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展会时间:2014-11-07到2014-11-09 展会城市:宁波

展出地址:浙江省宁波市国际会议展览中心 主办单位:中国磷肥工业协会




Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

【论 坛】

中国磷复肥工业的发展和展望 曾宪坤

(原化学工业部,北京 100723)[关键词] 中国;磷肥;复合(混)肥;发展;展望

[摘 要] 介绍了中国磷复肥工业的发展史和现状,并对今后发展中的若干问题进行了论述和展望。[中图分类号] TQ 440[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0001-07 Development and prospect for phosphate & compound fertilizer industry in China

ZENG Xian-kun(Former Ministry of Chemical Industry, Beijing 100723, China)Key words: China;phosphate fertilizer;compound(complex)fertilizer;development;prospect Abstract: The history and present condition of phosphate & compound fertilizer industry in China are introduced;some issues in the future development are also expounded and predicted.对我国高浓度磷复肥工业发展的思考 郭景阁,汪明远

(南化集团设计院,江苏 南京 210048)[关键词] 磷肥;复合(混)肥;发展;建议

[摘 要] 回顾建国50年来,我国磷复肥工业所取得的巨大成就,对我国 高浓度磷复肥工业今后的发展 提出了建议。指出做好需求预测工作的重要性,建议建立我国化肥需求预测研究的专门机构;产品结构的调整应从宏观角度考虑,避免重新陷入小而全、低效益的困境;对磷复肥品种不宜轻易否定某一品种,低浓度磷肥过磷酸钙仍将发挥很大作用、硝酸磷肥有它工艺上独特的优点,支持老企业新建硝酸磷肥装置应慎重、重过磷酸钙是高浓度水溶性磷肥,是个好品种,应加强市场开拓,尤其是二次加工的研究开发工作。明确提出今后磷复肥发展的7条意见,强调环境保护在磷复肥工业发展中的重要性。最后提出在磷矿产地生产湿法磷酸 作为商品酸外运供缺磷地区生产磷复肥的建议。

[中图分类号] TQ 440[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0007-05 Pondering over the development of high-analysis phosphate & compound fertilizer industry in China

GUO Jing-ge, WANG Ming-yuan(Nanjing Chemical Industrial(Group)Design Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210048, China)Key words: phosphate fertilizer;complex fertilizer;compound fertilizer;development;suggestion Abstract: This paper reviews Chinese great achievement in phosphate and compound fertilizer industry in her 50 anniversaries and puts forward some advice on the future development of high-analysis fertilizer.The authors emphasize the importance of market prediction and suggest the establishment of a professional institution for market research.The adjustment of product mix must be considered in a macro view to avoid the dilemma of small scale, multi-varieties and low economic benefit.Not to abandon a certain variety: Single superphosphate plays an important role and nitrophosphate takes a unique advantage in its process.Careful support is needed to the new nitrophosphate facility in an old enterprise.Triple superphosphate is a good product where its market launching and further processing are to be enhanced.Also the authors propose 7 suggestions to the development of the industry and emphasize the importance of environmental protection.Finally the authors suggest that wet-process phosphoric acid should be produced in phosphate rock sites and transported to phosphorus-deficient areas for the manufacture of compound fertilizers.【研究与开发】


刘期崇1,付红梅1,夏代宽1,张允湘1,王建华1,程建方2,何鹏程2,白 元林3,曹尚崇3

Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

(1.四川大学 化工学院,四川 成都 610065;2.铜化集团公司 磷铵厂,安徽 铜陵 244023;

3.绵竹磷肥厂,四川 绵竹 618201)[关键词] 外环流反应器;数学模型;放大设计;磷铵

[摘 要] 研究了外环流氨化反应器的流动模型、传质模型和放大设计。结果表明,在工业条件下,此反应器的流动模型接近于全混流,传质模型为 kGa=20Gaqa(pH)。应用此模型已将反应器放大到年产6万吨磷酸一铵和16万吨磷酸二铵,装置运行稳定,产品合格。

[中图分类号] TQ 03;TQ 018[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0012-06 The mathematical model and scaling-up design of ammoniator with external circulation LIU Qi-chong, FU Hong-mei, XIA Dai-kuan, ZHANG Yun-xiang, WANG Jian-hua,CHENG Jian-fang2,HE Peng-cheng2,BAI Yuan-lin3, CAO Shang-chong3

