled.Though she managed to do all right in her first term, her health broke under the stress.She did well but made no friends.So she went back home as soon as she possibly could.Emily begins writing poems at an early age and published twenty-one of them, together with poem by Anne and Charlotte, in 1846.Only two copies were sold, and the failure led all three to begin work on novels, Emily on Wuthering Heights.In 1848,after her brother died, Emily caught a cold at his funeral and never left home again.She died of tuberculosis on December 19, 1848, at the age of thirty, and never knew the great success of her only novel Wuthering Heights.II.A Summary of the Book

Wuthering Heights is a story about love and revenge.Heathcilff was adopted by Mr.Earnshaw.He lives with Mr.Earnshaw's son Hindley and his daughter Catherine.With the growth of children, Heathcilff and Catherine have fallen in love,but Hindley hated Heathcilff.Hindley thought Heathcilff would separate his fortune.After Earnshaw died,Hindley become the host of the family, he treated Heathcliff as a farmer and insult him.But in a day, Catherine met a rich boy,Linton.Catherine made up her mind to get married with him.Heathcliff was very angry and went out.After three years,Heathcliff came back with a lot of money.He did all things with revenge.He married Isabella who is Hindley’s sister.But, in fact, he loves Catherine, and Catherine loves him.Catherine died after she gave a birth to little Catherine.Isabella discerned Heathcliff and left him.She procreated little Linton and died.Heathcliff spoliated little Linton and badgered him to love little Catherine.Heathcliff hijacked little Catherine and forced her to be 1 / 2 married with his son.After this, he annexed all Linton's belongings and finish his revenge.At the same time, Heathcliff was importuned by Catherine.He stayed at his own room all day and didn't have meal or sleep.At last, he died in dumps and delirium.III.Comments

After reading Wuthering Heights,the love between Catherine and Heathcliff still linger in my head.On the surface, everyone is not to be blame.Catherine has the right to choose what kind of life she want, Heathcilff can’t give her the life she want, so she abandoned him to followed her dream.Heathcilff has suffered a lot, everyone looked down upon him except Catherine and her father, but when Catherine met a rich boy,she abandoned him, he was striked.So he want to revenge, because the world is not fair for him.And forHindley and Isabella, they are both want to catch their happiness.And what‘s the reason for the unhappy ending?

But in fact,Wuthering Heights gives us a cold, withering, and lonely feeling.Every character seems teemed with agony and animosity, especially Heathcliff.Heathcliff is an orphan before Mr.Earnshaw adopts him, and in the novel, it says that Mr.Earnshaw treats Heathcliff even better than his own son, Hindley Earnshaw.It’s quite amazing that in spite of Earnshaw’s nice treatment, Heathcliff has no gratitude at all;he revenged Hindley and Catherine, even their heirs.He doesn’t know what is love and don’t know how to love.Heathcliff has lived with the Earnshaws for more than 10 years, but there is no attachment between him and the whole family except Catherine,but even Catherine who was died because of Heathcliff’s tournament.When he is torturing others, he is also giving himself a suffering.There is wrong with everyone, with the society.People shouldn’t look down upon everyone who tries his best to have a good life.Everyone should respect others, because everyone is same for God.If we meet trouble,we should try our best to settle them, not to help them to make a bad ending.Anyways, at the end, the combination between Harrington and Catherine seems a hopeful light in the darkness, and the break of the day finally coming.The author shows us that the human kindness is not diminished at Wuthering Heights, even though the wind can break off a tree that doesn’t mean it can break off the whole forest...Even though hatred destroyed Heathcliff, Catherine, Edgar and Elizabeth’s happiness, that doesn’t mean Catherine and Harrington’s happiness./ 2



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