(1.Institute of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065,China;

2.Tongling Ammonium Phosphate Plant, Tongling, Anhui 244023,China;3.Mianzhu Phosphate Fertilizer Plant, Mianzhu, Sichuan 618201,China)Key words: reactor with external circulation;mathematical model;scaling-up design;ammonium phosphate Abstract: The mathematical model and scaling-up design were studied for ammoniator with external circulation.The result shows that the flow model of the reactor approaches to perfect mixed flow at industrial conditions.The model of mass transfer is kGa=20Gaqa(pH).Based on the model, the ammoniator has been scaled up to an industrial reactor with the capacity of 60 kt/a MAP and 160 kt/a DAP, and are well operated.磷石膏两步法制硫酸钾连续化小试 虞 青

(贵溪化肥厂 技术中心,江西 贵溪 335424)[关键词] 磷石膏;硫酸钾;小试;连续化;改进工艺

[摘 要] 介绍磷石膏两步法制硫酸钾连续化小试的工艺过程,对改进工艺与原有工艺作了比较,最后指出有待在中试解决的问题。

[中图分类号] TQ 443.2[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0018-02 Continuous production of SOP from phosphogypsum by two-step process in laboratory

YU Qing(Technology Centre of Guixi Fertilizer Plant, Guixi, Jiangxi 335424, China)Key words: phosphogypsum;sulfate of potash(SOP);lab research;continuous;process improvement Abstract: The lab research on the manufacture of sulfate of potash from phosphogypsum by two-step process is introduced and a comparison with the previous one is made.Finally, the author points out the existing problems to be solved on a pilot plant.【过磷酸钙】



(云浮硫铁矿企业集团公司 化工厂,广东 云浮 527343)[关键词] 过磷酸钙;技术改造;扩能;降耗

[摘 要] 广东云浮硫铁矿企业集团公司化工厂利用少量资金,在4年时间里,对过磷酸钙装置进行一系列技术改造,使1套原设计为5万吨/年生产能力的过磷酸钙装置达到了20万吨/年,产品成本降低,市场竞争力加强。[中图分类号] TQ 442.11[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0020-03 Technical transformation of SSP facility

XIE Wen-jun




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Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

(Chemical Works of Yunfu Pyrites Enterprise(Group)Corp, Yunfu, Guangdong 527343, China)Key words: single superphosphate;technical transformation;capacity enlargement;lower consumption Abstract: Within 4 years, the plant made a series of technical transformation on its SSP unit and enlarged the capacity to 200 kt/a from the designed 50 kt/a SSP, thus lowered the cost and the product became more competitive in the market.解决用朝阳磷矿湿法生产过磷酸钙水分超标的问题

张维球(上饶地区朝阳磷化公司,江西 上饶 334126)[中图分类号] TQ 442.11[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0022-02




(怀化磷化工有限责任公司,湖南 怀化 418003)[关键词] 钙镁磷肥;球磨机;进料螺旋筒;技术改进

[摘 要] 分析钙镁磷肥装置1#球磨机生产能力低的原因,是球磨机进料螺旋结构存在问题。文章详细介绍对1球磨机进料螺旋筒技术改进情况,效果显著。

[中图分类号] TQ 442.33[文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0024-02 Modification of spiral feeder on No.1 ball mill

LIU Sheng-feng, TANG Bi-dong(Huaihua Phosphorus Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd, Huaihua, Hunan 418003, China)Key words: fused calcium magnesium phosphate;ball mill;spiral feeder;modification Abstract: The lower productivity of ball mill lies in its spiral feeder.The modification of the spiral feeder is introduced in detail, and the mill behaves well.钙镁磷肥粗肥肥效的模拟实验


(贵州赤天化集团 天峰公司,贵州平坝 561111)[关键词] 钙镁磷肥;粗肥;肥效;实验

[摘 要] 喷吹式连续放料,粗肥粒径95%在2 mm以下。经过标准分析方法 对照及模拟土壤环境条件实验,证明粗肥不经过磨细,磷的有效性不受影响,达到一次淬细成肥。可采用无球磨的工艺,取得降低能耗和成本,防止污染的多重作用,粗粒钙镁磷肥特别适于水田施用。

[中图分类号] TQ 442.33[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0026-02 Simulated experiment on fertilizer efficiency of FCMP coarse particles

LI An-hu(Tianfeng Chemical Factory, Guizhou Chitianhua Group Corp., Pingba, Guizhou 561111, China)Key words: fused calcium magnesium phosphate;coarse particle;fertilizer efficiency;experiment Abstract: By contrast of standard analysis and stimulated experiment in soil, the phosphorus availability of FCMP coarse particles, of which 95% is under 2mm in size, is not affected and fits for paddy field.This will decrease its energy consumption and cost, and avoid environmental pollution.【磷酸磷铵】

¢4.75 m×18.5 m带内返料装置喷浆造粒干燥机的工艺设计

方 暄

(南化集团设计院,江苏 南京 210048)

## 3

Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

[关键词] 喷浆造粒;干燥;内返料;设计

[摘 要] 介绍¢4.75 m×18.5 m带内返料装置喷浆造粒干燥机的工艺设计、主要技术参数,并与不同干燥机的使用情况进行对比,生产表明:设计满足了10万吨/年硫基NPK复合肥的干燥要求,干燥设备尚具有一定的增产潜力。

[中图分类号] TQ 444;TQ 051.892 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0028-05 Process design of ¢4.75 m×18.5 m AP sphereodizer with internal-recycling facilities

FANG Xuan(Nanjing Chemical Industrial(Group)Design Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210048, China)Key words: sphereodizer;drying;internal-recycling;design Abstract: The design of ¢4.75 m×18.5 m sphereodizer with internal-recycling device, including the main technical parameters and the comparison with the operative situation of the different dryer are introduced.T he production shows: this design met the production demand;this sphereodizer still has some productive potentialities.小磷铵扩产的适宜能力


(南京大厂区九村东巷25栋 407,江苏 南京 210048)[关键词] 磷铵;扩大生产能力;适宜能力

[摘 要] 现有小磷铵装置可以扩大能力。磷酸工段扩大能力应以盘式过滤机的生产能力为基准,增加料浆冷却器和养晶槽之后使其能力达到3万吨/年P2O5。磷铵工段扩大能力应该以喷浆造粒干燥机的生产能力为基准,可以用高速氨化蒸发器代替槽式中和器,将料浆加热器面积增至100m/台,提高喷浆造粒干燥机进口温度,使其达到550~600℃,则尾气净化系统仍可使用,相应的磷酸一铵生产能力可以达到5~6万吨/年。[中图分类号] TQ 442.14[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0032-05 Proper capacity about expansion of small-scale AP plants

DING De-cheng(Room 407,Budiling 25, East Alley, Block 9,Dachang District, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210048, China)Key words: ammonium phosphate;expansion of productive capacity;proper capacity Abstract: The expansion of productive capacity was achieved from the existing small-scale ammonium phosphate plant.Based on the productive capacity of tilting pan filter, the yield of phosphoric acid in PA section reached 30 kt/a P2O5 by adding slurry cooler and a crystal growth tank.Based on the productive capacity of spray rotary drier-granulator, the output of monoammonium phosphate reached 50~60 kt/a by replacing tank neutralizer with high-speed ammonization evaporator, increasing the area of each slurry heater to 100m2, raising the inlet temperature of the spray rotary drier-granulator to 550~600℃ and adopting original cleaning tail gas system.磷酸聚晶技术的运用 冯余清,吴宁兰,曾东海

(四川银山化工(集团)股份有限公司,四川 资中 641201)[关键词] 磷酸;聚晶技术;磷铵

[摘 要] 介绍硫酸分解磷矿制取磷酸的聚晶技术原理及应用,分析其在磷铵“三改四”技改项目中存在的问题。根据运行结果,提出最佳配置方案为:增加2台晶种槽,选用单桨单槽配变截面搅拌桨。指出进一步提高产量的关键是采用高效移热设备。

[中图分类号] TQ 126.35[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0037-03 Application of crystal aggregation technique in WPA FENG Yu-qing,WU Ning-lan,ZENG Dong-hai(Yinshan Chemical(Group)Co., Ltd, Zizhong, Sichuan 641201, China)

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Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

Key words: phosphoric acid;crystal aggregation technique;ammonium phosphate Abstract: The theory of crystal aggregation, its application and problems in “30 up 40 kt/a” MAP projects are introduced.By the operational results, the optimum plan should be: 2 additional crystal seeding tanks and a single tank with section-changeable stirring paddle.The key for a higher output is the adoption of a high-effective system for the removal of heat.湿法磷酸生产中磷矿预处理技术的应用


(四川大学 化工学院,四川 成都 610065)[关键词] 湿法磷酸;生产技术;磷矿;预处理

[摘 要] 磷矿在萃取前,可利用湿法磷酸进行预处理,将部分铁、铝、镁等杂质预分解而脱除。此预处理过程使磷矿在萃取过程的硫酸消耗降低400~600 kg/t P2O5,湿法磷酸萃取、过滤系统的生产能力提高30%~50%。[中图分类号] TQ 126.35[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0040-02 Application of pretreatment technology for phosphate rock in production of WPA ZHOU Gui-yun, CHEN Shi-gang(Institute of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065, China)Key words: wet-process phosphoric acid;technique;phosphate rock;pretreatment Abstract: Before acid decomposition, phosphate rock can be pretreated by wet-process phosphoric acid to remove the part of impurities such as iron, aluminum and magnesium.The pretreatment will decrease sulfuric acid consumption by 400~600 kg/t P2O5 in phosphoric acid extract section and increase the capacity by 30%~50% in phosphoric acid extract and filtration systems.磷铵装置斗提机的改造


(黄麦岭磷化工集团公司,湖北 孝感 432818)[中图分类号] TQ 440.5[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0042-02



(云南云峰化学工业公司,云南 宣威 655426)[关键词] 磷酸;过滤系统;结垢;堵塞

[摘 要] 分析磷酸过滤系统结垢堵塞的原因,介绍云峰公司磷酸装置过滤系统结垢堵塞状况,提出减少结垢、堵塞,提高开车率的具体措施:采用高品位的磷矿,严格控制萃取槽的工艺指标,加强过滤系统技术管理,搞好设备维护工作。

[中图分类号] TQ 126.35[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0044-03 The causes and countermeasures of scale plugging in WPA filtration system

WANG Li-shan(Yunfeng Chemical Industry Company, Xuanwei, Yunnan 655426, China)Key words: phosphoric acid;filtration system;scale;plugging Abstract: The mechanism of scale and plugging in the filtration system of phosphoric acid is introduced, the status about scale and plugging in the filtration system of PA plant in Yunfeng Company is analyzed and some measures, such as adopting high grade phosphate rock, controlling the technological indexes in extractor better, strengthening the management of operation and technology in filtration system and making a good job of maintaining and managing equipment, are put forward for decreasing scale and plugging, improving the performance rate of plant.【饲料磷酸盐】

Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer



(龙蟒集团公司 科技中心,四川 绵竹 618200)[关键词] 饲料磷酸盐;发展过程;展望;技术;市场

[摘 要] 回顾国内外饲料磷酸盐生产的发展过程。发达国家在二战前开始起步,进行生产研究和应用研究;生产发展最为迅速的时期是60年代初至70年代中期。国内从60年代已开始研究生产,而真正开始生产和使用却在80年代末期,直至90年代中期才达到较为迅速的生产发展时期。列出了国内不同时期饲料磷酸盐的产品标准,讨论了现有生产情况下存在的问题;展望了未来的发展方向。

[中图分类号] TQ 442.31[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0047-03 A review & outlook for the production of feed-grade phosphates

GONG Jia-zhu,FAN Xian-guo(The Center of Science and Technology, Lomon Corporation, Mianzhu, Sichuan 618200, China)Key words: feed-grade phosphate;course of development;outlook;technology;market Abstract: The history and development of feed-grade phosphate production at home and abroad are reviewed, the existing problems in the production are also discussed, and the trends in technology, market and production are prospected.The feed-grade phosphate industry in developed countries have been begun since the World War Ⅱ, from early 1960s to middle 1970s was a peak period.However, in China, it was in middle 1990s.【硫 酸】


吕丙航,杨华萍,殷 俊

(开封开化(集团)公司 设计室,河南 开封 475002)[关键词] 硫酸;酸冷却器;低位热源;利用;经济效益

[摘 要] 介绍开封化肥厂一系统160 kt/a硫酸装置酸冷却器由铸铁排管3改为带阳极保护的管壳式酸冷器的经过及运行效果;对酸冷却产生的低位热源提出了新的利用方法。管壳式酸冷器的应用改善了生产环境,降低了硫酸生产成本,提高了综合经济效益。

[中图分类号] TQ 111.11[文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0050-02 Transformation of sulfuric acid cooler and utilization of low-level heat energy

LU Bing-hang, YANG Hua-ping, YIN Jun(Designing Department of Kaifeng Chemical Industry(Group)Company, Kaifeng, Henan 475002, China)Key words: sulfuric acid;cooler;low-level heat energy;utilization;economic benefit Abstract: The course and effect of the cooling system transformation in sulfuric acid(SA)plant(160 kt/a)are summarized, which has been reformed into anodically protected shell-and-tube sulfuric acid cooler from the cast iron pipe, the way for the utilization of low level heat energy in SA cooler is pointed out.It is greatly helpful to improve the product ion environment, to reduce the cost of SA products, and to raise the comprehensive economic benefit.SO2、CO转化率及SO3、CO2吸收率的计算


(烟台有色金属集团有限公司,山东 烟台 264002)[关键词] 硫酸;SO2;转化率;SO3;吸收率;计算公式

[摘 要] 推荐硫酸生产中SO2转化率和SO3吸收率新的计算公式,不仅适用计算SO2转化率及SO3吸收率,也适用于CO转化率及CO2吸收率,及SO2、SO3、CO、CO2、O2、N2同时存在的情况下,计算SO2和CO转化率及SO3和CO2吸收率。[中图分类号] TQ 111.11[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0052-02 Calculation of the conversion rate of SO2 & CO and the absorption rate of SO3 & CO2

Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

WANG Ju-liang(Yantai Nonferrous Metal Group Co., Ltd, Yantai, Shandong 264002, China)Key words: sulfuric acid;SO2;conversion rate;SO3;absorption rate;formula Abstract: A group of new formulae is recommended, not only for the calculation of the conversion rate of SO2 and the absorption rate of SO3, but also for the calculation of the conversion rate of CO and the absorption rate of CO2, further for all the calculation of above-mentioned indexes when SO2, SO3, CO, CO2, O2 and N2 exist together in the system in production of sulfuric acid.硫酸装置三废的治理

高 强

(沙河市鲁北化工有限责任公司,河北 沙河 054100)[关键词] 硫酸;三废治理;效果

[摘 要] 介绍沙河市鲁北化工有限责任公司解决硫酸三废治理达标排放的具体措施、技改新增设备及三废治理效果。耗水量由改造前12 m/h减为0.3 m/h;悬浮物由改造前1538 mg/L(瞬时)降为小于200 mg/L(常时)。[中图分类号] TQ 111.1;X781[文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0054-02

Pollution control of SA plant

GAO Qiang(Lubei Chemical Co.,Ltd, Shahe, Hebei 054100, China)Key words: sulfuric acid;waste disposal;effect Abstract: The detailed measure, new equipment and effect for the disposal of waste in sulfuric acid production are introduced.The fresh water consumption decreases from 12 m/h to 0.3 m/h, suspended substance from 1538 mg/L(instant)to less than 200 mg/L(average).【复混肥】



(山东化工规划设计院,山东 济南 250013)[关键词] 硫基NPK;工艺技术特点;工艺流程;消耗定额

[摘 要] 介绍我国自行开发的第一套大型硫基NPK复合肥示范装置的工艺流程。该技术将生产磷酸、磷铵及生产硫酸钾的技术有机地结合起来,可制得规格为15-15-15的粒状硫基NPK复合肥。该文较详细地阐述了KCl转化制备硫酸氢钾、氨中和、喷浆造粒干燥、固体物料处理、尾气洗涤处理等工序的工艺技术及特点,列举了消耗定额、产品成本、装置投资等技术经济指标。

[中图分类号] TQ 442.14;TQ 444[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0056-03 The process and characteristics of large-scale S-based NPK facilities

LIAO Jun-cai(Shandong Chemical Planning & Designing Institute, Jinan, Shandong 250013, China)Key words: S-based NPK;technological characteristic;process flow;consumption quota Abstract: The paper introduces the originality process of large-scale S-based NPK model project, which combines the technologies such as phosphoric acid, ammonium phosphate and sulfate of potash to obtain 15-15-15 granular product, including transformation, neutralization, granulation, dehydration, solid material disposal and vent gas disposal etc.technological characteristics as well as consumption quota, cost and investment etc.techno-economic indexes.多元素烟草专用肥的研究

曹广峰,李兴荣,薛宝太,刘西秋,张杰(临沭县复合肥厂,山东 临沭 276700)


Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

[关键词] 烟草;专用肥;制造工艺;肥效;试验

[摘 要] 介绍生产多元素烟草专用肥配方,总养分37%,m(N)∶m(P2O5)∶m(K2O)=1∶1∶1.7,并含有Zn、Mn、Cu、B、Mg等多种中、微量元素,采用尿素包衣、磷钾微肥与沸石造粒,然后两者掺混的制造工艺。试验表明,该烟草专用肥可提高烟叶产量、质量及抗旱抗病能力。

[中图分类号] TQ 447.3[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0059-03 Study on multi-nutrient speciality fertilizer for tobacco CAO Guang-feng, LI Xing-rong, XUE Bao-tai, LIU Xi-qiu, ZHANG Jie(Linshu County Compound Fertilizer Factory, Linshu,Shandong 276700, China)Key words: tobacco;speciality fertilizer;process;fertilizer effect;trial Abstract: A kind of speciality fertilizer for tobacco is introduced, whose total nutrient(N+P2O5+K2O)is 37%,m(N)∶m(P2O5)∶m(K2O)=1∶1∶1.7,and which contains secondary and microelements Zn, Mn, Cu, B, Mg etc..The process for the speciality fertilizer includes: coating urea, mixing phosphorous, potash and micro-elements with zeolite and granulating, finally blending the two semi-finished products.Trial shows that the speciality fertilizer can raise yield, improve quality and strengthen the abilities against diseases and drought resistance to tobacco.重钙在高浓度复混肥生产中的应用 季保德

(临泉化工股份有限公司,安徽 临泉 236400)[中图分类号] TQ 444[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0062-01


张 翔

(富驰化工医药股份有限公司,湖北 阳新 435229)[中图分类号] TQ 440.5[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0063-02

【设 备】



(太原化学工业集团公司 磷肥厂,山西 太原 030021)[关键词] 转筒干燥机;托轮,滚圈;轴向;窜动;调整

[摘 要] 介绍转筒干燥机的结构特点及检修中的轴向窜动调整方法。

[中图分类号] TQ 442.5[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0064-02 Adjustment of axial displacement of rotary drum drier

LAN Feng-xian(Phosphate Fertilizer Factory of Taiyuan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030021, China)Key words: rotary drum dryer;carriage wheel;rolling circle;axial;displacement;adjustment Abstract: The working principle and the structure feature of rotary drum drier, and the way how to adjust axial displacement in service procedure are introduced.【分 析】



(1.太化集团公司 磷肥厂,山西 太原 030021; 2.山西省化工研究所,山西 太原 030021)[中图分类号] TQ 440;TQ 075.3[文献标识码] E[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0066-01

Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

【防 腐】



(株洲化工集团公司 建安公司,湖南 株洲 412004)[关键词] 室温自硫化;丁基橡胶;高温;真空;转动设备;巨型设备;橡胶衬里;防腐蚀

[摘 要] 介绍QH-90室温自硫化丁基橡胶的技术特性,总结其在高温、真空、转动、巨型及水泥设备上橡胶衬里防腐蚀应用情况和施工方法。

[中图分类号] TQ 047.9[文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0067-04 Anticorrosion service technique of QH-90 butyl rubber lining

XIE Guo-quan(Building and Fitting Department of Zhuzhou Chemical Industry Group Company, Zhuzhou, Hunan 412004,China)Key words: self-vulcanization;butyl rubber;high temperature;vacuum;rotary equipment;huge equipment;rubber lining;anticorrosion Abstract: The characteristics of QH-90 self-vulcanized butyl rubber, its anticorrosion services on high temperature, vacuum, rotary and huge equipment or the equipment in cement production are introduced.【农化服务】

河西走廊春小麦专用肥配方参数研究 索东让

(张掖地区农科所,甘肃 张掖 734000)[关键词] 河西走廊;春小麦;专用肥;配方

[摘 要] 多年多点试验研究表明:河西走廊春小麦100 kg籽粒吸N量为2.964 kg,吸P量为0.4177 kg;N、P化肥利用率分别为39.8%和10.0%;土壤供N率57.0%,供P率83.3%;春小麦农艺配方m(N)∶m(P2O5)=1∶0.5为宜。[中图分类号] S 147[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0070-03 Study on the formulation of spring wheat speciality fertilizer in the Gansu Corridor

SUO Dong-rang(Agricultural Research Institute of Zhangye Prefecture, Zhangye, Gansu 734000, China)Key words: the Gansu Corridor;spring wheat;speciality fertilizer;formula Abstract: In the Gansu Corridor, a 3-year-and-134-site trial shows that the absorbed N is 2.964 kg and P 0.4177 kg in every 100 kg spring wheat seeds.The efficiency of N and P fertilizers are respectively 39.8% and 10.0%.The rate of soil released N is 57.0% of the maximum absorption when no N fertilizer is applied while P is 83.3% when no P fertilizer is applied.Thus the optimum formula of spring wheat fertilizer is m(N)∶m(P2O5)=1∶0.5.小麦专用肥的配制与应用效果


(1.南京化学工业集团有限公司 磷肥厂,江苏 南京 210048; 2.沭阳县农业生产资料总公司,江苏 沭阳

223600)[关键词] 小麦专用肥;配制;田间试验

[摘 要] 介绍小麦专用肥(13-8-11)的配制,并与总养分45%的通用肥进行田间对比试验,试验结果表明:小麦专用肥比通用复混肥平均增产13.5%,增产502.5 kg/hm2,增资683.4元/hm2。

[中图分类号] S 147[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0073-02 Manufacture of speciality fertilizer for wheat & it s application effect XU Xing-jia1, CHEN Xiao-lan1, ZHANG Yue1, WANG Ya-fen1, ZHAO Zeng-yuan2

Phosphate & Compound Fertilizer

(1.Phosphate Fertilizer Plant of Nanjing Chemical(Group)Company, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210048, China; 2.General Agricultural Production Goods Company of Shuyang County, Shuyang, Jiangsu 223600, China)Key words: speciality fertilizer for wheat;manufacture;field trial Abstract: This paper introduces the manufacture of speciality fertilizer for wheat(13-8-11)and the universal fertilizer(15-15-15).The results show that the former has an average increase by 13.5%, 502.5 kg/hm2 or 683.4 RMB Yuan/hm2.【技术讲座】


第五讲 喷浆造粒转筒干燥制粒状磷铵


(1.四川大学 化工学院,四川 成都 610065; 2.中国磷肥工业协会,北京 100011)[关键词] 喷浆造粒转筒干燥机;喷浆流化造粒干燥机;喷雾干燥

[摘 要] 这一讲主要介绍喷浆造粒转筒干燥制磷铵过程的成粒机理、分析造粒干燥过程的操作条件,以及揭示内返料和无外返料喷浆造粒干燥机的特点。此外还介绍了喷浆流化造粒干燥及喷雾干燥制粉状磷铵流程。[中图分类号] TQ 442.14[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1007-6220(2000)01-0074-05 Lectures on Technology for Ammonium Phosphates ——Lesson 5: Spray rotary drier-granulator for granular ammonium phosphate production LUO Cheng-yuan1, LIN Le2, ZHONG Ben-he1, ZHANG Yun-xiang1(1.Institute of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065, China;2.China Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Association, Beijing 100011, China)Key words: spray rotary drier-granulator;spray fluidized-bed drier-granulator;spraying dry Abstract: This lesson explains the mechanism of granule formation in the spray rotary drier-granulator for ammonium phosphate product ion, and realizes the analysis of operation condition.The specific characteristics of spray rotary drier-granulator with internal recycle or entirely without external recycle are expressed.The spray fluidized-bed drier-granulator and spraying drier for making powdery ammonium phosphate are also introduced.10

































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